


Among the four core buildings, the three-piece set of the tavern, workshop and market can be upgraded to the same level as the territory.

Tang Yu remotely upgraded these three buildings.

He learned to be smart. He had long expected that there would be a lot of new system prompts after the upgrade. This time, he set the message to "receive but not remind".

In just a few seconds,

The ding-dong sound of the system no longer came to mind, but a dozen messages were updated in the system log.

All are brief descriptions of buildings such as taverns.

Tang Yu browsed carefully.

"Sure enough, the fourth level is a watershed. It seems that from the primary level to the intermediate level, these three core functional buildings have also changed a lot."

Workshops can use more advanced materials to manufacture equipment, and there is an additional enhancement function.

Tang Yu glanced at it briefly, and as expected, strengthening has a certain success rate, bad luck will also cause equipment damage, and it really is the strengthening function of krypton.

There are many more product fields in the market, and a consumption discount function is added.

You can get a 10% discount when you spend over 100,000 source crystals, and you can get a 20% discount when you spend 1 million source crystals...

Tang Yu was stunned. He just gave the adventurer a preferential policy, but when he turned around, would the system also use the same method to lure him into the bait?

He Tang, the housekeeper, and Yu, can't just chop off his hands!

But a lot of products are very eye-catching.

Among the three core buildings, the tavern has the biggest change.

[The number of follower contract slots has been increased to 18, and there is a chance to summon followers other than humans. ]

[Turn on the inheritance function, and a professional statue will be generated in the tavern, which can be used for professional inheritance. ]

Occupational Inheritance: During the inheritance ceremony, one can comprehend the combat experience of the occupation, comprehend the corresponding occupational combat skills, and obtain an inheritance of the occupational cultivation method.

Tang Yu was a little surprised.

Originally, every time the tavern was upgraded, three more contract slots were added. The third-level tavern had nine contract slots, and Tang Yu had already used seven of them. And this time, the contract slot was doubled to eighteen.

The follower is related to the core combat power of the territory, and it has increased so much at once, so that he almost didn't jump up.

"It's not limited to the human race, what else can be summoned? Elves? Dwarves? Or dragons?"

Tang Yu had a little anticipation.

He also asked Elaine and others, but according to what they said, they had never heard of such creatures as elves, dwarves and giant dragons. It is possible that these creatures do not exist, or it is possible that Elian and the others are not active enough. Not a high-level figure, not much information is known.

The only aristocratic Kevin, this old guy was so obsessed with equipment manufacturing that he almost slept with those cold metals.

Some wash, bath, incense.

As usual, I will pay my respects to Senior White.

Although this fusion summoning can only be B-rank, the summoned followers cannot break through to the extraordinary rank, but the ceremony is indispensable, and he is very cautious.

I don't know when the next summon of this magnitude will be.

Tang Yu started the great summoning ceremony.



Half an hour later, Tang Yu had successfully signed a contract with eight followers.

It has been decided that this call will end here, and the remaining places will be reserved for the future. What if one day you are lucky enough to summon followers who surpass the A-level qualifications?

The reason why it took so long is that every time a follower is summoned, he has to briefly explain the situation to the other party, and then let others come over to act as guides.

This time, the aura of the European Emperor also erupted, probably because the newly upgraded tavern always brings good luck, or maybe his gesture of begging for worship has reached the point? Among the eight followers, there were two players with A-level qualifications.

Tang Yu shook his head, this pose can be tried again next time.


He glanced at the two remaining followers who had just arrived.

The remaining six are all human races, and these two just triggered the probability of non-human races, and they are also the only two A-levels among the eight people.

The one on the right is tall... No, it can't be described as tall anymore, Tang Yu was standing beside him, feeling quite stressed.

The stone people, Tyron.

Tyron's face is simple and honest, and a big bald head shines brightly in the sun. If he ignores his physique, his appearance is no different from that of a human being.

However, Tai Lun is more than three meters tall, and his arms are two circles thicker than Tang Yu's thighs. His muscles are like granite, giving people a heavy texture... Maybe this is essentially a rock.

He is also the most powerful one among his followers, and he has the tenth-level awakening strength just after being summoned.

Tang Yu had no doubt that Tai Lun could punch a deep hole in the ground with just one punch.

"Lord Lord, here... are there really, many, many... delicious stones?"

Tai Lun spoke in a loud voice, his voice was deafening.

Tang Yu hurriedly lowered his hands and made a gesture to lower the volume. Finally, he felt the vibration of the eardrums gradually subside, and then pointed to the distance, two logistics employees drove over with a truck of high-grade and smelly rocks.

Tai Lun's eyes lit up, and after receiving Tang Yu's promise, he ran to the trunk of the car, grabbed the stone with his big hand, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Gaba crispy.

It seemed that Tang Yu was a little hungry.

"Delicious, um, delicious, especially this one..."

Tang Yu saw Tai Lun clutching a blue rock, and then saw black stones, gray stones, and striped stones beside him...

Different colors have different tastes, right?

The two logistics employees who delivered the goods next to them had doubts about the world written in their eyes, so they almost grabbed a handful of gravel and put them in their mouths to see if they tasted so good.

Tang Yu covered his face.

He was worried that the living habits of non-humans were too different from those of humans, and he didn't know how to arrange it.

"Tyron is okay, it looks like just having rocks is enough."

Tang Yu murmured.

He turned to look at the little girl on the left.

Small chestnut.

She is the exact opposite of Tyron, her height barely reaches his waist, she has long curly green hair, and a small face that looks soft and cute, like a little loli who hasn't grown up.

But Tang Yu knew that the little girl was already an adult, and the reason why she was short was only because of the other party's race.

At first, he thought that the dwarves had a cute loli, but it was not. This little girl had nothing to do with the dwarves.

This is the bamboo rat family, and they will never grow taller in their entire lives.

Standing with Tyron, the visual impact should not be too great.

Maybe this is the giant and the loli.

Tang Yu thought to himself.

At this moment, Xiao Li covered her head, her footsteps were light and fluttering, as if she was dazed by Tyron's snoring voice, and suddenly slammed into his trouser legs, pushed by the reaction force, and fell to the ground, her eyes were already full. There are tears rolling.

"Don't, eh—" Tang Yu felt that he had encountered a huge problem in his life, and there were employees from the logistics department not far away. If he cried, wouldn't he be the lord of Tang and make a crying child?

No, absolutely not.

Tang Yu's mind twitched, and suddenly he took out a lollipop from his body, tore off the outer packaging, and brought it to Xiao Li's mouth.

The little girl opened her mouth subconsciously, held the candy in her mouth, her eyes widened all of a sudden, "It's good to eat, it won't hurt anymore."

Tang Yu: "..."

It looks like this is also an easy foodie to feed.

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