My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 183 Dreaming of becoming a warrior of the Mage

The other six followers of the clan are very balanced, and they are all between the sixth and ninth levels of awakening.

The three brothers of the brave knights Carmen.

The astrological girls Xingling Xingyue sisters.

And sniper Lorraine.

Tang Yu didn't know if the system saw the timing of his large-scale summons, and sent twins and triplets all at once.

"Is this a package? I don't know if there is a combination of combat skills? There is no discount for the fee!"

Tang Yu shook his head and arranged rooms for Xiaoli and Tai Lun... Tai Lun couldn't live in the castle, so if he had to squeeze in, it would probably take a few days for the castle to be renovated. Considering his wallet, Tang Yu specially built it for Tai Lun. A villa that fits his height.

Spacious and comfortable, and there is a delicious quarry not far away, Tyron is cheerful and his mouth is wide open.



"At present, the territory has a total of fifteen followers. Except for the research-oriented Kevin, everyone else is considered a master, including Xiao Li, who seems to cry when he flicks his forehead..."

He plans to officially set off for Luoxia Sanctuary tomorrow or the day after.

At that time, I will lead some of the followers to go there, and the rest will be stationed in the territory. Now that there are enough people, it is not necessary to put all the burdens on Luo Zhe's shoulders every time he goes out.

Most of the necessities are also fully prepared.

Space tents for rest in the wild, props for escape, detection, maps, etc.

The most important thing is the floating chariot.

The materials currently possessed are enough to create several chariots, and the most lacking material is the extraordinary metal derived from the gold swallowing beast.

The Gold-Swallowing Beast has been raised in the newly opened animal taming farm. The Gold-Swallowing Beast is fed a large amount of high-quality metal ore every day, and then through special means, the metal nodules are taken out of the Gold-Swallowing Beast's body without pain and no surgery.

Tang Yu took a look, and the fat gold-devouring beast didn't seem to resist.

Sure enough, foodies are easy to abduct.

"At the speed of a floating chariot, if everything goes well, it will only take three or five days to reach Luoxia."

The biggest advantage of this kind of small chariot is its MAX mobility. If you can't beat the enemy, you don't panic. It's not a big problem, you can escape.

The speed of the floating chariot when it is fully powered on is enough to throw away even the flying demonic beasts of the Great Perfection of Awakening.



Back to the pub.

Tang Yu didn't stop on the first floor, but stepped on the brown wooden stairs to the second floor.

The layout of the second floor is roughly similar to that of the first floor. Several quaint wooden tables are neatly placed, and the wood grains circled on the table can be seen with the naked eye.

At the end, there are no counters and storage racks for drinks on the first floor, but a stand for performances is erected.

The platform was originally empty, and no one would care about this tavern on weekdays, but at this moment, there were five majestic statues on the platform, standing side by side.

The body of the sword was inserted upside down on the ground, his hands clenched the hilt of the sword, his face was resolute, and he was a warrior in heavy armor.

One hand is attached to the chest, the other is holding a staff, and a mage wearing a headband full of exquisite patterns on his forehead with scattered hair.

Covered in black robes, he couldn't see his face and couldn't tell the difference between men and women. The assassin only showed a little dagger cold light from his wrist.

A musketeer with a stern face with his head bowed, holding two muskets tightly in his drooping hands, his fingers on the trigger.

And the priest holding a holy hammer, as if the soul was screaming.

five occupations.

Five statues.

This is a statue that can carry on professional inheritance.

He has now learned the basic combat skills of heavy slash, multiple slash, and blood slash, and has a certain level of combat experience. In a popular sense, he is already a qualified warrior.

However, the five major occupations are only basic occupations, and each occupation has countless branches, which can be called advanced occupations.

In the newly opened inheritance function, the inheritance of three advanced occupations is randomly attached.

Magic Swordsman, Frost Mage, Retribution Knight.

According to the system, there is a possibility that the inheritance crystallization of the rest of the advanced occupations will be generated in the fourth-level market. If a professional has a very profound understanding of the occupation, they can also create an inheritance crystallization that carries occupational information.

"Speaking of which, the followers summoned this time, such as heroic knights, astrologers, illusionists, snipers, etc., although they have said that the inheritance they have obtained is not complete, they are also advanced occupations. The basic occupation is high-level, this should be the hidden benefit of the fourth-level tavern."

Tang Yu opened the inheritance function.

First of all, he walked to the statue of his favorite mage... the mage statue, the mage professional statue instantly lit up with white light, like a few white threads spreading from the base, flowing to the top to gather.

The faint white light only lasted for a short moment, and then quickly extinguished, and the entire mage statue did not move.

Tang Yu: "..."

This is the performance of zero fit! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!

He knows that professional inheritance is limited, and the higher the degree of fit, the more inheritance information can be received, and the greater the benefit. And if the degree of fit is zero, it is naturally unable to meet even the most basic requirements.

He can't even accept the inheritance of the mage, let alone the advanced professional frost mage.

Tang Yu was not depressed, not depressed at all.

Life is unsatisfactory, eighty or ninety times out of ten, just look at it.

As expected anyway!

After several attempts, the professional inheritance of warrior, assassin and musketeer, he met the requirements, but he did not accept the inheritance instillation.

In reality, there is no single-professional restriction. Masters can also carry their fists on the battlefield. However, accepting inheritance and indoctrination puts pressure on the soul. Tang Yu's goal is not these basic inheritances.

Not to mention that every inheritance requires a lot of consumption of Bai Huahua's source crystals.

He came back to the soldier profession statue.

From the base, white silk threads converged to the top, the brilliance on the surface of the statue became brighter and brighter, and behind it appeared a shadow of a warrior holding a long sword.

On that long sword, blazing red flames burned.

This is the inheritance of the magic swordsman, and he has already met the conditions.

"bring it on!"

White light bloomed on the statue of the warrior, so dazzling that people could not open their eyes.


The sky was as bright red as fire, and the meteorite dragged its tail and crashed down.

The ground trembled, and there were shouts and fights everywhere.

As far as the eyes can see, there is a black mass of monsters with ferocious faces, surging like a tide.

A warrior dressed in armor drenched in blood and fire, holding a long sword that looks like a polished crystal. The body of the sword is burning with raging flames.

The crystal long sword wrapped in flames swung out.

In an instant, the fire ignited a prairie fire.

The pillar of fire rose into the sky, as if to burn through the dome.


Tang Yu came back to his senses and stared blankly at the professional statue in front of him whose brilliance had faded.

In the moment just now, he seemed to have transformed into an unmatched magic swordsman, one person and one sword, turning the tide-like monster into ashes.

"Is this the magic swordsman...?"

He raised his hand.


A cluster of flames emerged from the palm, stretched into a line, and gathered together.

in an instant,

Tang Yu was already holding a long sword made of flames.

Combat Skill: Sword of Blazing Fire.

He resisted the urge to swing the flaming sword, the blazing sword dissipated, and the little sparks dissipated in the air.



At this time, somewhere in the wilderness.

Underground Research Institute.


Dr. Zheng, who was wearing round-rimmed glasses, looked at the graceful body in front of him, his face full of excitement, and he laughed wantonly.

Number one.

His most successful experiment.

Thanks to "Xiaojun omo" for the reward of 1200 coins. . .

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