look up.

The sun hangs high.

In a small village not far from the territory, several young people gasped and looked terrified.

"Just now...it's too dangerous, I even smelled the rancid smell of that demonized wolf, and I feel like I'm going to tell it there in the next second!" A young man with eyes still had lingering fears.

A young girl next to her was already slumped on the ground, "You're okay, I was almost thrown to the ground by that stinky wolf."

This girl has spots on her face, and her appearance is only medium, with a disheveled face, but when she gasps for breath and something rises and falls on her chest, it is still quite flavorful.

"Thanks to Senior Brother Xiaopeng, he deserves to be an Awakened."

"That's it!" Lu Xiaopeng stroked his messy hair and put on a punching stance, "However, I am also a natural awakener, which is rarer and more powerful than those awakened by auxiliary devices! Ordinary demons How can the beast be my opponent..."

"But Senior Brother Xiaopeng has never fought that demonized wolf..." The girl with spots suddenly said weakly.

Lu Xiaopeng's face suddenly collapsed.

When he first woke up, he was still in high spirits, fantasizing about punching the demonic wolf, kicking the demonic tiger, step by step to the peak of the awakened person, but the reality still gave him a head-on blow.

Thinking of the demonized wolf he encountered on the road just now, he didn't think it was too strong, but he just couldn't beat it.

Obviously, his eyes kept up with the speed of the demonized wolf, but he just couldn't avoid it. Even with the powerful physique of the Awakened, he was still in a lot of glory. If it weren't for this, the few of them would not flee in embarrassment.

Fortunately, after escaping for a while, I finally got rid of the demonized wolf, and I haven't encountered other demonized beasts for a while.

After a short rest, they began to look at their surroundings.

This is a village, very quiet, it doesn't look like there are demonized beasts moving around here, and several people can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Where shall we go next?"

When they heard this, everyone looked blank, and some sighed, "Yeah, we used to follow the main force, but now, after we separated from the main force, not only did we lose our direction, but also our safety was not guaranteed. If this It's not that Senior Brother Xiaopeng has awakened, we should hide in that dark place now."

They are running out of food, and continue to hide, that is just delaying the time of death. But when you go to the shelter, you can only understand the dangers outside when you really step out of the hiding place. Not to mention that they don't know how to get to Lindong. The distance of only a few dozen kilometers is enough to make them feel desperate.

"Wait, look over there!"

The classmates wearing glasses suddenly pointed to the distance, and several people looked up. It was an ordinary one-story house, no different from other houses here, and they all looked dilapidated.

"It's nothing..." Lu Xiaopeng's indifferent eyes suddenly stopped, his eyes widened, and he looked at the large characters painted with black paint on the wall of the bungalow.

"The shade shelter, located 3.5 kilometers to the northwest, has abundant food and a safe living environment, and welcomes survivors."

Green shade, the original name of the resort.

Most shelters in the post-apocalyptic era continue to use their original site names, such as Lindong Shelter, which was established on the basis of Lindong County.

Tang Yu named the muscle weakness, so naturally he used the original name of the shelter first.

The name is not important, the important thing is whether it can attract survivors to come, compared to many such as the hot pot city shelter, the third subway entrance shelter, the Dafafa (supermarket) shelter, the word green shade, um, so far so good……

Lu Xiaopeng read these words out, and several people looked at each other.

"Green Shelter? Is this a nearby shelter?"

"How can the street sign of the shelter be written in such a place? I always feel a strong sense of unreliability?!"

"The word is a bit ugly, but it should be true, Luyin... I seem to have heard it somewhere, by the way! There is a lush resort nearby, which should be the shelter mentioned on the street sign."

After the discussion, several people decided to go to the so-called shade shelter to have a look.

In the case of no food and no strength, they will not be able to go to Lindong Sanctuary in this life, and they can only go to this shaded Sanctuary to have a look.

The village is not far from the sanctuary, and demonized beasts are rarely encountered along the way.

Lu Xiaopeng and a few classmates, relying on their rich experience in avoiding demonized beasts, had no danger all the way, and finally came to the door of a holiday villa.

Here are also a few large characters with paint, and you are welcome to the Shade Shelter!


They looked at the resort. Half of the gate collapsed, and the surrounding walls seemed to have been trampled by fierce beasts, and it was almost impossible to see the original appearance.

"What kind of shelter does this have?!"

Lu Xiaopeng shouted, feeling that he had been deceived.

"No." Wearing glasses found something else. "Look over there, there are barbed wire and broken firearms. Maybe there really was a shelter here."

Others also heard the overtones of their classmates. Once there was, it means that there is no more now. Combined with the current tragic situation, everyone seems to have a picture in front of them - when the shelter was breached by demonized beasts. , that tragic picture.

"Then we can't go." The long-spotted girl was a little scared. She felt that there might be terrifying demonized beasts lurking in the depths of this resort.

In the end, Lu Xiaopeng made up his mind, "Go in and have a look, I don't think it's very likely that there are terrifying demonized beasts here, don't you think that we have seen less and less demonized beasts along the way. "

These classmates are just ordinary people, and naturally they are not too courageous. Every time they see demonized beasts from a distance, their heartbeat will slow down for half a beat, and they don't pay attention to how many demonized beasts they meet along the way.

Lu Xiaopeng is different, he is somewhat of an Awakener, even if the real situation is an Awakener who can't even beat a demonized wolf, after all, he has the strength and is naturally calmer, although he did not count how many demonizations he met along the way. Beasts, but I can detect that the frequency of encountering demonized beasts is indeed less and less.

The classmate who was still wearing glasses thought for a while and said, "I also agree to go in and have a look. Even if the shelter here doesn't exist, we still have a chance to find some food."

Several people entered the resort.

The surrounding resorts have only cleaned up the demonized beasts, and most of the places still maintain their original appearance—collapsed houses, coagulated blood, and some stumps and broken arms that haven’t been cleaned up in time.

Lu Xiaopeng and a few classmates turned pale, but fortunately, it was not the first time they had seen these tragic situations, and they felt... ok!

Someone found something unusual.

"Look, there are ruts here, and over there, is the corpse of a demonized beast, some parts have been taken away, there are survivors here!"

"And there, there are traces of cleaning. It seems that the shelter has survived after the crisis. However, looking at the surrounding environment, the shelter has obviously lost a lot, and I'm afraid it is not very safe."

They want to go to a shelter, and most importantly, find a place that is safe enough.

And here, almost destroyed, even if there are still survivors, can it still be called a shelter? It was obvious that there was a magic tide here before. Does that mean that there is a possibility that there will be a magic tide that cannot be resisted again in the future!

For a moment they all had such thoughts.

But they have come, and there are survivors here. Whether they stay or not, they still decide to see the situation first.

The few people continued to move forward. The deeper they went into the resort, the more traces of human activities they could see. When they got here, the surroundings had obviously been cleaned up, and the bodies of demonized beasts and humans could not be seen.

But they still found it strange that they didn't even see a single figure.

"Listen, there is a voice!" Lu Xiaopeng whispered, and pointed to a corner not far away.

Sure enough, strange sounds came intermittently from places that could not be seen in front of him.

Is it a survivor, or a demonized beast?

They moved forward cautiously, and finally, at the corner, stuck their heads out and saw a scene not far away.

Those were two unknown "species", their bodies were covered with black iron, their torso was round and round, like a ball, and their arms were a few circles larger than those of a normal person, and they seemed to be full of powerful explosive power.

The Tin Monster was holding a long sword and swung it hard. A huge stone was split into two and smashed to the ground with a bang, but the Tin Monster did not stop. The stones are cut into small stones of moderate size.

The whole process is simple and neat!

The ordinary-looking long sword was like a weapon of magic. It seemed to have no resistance when slashing the stone. Lu Xiaopeng could even clearly see that the cut part of the stone was as smooth as Like a mirror!

Today, the author has evolved into a two-shift beast, so the question is, do you have a recommended ticket ^_^...

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