My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 214 What Does Your Cousin Do?

far away,

Some students ran out of the forest in embarrassment, with expressions of panic and fear on their faces.

The gunshots continued, getting more intense and louder.

After the students ran out of the forest one after another, some guards wearing Zhentian uniforms also withdrew.

"Shoot, hold on! Hold on!"

"A speed-type demonized beast has burst in, melee team, get rid of it!"

It happened so suddenly that the martial arts hall did not expect that in this low-risk area, they would encounter a group of demonized beasts.

They had already buried explosive packs in the nearby area to deal with emergencies, but these demonized beasts were stronger than expected. They detonated the explosives and did not kill or injure much at all. Their group of guards could not resist. Live the surging offensive of demonized beasts.

"One group of guards, the first three teams stepped forward to help, and the last two teams maintained order. Don't panic, it's not a big problem! Please also ask a few masters to take action together to solve those demonized beasts."

The head of the martial arts hall shouted loudly.

Their group, with the master, is the core group that came out to experience this time, and the strength is the strongest. When another group encountered sudden danger, they retreated towards this side and sought help according to the emergency treatment plan formulated in advance.

Many hideous-looking demonized beasts rushed out of the forest.

growling, approaching.

It was the first time for many students to see such a large number of demonized beasts. They screamed and looked flustered. Fortunately, under the organization of the surrounding guards, they still maintained a certain order, slowly retreated, and rushed out of the demonization away from there. Beast Forest.

Another group of guards also rushed to the top, the machine guns roared, and the rockets dragged the tail flames, exploding a ball of fire.

The momentum of the demonized beast's charge was finally stopped.

However, there were also a few powerful demonized beasts that rushed out of the hail of bullets, posing a considerable threat to the escort group.

At this moment,

The master dressed in animal skins squinted his eyes slightly, his entire figure flashed, and he suddenly appeared in front of a demonized beast that broke through the defense line. Remove layers of ripples that are invisible to the naked eye.


The head of the demonized beast was sunken, and the next moment, the whole body burst open, and the blood rain mixed with the flesh was scattered all over the floor.

This is just the beginning, the master figure flickered, leaving behind afterimages, appearing in front of those more difficult demonized beasts.

One punch and one demonized beast.

Played a mighty momentum.

The originally stalemate situation suddenly turned into an advantageous situation.

Seeing this scene, the students were no longer panicking, and they all stopped their steps to retreat and stared at the battlefield.

Some even comment.

"As expected of the master, the strength is too strong to say, those guards can't do it, you can see that so many of them can't stand it, and as soon as the master comes on stage, one punch is really amazing."

"Yeah, when will I be able to have one-half of the master, no, one-third of my strength is enough, hum, when I go back to the martial arts school, I will see if my brother dares to say that I am a waste. At that time, my strength will definitely shock everyone."

The person in charge of the martial arts hall finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the demonized beast group was suppressed.

No trainees died.

There were no surprises, and even this unexpected incident highlighted the emergency handling ability of their martial arts hall, proving that they were capable of ensuring the safety of the students of the martial arts hall when they practiced in the wild.

Maybe, Zhentian Martial Arts Hall will become famous because of this incident, attracting more students to come.

But, where did these demonized beasts come from?

It is clear that a detailed investigation has been carried out. There are not many demonized beasts in this area, and their strength is not strong. Is the person in charge of the investigation just eating?

Thinking of this, the person in charge frowned again.

The demonized beasts were blasted head to head, and the students cheered.

The fat baby girl patted her already sizable breasts and breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, we were placed in the master group. If it was in the group just now, it would have scared the baby to death—"

She didn't finish her sentence, but her eyes widened and her pupils shrank.

In the distance, a gray shadow flashed.

The master with a face full of grand master temperament, banged, the whole body was shot flying, like a cannonball, hitting the mound not far away.

The mound is cracked, has sunk, and the gravel rustled.

Everyone who saw this scene exclaimed in surprise.

Chen Xiaojia looked at the master with half of his body buried in the gravel, and couldn't believe it, "What the hell happened?"


The master blasted away the gravel, and the figure looked embarrassed, with blood on the corner of his mouth.

After Hui Ying tore the two guards to pieces, he saw the master standing up again and approached step by step.

Its body is similar to that of a tiger, but it has a pair of gray wings on its back.

The red eyes stared at the master, as if the hunter had found an interesting prey.

"This is... a demon tiger with wings!" The fat baby girl exclaimed, her voice trembling.

"Plug... what tiger?" Chen Xiaojia had never heard of the name.

The fat baby girl explained, "The Winged Devil Tiger is a very high-level demonized beast. The Winged Devil Tigers recorded today have at least the ability to awaken to the fifth level, and the one in front of him is obviously more than that. The strongest in the record of the Winged Devil Tiger, it is said to have awakened... tenth level!"

She looked at the gray figure in the distance, with an unconcealed fear on her face, "The Winged Demon Tiger is strong, fast, and can fly. Once it is targeted by the Winged Demon Tiger, unless... Kill the tiger, otherwise, there will be nowhere to escape."

The master is very strong and attacks again.

Most of the students, including the guards, couldn't see the movements of the master and the tiger with wings, but from time to time, the master was bombarded, and even a fool could see that the master was at an absolute disadvantage.

It's not even clear how long it will last.

Along with the appearance of this winged devil tiger, there were several other powerful demonized beasts, which could not reach the height of the devil tiger, but still crushed the guards.

A guard held a sword and looked nervously at the brown figure that was moving fast not far away. He stared at him, trying to keep up with the opponent's movements, but the next moment, he clutched his throat and knelt on the ground, blood gurgling. gushing.

The master was suppressed, and he could not protect himself.

Although the strength of the other masters is not bad, they are far from the level of the master, and they can only barely parry in the face of these demonized beasts.

The guards of the escort group fell one by one.

These people are not weak, they generally have awakening double and triple, and they are considered the backbone of the mercenary group. They do not choose higher-income mercenaries, but join the martial arts guard group, and all they want is safety.

Guarding is a very safe job.

No one expected to encounter such a situation.

It's okay to let them play tailwinds, headwinds? Go play with eggs!

No matter how important salary is, can it be important to have one's own life?

In an instant, most of the guards fled separately, and only a small number of guards who belonged to the core staff of the martial arts hall were still struggling to support.

More demonized beasts have crossed the escort group and slaughtered those students who were sluggish.

The head of the martial arts hall turned pale, "It's over, everything is over."


Chen Xiaojia and the fat baby girl run as fast as they can.

They panted, their throats making a bellows-pulling sound.

Occasionally looking back, you can see the cruel scene of many students being bitten by demonized beasts and screaming.

Some students even watched themselves, from their legs, being swallowed by demonized beasts bit by bit.

This scene frightened many students. His feet trembled and he lost the ability to escape.

Although the two girls were in better condition, they were so frightened that they ran away like headless flies.

"Oops, there's no road ahead!"

They ran into a valley, but there was a dead end at the end, and a steep cliff stopped them in front of them.

At other times, with the physique of their awakened people, they might not be able to climb and pass, but now, there are many demonized beasts behind them, chasing after them.

Some of the other students who ran into this valley with them turned pale, turned around, and fled as if taking a detour.

At this time,

In the sky, a gray shadow fell.

Tiger-shaped, grey-winged.

"It's the Winged Devil Tiger!"

They didn't know whether this devil tiger was the one the master had dealt with before, but the aura of the devil tiger was like a mountain, pressing down on them.

It's hard to even move!

Chen Xiaojia's brain was blank, he instinctively used his abilities to send out vines, but was torn to pieces by the winged tiger waving its claws slightly.

The fat baby girl pulled Chen Xiaojia back step by step until she stuck to the cliff. She suddenly thought of something and said with chattering teeth, "Xiao...Xiaojia, didn't you say before that your cousin gave you something?"

The Winged Devil Tiger stepped on the ground on all fours and approached step by step.

The surrounding practitioners shouted in horror, some collapsed to the ground, leaving an indescribable liquid, and some closed their eyes as if resigning their fate.

Chen Xiaojia woke up with a start, and found out the items he was carrying.

There are scrolls, there are glass beads, there are dolls...

The Winged Devil Tiger roared and pounced.

The sound was thunderous, causing the gravel to fall, and the eardrums humming non-stop.

Chen Xiaojia didn't bother to look carefully, grabbed a scroll with Fireball on it, and tore it open.

Eye-catching red light erupted from the center of the scroll, and a scarlet-red fireball that was bigger than a person's height directly bombarded the winged devil tiger that came up.

The flames erupted, reflecting half of the valley red.

The heat was scorching hot, slapping their cheeks.

The fat baby girl's mouth was wide enough to put two eggs in, she said, "Xiaojia, your cousin... what on earth do you do?"

Chen Xiaojia was equally shocked. After a while, she said, "I don't know either, but he said it seems like... to open a martial arts gym."

Thanks to "Sister Xia Xiaohui" for the reward. . .

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