"Unfortunately, we can't find a way to control that kind of puppet."

The leader of the team thought that even if they were bombarded with tatters, the puppet could still launch a fierce offensive, and his heart was greedy.

He shook his head, "Forget it, our harvest is enough. When this batch of goods is sold on the Lindong black market, then the brothers will eat delicious and spicy food. What do you want?"

"Boss is right!"

"Thanks to the leadership of the boss, we can live a good life, otherwise, like those fools, working in the shelter every day, how much money can I make?"

They tout.

"But boss, why don't we go to Luyin to buy some supplies. In addition to weapons, other commodities are also much more complete than Lindong."

"Luyin, hum!" The boss's expression turned cold, "Have you forgotten what we found when we went to Luyin for the last time! We have been wanted by Luyin, even if Luyin doesn't know what we look like, but if Luyin doesn't know what we look like? We often go to the shade shelter, and maybe we will die when we reveal a flaw. Do you think that life is more important, or is it just a few materials? "

"I just didn't expect that Luyin would want us for the sake of a few awakened people. It's just a small shelter, and he really takes himself seriously!"

He said, but also understood that even though the green shade was only a small shelter, the power it possessed far exceeded their team, and could not help but hit the ground with a punch, and the roof floor cracked inch by inch.

While speaking, an Awakened who was observing the distance with a telescope suddenly shouted, "Boss, found a fat sheep!"

When the others heard it, their faces showed excitement.

The depressed look on the boss's face was also swept away, "I thought I wouldn't be able to squat with fat sheep today, but I didn't expect it, luck is here."

Many people got up immediately, came to the edge of the rooftop, and looked into the distance with binoculars.

A few streets away, vaguely, you can see several awakened people forming a formation and strangling some demonized beasts.

The distance is far, and there are buildings in the middle, so it is not very clear.

But the group of people were very patient, and they were not in a hurry to approach. They just watched and waited silently for the opportunity.

In the sight of the telescope, the figure swayed, and the blade penetrated the fur and scales of the demonized beast without any obstruction. The team leader's eyes lit up, "That team does have rune equipment."

They were very cautious and still did not start, but judged the combat effectiveness of the target fat sheep through the battle between those awakened and demonized beasts.

"Boss, the target number is five to six, and the strength is probably between the second awakening and the third awakening. It is not strong, we can eat it."

One member analyzed after observation.

The leader of the team nodded, "The gunman is in place, ready to snipe from a distance, the others..." He looked around, swept the top floors of the surrounding buildings, and quickly planned a hidden, yet quickly approachable route, "...you all follow me."

He said, tugging on the tight battle suit on his body, picking up a rune sword, and preparing to jump to the rooftop of another building.

Just as one foot was raised, his pupils shrank suddenly.

All around, more than a dozen Awakeners wearing black combat uniforms, armed with firearms or cold weapons, and with grim faces, appeared on the surrounding rooftops at some point, forming a circle that vaguely surrounded them.


"Wait, that uniform... it's the shade patrol!"

The combat uniform worn by the patrol team has added some stripes on the basis of the original.

This is the symbol of the official patrol of the green shade, like the color uniform of the Lindong military.

They have been to the green shade, and naturally they have seen the patrol team, and they recognized it all at once.

As they faced off with weapons in hand, cold sweat broke down on their foreheads.

Out of the corner of the team leader's eyes, he quickly glanced around, and he quickly made a judgment.

Obviously, it wasn't that the patrol just bumped into them, but came prepared.

But why were they discovered?

For the sake of safety, their activity area is at least 20 kilometers away from the green shade, and they often change their positions, not to mention being picked up by the green shade patrol team. Even if they are lucky in the wild, the green shade may not be able to recognize them.

After all, aside from the apparently excessive number of rune weapons they carried, they were no different from ordinary Awakened squads.

The other awakened people also thought of this and looked at each other a few times.

"We've got a traitor!"

"There are definitely traitors!"

Some of the awakened eyes were sharp and pointed at one of them, "Xiao Qi, half an hour ago, you left for more than ten minutes, say, is it you!"

The skinny Awakened shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, it's not me, Lao Chen left not long ago, and said he was going to go to a tuba, but he didn't come back until more than ten minutes, the tuba is needed. So long? It must be Lao Chen!"

Before the fight started, the group of people had already started to riot.

The leader of the team roared, "Don't be chaotic! Although the Green Shade Patrol is strong, we are not weak. Hold on, we may not have a chance to escape! We will talk about it later!"

He knew that no matter whether the traitor existed or not, there should be no infighting at this time. What's more, the boss faintly felt that things were not that simple.

There is an ominous foreboding.

He's getting ready to break out.

Suddenly, a few people walked out of the open iron door of the building they were in.

The head is a handsome, sunny, handsome... ahem, young man.

Followed by two girls with light purple hair, they looked harmless.

However, when he saw the person walking at the end, he was in his early thirties, and his breath was overwhelming, and the team leader's pupils suddenly shrank.

‘The big housekeeper of the shade, Chen Haiping! ’

Even he came, and the one who walked in the front... seemed to have thought of something, the team leader who had been calm, finally had cold sweat on his forehead.

The other awakened people didn't recognize Chen Haiping immediately. They saw Xingling Xingyue, the two innocent-looking girls, and grinned.

"Boss, those two girls must have something to do with the patrol team. If we hold them hostage, we can successfully escape!"

While speaking, one of the Awakened Ones had already rushed up first. He didn't even look at Tang Yu, who wasn't very strong in breath, and cut him off with a sword. Afterwards, the Protoss will be caught and held in his hands.



From the palm of the hand holding the long sword, a huge force came, and the long sword trembled, and he almost couldn't hold it.

The Awakened took two steps back in horror, only to see that the legendary Demon Slayer Sword, after a tremor, actually... shattered!

Thanks for the reward of "Xiao Bing is also crazy 32". . .

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