My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 293 Magical Beast Movement

C-level equipment, in the Adventurer's Guild, not only requires a three-star mercenary group, but also requires a C-level equipment exchange volume to exchange it.

The price is very high.

Perhaps, a very small number of bigwigs already own it, but the vast majority of the audience at the scene have never heard of it, let alone seen it, or even heard it.

For more understanding of C-level weapons, it is still through the explanation of the host just now.

Strong and invincible!

Many viewers complained that this was a hang-up, but who doesn't want a hang-up life?

Fighting in the wild is difficult and dangerous. If you can slash a demonized beast...

Many powerful and financially rich Awakeners, with bright eyes, have secretly thought about paying, no matter what the price is, they will also get a C-class weapon.

The weaker Awakeners know that they are too far away from the C-level rune equipment, but the D-level is not bad.

Just like the silver-scale breastplate, as the host said, at a critical moment, you can save your life.

Compared with his life, that high price is nothing.


in the spiritual space.

Zhou Jianhong moved quickly, and after killing his opponent, he didn't stop, and he didn't hide himself in the slightest, and he went on a rampage.

In the forest of death, there are a lot of rune equipment, but the forest is too big and the environment is complicated.

Most of the contestants' behavior pattern is to hide themselves first to ensure safety, and then search for the target. Their wild survival experience has been deeply engraved in every cell.

However, this is only a matter of time. Others will eventually find that in the early stages of the race, the demonized beasts in the forest are weak, and the rune equipment scattered all over the forest can greatly improve their combat power.

Zhou Jianhong knew from the bottom of his heart that in the middle and late stages, the other contestants also had a full set of rune equipment, and any boss could eliminate himself.

The survival time will definitely not last until the end. You must arm yourself in the early stage and try to score points as much as possible. As long as the number of heads is enough, as Tang Yu said, the top three will have a chance.

As a dark horse born out of nowhere, Zhou Jianhong roamed wildly in the forest.

His breath is not strong, and the awakening fifth layer bumps into it, and will not run away immediately. The sixth-level boss finds out, and feels that luck is the door to the head.

Now some viewers are about to go to the rooftops, and several popular players who have been heavily bet have been eliminated by Zhou Jianhong, who only has the fifth awakening.

The big guy who returned to reality from the spiritual space is also sitting in a small room and doubting his life.


In the final, as the schedule went on, more and more battles broke out, and the audience screamed in surprise.

Zhou Jianhong has been reckless for so long, and finally in the middle of the schedule, he met a big guy who also had good rune equipment, and was then eliminated.

Tang Yu also enjoyed high-level battles. Even in terms of level, he is now a little higher than these contestants, and he can still learn a lot.

In battle, the competition is not only about physical fitness, not only equipment, but also experience... Layout, grasping the timing, the choice between gou and scorpion in the melee, all kinds of things have benefited Tang Yu a lot.

"Director Totang, you have produced a large amount of rune equipment, which has brought great help to our warriors. During this period of time, the Awakeners in the Lincheng area have not only increased their strength rapidly, but also reduced their damage rate. A lot."

The one who spoke was sitting on Tang Yu's left hand, an Awakened man wearing glasses and sitting upright.

He is Lu Jianjun's adjutant. He came to Luyin, of course, not just to watch the game, but to discuss important matters.

Tang Yu smiled, "The military's contribution is even greater. If it hadn't dealt with it properly at the beginning of the apocalypse and established Lindong to shelter one side, how could it be in the current environment."

The two have a wave of business blowing each other.

Although it is a bit hypocritical, it is also true.

While watching the game and talking about the contestants, the adjutant also expressed his intentions.

It is hoped to build a railway connecting Lindong and Luyin.

Tang Yu pondered for a while, and the thoughts in his mind quickly turned.

He had already heard about the return of the small shelters around Lindong. He had already heard about the directors of many small shelters around him, and they had all received notices about the Lindong shelters. With the help of Fang, the survivors and supplies were moved to Lindong.

He didn't receive a notice from Lindong, and Tang Yu knew the reason.

It was building a business district and holding a competition. Anyone with discernment could see that he could not give up this shelter. On the other hand, due to the various strengths he had shown before, the military did not take any tough measures.

The construction of a railway will make it possible to travel between the two places quickly. Perhaps Lindong wants to strengthen the penetration and monitoring of greenery.


The construction of railways has more benefits for the territory.

Most of the awakened people are still active around Lindong, some are too weak to come to Luyin, and some are due to various reasons, even if they registered an adventure group in Luyin, they still returned to Lindong in the end.

With the railway, more awakened people can be attracted.

Even Tang Yu could have someone make a recruitment announcement in Lindong - there are many ordinary people in Lindong, while Luyin lacks manpower.

This is something that benefits both parties.

The territory benefits even more.

As for infiltration, who infiltrated whom is really uncertain.

Tang Yu pondered for a while and nodded, "The talents in railway construction should be fine, right?"

"Of course." The adjutant was very confident in this regard, and came up with a plan that had already been prepared. "We plan to use the original railway line and make changes based on it. It is estimated that the cost and time will not be too much."

Tang Yu looked over.

Lindong originally had a railway passenger station, and it was also a major transportation station. There were several routes to the surrounding cities. Perhaps, this was the reason why the large shelter was built in Lindong.

And one of the railway lines passes through a small town not far from the greenery.

There is no shortage of professionals in Lindong for the repair and construction of the railway, so it should not be difficult.

In this regard, Tang Yu also had some thoughts in his mind.

Since the construction of the railway is a cooperation between the two parties, Tang Yu is not stingy with his contribution, and he will have the right to speak in the future.

In terms of construction, there is a shortage of territorial talents, and he can't get involved, but in terms of security, he is an expert.

Tang Yu called Chen Haiping and asked him to follow up on the matter.

When the matter was settled, a slight smile appeared on the adjutant's serious face.

At this time, a young soldier trotted onto the auditorium, came to the adjutant's side, and whispered into his ear.

The smile on the adjutant's face disappeared and became a little dignified. He turned his head to look at Tang Yu and paused, "Director Tang, I just received the news that the green shade, including many places around, has been demonized. The beasts move, the number of demonized beasts has greatly increased, and there are even small-scale beast tides in several places, and the situation is not right."

Thanks to "The Voice of the Wind" for the reward of 500 coins, and thanks to "Book Friend 20180228185721370" and "qToTq" for the reward. . .

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