My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 294 attracting monsters is a technical activity

Magic tides don't come out of nowhere.

More than two months after the end of the world, human beings have already summed up the reason for the emergence of the magic tide.

The abyss cracks all over the world, every day, there are countless demonized beasts. These demonized beasts, like viruses, spread out in disorder.

In the area close to the abyss crack, the density of demonized beasts is higher, but in other areas, as demonized beasts wander, the density of demonized beasts will also increase.

Once the number of demonized beasts reaches a certain level, and there is a shelter with a large number of human beings nearby, the smell will attract demonized beasts to flock.

The magic tide was formed.

It is for this reason that the awakened people need to go out from time to time to hunt demonized beasts, reduce the density of demonized beasts in the surrounding area of ​​the shelter, and greatly reduce the probability of the outbreak of demonic tides.

There is a magic tide, it may just be an accident, there are magic tides in several places in this area, something is wrong.

‘Well, of course, in addition to the most common reason for the density of demonized beasts, there are many other reasons for triggering the magic tide, such as the giant tree in the mining area. ’

Tang Yu thought about it secretly, and then asked, "Do you know the exact location of the magic tide?"

"It's probably at these locations, but with the moving speed of the magic tide, the error range may be relatively large." The adjutant looked serious, took out the map that was used to plan the railway line, and drew a few on it. Red circle.

Tang Yu stared at it a few times, but said nothing.

There are several places above, which are far away from the green shade. It seems that it is not caused by the giant tree with white branches and leaves.


When such a thing happened, the tournament suddenly became boring.

The adjutant and several military soldiers had already left, and Tang Yu was still sitting in the auditorium, his eyes were slack and seemed to be lost in thought.

On the contrary, the military first noticed the changes that occurred around the territory, which made Tang Yu realize the current insufficiency.

The territory is indeed managed like an iron barrel, but outside the territory, there are too few tentacles.

At this moment, Tang Yu recovered from his thoughts, glanced at the side of the auditorium, a middle-aged man with a gloomy complexion, wearing at least D-rank rune armor, and a few of his subordinates left in a hurry.

Tang Yu's eyes stayed on the middle-aged man for a few more seconds.

The director of the Rinshan Sanctuary, the self-proclaimed Lord of Rinshan City.

He has sent people to spy on the shelter's intelligence many times, including the group of people who had sneaked into the castle before. Among them, three are still alive, and they are from Linshan.

It can be said that it is a crazy test on the edge of death.

All kinds of information about the Rinshan Sanctuary appeared in his mind.

Tang Yu doesn't really care about these spies... You can't expect to compete with flies every day, but he would be happy to have the opportunity to slap him to death.

However, there are also places of concern.

Rin Shan... the city lord, the head of a shelter with a scale of 20,000 people, he dares to call himself the city lord. He is a dignified lord of Tang, and he has not even mentioned the name of the lord!

'The business district has been built, and the scale of the shelter has reached a new level. Maybe after a while, let's build a city and improve our quality? ’

Thinking room.

The audience burst into shouts.

Tang Yu looked at the screen and saw that the finals were already coming to an end. At this time, only the last few people were still alive, and they were all bigwigs above the sixth level.

It was the confrontation between the two bosses just now, and the situation was extremely dangerous. In the end, Wang Wu, the captain of the Fire Squad, killed his opponent at the cost of serious injuries, but before he was happy, he hit a demonized beast attracted by passive silence. killed.

At this stage, in the late stage of the finals, the demonized beasts are getting stronger and stronger, and thousands of demonized beasts have emerged from the edge of the forest, forming a magic tide that squeezes the activity space of the awakened contestants.

The final stage was the most exciting. Shay's speech speed was like a machine gun, and he couldn't keep up with the progress of the game.

The audience even cheered for their supporters...

Tang Yu also saw a part of the audience who had no love for life, which was in stark contrast with the people around him. Probably... it was blood loss.

The final is about to end, the adjutant who just left, at this time, came back.

Tang Yu noticed that the other party's clothes were a little messy, stained with blood, and his face was more serious than before.



Underground Research Institute.

Dr. Zheng stopped what he was doing.

In front of him stood a bald man with a bowed head and a respectful expression. Upon closer inspection, the bald man's thick arms had thick brown fluff, which did not resemble a human being, but more like a beast's hair.

Unlike those who are capable of transformation, the normal state of bald men is like this.

After listening to the report from his subordinates, Dr. Zheng's expression changed, "How many times have I emphasized it? I asked you to pay more attention and be more careful. As a result, you told me you screwed up?!"

The burly bald man couldn't help but take a half step back, and when Dr. Zheng's anger subsided, he cautiously said, "Doctor, I haven't screwed up yet, it's just that things are a little unexpected."

"We have no way to control the demonized beasts, so we can only use the conventional method of attracting monsters. This time the target is the Rin Mountain Shelter. I don't want to attract more, otherwise the Rin Mountain Shelter can't be gnawed, but it can be attracted at one time. Too much is a little… a little bit wrong.”

The bald man felt very aggrieved, "We really didn't expect that the Awakeners have been active in the wild these days, but fortunately, the biggest magic tide is not far from Mount Rin."

Originally, it was difficult to hold back the hatred caused by the blame. During this time, a large number of awakened people poured into the green shade, and the personnel exchanges between the various shelters also increased a lot. The wave of demonized beasts that had finally pulled him up was scattered.

He is also very helpless!

"Doctor, is the Rinshan Sanctuary still working?"

Dr. Zheng paced back and forth in the room, "How many small shelters are left around?"

The bald man thought for a while, and said with some uncertainty, "Maybe five? Six? Or eight? Several shelters have been found in the past few days, and the survivors and supplies have been moved out."

Dr. Zheng did not speak.

He hesitated.

Worried about causing Lin Dong's awareness.

After losing Lin Wei as a partner, even though he now has a lot of beast-like warriors under his command, there is almost no way of understanding the outside world. Even the recovery strategy of the small shelter, Dr. Zheng did not know it until a few days ago from the mouths of several Awakened captives.

It gave him a sense of urgency.

The research on animal warriors requires a lot of materials. Dr. Zheng can't imagine that once the research has reached the key point, he has to stop due to the lack of experimental materials... He must be crazy!

After a while of silence, Dr. Zheng gave an order, "The Rinshan Shelter must be taken down! More than 20,000 survivors, especially the one or two thousand awakened ones, these materials are enough for two months."

"As soon as possible, if the Rinshan Shelter also moves out, it will be troublesome."

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