Doomsday Calendar, May 15.

Unconsciously, more than four months have passed since the disaster broke out. For the survivors, it seems like a lifetime.

More than four months have passed, and it has shifted from summer to autumn and winter.

From half a month ago, the originally hot weather began to gradually fade, but before the survivors cheered, a cold wind blew from the north.

Howling, the temperature plummeted.

From the original high temperature of more than 40 degrees, it has suddenly dropped to the present, and there are only single digits left, which may not be very cold, but this is only a change in just half a month, and the survivors dare not forget that the previous few The month is far hotter than the hottest summer in previous years, so this it a warm winter, or will it be uncharacteristically cold like summer?

Ordinary survivors don't know, but some visionaries have already begun to prepare clothes that can survive the winter.

"These two cars of white velvet fur should be able to make a lot of warm clothes, and they are also high-end products. If runes are inscribed, they may become E2 or even E3 rune equipment. The head of Yunshang, as early as half The weather changed a few months ago, so I ordered a large number of furs, which is really far-sighted."

A convoy came slowly from afar.

Except for a few large trucks full of goods, the rest of the team, armed with firearms or cold weapons, followed closely around the slowly advancing trucks, watching their surroundings vigilantly.

Walking in the forefront was a middle-aged man with a moustache on his lips. He was wearing a D3-level cheetah combat uniform, which was stained with a lot of dried blood.

The cold wind blew, and he glanced at the two trucks full of furs, feeling it.

White velvet beast, a kind of demonized beast, as a traitor in the demonized beast species, the white velvet beast is different from most hideous and ugly demonized beasts. Fur, not only has a high protection ability, but also has an excellent thermal insulation effect.

Included in the Demonized Beasts Pokédex, numbered 0296.

In their Hengcheng area, they can see traces of white velvet beasts from time to time. This time, they were entrusted by the Yunshang Chamber of Commerce to purchase a batch of white velvet animal skins and transport them to the green shade.

It is not difficult for a mustache who has run back and forth several times in the Hengcheng and Lincheng areas to serve the shade.

Since the first time he followed the Hengcheng military, he came to Lindong through difficulties, and happened to buy a large number of E-level rune equipment in the green shade, and transported it back to Hengcheng to make a lot of money, mustache has changed his business scope. .

Changed Stormwind Mercenary Corps to Stormwind Chamber of Commerce, no longer accepting tasks from the task center, and started business instead.

Later, they crossed the wilderness at a long distance. Although they did not have the leadership of the Hengcheng military, they had already mastered a relatively safe "business way" and knew which areas could not go and which areas were safer.

After walking back and forth several times, I encountered many dangers along the way, but I made a lot of money. The dozens of Awakened people of the entire Stormwind Chamber of Commerce have already put on a full set of rune equipment, and one D1-level manpower. Rune weapons, breath, most of them have also reached the fifth level of awakening.

A well-deserved elite.

Including the mustache himself, there are three big boss-level powerhouses.

Today, although the gold content of the boss-level is not as high as it was two months ago, the number of boss-level powerhouses is still rare.

The people who were awakened at the beginning, who fought hard enough to survive until now, many have the strength to awaken to the fifth level, but more than 99% of the people are stuck in the bottleneck of breaking through the sixth level from the fifth level. Nothing can be done.

Even if it is a person with good talent, good luck, and a breakthrough to become a big-shot powerhouse, the progress of strength gradually slows down.

Level 6, Level 7, the higher you go, the more soul power you need to refine to break through. However, despite the large number of demonized beasts, high-level demonized beasts are not Chinese cabbage, and cannot meet the soul power needs of advanced awakeners.

It will be more and more difficult to improve only by refining the soul power.

"Fortunately, the business has become bigger, and it is possible to have a few words with the green shade high-level people to buy the knight training method."

While cultivating and refining the soul power, Moustache is now at the peak of the seventh level, and many Awakeneds who have broken through the boss-level around the same time as him, and now, they have just entered the seventh level, and the gap in combat power is even greater.

Let the mustache rejoice.

He looked at the five trucks behind him, two were ordered by the Yunshang Chamber of Commerce, and the other three were loaded with various extraordinary minerals acquired by the green shade for a long time. For Moustache, these three cars are more important.


The two awakened people who were in charge of the investigation ran to the front of the convoy with smiles on their gray faces, "President, we're almost there, we're almost there!"

Moustache looked around, "It's really hard to tell in the wild now. Since it's almost here, let's speed up our pace."

The truck stepped up the accelerator, the caravan's escort, and the followers quickened their pace.

Soon, a ten-meter-high black city wall appeared in front of everyone.

Two black towers stood beside the city gate, and machine guns were erected on the city wall. Many Awakeneds in combat uniforms were patrolling back and forth.

"Uncle, is this the shade of greenery?"

In the team, a ten-year-old boy opened his mouth with excitement.

Moustache shook his head and said with a smile, "The green shade is much more spectacular than here, this is just an outpost, the Ximu outpost... But here, it is not far from the green shade, and the road behind is basically the same. There is no danger."

The caravan stopped in front of the city wall. The Awakened person in the team who was in charge of negotiation stepped forward and took out a certificate of the Chamber of Commerce certified by the green shade. In a short time, the city gate, which was enough to accommodate four trucks in parallel, slowly opened, and the Stormwind Chamber of Commerce opened. The team entered the outpost.

The entire outpost was rebuilt from the Yuanxi Wood Shelter. As far as the eye can see, there is a low house. From time to time, you can see the sturdy Awakened passing by, and there are many shouting vendors.

"We are here for half an hour, and if there is any physiological need, we will solve it as soon as possible."

The trucks of the caravan were parked in an open area, some people stayed to guard the goods, and the other part dispersed.

Moustache crouched on the ground and lit a cigarette for himself.

His nephew next to him seemed very curious about everything here, "Uncle, what are those people doing?"

The little boy pointed to a survivor with a large luggage not far away... Such people are not uncommon in the outpost, and they shouted when they saw the Awakened passing by.

"They? They are also businessmen." Moustache paused, "but they are different from us. We run back and forth between the two shelters, making huge profits, and these people, just ordinary people, bring water and water from the shade. Food, sold to past Awakeners for a small price difference."

In order to facilitate hunting of demonized beasts or save time by completing tasks, many awakened people often choose to rest at outposts. These survivors saw the opportunity and sold supplies.

However, the distance between Luyin and Ximu Outpost is not far, after all, the goods are shipped here and sold, and the profit is very low.

Moustache sighed, "Xiaohu, you have to remember a truth. If you want to make a lot of money, you must first have strength. This time, the reason why I promised to bring you out is not only to let you see the world, but also to send you to Studying in the extreme martial arts hall, I hope you can become a strong man surpassing your uncle in the future."

Thanks to "Pure Man" for the reward of 500 coins, and "Book Friend 20170305165643281" for the reward. . .

I changed to a new volume, hoping to bring myself good luck... However, there is a sentence that Calvin doesn't know if it is a pulp or not (). . .

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