The little boy nodded understandingly.

"But, why go to the extreme martial arts hall, I... I don't want to stay there alone--"

He was reluctant, with a little weeping.

Before the apocalypse, before he entered junior high school, he was at an innocent and romantic age, but a disaster broke out and both his parents were killed... Mustache is the boy's only relative.

Moustache squatted and exhaled a cloud of smoke, which remained in the cold air for a long time.

Not far away, a peddler carrying a suitcase, wrapped in an old woolen coat, greeted the awakened person in the past with a slightly stiff smile, and occasionally sold a bottle of water and a package of food, only inadvertently revealed A knowing smile.

Awakened people wearing animal skins or battle suits are in a hurry.

Some were in groups of three or five with a solemn expression, and some were seriously injured and were carried back by their companions...

There are all kinds of people, and Moustache has seen too many in the past few months.

Nobody is easy.

Moustache knows better that if it weren't for the shade shelter, ordinary survivors could only live in obscurity, and starve to death one day, how can they survive with hard work;

The Awakeneds look beautiful and go out hunting, but they often bury their bones in the wilderness. It was not until the appearance of the rune equipment that the Awakened and the same-level demonized fighters gained the upper hand for the first time;

Including himself, he didn't catch a ride in the shade of greenery. He was just the head of an ordinary mercenary regiment. Facing the persecution of the big forces in the shelter, he could only bow his head and swallow his voice.

Like now, Stormwind Chamber of Commerce is enough to rank in the top five among all unofficial forces in Hengcheng!

Mustache knows that everything comes from strength.

He looked at the little boy kindly, "Xiao Hu, you are very talented, and only in the extreme martial arts hall can this talent be truly transformed into strength, your mother entrusted you to me, and I will provide you with The best environment."

"Hengcheng also has a martial arts hall. Isn't Hengcheng a large-scale shelter, Luyin is just a medium-sized shelter..."

"The shade is different." Mustache shook his head slightly.

He knew his nephew's worries and fears, the dangers of the apocalypse, and it was the first time for his nephew to go abroad and live in an unfamiliar environment. If there were no familiar people around him, he would inevitably be afraid.

However, in the last days, many children in their teens, or even less than ten years old, have already learned to live alone.

Moustache is no longer spoiled, he has a slightly stern face, "Xiaohu, you have to learn to be strong, and your uncle can't protect you for the rest of your life. Didn't you always say that when you grow up, you want to become a strong man? As long as you are in the extreme martial arts hall Study and you'll be a real powerhouse in no time."

"Didn't you always want to learn your uncle's cultivation method? The reason why I don't teach you is because in the extreme martial arts hall, as long as you work hard, you will have the opportunity to get in touch with more advanced cultivation methods, and stay in the extreme martial arts hall to study hard. In a few months, maybe you can surpass your uncle."

Mustache didn't expect his nephew to understand all at once.

After he finished speaking, he stood up, holding the cigarette butt between his fingers, habitually intending to throw it away... As if he suddenly thought of something, he paused slightly, looked around, quickly stepped forward, and flicked the cigarette butt not far away. in the trash can.

——There is no punishment for littering at the outpost, but if he doesn't develop good habits, he is worried that if he goes to the green shade, he will bring back a stack of fines.

After repairing for a while, the convoy of the Stormwind Merchant Group set off again.

in the wilderness,

Looking around, it is full of weeds that are taller than people, trees in the distance, lush greenery, dilapidated buildings, covered with ivy, and the river in the distance is still clear...

The only difference is the road that has been repaired underfoot.

The potholes and cracks in the road have been poured and leveled, and no scrapped vehicles can be seen, and the weeds that have grown from the cracks in the road have also been cleaned up.

Passing the Ximu Outpost and walking on the main road leading to the greenery, the caravan guards no longer need to clear the way for the trucks. Every few hundred meters, you can still see a black tall tower standing beside the road. tower.

Moustache said, "When I came last time, the road was not ready, and the development of green shade was really fast."

The road was smooth, and there were hardly any demonized beasts encountered on the way. The speed of the convoy was much faster than before. In just over an hour, the shaded shelter was in sight.

"That is--"

Little Tiger exclaimed.

The tall city wall in the distance, like a black dragon, entrenched here, covering half of the sky.

In front of the black city wall is a golden wheat field, and many survivors pushing walk-behind harvesters shuttle through the rice fields.

The mustache was startled.

Got it?

It still looks good!

He began to plan to transport a batch of grain back to Hengcheng.

The truck slowed down and drove slowly, and the flow of people returning from going out gathered on the main road leading to the city gate.

As they got closer, everyone at the foot of the city wall was as small as an ant.

This is a miracle in the history of architecture.

Many people who came to Luyin for the first time looked up in a daze, unable to look away.

Mustache Rao has seen it several times, and he is still amazed, "Xiaohu, this city wall is much more spectacular than the city wall of Hengcheng."

The city wall of the large shelter is made of reinforced concrete. There are bunkers and forts on it. It is majestic and majestic. Compared with the black city wall that is connected by black rocks and can't see the slightest gap... The city wall of Hengcheng seems to be worse. what.

...a lack of momentum!

The city wall of Hengcheng is more like a patchwork assembly. The steel plate on the outside of the wall can see obvious welding marks, which is like a green city wall, which is natural.

The city gate is wide enough to accommodate a dozen trucks in parallel. It is completely open, unlike many large shelters. On weekdays, there is only a small gate that can barely allow vehicles to pass through.

Mustache looked up.

This majestic and majestic city wall is ten meters higher than when he arrived half a month ago.

Before this kind of heroic pass, no matter how many levels of magic tide, I am afraid that there is nothing to do.

in front of the city gate,

Survivor in a hurry.

Awakened who returned from a trip.

The first time I came to the green shade, it was like a newcomer like a pilgrimage.

Some are ragged, some are neatly dressed, and some are full of iron and blood.

Most of them are on foot, and a few are carrying vehicles, Humvees, heavy trucks, armored vehicles, all-terrain vehicles... You can see them here.

Even the unruly Awakened, the arrogant large motorcade, came to the main road in front of the city gate, and they just followed the flow of people and moved forward, daring not to make extra moves.

Into the city, the flow of people dispersed.

Going straight leads to the most prosperous commercial area, but the convoy of the Storm Merchant Group turned to the left and walked along the road to a large parking lot.

This is where the greenery is provided to foreign caravans, where vehicles are parked, and goods are unloaded.

Looking around, there are already a lot of vehicles parked here, most of which are large modified trucks. Like their Storm Chamber of Commerce, a thick steel plate layer is installed outside the carriage, and a conical impact angle is welded on the front of the car.

There are patrols in the parking lot... The Awakeners who should now be called the garrison patrol back and forth, it is safe and reliable... At least the mustache has never heard of it, which business guild lost something in the parking lot.

After the truck stopped, Moustache directed the caravan members to unload some of the goods from the truck.

Suddenly his nephew showed panic and pointed to the distance, "Then, what is that?"

Moustache followed the direction, and a monster that looked like a deer, but was several circles bigger than the deer that ordinary people knew, appeared in their field of vision.

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