My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 355 Forming a Guard Team

The night in the forest was very quiet, there was no roar of demonized beasts, and no chilling cicadas.

Tang Yu was walking on the gravel-paved path, the lights were dim, and the environment was dark.

Nancy followed closely behind, acting as guard, turning her head from time to time to look around.

Luo Zhe walked to one side with a half position behind.

The three of them were walking on the forest path, still looking lonely, and suddenly Luo Zhe said:

"Lord Lord, I think you need to form a escort team."

Tang Yu didn't speak yet.

Nancy was stunned behind her, "I... protect... the lord."

The extraordinary breath diffused, Luo Zhe laughed stiffly, "Miss Nancy must be able to protect the lord well, but now there are tens of thousands of lords, Lord lord, you should also pay attention to some ostentation."

"In my hometown, the lords with financial resources will definitely have accompanying escorts every time they go out. This is not only to protect the lord's safety, but also a manifestation of strength. It may be fine for you to travel alone in the territory, but if you go out Going to other... shelters, in your current status, and then traveling alone, even with Miss Nancy, is somewhat inappropriate."

Tang Yu thought about it.

In terms of personal strength, apart from Nancy, he considers himself second...third.

To keep him safe, Nancy is enough.

Luo Zhe used to be a knight, half of the noble class, and his way of thinking was different from that of Elaine and him.

Prestige is not necessarily necessary, but the existence of the escort team shows force, which can avoid some unnecessary troubles.

Looks like you're hiring a secretary?

Tang Yu pondered for a while, a secretary is fine, of course, a capable female secretary is best.

"Cough, so, the members of the escort team are tentatively set to twelve people, from..."

He was going to say that he should be selected from the two corps, but after thinking about it, "Let's choose from the apprentices of the martial arts hall."

Compared with the members of the Corps, the younger and more malleable martial arts apprentices are more loyal.

In addition to admiring him as the 'strongest man in the shelter', Luo Zhe and several other followers also subtly instilled the faithful thought of 'director first' when teaching.

Values ​​are stereotyped, and adults with sufficient experience may be difficult to change. These teenagers and teenagers are only the best training objects.

Luo Zhe clenched his fist on his left chest and responded, "Yes! We must choose the best guard for the adults."


After walking on the forest path for a few minutes, the front gradually opened up, and the bright lights illuminated the mine as if it were daylight.

The trees near the deep pit were all cut down and poured with cement to prevent the rapid growth of the shrubs. Only the giant tree with white leaves in the middle of the deep pit seemed to reach the sky, which was breathtaking.

"It seems to be a little bigger. Is there any problem with the operation of the shielded rune array?"

Luo Zhe nodded, "Master Kevin will come to the mine every two weeks to check the game, there is no problem."

The array method only has a simple light and shadow effect, shading the giant tree to a certain extent.

The layout is not easy, and only Kevin can do it in the entire territory.

before the deep pit,

There are tall and large arrow towers all around, which makes people feel at ease, and the sound of mining is heard.

Yuanjing Mine works 24 hours a day. Most of them made mistakes and were escorted to work in the mining area. There are also some survivors who chose to come to the mining area in order to earn more Yuanjing.

A garrison brigade, fifty Awakened, patrolled in two shifts.

As soon as the three of Tang Yu came, the awakened ones of the garrison group immediately discovered that there was a team leader coming up to meet them.

Just asked two questions about the spies caught in the mining area.

The loud greeting came from a distance, and it shook the eardrums.

A figure more than three meters tall, like a giant, walked step by step, and the stones on the ground were shaking slightly.

"Sir, good evening."

Tai Lun bowed, but Tang Yu still had to look up, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Even the tower-like Luo Zhe, standing beside the stone man Tyron, seemed to be just a child.


"That is to say, there are six people in total, one was killed by you accidentally, and the other was dying, and the rest were imprisoned?"

Tai Lun replied "yes" in a loud voice, and Pu Shan's big palm was embarrassed to touch the big bald head.

These people are not the first outsiders to spy on the mining area. Long before the formation of the hidden giant tree was built, many spies discovered this mining area. Now, those people are either dead or become a conscientious miner, glowing hot.

After the formation of the formation, the giant tree is not easy to be found, but after all, the mining area is only a few kilometers away from the shelter, and some people still have bad intentions or break in by mistake.

It's just that most of them are weak.

The six spies who had just been caught were very powerful. If it wasn't for Tyron's shot, the awakened guards of the garrison would not be able to catch them all.

"Let's go and have a look."


On one side of the edge of the pothole, a three-story building was built as the residence of the miners, and the basement was the place where the prisoners were temporarily detained.

Before entering, I heard a commotion from the front.

"catch him."

"Don't let him run away, but be careful not to kill him."



Not far away, a hole was blasted open in the ground, and the embarrassed figure jumped out of the hole.

His clothes were torn and the corners of his mouth coughed up blood, but the speed was very fast, and several figures flashed, and they had already appeared 100 meters away.

Several members of the garrison team jumped out of the burrow one after another and chased after them.

Seeing that the distance was getting closer, and when they were about to catch up, the fleeing figures flickered, suddenly from one to two, two to four...

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen identical figures scattered and fled into the distance.

The members of the chasing garrison were hesitant, not knowing which one to pursue.

Tang Yu glanced at the figure who had already entered the forest and disappeared without a trace, turned his head and said, "Nancy, take him back."


Li Guming endured the pain on his body and ran non-stop. The complex terrain environment in the forest could not hinder him in the slightest.

He glanced back from time to time, and although he could no longer see the pursuer, he was still indifferent, and split up a few more clones and continued to flee.

Recalling the bald-headed powerhouse who was not as strong as a human being, Li Guming had a lingering fear in his heart. With just one punch, one of his subordinates was torn apart...

This is an unstoppable force of terror.

Luyin has such a level of powerhouse!

He looked back again, the lights in the mining area were gone, and the surroundings were quiet.

There was no sign of the pursuer, and there was no sound.

Li Guming slowed down and kept his movements to a minimum...

"It's okay, it's okay, I escaped, nothing bad happened."

He turned around, halfway through.

He trembled violently.

As if the soul were to leave the body.

Consciousness gradually blurred, and Li Guming could only vaguely recognize that a petite, seemingly young female Awakener, with just one punch, made him lose his ability to resist.

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