My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 356 High-purity source crystal

"To even kill one's own people, it's cruel."

The basement where the prisoners are held.

Of the six captured spies, one was accidentally crushed to death by Tyron and the other was seriously injured. The remaining four suffered minor injuries. However, at this moment, in the dungeon, the three Awakened who were imprisoned had their eyes rounded and their mouths slightly open, their faces filled with disbelief.

Several members of the garrison corps next to them bowed their heads, embarrassed.

Luo Zhe scolded, their heads lowered.

The spy was more ruthless than expected, but it was indeed the mistake of the members of the garrison corps. Tang Yu fined them two weeks' wages. As for what Luo Zhe would impose, he didn't care.

Get out of the dungeon.

Nancy has returned, a comatose awakened person who has bowed into a shrimp, suspended beside Nancy.

Tang Yu felt it for a moment, "There is a nine-layer aura, and it has reached its peak."

Seeing Luo Zhe also come out of the dungeon, Tang Yu pointed at the unconscious Awakener, "I'll give it to you, pry his mouth open."


Roger is good at interrogation.

There were shrill screams from the dungeon.

Tang Yu didn't mind the torture, but he didn't like being in such a place, so he walked away and came to the center of the pothole.

The rhizomes of the giant tree are intertwined, like a maze.

In the center of the pothole, slightly towards the shelter, there is an opening with a diameter of two or three meters, and a bracket is built around it to stabilize it.

The entrance of the cave leads to the ground, and the source crystal lamp is embedded in it to illuminate, and the brightness is no worse than the outside.

Some slight noises came from inside the cave.

There is also a lift that leads directly to the depths of the cave.

This is a mine. The exposed raw crystal ore has already been mined. The current mining team needs to go deep into the ground, which is more laborious. The income of the Yuanjing mine also shows a slight decline.

Tang Yu had no plans to inspect the mining area.

The mine has been reinforced by capable people, but it is cramped and smells weird, and it may not be without danger... It is impossible to enter the mine. As a lord, he only needs to send the person in charge of the mining area to inspect from time to time.

Tang Yu was lost in thought.

In the Yuanjing Mine, the top person in charge should be Tyron, but with Tyron's size and his terrifying power... Probably, the mine will collapse, right?


After walking for a long time, it seemed that the spy was stronger than expected, and Luo Zhe still had no information.

Tang Idle Yu, feeling bored, looked back at Nancy, opened his mouth, and didn't know what to say.

The members of the garrison regiment stationed outside the mine looked solemn and looked elsewhere.

The laborers in the mining area who were responsible for carrying the rough crystals, as well as the stewards, bowed their heads and remained in awe.

Pretty boring.

At this time,

There was a rustling sound in the mine, the elevator pulley turned, the rope fell, and the carrying plane rose.

"Steward Jiang, we found a few different pieces of rough crystal ore."

Before anyone arrived, the voice came out first.

Two survivors, and a cart full of rough stones, appeared in the field of vision.

They didn't recognize Tang Yu, but from the expressions of the people around them, they knew that he was a big man, and they immediately told the story.

No twists and turns.

They mined the crystal ore rough as usual, but after knocking open the waste rock, they found several different rough stones.

The cart was pushed to the open space not far away, and all the rough stones were unloaded and scattered on the ground.

Ordinary crystal ore rough stone has some faint white lines on the surface of the stone, which is a bit like rough jade, and can emit a very weak light at night.

Among these ordinary pale white rough stones, Tang Yu saw a few 'special rough stones'.

It was no longer pale white, but red, and half of the stone was stained with magma-like red.

Tang Yu picked up one of the pieces, about the size of a basketball, weighed it, and then knocked it open.

The red rough shells were scattered all over the place, and among the crushed stones in this place, there were three more red spar that were brighter than diamonds.

Spiritual power condenses, turns into substance, and prys material.

The three red spar of small mass, under the grasp of the big mental hand, floated in front of him and fell into his hand.

Tang Yu looked at it carefully.

Each one is the size of a pebble, larger than ordinary source crystals, and very regular.

Ordinary source crystals, like the fragments of crystals that have been smashed, have prismatic, thorny, blunt, large and small... Although they are still magnificent, they are not comparable to the three fiery red crystals in front of them.

He felt it carefully.

Not only in appearance, but in the fiery red crystal, there is more source power.

"It's roughly comparable to the source crystal dug out of the eight-fold demonized beast, and it seems that the nature is somewhat different."

The source power circulated in the body, passed through the palm, and penetrated into one of the fiery red crystals.


As if touching the flames, but not hot.

Tang Yu opened his eyes slightly, and suddenly became focused, "Extremely pure source power, and... with fire attributes!"

The source power contained in the source crystal has many impurities, is disordered, and has no attributes.

The Awakened cannot directly absorb it, and it is difficult to use it directly. Generally, it is used as energy to drive other items.

Or use it to consume when drawing runes, making source crystal bombs, etc...

All are for external use.

However, the three fiery red source crystals in front of them are filled with pure fire attribute source power, just like a clear lake and a water full of garbage.

far from a level.

"Such pure source power can be absorbed directly. That is to say, these three fiery red source crystals can be used to assist cultivation? It is best for those with fire ability, but others can also use them."

The attributes of the Awakened are not limited.

People who have awakened the special ability of fire can also learn ice spells, and the same is true... Tang Yu believes that ice wizards like Yilian can also absorb fire attribute energy for cultivation.

It's just...inefficient and wasteful.

Tang Yu recalled for ten seconds. Among the twenty or so followers in the current territory, there seems to be no fire-type ability?

Oh no, Shay's explosive ability is close to the fire element, and it is suitable for training with fire attribute source crystals.

"As a magic swordsman, I have three common attributes: fire, ice, and thunder. Among them, the fire element is the most proficient in combat skills. These three source crystals are also suitable for my own cultivation."

Tang Yu bluntly classified these three high-purity source crystals as his own cultivation resources.

"In addition to assisting training, high-purity source crystals may also be integrated into combat skills and spells to enhance power, and can also help the cultivation of combat skills... Well, these conjectures can be tried one by one in the future."

He even felt that by increasing the input of source power, these three high-purity source crystals could be used as bombs.

The power will not be small.

He turned his head to look at the workers and stewards in the mining area, "Where you find this kind of crystal ore rough, give priority to mining, continue to dig deeper, and separate the two types of rough in the future. Well, if you find any special rough, let me know as soon as possible. ."

"You two have done a good job, each of you will be rewarded... um, one hundred source crystals."

Thanks for the reward of "Samsara III is just waiting for you". . .

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