The Yangtze River Delta region is chaotic, and it is difficult for new risers like the Silver Hand to survive without relying on any power.

The weaker ones will either be eliminated, or they will not be able to withstand the pressure and will submit to a certain party.

DuPont Wei said, "With this batch of equipment weapons, not only can the combat effectiveness of the mercenary group be improved by one or two grades, but it can also attract more awakened people to join us."

Xie Yi looked at the weapons in the hands of the members of the Black Dog Knights. Most of them were polished from extraordinary minerals. The hardness was okay, but the sharpness was very different.

"The Yangtze River Delta rune weapon is very scarce? Could it be that the rune technology here is very backward?"

"No." DuPont shook his head, "It's just that the rune equipment here is controlled by major forces, and only the black market can occasionally set aside one or two pieces."

A dozen trucks followed behind, carrying most of the incoming cargo.

Marley's team, and some of the airmen, remained on the airship, turned on the runes, and the sailing ship disappeared.

After a short conversation, Shay gained a deeper understanding of the Yangtze River Delta.

He frowned, "The Octagonal Alliance is just an alliance of eight small shelters. Listening to what you mean, it seems that they all have a lot of rune equipment?"

"The Octagonal Alliance naturally cannot create rune equipment, but this alliance is actually a large-scale shelter, the pawns of Longjiang City, there are many forces in the Yangtze River Delta, and several large-scale shelters, more or less. If it wasn't for their acquiescence, how could there be so many chaotic wars between small and medium-sized shelters."

DuPont Wei smiled, "But now, with the supplies you sent, digging walls... recruiting troops and horses will not be difficult."

The group arrived at the station, and the members of the Black Dog Knights were the first to get their own rune equipment.

Unparalleled sharpness, special effects, and skills... These C-level rune equipment almost blinded their eyes.

Several followers, in addition to DuPont Wei, there is another person, staying at the station.

The other two secretly sneaked into some large shelters.

"And what about Gretel?" Shay asked.

"He." Du Pont-Wei looked up at the ceiling, "He has already reached a complete consummation, touched that heavy bottleneck, and started to rush."

Shay's mouth opened slightly.

As followers, some people have broken through the extraordinary, some are heading towards the extraordinary, and he only has the strength of the eleventh level.

Even though he is a follower, his strength determines his status. He was the one who was contracted by the lord in the early days, but now he is gradually falling behind. Xie Yi suddenly felt a sense of urgency in his heart.



Tang Yu opened his eyes and ended his practice today.

From the contract information, I saw the messages from Xie Yi, DuPontwei and others, and it was clear that the materials had been successfully delivered.

The environment of the Yangtze River Delta is not suitable for direct trade, but the Silver Hand can quickly expand through this. Similarly, it can bring him a large amount of minerals, source crystals. It is said that Xie Yi and others have already found a source crystal mine and are ready to implement it. The fastest way to get rich.

"I also want to rob, but unfortunately, I can't."

Tang Yu thought of the large shelters around him, each of which was so rich that he would definitely be able to get 10 to 20 million Yuan Crystals.

However, after all, they are five good young people who grew up under the red flag, and they still have a bottom line in their hearts. Except for the enemies who have already been identified, they are not willing to do anything to others for no reason.

Not to mention getting along well with the surrounding shelters.

"Forget it, the right is for sustainable development. Anyway, the rune equipment produced by Luyin has dominated most of the rune equipment market in Tiannan. The goal in the future is to occupy the national market and set the equipment rating standards that we have formulated. , to the world.”

He vaguely remembered such a sentence.

First-class companies make standards, second-class companies make brands, and third-class companies make products.

Not only to formulate the rune equipment rating standard, Tang Yu also plans to formulate the pharmaceutical standard, the occupation standard, the demonized beast naming standard...

Thinking a bit too much in an instant, the road still has to go step by step.

The sky outside the window began to light up.

Putting on a set of casual clothes, Tang Yu pushed open the door of the training room.

I haven't tasted the crystal corn for several days, and it seems that even my stomach grumbles in protest. Every morning when I meet Nancy, I always see her earnest eyes, asking "When can I eat delicious rice".

this word.

I don't know, I thought Nancy lived a miserable life and couldn't even eat white rice.

"However, I really can't even afford to eat, and it doesn't seem to make a difference."

After simply coping with the breakfast, he went to the Jingyu rice planting area to inspect the growth of Yuanzhi.

It will take about a month for the first batch of crops to mature, which is not slow, but Tang Yu can't wait.

During this time,

He formulated the strategic layout of occupying the Great Xia Kingdom with rune equipment.

In a well-ordered area, you can follow the Jingcheng model, show your muscles properly, and cooperate with local forces to reduce resistance and unnecessary trouble.

In disordered areas, such as the Yangtze River Delta, you can consider developing direct line forces, or subsidizing a certain party to harvest corresponding materials - the territory has limited manpower, and it is impossible to take care of every area.

In areas that are threatened by demonized beasts, the selling price of equipment can be appropriately lowered. After all, he is a person who cares about all human beings.

A sub-territorial area has been established, which is a key area. It will implement a model similar to Green Shade, establish a direct sales store, sell equipment by grades by membership or other methods, and establish a martial arts hall. While earning source crystals, select suitable training. good seedlings.

"However, I didn't expect that there would be a means of transport such as a floating airship. I originally hoarded a lot of rune equipment, but it was emptied at once. With the current production speed of the equipment department, it will take a year of the monkey to sell rune equipment to The entire Great Xia Kingdom?"

Brows furrowed.

The scale of the production line has been ordered to expand, but workers, especially those in the rune workshop, are extremely scarce.

With the current population of the territory, it is difficult to pick out talents with enough rune talent - after all, the new survivors have been tested for rune talent, and there are very few talents left out.

"After the transformation of the source train is completed, even if the survivors are abducted from the major shelters, how many will they be able to abduct? After selecting talents with sufficient talent, there will be even fewer... It is better to secretly screen in the major shelters first. Then turn qualified talents to Green Shade? After all, talents in runes are different from talents in the conventional sense, and other shelters will not be strictly guarded."

Tang Yu thought it was feasible.

Anyway, many survivors with talent for runes still live a miserable life of not having enough to eat. This is to save their miserable lives and guide them in the direction of progress.

After some thought, the general development direction has been formed in my mind.

The first step is the transformation of the source train.

Thank you for the 500-coin reward of "Jieziwang", the 500-coin reward of "Pure Love Song|", and the reward of "Find a 123". . .

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