My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 407: True Architectural Techniques (Big Chapter)

Before the establishment of the Magic Research Institute, it was publicized through newspapers.

People living in the shade of greenery, even ordinary survivors, know exactly what combat techniques/skills are, and the awakened ones know more.

For high-star adventurers, the combat skills that can be exchanged include heavy slash and blood slash, and the price is equivalent to a piece of C-level equipment.

In addition, the knight training method, the five-hearted qi method, the dual-element one-transformation training method... and other universal primary training methods are also exchanged in the Adventurer's Guild, and the price is cheaper than that of combat skills.

The use of combat skills can condense the power of qi and blood scattered throughout the body to a single point, and burst out with power far beyond the normal state.

It's very subtle. Even if it is the most easy-to-learn heavy slash, "heavy slash", they need to practice the various movements that are split first, then integrate their own blood and energy, and finally achieve the integration of blood and action in a short period of time. Penetration is the initial acquisition of "heavy slash".

Techniques are more complicated than combat techniques, and they need to be invoked to use source power to display them. How did these...the high level of the sanctuary create them.

Why is the gap between people so huge? !

If Tang Yu knew what the adventurers were thinking, he would also sigh, how did those predecessors create the technique of warfare without any foundation?

In the current territory, there are at least one or two hundred skill books, and there are many books of runes to lay the foundation. Only then did Tang Yu have the idea of ​​creating spells...let others create them.


Located next to the equipment manufacturing plant, the newly built area covering several tens of acres belongs to the Magic Research Institute.

For the time being, there is only one main building. In other areas, more buildings may be built in the future, or it may be used as a magic experiment area. If it is not enough, it can continue to be expanded. In short, the most important thing for the current greenery is land.

But the price cannot be lowered.

Experimental site.

There are crystal walls that can absorb energy on all sides, and a source qi pool is buried under the ground to ensure that it is easier and more convenient to release spells.

The crystal walls and the back of the ceiling have photo crystals that record the casting process - this is a modified version of Kevin. The original one-time photo crystal was transformed into a continuous use. The disadvantage is that the size has become large and is not suitable for going out. It can be carried and used, even in a space backpack.

Elaine came here early, stretched out her pure white and slender palm, and the ice-blue cold current rolled around her palm.

Sometimes it turns into ice crystals, sometimes it turns into water.

Sometimes it turned into a long spear more than one meter long, held in his hand, and sometimes turned into an ice-blue ice shield.

This control, anyone who sees it, will be amazed.

The employees of the logistics department were staring wide-eyed at the moment, their body and mind were captured by the powerful and beautiful scene in front of them, and they had completely become little fans.

'But it's not magic. ’

Elaine's eyes were fixed on her hands, her hair was scattered on both sides of her neck, and her expression was focused and serious.

Not long after, a group of people came in.

Summoned by the Academy of Magic, the first to arrive were the major corps, as well as the earth-type abilities belonging to various departments, a total of 23 people.

Elaine dissipated the ice-element source power condensed in her palm, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and her breath emanated, maintaining a friendly and majestic distance from a certain distance... This is what she learned from a book titled "On Leadership" a few days ago. self-cultivation" book.

Although Elaine didn't know, she already had her own ice aura.

The earth-type ability person who just arrived felt cold all over, and could not help shrinking his neck.

"It's not going to be sliced ​​for research, I don't want to die young, I'm still so handsome..."

A little ripple appeared in Elaine's calm eyes.

It's really... the person who spoke was rather fat, with a scar on his face that spread from the corner of his eye to his chin, looking extremely terrifying.

She recognized this person, Peng Bo, the peak of the ninth level of awakening. He was the strongest among all earth-type abilities, and his innate ability was rock armor...

So Elaine's eyes fell on Peng Bo.

Peng Bo was so shivering that three hundred pounds of fat on his body was about to fall off.


The special ability awakened at first can be regarded as the innate spell of the capable person, and it is also the source of inspiration for self-created spells.

Elaine's techniques were either comprehended from magic books, or derived from inheritance, or... they were extended from techniques mastered by herself.

The latter has certain innovations, but it is still far from self-created spells.

Her talent is not related to the earth element, and she does not know the earth element magic, but it is similar to the analogy... It may be difficult to display it, but Elaine's understanding of magic is truly the first person in the territory.

Look for ideas to construct new spells by observing a large number of similar spells.

The first to display is Peng Bo.

In order to facilitate the performance of the earth element ability, a large amount of earth and stones were soon transported from the open space outside the building.

Peng Bo let out a low drink, and countless pieces of gravel and soil flew up and attached to his body. These soil and rocks fused together to form a yellow-brown rock armor.

The appearance is unremarkable, but the defensive power is not to be underestimated.

He was called over to act as the captain of the strong garrison corps. He charged a "heavy slash" and slammed it on the rock armor. Peng Bo took a few steps back and saw some cracks on the rock armor, but it was largely intact, and the "heavy slash" failed to hit. The defense of wearing the rock armor, even the tyrannical strength, was absorbed a lot by the rock armor.

Under Peng Bo's thoughts, the cracks on the rock armor quickly recovered.

Very useful defensive spell!

After that, Peng Bo showed other stunts, such as reaching out and waving a handful of gravel to the enemy. When the gravel came into contact with the enemy, it turned into a hard object and stuck on the enemy's joints...

Another example is the thorns extending from the rock armor, turning yourself into a hedgehog, and stabbing the enemy into a honeycomb just by rampaging.

This is an extension of the spell, from a defensive spell to an armor of thorns that integrates offense and defense.

The idea of ​​changing armor is not uncommon, but...

Elaine instructed another person present, who was second only to Peng Bo's soil ability, to imitate Peng Bo's armor of thorns just now.

This soil-type ability person has strong control. I saw him step forward step by step, and the soil on the ground automatically adhered to his body, forming a rock armor similar to Pengbo just now.

The rock armor quickly changed, and sharp soil thorns grew on it, making people's eyelids jump.

This wave of imitation can score 82 points.


The team leader of the Strong Guard Corps threw a punch at random. The fist shattered the soil thorn, pierced through the armor, and bombarded the chest of the soil-type capable person.

This punch is not violent.

The earth-type ability person just swayed and stabilized his figure, but the armor attached to his body shattered with a crackling sound.

This armor is too brittle!

At best, it is harder and thicker than ordinary land, and it is completely incomparable with Peng Bo's innate skill "Rock Armor".

It can only be regarded as the source power of the soil element to control the shape of the soil.

Practicality is low.

Elaine was not surprised. While recording her thoughts, she let the capable person continue to demonstrate.

Only Peng Bo, the soil-type capable person, took a deep breath and stretched out his hands. Suddenly, the soil under the feet of the strong team leader exploded, and countless soils boiled like boiling water, forming a road of soil dragons, and in an instant, the strong men were destroyed. The squad leader is tied up.

Also bundled up very artistically.

Talent spell "Earth Spirit Bound".

A spell that belongs to the control category.

Next, more than 20 capable people showed their special abilities in turn.

Some abilities are earthquakes, which are not limited to the ground. They can vibrate the substances they come into contact with and contain earth elements. They are good at demolishing homes.

There is also the ability to burrow into the ground, escape into the ground and move quickly, but it cannot really integrate into the soil - elementalization is an ability only available in the second stage of transcendence.



A two-meter-high sharp thorn pierced out of the soil in an instant. The thorn was very sharp, and all D-level protective gear could be easily pierced. Except for the powerhouses like Peng Bo who could be wrapped in armor, other Everyone clenched their legs tightly.

The ground thorn ability did not stop there, he waved his hand again, and the dense thorns drilled out of the soil.

This is a technique he evolved from practicing many times, "multiple ground stabs".

If they can have the same level of strength as Peng Bo, these ground thorns will not be much worse than the rock armor in terms of hardness.

After the demonstration, the capable person took a few steps closer, his hands turned into fists, and all the ground smashed into one place with a click.

The mound of earth and stone made a hill high.

'The venue for experimenting spells in the future should preferably be in the open air. ’

Elaine secretly said.

She knew that with the demonstration of more than 20 soil-type abilities, the number of mud and rocks in the experimental area increased.

Like the ground thorn spell, it seems to be drilled out of the soil, but in fact, part of it is formed by the condensed and transformed soil-based Origin Qi in the air.

From energy to tangible substance.

Even if the research institute does not provide soil, most of the special abilities of the soil system can be displayed.

The abilities of "Rock Armor", "Earth Spirit Bound", and "Multiple Earth Thorns" can all be directly condensed from the source force. The existence of soil accelerates this process, which is equivalent to a field bonus.

'But if you put aside your innate abilities and use your own power to control the source power of the soil element, so as to condense it into soil, the difficulty factor is very large, and it is almost impossible to do it. ’

Elaine pondered, 'Although the fire element and the water element can do it, the flame itself is a kind of energy, and there is no transformation in the middle, and the water element, the air contains a lot of water molecules...molecules and elements...and Origin Qi, yes Completely different, on two levels. ’

I didn't have a lot of clues all day.

Elaine was not discouraged. After returning to the dean's office, she repeatedly watched, analyzed, and pondered the recorded video data, and pushed up one draft after another on the desk.


For a few days, the "Adventurer's Guild" put out a mission to assist the Magic Academy, and more and more people with soil abilities came to the academy to demonstrate.

Peng Bo and others are also frequent visitors, and they can also get rewards in the internal system for assisting in tasks.

The work is not only to demonstrate talent and spells, but after some ideas are proposed, they will also be executed by those with soil ability.

They themselves made a lot of comments.

Everyone is very excited to personally participate in the process of researching magic techniques, just like the little people are qualified to participate in the national aerospace project and the two bomb projects... What they do is not only researching magic techniques, but also creating history !

Many people said that even if there is no reward, this job is accepted!


After several days, Tang Yu finally walked out of the mental space, and Tang Yu was in a trance, but undoubtedly, his understanding of warfare techniques has deepened a lot.

After resting for a while, he went straight to the Magic Academy.

late at night.

But inside the institute, the lights are still on.

"The most common feature of earth-based magic is firmness."

As soon as Tang Yu opened the office door, he saw Elaine frowning, and there was already a dense pile of scratch paper on the table.

Can not help but feel a little distressed.

Wanting to persuade, I looked at Yilian's eyes, and before I could say anything, I heard her say, "I'm already extraordinary, so it's not tiring to do this."

Transcendence of course does not require sleep.

But Tang Yu glanced at those drawings, countless data, lines... It was clear that Elaine had not stopped thinking for a moment in order to create earth magic.

The thinking speed of the transcendent order is very fast, but no matter how fast it is...for a long time, no one can stand it.

But Tang Yu did not persuade him any further.

Just as he hadn't opened his mouth yet, Elaine had already blocked what he wanted to say, and he also knew that persuasion was useless.

He immediately sat down next to him, picked up the drawing, and began to analyze it.


Tang Yu frowned at times and pondered.

These people, while practicing combat skills, are also constantly thinking, and have unique insights into the combat technology method itself.

It's not as good as Elaine, but the exchange between the two can also have some inspiration.

"That is to say, the easiest thing to create at present is a technique to make the soil hard?"

"That's right, most of the innate spells of the earth-type abilities have the characteristic of being firm. On the one hand, there are more data that can be analyzed.

My idea is to create a circular earth shield. The shape of the earth shield does not require speed. The circular shield has a simple structure and is easier to control when constructing the source power. Moreover, the earth shield is more practical. If it can be created, it belongs to A technique that can be widely promoted. "

Tang Yu understood.

Techniques, as long as they have sufficient source power, can be used, earth shield spells... other types of abilities, or awakened people who have stepped into the condensing source realm and condensed the source air cyclone, can also learn it, but it is compared to the earth type ability. It is more difficult to learn and slower to cast spells.

A formed spell cannot change its form at will like innate abilities.

But as long as it is easy to learn, it can be promoted and greatly enhanced the strength of the legion.

This is also the original intention of creating spells.

Suddenly raising his brows, Tang Yu turned the pen and said, "It's not just an earthen shield, it's a technique that can be shaped and sturdy, and can also be used on buildings."

"Buildings? You mean reinforced buildings?"

"No no." Tang Yu stretched out a finger and waved it.

Elaine rarely showed a suspicious look.

Tang Yu paused before saying, "As long as it is firm enough, then the soil can be directly used to shape it into a building, and even steel bars can be saved."

In the past, those who were able to help the construction team in the soil system could only turn over the soil to lay the foundation, or when pouring the cement, they could use the power of the soil system to speed up the process.

Now... Tang Yu imagined that when he built a defense in the future, the earth-type capable person waved his hand, as if 3D printing, and a high-rise building was formed.

The difficulty is naturally more difficult than the earth shield.

"It may be difficult to make a tall building take shape at one time, but if you split it up like building blocks and divide it into several or a dozen fixed-shaped spells, the difficulty will be reduced a lot. For those who are capable, there is no need to worry about the firmness of the joints of the building blocks."

"If it can be created, it is a real architecture spell."

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