My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 408 The mystery of the crystal ball

Building spells are a research idea. Once created, modular and rapid construction can be achieved in the future.

But it takes time. As Elaine said, the first step is to create the earth shield spell. The structure of the circular shield is much simpler.

At this time, Tang Yu received a piece of good news, the mother and son crystal ball had already cracked the key technology!


equipment area.

Inside Kevin's studio.

When Tang Yu arrived, he saw Kevin shaking his beard excitedly.

There is a set of mother and daughter crystal balls on the table.

The cue ball is placed in the center, it is the size of a basketball, and there are five sub-balls, all the size of fists... Wait, Tang Yu's eyes suddenly turned to the table next to him, a few broken crystal balls, with some rune patterns on them From time to time, on the test bench farther away, there were still some fingernail-sized fragments. Judging from the material, they were obviously knocked off from the broken crystal ball.

No wonder there are only five sub-balls left.

Relationships are mostly destroyed.

Glancing sideways, Kevin's beard-shaking hand suddenly froze, and he laughed dryly to hide his embarrassment.

Tang Yu didn't say anything. After all, Kevin came up with the results. If it wasn't for destructive research, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to crack the mystery of the mother-child crystal ball in a short time.

"This set of communication crystal balls, the cue ball is equivalent to the base station. When turned on, the bridge built between the cue ball and the child ball can be regarded as a kind of 'space channel'. Of course, it is much simpler and can only be used for the transmission of spiritual particles. , there are a lot of restrictions..."

Kevin Barbara said a bunch.

Tang Yu was a little confused.

After a little bit of reasoning in my mind, I can only summarize three points. The technology of the mother and daughter crystal ball is very high-end; the crystal ball has restrictions when it is used; Kevin, who has cracked the mystery of the crystal ball, is very remarkable.

The last point is Kevin's self-bragging from time to time as he explains it.

Tang Yu felt that the explanation must be too little, and he never understood it.

"Tell me how to use it."

Kevin paused for a while, and was a little disappointed that he couldn't tell the whole process of breaking the crystal ball, but still said, "The process of opening this set of crystal balls is more complicated, and it needs a strong person to guide you with spiritual power... "

He gestured, and at the same time his spiritual power radiated out, covering the mother crystal ball.

But too weak.

The little spiritual power that penetrated into the crystal ball was like a mud cow entering the sea, and disappeared without a trace in an instant... Kevin couldn't even recover the released spiritual power.

Immediately, his face turned pale, but fortunately, Kevin's mental power was very weak, so he could only barely release it, and the mental power radiated was only a small part. This damage can be recovered after a good night's sleep.

Tang Yu made an estimate.

This mental power level, probably, can lift a hair?

After listening carefully, Tang Yu poured his spiritual power into the mother crystal ball according to the opening method that Kevin said.

In an instant, a star map appeared in his mind.

The star map has complex lines, and all the energy nodes on it that look like stars are dim at this time.

The way to open the mother-child crystal ball is to inject spiritual power from the entrance, follow a certain route, from the starting point of the star map to the end point, and light up all the nodes in turn.

Since it was the first time, even under the guidance of Kevin, Tang Yu was intermittent. He made several mistakes and restarted several times. It took more than half an hour to finally light up the star map.

Tang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, there were almost beads of sweat on his forehead.

"If it weren't for my spiritual power, this job would not be able to be completed by ordinary people. ’

In front of him, the basketball-sized crystal ball and five fist-sized crystal balls flickered very regularly, and then gradually faded away, but it was still felt that this set of crystal balls had been truly activated.

Kevin explained, "When this set of spiritual communication crystal ball is opened, the child ball and the cue ball must be kept within one meter. After opening, the child ball can be carried with you, but the cue ball must be stored in its original place... Once the cue ball Shifting, the connection between the child and mother crystal balls will not cause major consequences because of the loss of stability and breakage, but after the displacement, the child ball needs to be retrieved and the cue ball needs to be reactivated.”

Tang Yu understands a little.

Activation is like turning on the phone, and the connection between the child ball and the cue ball, when the spiritual bridge is built, is like making a phone call, and the signal is transmitted to the opposite side along the line.

The question is, what's the point of activating the mother-child crystal ball after I wasted so much effort?

I took this set of crystal balls later, do you want to activate it again? !

Let others do the work.

Kevin didn't notice his darkened face, and continued, "One mother crystal ball can establish connections with up to 9 child balls. As for the distance of spiritual transmission, it is a radius of 500 kilometers from the center of the mother ball.

Within a range of 500 kilometers, except for some special areas, the transmission of spiritual power will not be disturbed, and beyond 500 kilometers, the bridges built will become unstable, the escape of spiritual particles will speed up, and the signal will be distorted.

The limit range is 800 kilometers, but in fact, after reaching more than 700 kilometers, all that can be received should be messy mental particles. "

The distance was beyond his expectations.

Don't say eight hundred kilometers, five hundred kilometers, even if it is only two or three hundred kilometers, Tang Yu is satisfied.

Not enough distance to make up!

There is no way for the cue ball to establish a connection with another cue ball, but as long as the number of sets is sufficient, the communication range covers each other, and the information spreads throughout the Great Xia Kingdom, which is not a dream.

"The materials won't be too hard to find, right?"

"It's not difficult, I've seen them, and they're all in stock in the warehouse." Kevin brushed his beard, "but it's very difficult to manufacture."

He reached out and took the finished blueprint next to him.

One cue ball and one sub ball.

The cue ball was at least the size of A2 paper, and the various overlapping three-dimensional graphics reminded Tang Yu of the time when he was competing in the Olympiad.

Although, I still don't understand it.


"The person who invented the mother and son crystal ball is a genius."

"Especially the cue ball is very complicated. There are nine rune arrays integrated into it. Each rune array is centered on a high-level rune, surrounded by six intermediate-level runes and twelve low-level runes... These nine rune arrays also resonate with each other, which is quite mysterious."

Tang Yu knew that the runes inside the crystal ball were no longer engraved, but were drawn into the equipment or props after being drawn in the void.

This is a skill only advanced rune masters can master.

high end.

Although there is no need for master-level runes, it is not an extraordinary level of props, but the difficulty of manufacturing is evident.

"Even with this old man's ability, maybe one, five years...ten years, it may not be possible to make it, so..."

Kevin rubbed his hands and looked at Tang Yu.

If he could make it easily, he had already done it himself, so why should he wait for the lord to come over?

Seeing Tang Yu nodding, Kevin said flatteringly, "After you build it, send me a set to disassemble... I'll study it, I want to see what the difference is."

Yes, even honorifics are used.

Tang Yu nodded helplessly.

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