My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 409 Population of hundreds of thousands

Tang Yu didn't bring the two drawings directly to the workshop, but went to the research institute first.

After all, the drawings drawn by Kevin are only possible in theory... If Kevin tries to make them, if there are no accidents in the process, he will also encounter many difficulties. These must be overcome one by one in the manufacturing process. Perfectly remodeled.

Only the drawings that have been proved by practice can be called real drawings.

The two pictures in front of me are at best half-finished products with a completion degree of 90%, but for Tang Yu, it is enough.

Put the drawing in the institute's scanner, and after a while, a few lines of information appear on the screen.

[Son and mother crystal ball (mother): The completeness of the drawings is 93%. ]

[Child and mother crystal ball (child): The completeness of the drawings is 96%. ]

There are also words like whether to improve / strengthen and so on.

Tang Yu chose to perfect the drawing, and the screen immediately changed.

[During the deduction, please inject the source crystal...]

[During the game,...]


Still flickering.


It took hundreds of thousands of source crystals to successfully perfect the two blueprints, which became standard blueprints in line with the workshop.

Tang Yu clicked Strengthen again, consuming 200,000 to 300,000 Origin Crystals again.

In this regard, the lord Tang said that the drizzle and did not care... It is probably the income of the territory for a day or half a day.

After another trip to the workshop, after entering the drawings, Tang Yu instructed the people in the Guards to let the logistics department bring the materials.

The materials needed for the mother and daughter crystal balls are not many, but they are all relatively precious. When converted into source crystals, Tang Yu calculated that it was about 180,000 to 90,000... a set.

It can be said to be very cheap.

The only troublesome thing is that some of the materials in stock are relatively scarce... probably only allows him to produce five or six sets of crystal balls.

But no problem.

Sitting on such a large territory, members of the Survey Corps bring back various materials every day, and they have also established 'friendly' exchanges with more than 20 large shelters, trading some materials, which is normal.

In the early days of the establishment of the territory, Tang Yu was also troubled by the scarcity of materials, but now, he has left it to others to worry about.

This is the advantage of building a power. If you replace it with other people, even if it is an extraordinary powerhouse, you may not be able to find all kinds of materials.

I have never seen such an extraordinary person Yan Dingtian who has to live a hard life without money.


Time is like water.

After the mother and daughter crystal balls were created, three sets of them were activated immediately using the territory as the base station. The twenty or so child crystal balls were handed over to the Intelligence Department and sent to the major shelters in Tiannan Province.

With the enhanced blueprint, the mother-child crystal ball and the spiritual power transmission range are enough to cover the entire Tiannan Province. For a little bit further, only two sets have been arranged in Luoxia and the Yangtze River Delta region.

Communication has become more convenient, and the work of the major shelters has progressed more smoothly.

The number of registered adventurers in the Adventurers Guild’s branches is increasing, and the operation of the airship is also on track. Every day, survivors from major shelters are transported to the greenery by the airship.

Most of them are talents with certain rune talents.

The production plant of rune equipment has also been expanded again and again. Every ten days, a batch of goods worth millions of source crystals are shipped to large shelters. Some goods are sold to local agents, and some are stored in adventure. In the warehouse of the Adventurer's Guild, waiting for adventurers to exchange.

Construction, medicine, machinery, etc... All kinds of talents have also collected a lot of talents through negotiating transactions with local forces.

The population of the territory kept growing, from 30,000 to 50,000, to 70,000 to 80,000, to 900,000.

A month has passed, the number of ordinary survivors living in the territory has exceeded 100,000, and the number of Awakened people who are active around the green shade is as high as 50,000!

The ratio between ordinary people and awakened people has reached 2:1, which is a scene that cannot be seen in other places.

Shady shelters are also being expanded.

The floor area is no longer as fast as the general large-scale shelters. The most notable point is that there are no slums. The streets are square and very planned. Standing on the top floor of the castle, you can see the neatly arranged buildings at a glance. Comfortable, there are also magnificent landmark buildings such as "Adventurer's Guild", "Extreme Martial Arts Hall", "Green Shade Auction" and so on.

Compared with other large-scale shelters, at the beginning of its establishment, in order to utilize the land and resources as much as possible, the buildings were densely built... The greenery is like a vibrant new city.

It's just a small town for now, but anyone who has just arrived here will fall in love with it at first sight.

There are too many people, and it is inevitable that they will bump into each other.

Especially the Awakened from other places, many people don't care too much about the rules and regulations of green shade before they are fined and their pants are pawned.

In other words, they never thought that they would have to lose so many source crystals when they broke a street lamp in a fight?

On average, at least three of the ten Awakened Outsiders were punished by the Green Shade Guards.

There are also more serious ones, such as killing people within the scope of the shelter, not to mention, confiscating all property and pulling it to the mine for mining.

During this period of time, the members of the garrison corps suddenly discovered that they were busier than the survey corps?

Luo Zhe, who is in charge of territorial defense, can't be idle for a moment.


Inside the office.

Tang Yu was working diligently, dealing with the documents piled up on the desktop.

His eyes fell on a stack of documents about the awakened people who passed the assessment of the recruit camp. There were many instructions from the top officials of the Armed Forces Department. He only needed to glance at it.

The recruit battalion is a special corps established more than a month ago. The purpose is not to fight, but to screen.

Awakeneds who sign up to join each corps need to train for a period of time in the boot camp.

It is not only an opportunity to become stronger, but also a test.

If you perform well, you can join a certain corps according to your own wishes in a short time. If you perform a little bit worse, you need to train in a recruit camp for a period of time, and then the senior officers of the Armed Forces Department will assign them to various corps according to the individual circumstances of the recruits.

As for the worse performance, I'm sorry, I can only weakly refuse.

"At present, there are 3,659 awakened recruits in the recruit battalion, and there are all levels. The survey corps and the garrison corps also have more than 1,000 members. In addition to the air corps and the flaming horse cavalry regiment, the special corps is supported by the wolf cavalry regiment and the Chocobo. The special forces are also being formed, and they are also a considerable force..."

"The remnants of the cult have disappeared, and the people of the Ghost Hand clan have gone somewhere..."

"The Awakeners of the Fourth Epoch have heard less and less of them. I'm afraid they have all been hidden. The Guling Dynasty, since the last declaration of building the city, has not made any major events. The other two Fourth Epoch powers, I haven't heard any news about it, maybe it's active in Europe or America?"

Tang Yu's thoughts gradually drifted away.

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