My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 452: Looking forward to the territory becoming a fairyland one day

Tang Yu took out an undeployed flying crane puppet from the space ring. After the puppet appeared, it immediately spread its wings and flew high into the sky.

It flew higher and higher, but the speed became slower and slower. When it reached an altitude of about a thousand meters, the flying crane puppet became very slow to flap its wings and could not continue to fly upwards.

Tang Yu also flew up a distance, and then expanded his personal domain. The next moment, the perspective changed, and the whole person was possessed and entered the flying crane puppet. Suddenly, he felt quite uncomfortable.

The repressive force coming from all directions made him raise his hand... The wings became very difficult.

"Up from 600 meters, the power of suppression begins to appear. From the perspective of progression, the Awakening Rank is perfect, and it should be able to fly to 1,500 meters, but the Transcendent Rank, at most, is in the early 2000s... It should be this space constraints.”

But the secret realms he has explored are not eighty or ninety, fifty or sixty, twenty or thirty, and some of them are still functioning with some defense mechanisms. There are dangerous secret realms, but they are not as weird as the space they are in now.

If you have to say it, it seems to be shrouded in a huge formation.

"Not only in the sky, but also on the ground, although the speed and power are not limited, but it should..."

Tang Yu thought about it, and there was a Destroyer puppet next to him, with a thick gun barrel sticking out from his chest, and countless light particles converged. With a swish, a bucket thick... um, a beam of light as thick as a water snake shot out and disappeared more than a hundred meters away without a trace. .

The corners of his mouth twitched, "The Destroyer's main cannon has a range of thousands of meters!"

Then let the puppet try a fist attack, and sure enough, the destructive power was greatly reduced.

But other than that, there were no other discoveries, including the West Village that had come in before, and no trace was found.

"It seems that he should have returned to the outside world through another beam of light."

It's different from the secret realm... Even the secret realm of Zuoya had several entrances within the Daxia Kingdom and even outside the country. However, after the collapse of the secret realm, the Awakened who escaped still appeared near the original entrance, instead of appear elsewhere.

These are the rules of the Rift itself.

However, the beam of light in the space at this time was more like a teleportation array. Tang Yu found several other beams of light, and after passing through, they appeared in other parts of the Daxia Kingdom, and one was even located near Lindong.

"If this place is fully explored, wouldn't it be easy to reach any corner of the world?"

"No, it's not that simple. After exploring for more than two minutes, I found five 'entrance and exit' beams of light. The distance between each beam is also very far, and there is no reference object, so it's easy to get lost... In general It is more convenient than reality to reach other places through this space, but the premise is that we need to explore clearly, every entrance and exit, and the location corresponding to reality.”

It took more than two minutes to explore a corner of this space, and Tang Yu naturally had no interest in exploring the rest of the area himself.

A dignified lord, it is a basic operation to throw troublesome things to his subordinates.

The other two teams of exploration corps dispatched from the territory entered into it to explore.

After Tang Yu and Kong returned to the Yongan realm, the battle to raid the Sakura Country camp was basically over.

In this battle, when the leader Nishimura fled and other cadres either died or fled, the troops of the "Tianlang Temple" gradually lost their ability to resist. In the end, after removing the dead and those who fled, they even captured more than a thousand "Tianlang Temple". The Awakened of Wolf Palace".

Cui Xinsheng, the director of Yongan, and his interrogators, were trying to pry out information from these prisoners.

Some survivors who were previously enslaved by the "Tianlang Temple" were also rescued... These people were covered with welts, and many of them had died. Originally, the three brigades under their command had killed several times their own enemies. Yu still felt that there was a little bit of ferocity, and now... he felt that there was no need to keep prisoners.

These captives were left to Yongan in the end—there was not even a high-level cadre, and Tang Yu was not interested in top-level interrogation. After removing the head statues of several rune building ships, Tang Yu activated the city-returning scroll. Back to the territory.


Territory, Institute.

In front of him is a small statue of a ship, obtained from an ordinary rune building.

This time, the operation against the "Tianlang Temple" can be regarded as a cooperation with Yongan. The legion without Yongan's Sanctuary only took 300 people out of thin air. It is impossible to completely destroy the temple with only three hundred people.

Therefore, Tang Yu naturally had no intention of swallowing the spoils, and only took the most wanted statue of the ship, and classified the largest flagship as the spoil, leaving the rest of the rune building to Yongan.

He is not interested in boats, and the technical content is far less than that of floating airships.

But the head of the boat,

"It exudes a strange fluctuation all the time, and it is a bit similar to "Zhen", it should contain the unique atmosphere of the sea elf. "

Tang Yu pondered, "Elves are born with a strong affinity..."

He remembered that when he first saw "Zhen", he just wanted to turn "Zhen" into the territory and act as a gatekeeper, instead of stewing the elf and trying it should be the affinity that played a role.

And the elves... basically have extraordinary strength, the sea beast senses this breath, and is naturally in awe, and avoids it far away.

Ships with head statues are rarely attacked by sea beasts and can sail unhindered on the sea.

"However, the unique fluctuation of the statue of the ship's head should be useless to demonized beasts. During the journey of the "Tianlang Temple", some rune building ships seemed to sink because they were attacked by powerful demonized beasts. "

After researching for a while, Tang Yu focused on recording the strange fluctuations emanating from the statue of the ship's head, "It's hard to find elves, unless they appear by themselves, even if they have extraordinary level of perception, they can't find them when they walk by the elves... But, If we can create an instrument that can capture the fluctuations of spirits, it may be easier to find spirits in the future."

"I told Lao Chen to pay more attention to this information before, and sent a few teams to look for elves. After a while, we should be able to get some information."


Two days later, the situation in that space has been investigated.

Tang Yu sat in the study, reading the information presented by the Exploration Corps after summarizing it.

"The area that has been explored so far is almost comparable to that of a Tiannan Province. A total of 65 light green beams of light have been discovered, of which 21 are exported outside of Daxia, and the rest are exported within Daxia. "

"In the course of our exploration, although we found some traces left by humans, we did not find any survivors. In reality, most entrances and exits are very secret, and the doors of light are large and small. The smallest door of light cannot be To allow humans to pass through, we used the baby bee puppet to detect some information from the outside world.”

"At the end of the exploration range, we found a barrier, like a light curtain, which cannot be passed through, but the barrier is transparent, and we can see the opposite scene, which seems to be no different from the space we are in. , There is also a light green beam of light in the extreme distance... But behind the barrier to the north, it is shrouded in fog, and we can't see the scene on the opposite side."


Barabara also said some guesses later.

Tang Yu held his chin, and after thinking for a while, he decided... to ask "Zhen".


Back Mountain.

By sensing the territory, Tang Yu quickly found "Zhen".

At this moment, "Zhen" was sitting on a rock, resting his chin in his hand, as if thinking about people... elf life.

After not seeing him for a few days, "Zhen"'s illusory body has become more solid, with edges and corners. Except that it is still khaki, it already looks very like a person.

Tang Yu glanced twice, then looked again... Suddenly, "Zhen" looked familiar.

- It's not just me!

You, an earth-type elf who should have thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually imitated my appearance, and it really is because... I am more handsome!

"Shenzhen, how are you doing recently, this mountain is suitable for living. "

"Well, um, it's very comfortable here." "Zhen" stretched, "and the closer you are to your castle, the more comfortable it will be to live in."

It thought about it, condensed the source power of the soil system to form an illusory mountain model, and drew a few lines on it.

"This is my own grade. The more inwards, the better the environment. I guess your castle must be the most comfortable to live in, but I can only move to the next mountain wall at most."

Tang Yu was a little confused at first, when he saw the dividing line drawn by "Zhen", his eyes suddenly lit up.

Isn't this... the scope of each territory upgrade!

The castle is a ring, and the place where "Zhen" currently lives is the second ring, followed by the third ring, the fourth ring, the fifth ring and the sixth ring.

At first, he thought that within the territory, no matter which pair of "Shenzhen" lived in, it was the same, but now it seems that there are differences.

‘No, the functions within the territory are the same, and it’s not that the farther away from the core, the weaker the control power. If I have to say, it’s just that the areas of the second ring and the third ring are included in the territory earlier. ’

'Um? earlier? ’

Tang Yu was stunned, "Apart from being more comfortable to live in, the second ring and the third ring... I mean, is there any obvious difference between the inner circle and the outer circle?"

"Zhen" thought for a while, "Original Qi is stronger? No, it should have nothing to do with that, I thought about it, the rocks in the inner circle are stronger, the soil is more fertile, and the soil quality is constantly improving regardless of the inner circle and the outer circle... It's like, um, the whole mountain is slowly escalating."


It said, condensed two source light balls, and suddenly flew to the junction of the second ring and the third ring.

One ball was thrown to the left and the other was thrown to the right.

The two source light spheres burst, blasting the ground into a deep pit with a diameter of one or two meters.

"The power of these two light balls is the same." "Zhen" said.

Tang Yu focused his attention and saw that the pothole on the left side of the second ring was obviously two circles smaller than the third ring, and he noticed that the destructive power of the high-concentration source light ball was limited, and the explosive power seemed to be weakened. a lot.


The territory continues to be transformed, and one day, perhaps the two extraordinary battles will not be able to destroy every grass and tree here?

Isn't it a fairyland?

At that time, the grass, trees, soil and stones here will surely become the best materials?

What is a mine at home? My home, all! All! Yes! mine! Woolen cloth!

Thanks for the 1,000-coin reward for "Ghost Through the Night", and the 100-coin reward for "Book Friend 20180414233437690". . .

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