Under the nourishment of Origin Qi, the mountains, rivers and the earth may also change, but Tang Yu estimated that this process is relatively long - as for the current Origin Crystal Mine and Transcendent Metal Mine, it is due to the influence of some mutational factors. Appeared suddenly.

The transformation of the territory, the effect is more obvious.

An extraordinary battle can easily destroy a small town. Tang Yu used to worry that as the enemy became stronger and stronger, the surrounding area would sooner or later collapse.

He didn't make a wish to restore everything to the way it was before.

Before the two extraordinary races attacked and killed several extraordinary races, there are still many deep pits!

The few battle traces do not affect the surrounding environment of the territory, Tang Yu thought, maybe these battle traces can be used as attractions, so that the survivors of the territory have a more intuitive understanding of the extraordinary - and use this to carry out a wave of ideological education to improve The cohesion of the survivors of the territory has gone a step further and increased the daily output of psychic energy in the territory-although his fit with the territory is still far from being upgraded to level seven, it does not prevent him from accumulating some necessary resources first.

Tang Yu didn't forget the purpose of his coming to the back mountain, and he came one by one about the situation of that huge space.

"Do you think that space is a secret realm left by the civilization before the third era?"

The second era is the most glorious era of the Origin Star, but today's Earth has very few traces left over from the previous era.

The secret realms discovered so far are all the secret realms of the Fourth Epoch, and what he knows is like some high-end methods such as the head portrait technology, the manufacturing technology of the floating craft, and the manufacturing technology of the secret realm, which have been handed down from the Third Epoch.

Exactly how it came, it is estimated that only the three major countries of the Fourth Epoch and the Mage Alliance have records.

The only "post station" directly related to that glorious civilization, according to "Zhen", is located on the Star Road. In essence, the Star Road no longer belongs to the Origin Star.

It is impossible for such a glorious civilization to disappear all at once.

"Zhen" frowned, "It's not a secret realm, the secret realm is like a bubble attached to the origin star, the bubbles are big and small, but too big bubbles are easy to break, that space, just the explored area, there are A province is so big, I guess the total area may be more than ten times, which has exceeded the specifications of normal secret realms.

As for the small world, it is because of the regenerable source ore veins. The entire space is self-contained and circulated, and it may not be much larger than the secret realm. After all, the larger the space, the more unstable it is. Although the memory is in the second era, there are also some big ones. It's a different space, but it doesn't match the situation you're talking about. "

Tang Yu thought he couldn't find any clues here in "Zhen", but heard "Zhen" continue:

"However, in the second era, it is said that there is a core area on the origin star called "Sanctuary".

That is the true center of the Origin Star, but it is very mysterious. It is said that only the high-level human race, elites, and geniuses have the qualifications to go to the "sanctuary". I remember that in the Origin Star in the past, there were some competitions that selected talents, and those who stood out , often disappear for a period of time, and when those people reappear, they have become masters of the party. "

"So, "Sanctuary" is a holy place for cultivation? But in that space, except for the entrance and exit beams, there is nothing else, and it doesn't look like it has been damaged, at least the floor is still intact. "

"Zhen" shook his head, "No, the place you found should not be the real "Sanctuary", but the periphery. It is said that the "Sanctuary" is rich in Origin Qi and has countless treasures, even if it is an extremely rare ability, You can find a lot of corresponding inheritances there, and there are saints preaching, which is a place that everyone yearns for. "

Tang Yu pondered for a while, and suddenly said, "Then why didn't you go to the "sanctuary"? "

"Zhen" got stuck and was silent for a few seconds, "I'm an elf, not a human!"

After all, it's also a country... Ball treasure, he couldn't even go to the "sanctuary". Tang Yu wanted to say that the elves did what you did, but he also failed, but considering that "Zhen" is the only one he knows about the information of the third era. The source, or, um, can't mess with it.

How does "Zheng" enter the real "sanctuary"? That would definitely be fruitless, I thought for a while, "Do you think that in the "sanctuary", there will be a saint left behind? "

This is not only a question of "Zhen", but also of himself.

The second era is called a glorious era, and it even has the ability to compete with the powerful enemies of the "Devil Race" in the starry sky.

Tang Yu's mood was somewhat contradictory.

After discussing with "Zhen", I thought that the portals of "Sanctuary" should have appeared not long ago. If there is a second hand left by the third era saint, then it is most likely in "Sanctuary". .

Maybe one day, the "sanctuary" will really open, and then he can enter the interior.


Time flies.

The demonized beasts could not pose a threat to the territory, and there were no traces of aliens in Tiannan Province. Tang Yu set his sights on the development of the territory.

Imitation of the North Court defense circle, ready to build a real territory with greenery as the center.

The initial plan is one city, eight towns, and numerous transit outposts.

The first step is to suppress the abyss cracks in the areas around Lincheng, Shuohu, Hengcheng and other shaded areas.

Only in this way can a dense railway network be built, and there is no need to build arrow towers around the railway line - the cost is too high, the green line is only tens of kilometers, and the defensive buildings constructed cost over one million yuan. ——He originally planned to build a railway line connecting five adjacent large shelters, but after building two, he had to shelve it.

On the contrary, suppressing the cracks in the abyss puts aside the initial investment, and instead generates continuous revenue in the later stage.

And the current territory also has the strength to suppress the abyss cracks on the premise that he does not establish a sub-territory.


The red mist filled the air, and the dark red ground was covered with dense black mesh cracks.

Symbol of death.

All over the earth, large and small abyss cracks are like scars, demonized beasts, like pus flowing out of the wound, constantly squeezing the living space of human beings.

The area where there are abyss cracks, within 20 kilometers, is inaccessible. Only experienced and powerful awakened people dare to explore such high-risk areas. Within 10 kilometers, it is a forbidden area for human beings.

Most shelters are built away from the chasms of the abyss.

And today,

"Kill, regain lost ground!"

"Kill the demonized beast, eat delicious and spicy!"

"Under the leadership of the great Director Tang, we will be victorious in every battle!"

Several fiery red "Roars of Flame Dragons" descended from the sky, clearing a large area of ​​the demonized beasts that were dense like black waves.

In the sky, countless Awakeners of the Survey Corps riding on flying crane puppets, armed with rune guns, kept shooting down the flying demonized beasts.

On the ground, the Flaming Horse Cavalry Regiment, the Wolf Cavalry Regiment and several other regiments launched a charge.

In the distance, there are rhino chariots, rampant, constantly venting firepower, a 5,000-scale fighter puppet army, located at the end, to eliminate the remaining demonized beasts, and continue to advance.


A mountain-like stone giant emerged from the crack in the abyss, roaring, swiping across with a slap, the violent storm that blew up, and the flying crane cavalry in the air, constantly shaking.

At this time,

Thick blue-purple rays of light descended from the sky, piercing the stone giant, and with a loud bang, it shattered into countless small pieces.

Several floating boats in the sky have launched another wave of washing, and the height has been lowered, so that the other gathering cannons above can be effective.

In just half an hour, several cavalry regiments rushed to the side of the crack, and the members of the survey corps carrying the flying crane puppet also began to land. They quickly took out the parts from the space backpack and assembled them.

The base inscribed with the rune array is spliced ​​together to surround the abyss cracks. When all the runes are connected into one, and the effect is exerted, the few flying demonized beasts left in the sky fall one after another - as for the floating The boat has increased the power output, which is enough to resist the influence of the forbidden air formation.

Soon, a group of energy-gathering cannons and war instruments of different shapes were quickly arranged.

There are a new generation of energy gathering cannons that have absorbed the technologies of major shelters and developed by the territory, and there are also drawings of war equipment purchased by Tang Yu from the market.

"Cloud Roar (Basic)": A medium-sized war machine, operated by two controllers, which can shoot rune arrows solidified from energy, which is enough to penetrate any awakened demonized beast that is not superior in defense.

"Cloud Roar (Chain Type)": The high-end enhanced version can shoot out energy chains, which can be imprisoned and restrained after hitting. It is suitable for dealing with large creatures.

And soon a construction team came, and cooperated with the rune division to build the arrow tower and artillery of the cottage.

——It is incomparable to the original version, but it is not difficult to guard an abyss crack with various arrangements.

For operations like this, only one senior territorial leader was required to lead the team at a time, while Tang Yu himself only needed to wait for the victory of the legion and browse the battle report.

This is the normal operation of a lord.

Tang Yu was relieved when he thought that the territory he had worked so hard for for a long time had finally grown up.

"The fifth abyss crack, the suppression is complete, please instruct!"

Lu Xiaopeng saluted.

The unnamed B-level qualified follower nodded.

Next, they need to wait here for a while, and after handing over the members of the garrison, they can return to the territory and enjoy the rich nightlife.

At this time,


Not far away, a light green beam of light rose into the sky.

Some members of the Survey Corps present changed their expressions when they saw the familiar beam of light, "That's not..."

"Look over there!"

Very far away, separated by a few mountains, you can also see a light green beam of light rising into the sky, straight into the sky.

The moment they saw the beam of light, everyone seemed to have a clear understanding in their hearts.

"Sanctuary Qualification Selection"

"You can get equipment, inheritance, treasures from heaven and earth..."

"Start the countdown: 71:59:59"



Tang Yu stood on the roof of the castle, looking at the beam of light closest to the green shade.

Some members of the corps stationed in that space immediately returned to the city, and information came.

In the second minute after the "Sanctuary" beam of light appeared, they saw someone entering through the beam of light. It can be expected that in the future, more awakened people will pour into that space.

The first step in participating in the "Sanctuary Qualification Selection" is to enter that space within three days.

"The backhand left by the saint... Has it begun?"


Guling, the imperial capital.

Deep in the palace, an old man who was in retreat seemed to sense something, and suddenly rushed out of the training room, standing in the air, looking at the light green beam of light in the distance.

The next moment, the old man's figure flashed and appeared in the palace hall.

At this time, there are also several extremely powerful breaths flying towards this side.

The old man looked at the first middle-aged man to arrive, "The "Sanctuary" is open, and the opportunity must not be missed, ancient meaning, to summon geniuses of all ages in our royal family, we must obtain the inheritance of the "Sanctuary"! This is related to the future of our Guling! "


American Empire.

new work time.

A human powerhouse flashing with lightning all over his body, who was tearing an extraordinary alien in half with his bare hands, licked his lips:

""Sanctuary Qualification Selection"? Interesting, I'm worried about nothing to do! "


Europe, a certain ancient castle.

An old man with a pointed mage hat and a long beard was biting his head in the experiment, "Quick, quick, add blue water..."


Suddenly the door was knocked open, the old man's hands trembled, and the experiment disappeared into a plume of smoke.

The old man turned around and looked at his frizzy student with a bad expression.

The student didn't seem to notice, and said excitedly, "Teacher, the "Sanctuary" has appeared! And we can qualify for admission! "

The old man was stunned, his anger dissipated, and in his place, he was extremely excited, and he kept muttering, "Floating City, Hanging Mountain, here I come!"


The red fog filled the space, and there were many people.

"The "Sanctuary" appears, and some of our arrangements can also begin. "

The hoarse voice echoed, "The messenger will come to the Origin Star soon, I hope to win the "sanctuary" before that. "

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