New World, located in the Xianmen Station in the Black Seam area of ​​Xijiao Park.

Alone, apart from the main hall representing the core of the sub-territory, there are only a few guard towers, a few puppets performing patrol tasks, and a teleportation formation behind the main hall.

The teleportation pattern burst into dazzling brilliance, and after a while, Tang Yu walked out of the gradually dissipating light.

The restraining force of the new world once again acted on him.


During this time, he has been adapting to the rules of the new world with the secret method of the origin star. In other words, he has gradually acquired a legal identity from a stowaways.

Now it has been able to exert 70% of its combat power.


He kept shrinking the territory map in his mind. Except for a few apertures, the rest of the new world was pitch black.

There were a few bright spots in the darkness.

They represent Fanny, Gretel, and Zhong Ping respectively.

The place where Fanny walked was also dark, but you could vaguely see the mountains, surging rivers and other terrain.

She is very far away from the sub-territory, more than a distance of the diameter of the earth,

Contractual contact is not a little disturbed.

Tang Yu sent a message to Fanny, and then silently waited in the teleportation array.

He estimated that the time was about the same, opened the teleportation array search, and finally saw an external teleportation coordinate.

It was Fanny who opened the positioning spar.


The mysterious pattern lights up, and the figure disappears without a trace.


The bizarre scene is constantly changing in front of him, and in the viscous space passage, time is extremely slow.

Tang Yu had already touched the fur of the laws of space, and he could clearly see the lines of space rhythm.

There is a faint urge to fiddle.

He quickly suppressed the thought of dying.

As far as the space law that I just touched the fur, it was just within the scope of "demolition", but if the rhythm of the space was changed, it would either be cold or cool.

Playing with space is dangerous.

But for a moment, there was a sense of rejection in the space, and his whole person was "vomited" out.

The first thing I saw was Fanny next to me.

"The Origin Qi concentration here is more intense."

He released his perception, and immediately noticed more than a dozen special auras—auras that were different from alien beasts.

"Go and have a look."

The figure flashed and disappeared into the woods.

Fanny followed, and in the blink of an eye, only the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the treetops remained.


Moat Mountains, periphery.

More than a dozen soldiers in black armor used long knives to push aside the bushes and walked cautiously among the mountains and forests.

"Head, this is the Tianzhu Mountains, shall we continue to chase?"

The young armored soldiers were a little worried. The Tianshen Mountains were recognized as Jedi. Not to mention the soldiers of the Black Armored Army, even the elites in the dynasty, few dared to go deep into the Tianshen Mountains.

"What are you afraid of, we are only in the periphery, and we are still far from the real Tianzhu Mountains. You are still young, so you won't be afraid if you practice a few more times.

Besides, this steel-haired pig demon has already harmed three villages. If the pig demon cannot be killed this time, I will be fired as your boss! "

The commander of the Black Armored Army was also helpless.

Sishui County is located in a remote location and the imperial court is weak. This time, the steel wool pig demon has harmed three villages one after another, which shows the weakness of their Sishui County Heijia Army.

Several large cottages around are already ready to move.

Especially the last time, the steel wool pig demon was caught in an ambush, but it still escaped, and many black armored soldiers were injured because of it.


The steel-haired pig demon was also seriously injured. As long as he chased after him, it would not be difficult to kill the pig demon and turn his head back.

The commander stepped forward a few steps, pushed aside the grass, and saw a pool of blood hidden under the grass.

He dipped his finger and put it in front of his tongue, and gently said, "It's the blood of the pig demon, it just left soon!"

The group quickened their pace.

Tang Yu and Fanny stepped on the void, and they could see clearly in the Heijia Army.

"One of the twelfth level, two of the tenth level, and the rest are the peak of the ninth level. The strength is not weak. Even if you face the Awakening Stage Great Perfection, you have a certain chance of winning."


His eyes looked into the distance and saw through the layers of space.


More than a dozen Awakened from the Heijia Army chased after a few kilometers, and finally saw a huge monster in the mountains and forests not far away.

Five or six meters tall body, gray-brown hair like steel thorns, glowing with a cold metal light.

On the side of the steel-haired pig demon, there is a wound that is more than two meters long. The scarlet muscle squirming has stopped the bleeding of the wound, but its breath has declined a lot.

"I found it, Pig Demon, Shou..."

Before the commander's words fell, the trees in the distance, twenty or thirty meters high, were toppled one after another, as if they were toppled by a forklift, revealing the back of the dense branches and leaves, the huge body like a hill.

Another steel-haired pig demon!

Breath... is the Awakening Stage Great Perfection!

The injured little pig demon rushed to the side of the giant pig demon and whimpered.

all of a sudden,

A terrifying aura descended on the black armored sergeant.

The black armor commander's expression changed, "Formation!"

At this time, the trees in the other directions were pushed down one after another, and several of them were slightly smaller, but they were still bigger than the steel wool pig monster they were chasing, and they emerged.

For a while, the black armor commander looked a little desperate. The young black armored soldiers in the team had trembling hands, and their hearts were thumping and pounding.

"The Tianzhu Mountains are indeed not the place where we should come." The commander laughed at himself, "It's my fault, I stopped them, you... how many can you escape?"


"Master Commander!"

There is sadness in the air.

The black armor commanded the source power to inject the rune sword, and the body bowed slightly.



A thick pillar of fire fell from the sky.

The black armor sergeants turned into a sea of ​​fire, and a heat wave was blowing.

The flames came and went quickly, leaving only a blackened ground.

And...the smell of grilled meat permeates the air.

Sprinkle with cumin and serve.

The commander of the Black Armored Army raised his head as if he was aware of it, and saw two figures standing in the air.

The pupils couldn't stop the horror and... joy.

Step on the strong!


"Respected adults, this is our Sishui county seat."

The commander of the Black Armor said with a look of awe.

The soldiers of the Black Armored Army who followed behind were pulling the heads of the blackened steel-haired pig demons with ropes, and Fanny was holding a half roasted pig leg in her hand.

Along the way, it attracted the attention of many people.

Xu Shi was very marked by the Black Armored Army. He was not questioned at the gate of the city, and went straight into Sishui County.

The streets of the county town are not spacious, and there are two or three-story wooden buildings all around. It can be seen that the civilization of Sishui County is still in a relatively backward stage.

"Okay, you don't have to follow."

"Then... if you have any needs, sir, feel free to instruct us. We are at the school grounds to the east."

The commander of the Heijia Army hesitated for a while, but left.


Sishui County School Field.

The sergeant of the Heijia Army who completed the task was a little puzzled, "Boss, let's just leave? If we can win over those two masters to become the worship of our Heijia Army, do we still need to worry about the surrounding monsters and cottages? ?"

"You, you are still too young." The commander shook his head, with a look of awe on his face, "Those two are powerhouses in the realm of Treading the Void, what can we do to win over them? Even in Luohe City, the masters of Treading the Void are able to do it. high position."

"What's more, those two should be experts from other countries. They are very lucky to be saved by them. As human beings, you can't expect too much."


Tang Yu was holding a plain thick paper map from the commander of the Black Armored Army.

The place where they live is called Dachang, which belongs to the kingdom of mankind.

Sishui County, located just south of Dachang, is a border county, and further south is the Tianzhu Mountains that stretch endlessly.

He roughly estimated that the area of ​​the Dachang Dynasty was not small, comparable to the Earth's White Bear Country, but the population was not large... In other words, the land utilization rate of the entire Dachang Dynasty was very low.

The dynasty was centered on thirteen great cities.

The county seat of Sishui belongs to Luohe City in the south.

Except for a few areas within the radiation range of Dacheng, most of the entire Dachang area is barren mountains and mountains, and there is also no human kingdom in the west and east.

It is said that there are several famous nomadic tribes in the north, but there is no conflict with Dachang - for humans, the real threat comes from the monsters in the mountains.

"Sishui County is too remote. What the leader of the Heijia Army knows is already the vast majority of what he can understand here, and there is no need to continue to stay."


"Going to the capital, the Dachang Dynasty has a united state, that is, an extraordinary second-order master. You should know a lot about this seat."

The two rose into the air and disappeared at the end of the sky in the blink of an eye.

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