"Hey, brother of the human race, take a look at the good stones."

The sound of the urn sounded from the right side, and a gust of wind blew through it... Fortunately, there was no bad breath.

A stone giant with a height of two or three floors. The whole body is composed of gray-white rocks. There are many cyan tender seedlings growing between the rocks. The same is true on the top of the bare head. On the huge stones that make up the head, there is a bowl. Mouth big eyes.

Seeing that the giant stone had succeeded in attracting Tang Yu's attention, he picked up a large stone the size of a grinding disc with red lines all over it, put it to his mouth, clicked, clicked, and swallowed the red-patterned stone into his mouth in a few seconds.

Showing an expression of great enjoyment, "My Worley's stones are all first-class and delicious. I personally verified it, and you can't miss it when you pass by."

Saying that, the stone giant's expression suddenly changed, staring blankly at the red-patterned boulder in his hand.

The thing was not sold, and accidentally swallowed another piece of high-quality stone.

Obviously, he came to Baicheng with the hopes of the whole village, but why can't he control his mouth!

Tang Yu is not a stone man, but it is still ok to buy some special products back for Tai Lun as a snack.

Countless data streams swept through his pupils, and suddenly stopped for a moment on an unremarkable gray rock, and continued to observe as if nothing had happened.

He took a few steps forward, "How to sell?"

"Five, not three high-purity source crystals, the wholesale price is the same." Giant Stone was a little nervous, and after he finished speaking, he was a little nervous and waited for the reply from the human race in front of him.

This batch of stones, as Stone Giant said, are all high-grade materials, many of which can be used as accessories for magic weapons, or to arrange arrays and make arrays.

Level 7 of the territorial building is already the upgrade limit of the system, and after that, the building needs to be renovated and upgraded. Ordinary wood and stone materials cannot meet the requirements. These high-grade stones are exactly what he needs.

Tang Yu stared at the stone in front of him and scanned it piece by piece.

Three high-purity source crystals (here refers to the smallest unit) to buy a high-grade stone, he has been moved.

One word, cheap.

"Will, how about, two pure source crystals?" The giant stone giant, who was so angry, would try his best to lower his voice.

Tang Yu raised his head,

Hey, so I also have a talent for bargaining.

Who else dares to say that it is not a fat sheep!

"These, these, and these, all of them."

The big eyes of the giant stone bowl were as bright as light bulbs. He packed all the stones with agile movements, and there was still a kind of reluctance in his eyes for the food to leave.

He put the stone bag wrapped in animal skin in front of Tang Yu, and his huge body squatted down: "You are a good person."

Tang Yu: "???"

Is it also popular to issue good person cards in another world?


[Eternal Space Stone]

[Function]: It continuously radiates the power of space, one of the top materials of the space department, and can be used as an "eternal" space power source.

What he was holding in his hand was a gray stone the size of a basketball.


But it is also a good material - Cracked Stone - which contains the power of weak space, and is one of the materials for making teleportation arrays.

Of course, the space cracking stone needed to make the teleportation array is calculated in tons.

The above is all the information Tang Yu learned from the Dachang Unity Realm. Many intelligent creatures know the function of the Crackstone, but they don't know how to arrange the teleportation array, so the price of the Crackstone is not expensive.

In the basketball-sized Cracked Stone, there is only a thumb-cap-sized Eternal Space Stone, which is more valuable than ten tons of Cracked Stone.


Many flying and palace sacred artifacts require the use of eternal space stones.

Tang Yu didn't want to make the holy artifact - he didn't have the corresponding drawings, he wanted to make the clone.

After breaking through to the second-order supernatural, in addition to the magic swordsman exercise he majored in, he also minored in the "Nine-Yuan Soul Dividing Method", which is a secret method for growing and cutting the soul.

The nine-element soul splitting method is cultivated to the extreme, and it can split the nine strongest split souls—the total number of splits is only limited by the number of origins, and there can be more than nine, and the strongest split souls have potential that is not inferior to the deity.

- but also affected by the cloned body.

Taking the spirit together, it was like the domain-level powerhouse of the Heart Demon Clan that Tang Yu had seen before, and there were countless clones, and there were also domain-level strong ones.

The Heart Demons are the ancestors of the Aino royal family who took their homes.

This is also the most convenient way to create a clone. It saves the training period and takes away some special races with extremely high talents. The potential of the clone may exceed that of the deity.

Not only is it reflected in combat power, but some special races, such as having a very high affinity for a certain element, use the law of avatar perception. The deity and the avatar have a common perception and progress faster.

Tang Yu just wanted to use his clone to speed up his understanding of the law.

But he didn't like to take home. The soul is one's own inner body, and losing other bodies is like wearing someone else's clothes or underwear... Lord Tang said that he was not used to it, and he wanted to create a coat that better suits him.

It just so happens that in the top secret method of "Nine Yuan Soul Splitting Method", there is a means to create a special avatar.

With the "Eternal Space Stone" as the core, it is possible to create a clone whose spatial fit far exceeds that of the Nightmare Puppet. It is even better with space law fragments.

His origin has been improved recently, just in time to cut another soul.


For several days, Tang Yu was immersed in the joy of purchasing.

The area of ​​the high-end commodity market is no less than a city, and it is full of dazzling arrays.

Mainly mess!

There are fixed shops in commodity trading, and there are also mobile vendors such as stone giants, but there are no plans for various types of shops, and they are scattered in the east and west.

Many buildings are obviously self-built houses, although they are also white, but the roads here are crooked.

There are a lot of fakes too.

'Maybe a "Otherworld Material Purchasing Department" should be established, but the members must have at least extraordinary realm, otherwise they will not be able to survive in Baicheng, but the extraordinary territory, it seems that no one has any skills in business. ’

Baicheng prohibits fighting, but there can be no absolute fairness.

How could an ordinary Awakened bargain with the existence of the Extraordinary Order? Stunned by the breath, my mind is stunned, okay?

Thanks to the "eye of insight", Tang Yu found a lot of good goods, which is a joy that cannot be experienced when he is on earth.

[Wan Zai Xuan Bing] contains the power of the original ice element, which can make Elaine improve at a high speed.

[Valkyrie Body] can make Nancy's natal talent "ghost transformation" further.

[Light of Destruction] There is a chance that Shay's "Power of Explosion" will become "Power of Destruction", making up for his lack of output in high-level battles.

Many treasures are not like the "Eternal Space Stone", which are hidden from the gods, but many people don't know how to use the treasures at all.

Even the best treasures cannot be used, they are only decorations.

Tang Yu believed that if these intelligent creatures knew the function and usage of the treasures, few people would be willing to sell them.

The popularity of "human fat sheep" is getting wider and wider.

Tang Yu walked through an alley and came across three creatures with human-shaped beast heads. They were hunched over, their long brown hair was scattered like steel needles, and they looked a bit like gnolls. Their dark green eyes were grunting Gollum turned, swept over him vaguely.

Tang Yu's eyelids twitched slightly and he stopped.


The color of the land under his feet turned into a deep black, spreading rapidly outward, and in the blink of an eye, the surrounding white buildings turned into black buildings.

Hilarious noise message.

The surroundings were dead silent, only the three gnolls were not far in front of them.

Tang Yu looked around for a while, squinting slightly, "Baicheng is forbidden to fight, how dare you do it?"

"Big brother, big brother, this human fat sheep is really a newcomer who just came to Baicheng."

"Hey hey, as long as those birdmen don't find out and some people are missing, who cares?"

"Honestly hand over all the treasures, you can't escape. In the outside world, the three of us may not be able to stop the unity that we want to escape, but now, you have been trapped in the "Lock of Earth" by us. The space has been banned, there is no way to escape, any fluctuations and information cannot be transmitted, it will take at least an hour before the "Lock of Earth" can be opened, but..."

The three gnolls slowly surrounded them, and released their aura of unity without reservation.

A hurricane blew up, but the surrounding buildings and the clouds in the sky were covered with a layer of black light, and there was no change.

Tang Yu felt it for a while.

And the clone, only a weak connection is left.

And followers, the contract link is slightly weakened.

And the territory... There is his new sub-territory not far away, and the power of the territory can still be borrowed, exactly.

But just as the three gnolls said, the "Earth Lock" is amazing, and it can be penetrated by the non-unity level. No matter how fierce the battle is, the outside world will not notice it at all.

"In that case..."

The world ring in his hand flickered slightly.

On the left, Tai Lun, the stone man who has grown to a height of twenty meters, appeared, and on the right, a red moon in a coquettish blood robe, with a smiling face.

There is also Nancy leaning on a big sword, surrounded by purple and black dragons.

Offensive and defensive reversal!

Gnoll: "('Д)!!"

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