My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 653 The God of Transcendence

"Big, big change!"

"Big brother, big brother, it's a little bad!"

"It's all tricks and illusions, don't panic!" The calm words of the gnoll elder brother gradually calmed the two younger brothers.

After two minutes,

"Big brother, big brother, the illusion hit someone, it hurts!"

"Don't panic, it's not a big problem, keep your heart, and you can see through the falsehood!"

ten minutes later,

"Big Brother... Big Brother, I'm about to die..."

"Don't panic, the problem is very big, it's useless to panic..."

The two gnolls in one realm were chopped and chopped, shattered and shattered, their origin was less than 10%, and they immediately fell into a deep sleep. Unless someone else used treasures to help them make up for their origin, they would never wake up for a lifetime... Uh, maybe Sleeping for hundreds of years can restore the source to more than 10% - if they are not locked up.

The remaining Jackal eldest brother is not weak, and belongs to the strong in the unity of the realm. In addition to the weapon is the unity of the gods, the leather armor on the body, the large gold chain on the neck, the diamond ring on the finger, the waist. Belts... all are stepping on the illusory soldiers.

It was the first time Tang Yu had seen such an extraordinary person.

Gnolls are conscientious and conscientious in this industry, they should have worked for many years, and they can be regarded as industry models.

Their targets are also selective. Generally speaking, in an environment where the space is blocked and the range is limited, the three-in-one can easily kill the powerhouse of the same level - one-on-one with the equipment of the jackal can suppress the idleness Unity strong.

But they were a little unlucky today.

The leather armor of the phantom warrior on the jackal elder brother has been shattered into pieces of rotten cloth, dull and dull, and this divine weapon is almost destroyed.

The Heyi Divine Weapon dagger was trapped in the blood-colored bubbles, and the dagger was scrambling from side to side, but it was still tightly restrained.

Tyron was comparable to a slap the size of a car, holding the gnoll elder brother, the dark yellow earth energy spun between the slaps, constantly consuming, and the gnoll elder brother's breath became weaker and weaker.

He still doesn't understand, where did the other three powerful people in the unity of the realm come from!

How could the twenty-meter-high stone giant be able to hide!

The gnoll had no concept of a world ring in his mind at all.

"Big brother, hero, I am willing to surrender all my treasures in exchange for my life."

"When you died, the thing was originally me."

"Big brother, there are still some magical soldiers in the old nest, which are only slightly worse than the ones on the body."

"Oh." Tang Yu sighed in disappointment, "Then there is no need to take it."

Big Jackal: "(ヾ)"

Are you speaking human words?

Those magic soldiers will cry!

"Brother, I have an 8,000-year-old mother on top and a thirty-year-old child on my bottom. I—"

Tang Yu: "???"

He waved his hand, and a shrill scream echoed in the banned space.


[Earth Lock]: Banned to form an area located in a different dimension. During the ban, teleportation, soul out-of-body and other means cannot leave this space.

The Earth Lock looks like a belt, and it fits just right around his waist.

Its ban does not discriminate between enemy and foe, just like forcibly creating a battlefield that cannot be separated from the battle.

Although it is not a holy artifact, the value is not far behind.

The use of the "Earth Lock" by the gnolls is still in its infancy.

The Eye of Insight can see more.

When you touch the fur of the law of space, you can master the second layer of how to use the "Earth Lock".

——Control the size of the ban space, ranging from 1,000 square meters to 10,000,000 square meters——You can also control the ban time, instead of once it is opened, it will take at least an hour to cancel.

Gnolls are planted on this point.

The third layer of "Earth Lock" can divide the forbidden space into countless areas to achieve the purpose of cutting the battlefield.

With his current attainments of space law, he is still unable to activate the third floor of "Earth Lock".

Even if there is only one floor, it is a well-deserved treasure. It can be seen from the wealth of the three gnolls - not everyone can commit murder in Baicheng.


Sky Blue Star, the country of Tallinn.

the outskirts of a small town,

da da da da-

The machine gun spewed out a line of fire, and hit the giant beast, gradually starting to blood.

The giant beast took a small step back timidly, and suddenly a trace of tyranny flashed in the big copper bell's eyes.


The giant beast raised its front hooves high and fell heavily, the ground shattered like fragile glass, and the glass windows of the buildings in the distance shattered.


If the tank launched a charge, the giant beast slammed an armored vehicle into a flat shape, the iron plate rolled up, and a faint red blood seeped out from the broken iron block.

The giant beast trampled on it, like an earthquake, and people turned on their backs.

The giant beast charged, and the fragile human body was shredded like rags, and the blood of the internal organs was scattered all over the floor.

There were cries and screams everywhere.

The giant beast became more and more irritable, making a humming sound in its mouth, and its breath spurted out like a scalding hot stream, which made a sizzling sound on the ground.

The giant beast raised its head and looked into the distance. In the depths of the copper bell-sized eyes, an upside-down curved horn symbol could be faintly seen.

At this time,

Reinforcements from Tallinn arrived.

It is a ten-person team of the Super Energy Bureau, headed by the captain, with five-level peak strength.

The surviving populace let out a gasp for the rest of their lives.

"Formation No. 3, we can't let this giant beast continue to destroy it."

After a minute,

The corpses were broken, the Awakeners of the Super Energy Bureau were lying on the ground, and several people had lost their breath of life.

The surrounding people are even more desperate, the Super Energy Bureau is really a bunch of waste! Take our taxpayers' money for nothing!

Several people in gray robes came from a distance.

"Those who believe in my lord will get through bad luck."

"Under the protection of my lord, any ghost will turn to ashes."

The blue-bordered gray-robed man at the head held up a scepter inlaid with red rubies.

"Magic - carbonization."

A red light shot out, and the speed of the rushing giant beast became slower and slower, and its skin became charred like carbon, decomposed little by little, and dissipated in the air.


"Have you heard about the Du'e Sect?"

"How could I have not heard of it, the Du'e Sect is developing too fast, as if it suddenly appeared overnight, and now the Du'e Sect has five large cities in Tallinn, thirteen medium-sized cities, and sixteen cities in Tallinn. Small cities have churches with no less than a million followers, including a large number of fanatics.”

"There are also a lot of strong people from the Du'e Sect, and they are all characters who have never appeared before."

"Today we are discussing some policies for the Du'e Sect. Many people think that the Super Energy Bureau cannot provide protection, and they turn to the Du'e Sect. The house prices around the Du'e Sect alone have risen several times in the past few days, and they broke out because of their beliefs. Conflicts are not rare."

"This cult is spreading too fast, it must be stopped, otherwise the entire Tallinn will be the religion of Du'e!"

"But there are many experts in the Du'e Sect, and their presence has relieved a lot of pressure on the Super Energy Bureau. Moreover, just as An Xia Guo cooperated with Xianmen, it is far ahead in the new era, and we in Tallinn can also cooperate with the Du'e Sect."

"I'm afraid that the appetite of the Du'e Sect is too big, why can't it be like Xianmen, with a little bit of Buddhism!"

"Not to mention the bishops and knights of the Du'e Sect, does the god of Du'e really exist?"

There was silence in the meeting room.


somewhere in Tallinn,

The humanoid task with a bald head and curved corners, the breath gradually rises.

Finally, it seems that a certain threshold has been broken, and the invisible silk threads coming from all directions are submerged in the body.

The invisible realm of God spreads out, covering the entire city.

over the city,

The colorful auspicious clouds gathered and gradually turned into a human figure with an indistinct face and two horns.

The God of Duer has come!

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