My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 685 Near the Blue Water Principality?

The two towering figures on the left and right thrones are very blurred, making it impossible to tell whether it is just a phantom or an entity.

The pirates in the hall are all top pirates, but few have seen the Three Emperors.

Many pirates couldn't help but look up,

The towering figure on the left, surrounded by the red airflow, seemed to see the endless red ocean, and photographed it head-on.

The majestic figure on the right is an endless darkness, even his eyes seem to be absorbed, and his mind seems to be taken out.

took a look,

Most pirates couldn't bear it and could only bow their heads.

Can't look straight!

The Three Sovereigns have always been invincible existences at sea. Before they became pirates, they had heard many legends about the Three Sovereigns.

But how strong are the three emperors? What level of power is it?

no one knows.

I am afraid that only the Twelve Generals can guess one or two.

Lorraine and Sora have seen top-notch existences.

In the Kingdom of Aino, the powerful Inner Demons would not really fight, but it gave them the feeling that the Inner Demons were more threatening than the "Abyss".

They have also seen world-class demonized beasts of the pseudo-holy rank, twice.

I have seen the corpse of the saint, and I have also sensed the aura of the saint-level powerhouse from a distance.

There is some speculation about the Red Emperor and the Dusky Star Queen. On the surface, all the pirates are deterred by the momentum of the Second Emperor, and they are silent.

Tang Yu also obtained first-hand information.

'I would have known that I would join in the fun too. ’

However, the sand sculpture clones on the Deep Sea Giant Shark have limited combat power, and they are also a senior and extraordinary - he can stack up to second-order combat power with hard resources, but it is meaningless. He has a lot of second-order combat power clones. The ones with extremely high growth potential include space clones, thunder clones, ice clones, etc... They are all comprehending the law in Dao Enlightenment City.

Now Wudao City has 156 crystals of law fragments, the most of which are naturally the fragments of ordinary laws such as gold, wood, water, fire, soil, etc. A few fragments belong to the same law and can be pieced together, and the clarity of the induction of the law immediately increases.

It is a pity that there are very few fragments of the same kind of law - not all fragments of the fire law can be pieced together. The fire law of origin covers countless fire law, including the burning law, the explosion law, the melting law, the glass flame law, etc. It is difficult to piece together Very high.

It reminded him of the fear of accumulating Fragment Awakening Cards but not getting enough.

Enlightenment City is the favorite place for the green-shaded high-level people to go to, often staying there for ten days and a half - this retreat time is already long - Kong is the perception of the law stuck on some kind of bottleneck, so he is very quiet and thoughtful, Follow the initial number into the sea.


Lorraine Bamboo Mouse Chestnut Xie and the others just couldn't stay at home anymore.

The throne in the middle was empty, and the pirates finally saw the figure standing beside it.

Standing upright, carrying a huge tortoise shell on his back, wearing a robe that exudes strong power fluctuations, his exposed skin is cyan.

Turtle Prime Minister!

The think tank under the Dragon Emperor is also one of the strongest under his command.

For nearly a thousand years, the Dragon Sovereign has rarely appeared, even in the gatherings held by the Dragon Sovereign, and the Prime Minister Turtle represents the Dragon Sovereign, which is equivalent to the arrival of the Three Sovereigns.

The big pirates were shocked.

After a while of silence, there were more voices in the hall.

"The three emperors have arrived together, is it because three of the twelve generals have fallen recently? Is there something wrong with the empire at sea?"

"No, the Twelve Generals are nothing to the Three Emperors. There are many general-level powerhouses in the direct line of the Three Emperors, but they are relatively low-key. The three fallen pirate generals have no close connection with the Three Emperors."


"It's not that there is news that this gathering is related to You Hai, will it?"

"You Hai's change, we participated in the pirate group last time, but it's not enough to alarm the three emperors, right?"

"No, I heard that the changes in Youhai this time are unusual, and the scale of the changes may be dozens or hundreds of times that of the past... Moreover, I have heard, just heard that the strange sea area of ​​Youhai is similar to the sea of ​​​​the past. The fall of the Great Emperor."

The voices of these pirates were not loud, but where there were weak people in the hall, they could hear them clearly.

Neither the Second Emperor nor the Turtle Prime Minister on the throne spoke.

for a while,

Prime Minister Turtle took a step forward, the faint blue light spread out, and all the pirates closed their mouths. Instead of being intimidated by the momentum, Prime Minister Turtle was restrained and looked kind.

But this cyan light directly 'banned' all the pirates present, which is undoubtedly a special treasure.

"This gathering, what is being done is the change in Youhai. Now the change in Youhai has just begun to show signs. In about three months, it will officially enter the period of change in Youhai. Well, some people may not understand, Youhai crystallizes. During the period of change, a large number of Youhai Crystals will be produced, and this time it will be ten times more than before..."

The Turtle Prime Minister said a little, and the pirates present almost understood it.

There is something I don't understand, and I don't care.

"Youhai is a sea area with constantly changing locations, but we have already predicted the coordinates of Youhai in three months. All pirates in the hall can participate in capturing the crystals of Youhai. Of course, the old rules need to be in Youhai. The harvest, If you pay 90%, you can also choose to give up this opportunity..."

Some pirates had expected it long ago, but some of them changed their faces and wanted to open their mouths, but in the end they didn't say anything.

There are also some eyeballs turning.

The Turtle Prime Minister added, "This time, the forces that captured the crystals of the secluded sea are not only our pirates, but also several empires. Of course, we have already negotiated with the empires to collect the crystals of the secluded sea, and try to avoid conflicts..."

He smiled and said, but everyone knew that when pirates and empire powerhouses collided, it was impossible for them to be at peace, let alone at the juncture of seizing treasures.

"Oh also, the scale of this change is huge, and the duration will be much longer. It is a rare occurrence in a thousand years. I am afraid it will attract the attention of the gods at the northern end of the endless sea."

There are also powerful empires at the northern end of the endless sea, but they are all theocratic kingdoms, and the seas of hundreds of millions of miles are shrouded in the brilliance of the kingdom of gods.

Pirates seldom go to that area. Not to mention the oil and water, the clergy are all lunatics. If a big pirate enters the area shrouded in the kingdom of God, it is easy to be discovered by the gods.

You can only loot and loot some duchy kingdoms, and you can barely pay your subordinates.

After the Turtle Prime Minister finished speaking, he turned around and bowed slightly to the two emperors, and the three figures disappeared immediately.

The hall was completely lively.

Even if it is exploited 90%, it is also a chance for the big pirates!

A single Youhai crystal on the market can be sold for a very high value, and during the period of Youhai’s change, the harvest is calculated in hundreds of thousands. Even if they know the danger, no pirate intends to give up.

The abyss looked over, with the palm of his hand on his neck, and a stroke.

Sora's expression was indifferent.

Xie Yi translated with a mouth shape, "I can't make a chicken neck now!"

The pirate assembly continued for more than half a month, and as the big pirates left one after another, the assembly was over.

During the period, many pirate groups joined together to prepare for the exploration of the secluded sea in three months.

There are also some top pirate groups that are recruiting - rallies are the time for blatant poaching.

Black Skull didn't know anyone, just sent out batches of pirates who felt good about themselves and planned to recruit Black Skull.


The coordinates of You Hai's appearance three months later, the Three Sovereigns did not intend to hide at all.

Ninety percent of the "level fees" for the crystals of Youhai, presumably they also have the means to collect them.

Far away in the green shade, Tang Yu reproduced a coordinate map through the memory of the clone - not as simple as the horizontal and vertical coordinates, there are many places in the endless sea that have not been explored, and there is no coordinate area at all - provided by Prime Minister Turtle The coordinates are the number of days that the overlord-class warship sailed south of the empire of such and such; the number of days that the warship of the so-and-so kingdom was west of the sailing.

It's not particularly accurate, but it crosses over to give a rough estimate.

Will suffice.

Youhai is also a sea area that is not as fast as the whirlpool sea.

Tang Yu compared with the existing charts, and his eyes were surprised, "It's actually in the endless ocean."

The so-called open sea is the area that is relatively close to the mainland.

Resources are incomparable to the depths of the endless sea.

The same is true for the continental margins. The top areas on the land are mostly concentrated in the core of the Xuanyun Plateau, or the northern end of the area close to the deserted ancient cave.

But what surprised Tang Yu was that the place where You Hai appeared was not far from the Blue Water Principality, only a few days' voyage.

When he thought of the Blue Water Principality, he had many memories.

Many cities in Blue Water have pleasant scenery, and the different architectural styles made him take a lot of photos... There is a sub-territory built on a deserted island in the Principality of Blue Water.

Tang Yu asked the people from the Intelligence Department to go to the coordinates of the Youhai Sea via the teleportation array. As expected, the sea area was no different from the surrounding area.

It's no wonder that Grand Duke Lanshui and the others are unaware of the origin of Youhai Crystal, the location of Youhai is constantly changing, and there seemed to be a lot of pirates in the hall that day.

"Lord Lord, our shop in Baicheng has been renovated."

Elaine came from behind.

She inspired a shadow crystal, a nine-story tower shaped in the light and shadow transmitted by the crystal.

Although it has nine floors, the tower-shaped building is more than 200 meters high. Each floor is 20 to 30 meters high. It covers an extremely wide area and is beautiful. Even if it is located in the core block of Baicheng, it has a feeling of standing out from the crowd. .

The world of mountains and seas is deep, and many means of making a lot of money are not easy to arrange due to insufficient strength.

More than two years later, it has been different.

Baicheng is only the first pilot.

In the future, it is natural to build a lot of cities in the world of mountains and seas, and grab a lucrative teleportation array business.

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