You Hai only appeared in the waters near the Blue Water Principality three months later. I don’t know where it is now, and it’s useless to find it. Before the change period, You Hai almost didn’t produce You Hai crystals, and the risk was not proportional to the harvest.

The Deep Sea Giant Shark was opened to the waters near the blue water, and Lorraine and others also took a short rest.

Tang Yu came to Baicheng.

Baicheng is also a multi-ethnic super-large city, with an area equivalent to at least several prefecture-level cities. Except for the high-altitude Yunzhongcheng, it is the living area of ​​the Baiyu family. The pure white buildings are connected together. In addition to the buildings, there are many characteristic buildings of other races.

Especially in the core neighborhood of this White City.

Every powerful shop covers the surrounding open space, gardens, and landscape arrangements, just like the exhibition parks of different countries in the Expo.

Dachang also has a fixed shop in Baicheng, but it is not in the core block. Tang Yu did not ask in detail.

Next to the nine-story tower, there are also some other small buildings. Now they are all renovated, imitating the ancient Chinese architectural style, but magnified several times. Not only is it beautiful, but its unique style can attract the attention of the powerful people in the first place.

Other races are at most exotic, they are in an alien style, and they have never seen a new ship building.

There is also a resounding name, "Jubao Pavilion".

Today is the first day of business in Baicheng's "Treasure Pavilion". There are two senior and extraordinary statues at the entrance to act as door gods-the main thing is to look at it. There is also a complete set of defense mechanisms in the "Treasure Pavilion", as well as several statues. A puppet with ordinary superhuman strength.

It was all created by Tang Yu who refreshed the market in the past two years.

Like the Nightmare Puppet, the number of blueprints is limited, usually (5/5) or (7/7). Even so, he still accumulated a lot of high-end puppets, and participating in top-level battles is not enough, but it is the most important thing to protect the family business. Good tool man.

To be safe,

Tang Yu and Nancy both came to Baicheng's "Treasure Pavilion", anyway, it was just a teleportation formation.

Elaine is the person in charge and was here a few days ago.


The "Treasure Pavilion" was sold a month ago, and many Takau who were wandering in Baicheng noticed this strange building.

"Treasure Gathering Pavilion? Treasures of Ten Thousand Worlds? What a big tone."

You Ta Xu looked at this towering tower with a sour tone.

No matter how true or false what Jubaoge said, he couldn't compare to someone who could own such a large shop in the core district of Baicheng.

So the tone became more sour.

However, curiosity is human nature, and so are aliens.

Look at it a few times, it doesn't cost money anyway.

One after another, there are stepping into the "Treasure Pavilion" - there is no awakening stage, unless it is the follower of the strong stepping on the virtual, where can the awakening stage of the free body dare to enter this kind of place that looks like a high-end atmosphere MAX.

When there are mines at home!

But there are still many figures lingering near the "Treasure Pavilion", waiting for those who stepped in to come out, so as to know what the "Treasure Pavilion" is selling.

Ten minutes passed,

A clock passed,

Several hours have passed...

Curious Party: "???"

You are having diarrhea! How many hours does it take to visit a store?

If it weren't for the excellent reputation of Baicheng and the security in the city, they would all have to start to doubt whether the strong stepping in the void was killed inside.


the other side,

Several strong people who stepped on the emptiness walked into the "Treasure Pavilion" together.

They are all "loose cultivators", they are not affiliated with any major forces or organizations, and they do not have stable access to high-end equipment. If they want to get the weapons and treasures they have at hand, they can only buy from neutral cities such as Baicheng. These few Void Stepping Powerhouses often can only look at it, but in reality... they can't afford it.

A few people walked in through the gate of the "Treasure Pavilion", and just took a few steps forward, and their expressions were stunned.

In front of them, the first floor is like a large exhibition hall, displaying various weapons and armors, special treasures, and rare resources.

The "Treasure Pavilion" may have been equipped with a corresponding shielding formation. They did not feel any fluctuations in the treasures outside. As soon as they stepped in, they were shocked by the tyrannical fluctuations coming from everywhere in front of them - there are also symbols on the display cabinets. The texture of the text has weakened the fluctuation of the treasure a lot.

Several people's eyes fell on the transparent display table in the center.


A sword was suspended quietly, the scarlet pattern on the blade was like a flame, staring at it as if the flame was beating, and after a while, there was a feeling of being burned in the eyes.

"God's Domain Weapon!"

Although they are poor, they have lived for hundreds of years and have a vision.

But he was so shocked that he exclaimed.

How important is the magician?

He has to have a magic weapon to step on the virtual, so that it is not a problem to have one enemy and two.

Unfortunately, I don't know how to make it, and it is rarely sold on the market. It can be seen at auctions occasionally, and a few poor people can't afford it at all.

And the gods of the realm of the gods are two grades higher than the gods of the virtual world!

Among the top forces such as Baicheng, they are all heritage treasures, and they are the important heritage of the ethnic group.

But it was taken out and sold by "Treasure Pavilion"?

No, this God's Realm sword should be the treasure of the pavilion. It is only for viewing and not buying, but even so, the "Treasure Pavilion" that can take out the weapons of the God's Realm has unfathomable strength behind it.

Several Void Stepping Realm powerhouses were a little cautious for a while.

Fortunately, a waiter came up to ask soon, facing the waiter who only awakened the high-level waiter, and finally found a little confidence in himself as a strong man.

"I want to buy a Void Stepping Magic Weapon, preferably an axe, I wonder if you have a "Treasure Pavilion"? "

He looked at the showcase in the corner on the side, where there was a machete with a wide blade, belonging to the magic weapon. He was already a little moved, but the most suitable weapon for him was an axe weapon, so he asked tentatively.

Axe weapons are rare. Unless customized, the masters generally build common types of weapons such as swords, spears and bows - which are better to sell.

"Yes, all the magic weapons that we sell in "Jubao Pavilion" are on the third floor, and only a few of them are displayed on the first floor... I don't know if you want a long-handled axe, a short-handled axe, or a golden axe. Still a silver axe...cough, I want a gold-type axe known for its sharpness, or an earth-type axe that is mainly heavy. "

Treading: "???"

Stepping into the Void Realm dignifiedly, the level of life has completely transformed, and the powerhouse who has lived for hundreds of years, for the first time in front of the Awakening Rank, feels like a bum who doesn't understand anything.

When I came to the third floor of "Jubao Pavilion", this feeling became clearer.

The third floor only sells the Magical Weapons of Treading the False. The poor and the immortals thought it would be very empty. Even if there are dozens of magic weapons in this place, it will not occupy much area.

More, it should be a leisure area, and a military inspection area where customers can try to use magic weapons.

There is indeed a military inspection area. However, what is the matter with the swollen light of the magic soldier that is about to blind his eyes!

All kinds of magic weapons are placed in different areas, knives, swords, spears, bows, dozens of magic weapons for each type, and protective magic weapons such as battle armor and combat boots, which are also subdivided into many.

Under the guidance of the waiter, the poor and extraordinary came to the battle axe area. Looking at it, there are indeed many fewer swords than the mainstream swords, but... there are also more than a dozen!

There were poleaxes, hatchets, two-handed axes, and golden and silver axes... He did see an axe that shone with gold and a gleam of silver.

Somewhat at a loss.

Because of poverty, have you been out of touch with the mainstream magic weapon market?

The poor and extraordinary saw that there were several magical tomahawks that were suitable for him. After being introduced by the waiter, he took a closer look, and then reluctantly gave up the other pieces and came to a two- or three-meter-long tomahawk.

This battle axe exudes a heavy breath, like a mountain, and its size is bigger than the poor and extraordinary - but in fact, the extraordinary magic weapon has a certain expansion and contraction ability, and the size can be adjusted by two or three times. The size is not important, what is important is the model. .

Even if a hatchet was made as long as a long axe, the face of the axe would be too wide, and it would not be easy to use.

However, for the vast majority of stepping on the void, unity, and even in the realm of the gods, it is good that the weapons are useful. Who is qualified to pick and choose?

Now that I see a very suitable magic weapon tomahawk, I can't put it down because of poverty, and I almost want to lie on the transparent showcase.

at the end,

Only then did he reluctantly withdraw his gaze, thinking of the reality of poverty, and hesitantly asked the waiter next to him, "This battle axe... not bad, how to sell it?"

"Thirty-five thousand high-purity source crystals, if you want to convert to ordinary source crystals, one hundred and fifty source crystals are converted to one unit of high-purity source crystals, and only half of them can be converted at most."

Poverty and emptiness ponder,

The price of the Void Stepping God Weapon is between 3 million and 10 million source crystals, mainly because there is a price and no market.

This magical battle axe has the abilities of "heavy pressure" and "cutting off", and also comes with the combat skill "slashing the mountain", 35,000 high-purity source crystals... not expensive!

It's much cheaper than the few magic weapons in Baicheng, and those few companies don't sell many magic weapons!

More importantly, it is very suitable for you!

There is no reason not to buy it if you are poor and you can't find any shortcomings!

With the tomahawk magic weapon, his combat power can be increased by several grades, and he can also become a strong player with a card in the virtual world!

The issue is,

His spiritual power penetrated into his space ring, and he counted his accumulation over the hundreds of years—mainly after he became Ta Xu.

20,000 high-purity source crystals are enough for half of the requirements. He once went deep into the Tianzhu Mountains, dug a lot under the source crystal mines occupied by alien beasts, and managed to escape.

Ordinary source crystals add up to about one million in total.

Not enough!

The poor and the virtual are a little hesitant, a little hesitant.

"Treasure Pavilion" has just opened, and I missed today. What should I do if this tomahawk, which is very suitable for me, is bought by someone else?

Seemingly seeing his entanglement, the waitress with sufficient professionalism said:

"If you are unwilling to pay with Yuanjing, our "Jubao Pavilion" also has acquisition business, not limited to treasures, rare medicinal materials, minerals, and exotic animal materials. We have specialized appraisers who can assess the value in a short time. , it will not make you suffer. "

Poor and ignorant, he was taken to the appraisal room on the third floor.

——Ta Xu, who was with him, had long since separated, and he was drooling at his favorite magic soldier.

He has a lot of materials accumulated in his space ring. If he wants the master to forge the magic weapon, he needs at least two sets of materials, and he can't get it together.

He was unwilling to sell it cheaply to a shop.

But the acquisition business of "Jubaoge" seems to be not so cheap?

It happened to be stuck on his psychological line, and he was anxious to buy that magical tomahawk, and he agreed to it.

"The total price of the materials you sold is 6,600 high-purity source crystals and 2.8 million ordinary source crystals. According to your needs, our "Treasure Pavilion" recommends this hell warhorse to you, which has a faster speed than stepping on the virtual world. , it goes well with the long-handled battle axe, it is still a puppet, you can go on the road without domestication, you buy it is absolutely worth the money. "

The waiter introduced with a smile.

The more you listen to the poor and the virtual, the brighter your eyes become.

The hell horse can fight and escape, the maintenance cost is low, and it does not have the stinky temper of those alien beasts, which really speaks to his heart.

He was moved.

The service of "Treasure Court" is really considerate!

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