My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 718 When the card draw came to the mountain and sea world (big chapter)

Several cattle people with horns on their heads and a height of two or three meters walked into Daocheng from the east gate of the outer city.

The east gate is close to one of the tributaries of the Jiulong River, and there is a water gate not far from the east gate.

The Jiulong River is spread throughout the Tianqing Mountains, and it can even sail along the river to the plains in the northern part of the mountain range. Compared with the airspace, the water area may not be so convenient, but it can carry more goods. The space ring is not a rarity, a large-scale space. The ring is.

"But the waters aren't safe, aren't they? Especially in a big river like the Jiulongjiang River, it's not impossible that there are strange beasts in the water of the Unity Realm lurking in it."

Another tauren said in a loud voice, "I heard that the guardian spirit beast "Dragon Fish" of the Dao Sect can shelter passing ships, and in the waters of the Jiulong River, there is no need to worry about sea beasts attacking. "

A few tauren saw the tall city walls of Daocheng City, and the prosperous caravans coming and going, and they were very envious.

They entered the city along the highway.

At the gate of the city, there are soldiers from Daocheng, who are tall and straight, wearing uniforms. The weapons equipped by the squad leader are magic soldiers, and a group of poor cows are drooling.

"Boss, this avenue city is very rich, and the defense is also very strict and serious."

Large cities must have masters in charge, but not always soldiers patrolling.

There are many foreigners in the city, especially from different races, and it is common for occasional conflicts to break out.

Many cities do not care, unless there is a big trouble, then experts will come forward to suppress, but in Dao City, it is a rare scene of multi-racial civilization and harmony.

The man known as the boss... Tauren, his body width is not as wide as a normal tauren, he looks more vigorous and flexible, and his sturdy muscles are more explosive.

He glanced sharply around and nodded slightly, "The Great Dao Sect is very capable in managing the city, and it also shows that they have ambitions, not just to build a city attached to the sect."

"Look, the streets in the city are very neat and orderly, and clean, and the buildings are full of beauty. Even the shouting vendors are restricted to the market area. In other cities we went to before, there were always some vendors who met. We are always attached to us outsiders, huh, is it easy to be deceived when we are cattle!"

When the eldest of the Niu tribe first arrived in Daocheng City, he felt the atmosphere here was comfortable, "Not only that, in Daocheng City, except for the people from the law enforcement group, the rest are prohibited from flying, and the flying equipment of the business group is also parked on the edge of the city... You must know some strong people. They have the ability to break free from the influence of the forbidden air formation, but they still haven't taken off, which can only show that Daocheng City has enough majesty and dominance, and anyone who dares to violate the law will be executed."

A cow clansman next to him lowered his voice:

"Boss, so the Dao Sect's strength is more powerful than it appears on the surface, so do we still promise the Seven Lights Federation?"

The Niu people looked left and right, worried that a group of soldiers from the Dao City Law Enforcement Corps would suddenly appear and detain them.

"Heh." The boss of the Niu Clan shook his head slightly, "The Great Dao Sect is strong, but the Seven Luminaries Federation is more fully prepared. In addition to the Seven Luminaries Federation itself, they also invited three other top forces to jointly deal with the Great Dao Sect."

Someone from the Niu Clan asked, "But boss, except for the Seven Lights Federation, the other three top forces must have reservations."

"Yes, those top forces will take advantage the most. They can send a few gods at most, but in addition to the three top forces, the Seven Luminaries Federation also called the "Unmarked Killer" Shadow, "Dragonborn" Kanke, and "Destruction" Eye" Gnardo. "

"Those few, aren't you the lone powerhouse with the same reputation as the boss! Each of them can suppress the ordinary God's Domain! With those three, the Seven Luminaries Federation will definitely make a move, plus the boss, you "War Madness" Niu Tu ...that's a sure bet indeed. "

"I'm not sure if it's stable or not. We're here to explore Daocheng City today. If something goes wrong, we'll leave a way out for ourselves."

There was also a hint of pride on Niu Tu's face. After all, he was the top powerhouse on this continent, and there were not many people who could stabilize his existence.

At this level, as long as it is not done by himself, no one can kill him. The plan of the Seven Lights Federation is not to attack the sect's nest of the Dao Sect, but a few months later, when the Dao Sect and Baicheng officially established a strategic alliance. , giving them a fatal blow.

He did not hesitate to agree to the invitation of the Seven Luminaries Federation.

"The Seven Luminaries Federation, especially the Red Luminaries clan, are bleeding a lot this time to deal with the Great Dao Sect. I don't know what kind of hatred they have. I don't care. Anyway, it's cheap for us."

They came to the commercial area, which is more prosperous, with many high-rise buildings, and the glass of the high-rise buildings reflects bright light in the sun.

You can see any shops in the commercial area, and Niu Tu was surprised to find that some shop owners were just ordinary people.

Ordinary people are absolutely unsettled elsewhere.

"Boss, look over there, it's the Treasure Pavilion, or the headquarters! Why don't we go and have a look, it's good to have an eye addiction. "

Niu Tu pondered for a while before saying, "Okay, it's not to make you addicted to your eyes. The "Treasure Pavilion" is the core building of Dao City, and its alert level must be very high. We can just take the opportunity to observe the defense of Dao City. layout. "

There are many customers in the "Treasure Pavilion", almost all of them are above the footsteps.

If you drop a brick and hit ten intelligent creatures, at least eight or nine are in the Void Stepping Realm, and one is in the Unity Realm, and the last remaining half are the employees in the "Treasure Pavilion".

A few people from the Niu tribe saw that they were extraordinary, and a sales manager of "Jubao Pavilion" greeted them.

She looks very similar to the human race, wearing a white vertical striped short-sleeved top and a dark blue pleated skirt, and dark knee socks wrapping her slender legs. Her stature is petite, about 1.45 to 1.45 meters tall. Including the two long ears standing on the top of her head, she is about 1.6 meters tall. Standing in front of the stout Niu people, the contrast is obvious.

But not timid, with a confident smile on his face:

"Dear Mr. Niu Clan, the main products sold in our "Treasure Pavilion" are divided into several areas, including... blah blah blah... If you have any special needs, you can tell me. "

The people of the Niu clan looked around. It was true that the "Jubao Pavilion" had a very large interior space and a wide variety of commodities. Without anyone to introduce or lead it, it is very likely that they would not be able to visit the Jubao Pavilion for ten days and ten nights.

A Niu tribe showed a naive smile and lowered his tone when he spoke, as if he was afraid that too loud sound waves would blow the employee away.

"That, Miss Donkey, we want to take a look at the axe magic weapon. I don't know which area it is in."

The sales manager seemed to froze for a moment, and her two long ears stiffened. After a while, she muttered, "My race is not a donkey, but a rabbit, a rabbit!"

Why do so many guests always mistake their rabbits for donkeys? Obviously different!

Miss Rabbit felt aggrieved.

The silly Niu people touched their heads, feeling a little embarrassed.

Can't blame him! The Rabbit tribe cherishes animals in the first place, and is a very weak race. A cow warrior of the same level can press three Rabbit warriors on the ground to rub, rub... Rabbit tribe belongs to the kind of vassal that no force wants. kind.

It was even worse than the original human race.

Unexpectedly, the Human Race accepted the Rabbit as an affiliated force-the employees in the "Treasure Pavilion" belonged to the Rabbit race except for the Human Race.

The little rabbit in front of him has the strength of stepping on the virtual realm, and it should be the top powerhouse among the rabbit people.

They came to the Divine Soldier area.

Axe magic weapons are relatively rare, and there are many here.

"This is the battle axe of the gods stepping on the virtual world, and there is the battle axe of the gods of the unity realm. For the gods of the realm of the gods, we don't have them here for the time being. If you want, you can book it, and you only need to pay a 30% deposit."

The corners of Niu Tu's mouth twitched.

He wanted it, but he couldn't afford it.

As the top existence among the lone powerhouses, Niu Tu is confident that his strength is stronger than that of the ghosts and dragons, but he is dragged down by weapons. At present, he only has one battle axe, and there is still some wear and tear.

Not many people know that he seems to be a lone strong man, but in fact there is a weak group behind him. A large part of the source crystals he earns are spent on group cultivation. When the Seven Lights Federation came to him, Niu Tu did not. After much hesitation, he agreed.

Miss Rabbit saw their embarrassment, and her good professionalism made her very considerate and introduced again, "Recently, our "Treasure Pavilion" has launched a new activity, as long as you spend a small amount of source crystals, you can extract magic weapon equipment, and Every draw will not fail, there are real prizes. "

"What is the extraction method?"

"Please come with me."

On the first floor of the "Treasure Pavilion", there is a newly opened area called the "Prize Pool Area".

When Niu Tu waited for the cow to come to the 'prize pool area', which was only a wall away from the first floor hall, he found that it was extra lively, and a group of aliens shouted words that he did not understand.

"Single out a miracle, ten consecutive times!"

"I shipped it, hahahaha!"

"I am willing to exchange five hundred years of being single for a united magic weapon."

"I am willing to sacrifice the happiness of my friend for a lifetime for a sword of unity."

"One hundred, a whole hundred... Pfft, hurry up, help me up, I can still smoke!"

In the 'prize pool area', there are high platforms with a height of fifty or sixty centimeters.

Miss Rabbit introduced, "Our prize pool draws are all in kind. The interior space of each crystal ball is connected to the prize warehouse. When drawing, the prizes are directly grabbed into the crystal ball by the power of space."

The Niu people were a little confused when they heard it.

The lottery uses space technology? So tall!

Could the prize still be bad?

At a lottery point 100 meters away from them, the entire crystal ball was suddenly enveloped in a dazzling golden light, and a moment later, a longbow with brilliance flowing throughout the body appeared.

The light spots like grains of rice spread out, and on the top of the longbow they converged into two purple characters "rare"!

"Treading the Void God Soldier, there are also rare grades!"

Niu Tu saw the two men hug each other excitedly, and looked at the donkey in confusion... Oh, it's Miss Rabbit.

Miss Rabbit explained: "There is actually a difference in power between the magical weapons of the same rank, such as stepping on the virtual weapons. Generally, the magical weapons with similar performance on the market are drawn, and if there is a 'rare weapon' 'Mark, the power of this magic weapon is at least 30% higher than normal!

Wouldn't it be more wonderful to use the same source power to expend higher power. "

Several cattle people are ready to move.

Niu Tu was calmer and asked, "Then what is the probability that you will step on the illusory soldiers in the prize pool? How can I be sure that you have not cheated in the lottery?"

On earth, the status of green shade is detached, and no one doubts the lottery system launched by Tang Yu-Lord Tang is a leader of the human race, open-minded, generous and selfless, how could he fake the probability of the lottery? Even if there is, it also secretly raised the probability of winning, for us poor adventurers!

Can't get it out? Can you blame Lord Tang for your dark face? Lemonade!

In the world of mountains and seas, Dao Sect is only a new force, and it is understandable to be suspected.

Miss Rabbit had long expected, "Our prize pool will cost 1800 high-purity source crystals each time we draw, and the prizes include Grade C, Grade B, Grade A rune equipment, Void Stepping Soldiers, Unity Divine Soldiers, and even in the prize pool. The only piece of divine weapon.

The probability of winning the Void Stepping Magic Weapon is 7.8%, and the probability of winning the Unity Magic Weapon is 0.2%, and the Divine Realm Magic Armament has not been drawn by anyone yet. In addition, for new users above the Unity Realm , we also have discounts for activities. The top ten draws must have a guaranteed bottom line. Whether the probability is true or not, you can also refer to the lottery results of other customers.

Of course, in addition to the magic weapon prize pool, we also have puppet prize pools, cheat book prize pools, and more. "

Niu Tu was moved, he forced himself to calm down, and simply settled the account.

The market price of a piece of Void Stepping Magic Weapon is between 18,000 and 38,000 high-purity source crystals - it used to be more than that. "Jubao Pavilion" sold a large number of Void Stepping Magic Weapons, which made the magic weapon market fluctuate violently. The price fluctuation of soldiers is relatively small.

'According to the average probability, it is cheap to buy a single magic weapon, but when drawing, in addition to the magic weapon, you can also extract some good-quality rune equipment. ’

Niu Tu did not forget that there was a group behind him, and he lacked common rune equipment.

And the newcomer has a guaranteed bottom ten draws, and the first step on the illusory weapon is a guaranteed profit without loss!

He also doesn't feel that his luck is so bad that he can only get the most basic guarantee.


Niu Tu and the others had already processed their ID cards when they entered the city. He inserted the card into the card slot, took out a handful of high-purity source crystals from the ring, and counted them into the opening.

When the input of high-purity source crystals accumulated to 1800 points, the extraction button would light up.

Niu Tu rubbed his hands, took a deep breath with his chest undulating, his palms the size of a fan slammed down, and the high platform shook. He glanced at Miss Rabbit with a guilty conscience. Seeing that Miss Rabbit didn't care, he turned his eyes back to the crystal. on the ball.

Countless particles in the transparent crystal ball converged, gradually forming a vortex-like void, with more and more voids, accompanied by whirring special effects sounds.


"Ding" sound.

A violet light introverted ring-shaped broadsword appeared in the transparent crystal ball, buzzing and shaking a few times, and when the special effect was completely over, the "dong" ring-shaped broadsword jumped out of the transparent crystal ball.

Tu Niu grabbed it and flicked it with his fingers, "High-level rune weapon? The quality is unexpectedly excellent, and it is worthy of being produced by "Treasure Pavilion". "

He is not disappointed.

Just the first draw.

He can't afford the divine weapon of God's Domain, and it hurts even if he buys the united weapon, but the lottery is only 1800 per time, which is only a small amount of money for him. What about the gods of the gods?

That doesn't make a profit?

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