My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 719 You look so pretty (big chapter)

When Niu Tu drew for the fifth time, he drew out a pair of Void Stepping Weapons.

It is an axe, a giant axe, and there is no 'rare' logo, but the axe-type magic weapon is their most handy weapon, and Niu Tu and other cattle people are very satisfied.

"Change me, boss change me."

The slaughter will operate.

The guarantee of his top ten draws has disappeared with the appearance of this magic weapon, but the guarantees of other clansmen are still there.

Several Niu people swiped their cards one by one, or with red eyes, or panting heavily, or with trembling palms, and took the button.

Dozens of draws will take an hour or two.

They drew guarantees on the seventh, eighth, ninth, and eighth times, respectively, and one of them was 'rare'.

It stands to reason that it is the most stable to close the hand at this time. Originally, the cattle slaughtered a few cows and came to the "Treasure Pavilion", not to buy any equipment, but to investigate the enemy's situation, and first get a feel for it.

But just leave like this, I am unwilling.

I have been pumping dozens of times, and I feel that the one magic weapon is getting closer and closer. Wouldn't it be a waste of previous efforts to just give up?

"Okay, take some more."

If it weren't for the fact that the guarantee of the top ten draws required new users above the unity level, Niu Tu was going to find some ordinary people to come and draw.

"Treasure Pavilion" leaves no obvious loopholes.

However, even if there is no guarantee, it will not be a loss just by calculating the normal probability.

"But remember, you can't go to the top. We must keep some high-purity source crystals, which are the cultivation resources of our tribe."

"Got it, boss."

"Sure, we're not stupid."

They did not draw separately, they all stood in front of a lottery crystal ball and took turns - there were many lottery tables in the "prize pool area", but they couldn't hold more customers.

Niu Tu's crystal ball gradually surrounded some spectators, just like there are always some spectators around the gaming table, Niu Tu did not stop others from watching, he heard that it was a form of 'inhaling European gas', the more spectators around , the more 'European Qi' absorbed, the higher the prizes that can be drawn.

This theory sounded reasonable to him, and he took a few more glances at the "Treasure Pavilion" - a lottery event not only used space technology, but also involved the theory of air transport?

If it weren't for the fact that the Dao Sect involved too many interests of the forces, there would really be a chance to become the overlord of the mountain and sea world in the future.

Several Niu people stepped forward to draw one by one. Without a guarantee, it would be more difficult to draw the Void Stepping Magician. One Niu people drew twenty times in a row, but did not see the shadow of the magic weapon. The simple and honest man had tears in his eyes and looked desperate. He wanted to cry but felt ashamed, so he could only cover his mouth and let out a sob.

"Hey, you may have bad luck today, stop smoking." Niu Tu comforted.

"No, don't stop me, I can still smoke!"

The Bachi Niu people actually give people a feeling of being weak and pitiful and want to smoke,

Niu Tu waved his hand, and the two Niu tribesmen supported the bully bull away from the high platform of the crystal ball.

The next few Niu people did not have a tragic story. They all had good luck. After emptying out three-quarters of their pockets, they took out an average of two Void Stepping Weapons, and three Niu people took out A 'rare' magic weapon.

The slaughter was the last to play.

He often helps his own race, but after all, he is a pseudo-invincible powerhouse with abundant source crystals.

He chose ten consecutive draws without blinking his eyes—from the beginning to the end of the special effects, his eyes stared like copper bells, but he didn't blink.

Pieces of rune equipment flew out of the crystal ball, Niu Tu took it, glanced at it, and put it into the space ring.

Calm like an old cow with no emotions.

Ten, twenty, thirty... Niu Tu's expression did not change in the slightest.

The eyes of the surrounding spectators stared straight.

Magic weapon, another magic weapon!

The high-purity source crystal is sprinkled like water, it is a big guy, and it is also a ruthless person!

"Boss, boss, you... Gulu, you have already smoked more than 400."

The aura of Niu Tu is very cold.

His hooves trembled a little out of sight.

"I know, I have measure."

The voice was calm, and there seemed to be a little vibrato in the calm.

The Niu people scratched their heads, it must be an illusion.

The number of draws is increasing, and the spectators who gather around are also accumulating.

It's like the final matchup between the two gods of gamblers in the casino.

One is the slaughter of cattle,

The other side is the crystal ball extraction station.

The atmosphere was tense, and the spectators held their breaths.

The number of people has been counted, there must be seven or eight hundred draws, and there is no one united magic weapon. It is obvious that the big boss of the cattle family is at a disadvantage, but he still does not change his face, powerful, powerful.

Niu Tu had two voices in his heart. The rational voice made him stop quickly, but the other voice seemed to be more reasonable:

'Seven or eight hundred draws, according to the probability calculation, the probability of the next draw is a very high one! ’

‘It’s not for the sake of shipping. With a well-integrated divine weapon in hand, my combat effectiveness will be higher, and I will be more confident in cooperating with the Seven Luminaries Federation’s actions! ’

‘Yes, it’s not for face! ’

Niu Tu mechanically put in the high-purity source crystal, and took a photo of the extraction button.

Like an indifferent master, constantly throwing in his chips.

"Boom! Your source crystal balance is insufficient."

Niu Tu was stunned for a while, turned his space ring over, shook it, and one or two high-purity source crystals fell out.

He gradually hummed and panted heavily, his eyes were red, like a gambler who had lost a red eye, and his master temperament disappeared.

The cancer of "Treasure Pavilion" must be eradicated!

Niu Tu has decided to completely join the Seven Luminaries Federation's plan.


There is an ordinary-looking human race in the prize pool area. He came here very early to observe the frequency of other people's shipments, but he has never drawn them.

'I thought it was just a step-by-step, but I didn't expect "Treasure Pavilion" to launch such an interesting event. ’

He glanced at the red-eyed Africans with disdain.

The mediocrity depends on luck.

The strong often rely only on themselves.

'Before participating in the operation of the Seven Luminaries Federation, let me phantom empty the prize pool, otherwise it will only be cheaper for the bright guys in the Seven Luminaries Federation. ’

He came to an idle crystal ball lottery machine and put in 1800 high-purity source crystals. When the space hole in the crystal ball gradually appeared, the ghost of the "No Trace Killer" disguised as a human reached out and pressed it on the crystal ball.

He closed his eyes, sensing the spatial fluctuations.

The ghost is born from a space crystal nucleus, belongs to a special race born naturally between heaven and earth, and is born with space ability.

When he just stepped into the realm of the gods, and even the realm was only a prototype, the ghost touched the law of space.

In terms of understanding of space, he calls himself the second, and no one dares to call himself the first!

He once assassinated a descendant of a holy-rank existence, and escaped from the pursuit of that holy-rank existence.

Since then, he has achieved the name of the "Invisible Killer" ghost, and that holy rank wants to take revenge, but he can't find his shadow.

'Assassination of the high-level Daoist sect at the Daoist sect's entrance ceremony' was a task he received from the "Shadow Guild".

As the guild's top card, except when he first debuted, he also had a record of failed missions. After he became famous, as long as he made a shot, no one was spared.

God's Domain Realm will be caught and killed by him like a cat playing a mouse.

But the task of assassinating the high-level Daoist sect-the task did not require him to assassinate several gods, but only required him to seriously damage and disrupt the Daoist sect's entry ceremony.

He all failed.

It was discovered without getting close, and a clone was lost because of it.

For a time, his ranking in the "Shadow Guild" dropped from second to eighth, and many major clients no longer designated him to assassinate him. This is his shame.

The ghost is constantly sensing the spatial fluctuations inside the crystal ball. He has drawn eight times in a row without drawing out the magic weapon, and he doesn't care. He just invested in it in advance.

On the ninth time, the ghosts invaded the prize pool warehouse according to the spatial fluctuations, as if seeing countless star-like light clusters.

What's bleak is rune equipment.

The medium-bright one is the Void Treading God Soldier.

The dazzling light is the God of Unity.

Located in the center of countless stars, it is as scorching as the sun, presumably, it is the gods of the gods.

'" Treasure Pavilion" actually put the Divine Realm soldiers into the prize pool, should they be said to be reputable or stupid? ’

The ghost cannot be specific to the appearance of every magic weapon, but it is enough to judge only by the brightness.

At this time, the space force has begun to grab the prize, and the ghost, with its own understanding of the laws of space, slightly shifted the light group it grabbed.

A light blob of moderate brightness was captured.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the special effect of golden brilliance. A long spear flew out of the hole, and after a while, it jumped out of the transparent crystal ball and landed in the hands of the ghost.

"It's the magic weapon! I have figured out the algorithm for grabbing the prize pool space!"

He frowned again, and looked at the magic weapon in his hand repeatedly.

"Why does it seem to be second-hand goods? The secret pattern on it is a bit flawed... Forget it, it's a phantom soldier anyway."

He didn't know that most of the magic weapons in the prize pool were not made by "Treasure Pavilion", only the ones with 'rare' quality, and the rest were all after the battle of Youhai and the annihilation of countless pirate groups and imperial family forces. reward.

There are countless gods of stepping on the virtual and oneness, and even the gods of the realm of the gods have several pieces.

Tang Yu left two pieces of God's Domain Realm soldiers that are more attractive, and the rest were thrown into the "Treasure Pavilion". Oh, some damaged magical soldiers were repaired in the workshop. They were basically refurbished, and no second-hand goods could be seen. However, there were also very few severely damaged ones, and he didn't want to waste rare materials to repair them, so they became 'golden slag' in the prize pool.

No one knows that the extraction of magic weapons is purely because there is too much squeeze in the warehouse, and some magic weapons cannot be sold at all, so they simply use krypton crystal extraction for promotion.

After drawing a second-hand magic weapon, the magic shadow's guarantee is gone, but he feels that he has mastered the mystery of the prize pool, not to mention that every shot can be done as he pleases, ten out of eight magic weapons, one in one Divine Soldier is not difficult.

And the one and only divine weapon in the realm of the gods, huh...

The ghost pressed the draw button, and once again felt the prize pool like a bright starry sky.

The power of space is like a big hand grabbing a dim light group, the magic shadow moves the space, and the big hand is slightly shifted to grab the medium brightness light group on one side.


The space force brushed past the medium-brightness light group, and caught a particularly dim light group that the ghost didn't notice at first.

caught it out.

Well, it's a Grade C rune weapon. The probability is similar to that of the Void Stepping Weapon, and in a sense, it is equally rare.

Shadow: "..."

Mistake, Mistake, Come Again!

He threw in the source crystal, pressed down and extracted,

Perhaps because of tension, the space force once again passed by a medium-brightness light group.

It may be because the law of space is not used skillfully, and the space power has not caught the target that the ghost expects.

It may be that his hands are shaking, and the space force has grabbed the Grade C rune weapon again.

It may be because there are more and more spectators around, and the ghosts who are not used to being the focus are slamming again...


dong dong!

dong dong dong!

The magic shadow has invested in the high-purity source crystal countless times, and extracted it countless times. The ordinary, expressionless face is now full of bloodshot eyes, the blue veins on the forehead are abrupt, and the lips are bitten white.

'bingo! ’

He felt like he was grabbing a dazzling ball of light.

It's the God of Unity!

What if you can't draw the Void Stepping Weapon? One piece of God Armament in One can top dozens of Magic Armament of Void Stepping.

"Hahahaha... eh?"

He looked at the long sword that appeared in the crystal ball after the light had faded away. It was a Grade A rune weapon. Well, it was considered a very good one in Grade A. One piece could hold two or three pieces of ordinary armor. Class weapons...

The key is here!

What I caught was a dazzling light group, not biased, not biased!

But doesn't the dazzling light group represent the unity of the gods?

Liar, Jubao Pavilion is a liar!

The phantom sat on his knees, his eyes blank, like a broken doll.

The spectators looked away.

Someone went up and patted the ghost on the shoulder.

The ghost turned his head blankly.

The man said, "Although your non-chief looks very embarrassed, your kryptonite looks really handsome, come on, don't be discouraged, white tomorrow is waiting for you."


Niu Tu touched the empty storage ring, and when he walked out of the Treasure Pavilion, his hands were still shaking.

Yi Niu looked back at the "prize pool area" and quickly comforted, "Boss, it seems that a human race has fainted, but you are still strong, in the words of those human races, it is called... Strong?"

"To shut up!"

Niu Tu gasped out of his thick nostrils and gave him a vicious look.

Suddenly the footsteps stopped.

The purpose of coming to the "Treasure Pavilion" seems to be to find out the defensive power of the Dao City, but, but... let it dissipate in the wind. Several top forces and lone powerhouses have shot together. It is said that the Seven Luminaries Federation He also prepared some kind of secret weapon, and there was no chance of failure.

Defensive power? It doesn't matter if you don't know.

Anyway, in addition to the sect master and the inner sect elders, the outer sect elders are just an ordinary united state, and there are no other powerhouses at all. Even if they failed to assassinate, as long as they stopped the sect master and the inner sect elders, their subordinates alone would be enough to slaughter Daocheng.


A sound of explosion came from dozens of blocks away, and thick smoke could rise up, and the darkness was overwhelming.

Niu Tu's perception immediately swept over, and the depression of being hollowed out of the storage ring was swept away immediately, "Go, there is a good show to watch."

He saw two figures rushing up to the top of the high-rise building, looking at the pointed ears, the dense gray fluff, it was a wolf clan, this time he would not admit it wrong!

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