My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 720: A Familiar Werewolf! (big chapter)

Langyan is the patriarch of a wolf tribe, his tribe ranks seventh among the thirteen wolf tribes, and the wolf tribe is the backbone of the 'orcs united and never slaves' alliance.

It is said that when the world of mountains and seas was still wild, there was a huge alien beast with a body like a mountain that ruled the world. The struggle not to be slaves.

Now the 'Orcs are united and never be slaves' alliance - referred to as the 'Orcs Alliance', the various clans in the alliance are no longer so united, but their thirteen wolf tribes are still closely united.

The major clans such as the Tauren Clan and the Yalong Human Clan, which were the backbone of the year, have all declined, and the Wolf Clan, which has always been mediocre, has now become a major clan.

As the patriarch of a clan, Lang Yan has been beautiful until that day...

Lang Yan glared at the figure in front of him, "Lang Yi, why did you betray the clan! Why brutally kill the old and the weak in the clan!"

Langyi's body is thin, and the shadow is very long in the sunlight, and his face is not clear, only those strange, scarlet eyes, "My stupid second brother..."


The scene of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood appeared in Lang Yan's eyes, and he sighed slightly.

Since Langyi slaughtered the old and weak among the clan, and took away a group of weak and united powerhouses, the seventh clan has plummeted, and now it can only be ranked eleventh among the thirteen wolf clans.

He didn't care about the rankings, he just didn't want to understand that the fourth brother who had been following his tail when he was a child, why did it become like this?

Lang Yan came to the first Sirius Tribe of the Wolf Clan—it was said to be a tribe, but it was actually a majestic city no less than the White City. This city had the only teleportation formation in their prairie.

Whether it is the Thirteen Wolf Clan, or other affiliated races who want to travel to other remote areas of the continent, they need to use this teleportation array.

Wolf Yan intends to go to the Tianqing Mountains.

He was looking for a precious medicinal material, and after reading through many materials of the tribe, only the Tianqing Mountains had the exact trace of the medicinal material.

"The closest teleportation point to the Tianqing Mountains should be the Seven Lights City of the Seven Lights Federation?"

The teleportation formation of the Sirius Tribe, except for a few hostile forces of the wolf clan, is connected to many teleportation points on the mainland.

Zero and zero add up to more than one hundred.

The wolf flames narrowed the range to the central part of the continent, near the Tianqing Mountains, and only four teleportation points were left.

"Huh? Four?"

This is not the first time he has visited the Tianqing Mountains. Five hundred years ago, there were only three teleportation points.

Two of them are located in the Seven Luminaries Federation, and the other is farther away.

"Avenue City? Located in the Tianqing Mountains? An unheard of power."

It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it, Lang Yan just wants to borrow a way. It takes a few days to fly from Seven Lights City to the Tianqing Mountains, so he naturally chose the teleportation point of Dao City.

As soon as he entered Dao City, Lang Yan saw several teleportation formations around him, and figures appeared from time to time, which surprised him greatly.

The buildings in Daocheng City, unique style, no less than the scale of Sirius City, made him want to stop and visit.

A familiar figure who made him feel regret and hatred all the time appeared in his sight.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them again.

The figure was in the distance.


The surging source power burst out, and the dense fluff stood up like a steel needle.

boom! ! !


In addition to the large array of forbidden air, there are also guard-type formations such as suppressing source power and eliminating shock waves. Many buildings were inscribed with guard runes at the beginning of construction.

But it couldn't stand the outbreak of the powerhouse of the unity.

Several buildings were damaged in the aftermath of the shock, and there were only two palaces left in the battle range, and a layer of white light flickered again and again outside.

Fortunately, the area of ​​the teleportation array was empty, and the surrounding area was almost either united or stepping on the void. All of them avoided the aftermath or protected others in time. Except for a few Awakening Rank injuries, there were no casualties.

On the thick stone slab that was shattered inch by inch, the two wolves faced each other in one state.

A statue has dense fluff, and the upper itself is very strong, and its breath must have a late stage of unity.

The other one was thinner in comparison, and his aura was only in the middle of the Oneness Realm, but those scarlet eyes and that strange aura made the surrounding Oneness powerhouses feel a threat.

Wolf Yan felt tricky.

He was originally a sneak attack, and wanted to take down Lang Yi immediately, but after a short fight, he fell behind.

Red blood dripped from the wolf's claws, and it took a while for the wound to gradually heal.

"See, my stupid second brother, just because you are not cruel enough, now, you have been far surpassed by me, but you still have a chance, come on, join me in allegiance to the great master, as long as you can get great The gift of dominion, the realm of the gods is no longer far away."

Lang Yan's face was calm, and he didn't speak.

The smoke and dust in the sky exploded.


"Hey, isn't that guy the patriarch of the seventh tribe of the wolf clan? I heard that he was given green by his brother?"

The split of the seventh tribe of the wolf clan was also a hot topic at the time, but perhaps it was because the members of the 'orc clan unite together and never be a slave' alliance spread over a vast territory, and some rumors were spread and the truth was lost. .

When it reaches the cattle population, it becomes green.

After all, if it wasn't for something so exciting as Green, would the two brothers turn against each other?

Several cattle people were very excited and stopped to watch from a distance.

The cattle slaughter is different. As a cattle determined to achieve great things, he can always see the scenery that Chang Niu can't see.

"Don't worry about eating melons, keep an eye on me and see how Daocheng City will handle this."

The two are in one state, or the strong one in the one in the city broke out into a fight. It has been the worst incident since the establishment of Dao City.

Niu Tu did not doubt that the Great Dao Sect could easily suppress the two wolves that were united.

What he thought was,

The elders of the Outer Sect who are stationed in Daocheng City have the highest combat power at the peak of Unity. Among the newly recruited Outer Deacons, there are also several Human Races in the Unity Realm, but even if they are besieged by a few people, they want to win two in a short period of time. It is also very difficult to unite the wolf clan.

The battle that broke out in the city, every extra second, the loss is calculated in millions of source crystals.

It even hit Daozong's face in piapiapia.

Unless the inner sect elders of the Great Dao Sect take action in person, however, it is actually a shame to let the elders of the God Realm take action in person for a mere 'small problem'.

It depends on how Dao Zong chooses.

Niu Tu secretly thought about it.

"Boss, boss, look at that!"

Niu Tu looked sharply.

"The patriarch of the wolf clan is questioning his brother, I think the mouth shape should be why you want to..."


Niu Tu slapped the unreliable clansman flying, knocking down a power transmission pole.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw some human races wearing the battle uniforms of the law enforcement regiment, flying from a distance-the law enforcement regiment had a flying advantage in the city.


"It's just a group of law enforcement officers who are the most senior in the Void Realm, don't they even have a Unity Realm?"

Niu Tu felt that he looked up to the Great Dao Sect, and so did the Seven Luminaries Federation.

With the low efficiency of Daocheng City, there is no need to make any plans at all, just rely on their strength to crush it.

The law enforcement group that surrounded the two wolf clan powerhouses, a total of twelve people.

Six of them are senior Takuu, and six of them are ordinary Takuu, all of whom are elites transferred from the Green Shade Guard Corps.

Lang Yi glanced at him with disdain on his face.

Lang Yan hesitated for a while, but still made up his mind to take Lang Yi back with all his might.

the same,

They didn't care about the surrounding Dao City law enforcement team.

I have never heard that stepping on the Void Realm can reverse the cutting and Unity Realm, and it is the same with more and less.

The people from the law enforcement team did not speak, and shot directly.

The six ordinary law enforcement fighters spread out, keeping an equilateral hexagonal distance, and holding the same mark with their hands close together.

The source power turned into silk threads to connect the six warriors together. In front of them, a lavender transparent light curtain rose, like a high wall trapping the two wolf warriors and the other six law enforcement soldiers. in it.

Six equal divisions.

The eyes of the strong wolf clan still only see each other, two afterimages of bang bang interlace, and circles of shock waves visible to the naked eye spread out.

When it touched the purple transparent light curtain, the shock wave disappeared instantly.

The range of the enchantment is not large, and it is even more cramped for the powerhouses of the unity realm. Kung Fu Langyan, who almost stretched his legs, was forced to the corner. He felt that he was mounted on a hard and thick wall. No, it was much harder than the wall. He had no choice but to turn over to dodge, and Lang Yi punched the sixth-level barrier.


The roar was not loud, and some ripples on the light curtain spread out, and disappeared in an instant.

Astonishment flashed in Lang Yi's eyes, and he glanced at the cracked body. Like the recovering wolf flames, bang bang bang banged on the barrier light curtain several times in a row.

The source power condensed on the fist was dazzling, and the turbulent energy that exploded almost obscured the sight in the enchantment.

And the barrier is still intact.

The expressions of Lang Yan and Lang Yi both changed.

Lang Yi knew the Dao Sect and knew that it was an emerging force of the human race. The high-level combat power was very strong. He did not plan to stay for a long time.

Wolf Yan was a little stunned.

He felt that he might have gotten into trouble he shouldn't have caused, but... he was staring at Lang Yi, unable to control himself!

The soldiers of the law enforcement regiment in the enchantment took action.

The three of them formed a group of three, like a trinity. As soon as they made a move, their momentum rose steadily, and the source power covered the quadrangular stone village that looked like two bottles of equal sides.

It flew into the air and slammed down on Lang Yan and Lang Yi.

Boom boom boom!

The ground shook violently, and then shook again, and the broken floor stones in the barrier instantly turned into dust, revealing the barrier light curtain ten meters below the soil layer.

The sound spread far away, but the vibration was only within the enchantment.

The two wolf clan powerhouses slammed down desperately like they were being driven by a pile, and they couldn't smash through the barrier light curtain. At first, they burned the source and resisted it for a second or two, but they were soon completely suppressed. , only the sound of bang bang bang still spread far away, making some people around him feel the same way... and his face turned pale.


Law enforcement is horrible!


Niu Tu opened his mouth slightly, stretched out his hand to wipe off the sweat that didn't exist... I felt that cooperation with the Seven Luminaries Federation required a more careful plan.

Well, Niu Tu felt that he had to prepare something more for the 'unshared' revenge that the space ring was hollowed out.

This trip to Daocheng City was already worth it, Niu Tu greeted the people and prepared to leave.

At this time,

A law enforcement soldier who stepped into the virtual world stopped them, holding a document in his hand, "According to Article 174 Item 10086 of the Daocheng Public Security Management Punishment Law, malicious damage to public property shall be punished with ten times the fine."

"Several people have damaged a total of one source power transmission pole, 14 square meters of white stone slabs in the core area, 23 kinds of ornamental flowers and plants, and... need to compensate 139,600 source crystals and 1,500 high-purity source crystals."

Niu Tu looked aside, um, when he slapped the clansmen, he just broke a road pole and some other things.


You are a dignified and powerful person who is regarded as a guest of honor by the top forces. You dare to threaten even a small step?

"I'll pay!"

With an expressionless face, he took out the last remaining source crystal in the ring—well, thanks to the prize pool drawing at least 1,800 high-purity source crystals at a time, he just had a little left.

Thank you so much!


It's all about planning!

Niu Tu was so angry that his veins were crawling around like worms.


"Lord Lord, big event, big event!"

Tang Yu had dark circles under his eyes, and the glazed flames formed a circle on his raised fingers, revolving around his fingers like a hula hoop.

The aura was terrifying. Yan Dingtian, who finally came to the sect, shrank his neck and coughed dryly:

"It's really a big deal. There are two strong men fighting in the teleportation formation area. Well, of course, under my leadership, they have been taken down by the soldiers of the law enforcement regiment. Those two people are so miserable... Wait, Wait, be civilized! I'm talking about the point!"

Yan Dingtian said with a 'gulu', "Both of them are from the wolf clan, but one of them has a strange aura, much like the aura of an alien from the devil clan."

Tang Yu raised his head and saw that the dark circles under his eyes were even darker.

He rubbed his eyes and recalled the past two years, as well as what happened in Baicheng... The devils must be plotting something again.

But it feels a bit inefficient, and it's a little different from attacking a planet and a seat with great fanfare in the past.

Is the devil clan floating away? Or are the world barriers in the world of mountains and seas very unusual?

"Aren't people dead?"

"No, it has been suppressed. It's just that the prison in our Daocheng City currently does not have the ability to detain the powerhouses alone, and needs to be guarded by special personnel at all times."

"take me."

Tang Yu condensed a water polo and wiped his face, grabbing Yan Dingtian and a teleportation permission to appear in Daocheng City - the sub-territory coverage is not that far, but the surrounding area of ​​Jiulong Mountain and the core area of ​​Daocheng City are within the territory - - He can already directly cross two sub-territories that are not far apart, but not too far.

There are many prisoners in the Daocheng prison - the compensation is not enough, and they are waiting for their relatives and friends to send ransoms.

There are a lot of emptiness.

The two wolves were detained in different places, setting up a circle of enchantments.

Lang Yi was locked by dozens of chains made of divine weapon material, and there was some kind of special flame underneath, which kept burning, keeping his body in a state of 'damage-repair-damage-repair' at all times. Controls the level of damage.

The glass is one-way transparent and also isolates perception. Lang Yi didn't know anyone was coming.

Tang Yu stood on a high place and looked down, suddenly startled.

Still an acquaintance!

"Isn't this the patriarch of the wolf clan who was rubbed against the ground by Nancy in the old king's capital?!"

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