My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

#731 comprehensive counterattack (big chapter)

At the door of the living room,

Under the guard of a total of 16 personal guards on the left and right sides, the Great Sect Master Tang stepped forward.

The two white feather clan envoys quickly stood up.

The meeting between the two parties was very friendly, and they were not affected by the attack of the Seven Luminaries Federation in the slightest.

It can be roughly summed up as commercial mutual blowing.

Tang Yu first apologized for the attack on the White Feather Clan—there was no real apology, and praised some of the outstanding juniors of the White Feather Clan.

The two gods of the White Feather Clan are also very good, and they have blown the Dao Sect to the sky from all aspects.

not blowing,

Although they did not see the detailed battle process, it did not prevent them from making up their minds by comparing the strength of both sides.

The ability to defeat the Seven Luminaries Federation and the many reinforcements invited by the Yao clan with one sect is no exaggeration.

After some friendly negotiation, Tang Yu signed a covenant with the Baiyu clan on behalf of Daozong. The contemporary patriarch of the Baiyu clan said that in the next few months, industries will be developed in Daocheng City one after another.

The industries that the White Feather Clan intends to establish covers various industries such as shops, rune manufacturing, and medical care. The initial investment alone exceeds 10 billion Yuan Crystal.

The source crystal is second,

At present, many forces are maintaining a relatively cautious attitude in investing in Dao City, purchasing real estate, etc., especially the Seven Luminaries Federation's targeting of Dao Sect earlier, causing many races and forces that are ready to invest to retreat.

Many areas of the Avenue City are still vacant, and the prosperity is still limited to the core area of ​​the city.

The Bai Yu family is currently the only top power that has fully invested in Dao City. With the Bai Yu family taking the lead, coupled with the record of the Dao Sect today, Tang Yu believes that there will be more and more forces in the future to set up industries in the city.

Some small and medium tribes and families are more likely to move their entire forces to Daocheng.

Not limited to humans.

The Great Sect Master Tang didn't stay for too long, he was still very busy.

Find Luo Zhe and ask, "How is the situation, how is your wear and tear?"

Luo Zhe's black armor was still stained with blood, and he was full of suffocation. "My source loss is about 30%. The source loss of Lorraine, Shay, and Winnie is similar to mine, and Tyron lost 20%. Ash Blade and Fanny lost 15%..."

The followers in the main battlefield of the permafrost world have already refined a certain amount of "source extract crystals". It takes less time to recover.

"Enze, Zapor and the others also lost 20% to 30%."

Tang Yu nodded.

Only Elaine, Nancy, and Sora, who were comparable to invincible powerhouses under the blessing of Nian Energy, were not injured much, but they also burned some of their origins, and the loss was about 5% to 8%.

Hongyue has just acquired inheritance, and the source is the most abundant, but it has not lost much... Oh, the situation of Hailan is similar, and the source of burning is less than 2% for them.

The sum of the sources lost by followers is equivalent to the total source of nearly ten gods.


And myself.

You are the one who suffers the most from the source.

The burning source controls the "Heaven and Earth Lock" and stabilizes the "Chi Yang Glazed Glass", not to mention.

The key lies in the blood selling of the clone.

One avatar is nothing, adding eight and ten together, the Great Sect Master Tang will also have a toothache - I really thought that his avatar could be ranked No. 135!

The Luyin family has a great business, and rare medicinal materials come from many worlds. To supplement this part of the loss, it requires a huge amount of resources.

Change it to the local forces of Shanhai Great World, not to mention.

'Obviously, after getting the holy artifact, the advantage is not small, why is the loss so heavy, no, I can't bear this breath! ’

The large amount of resources invested in the construction of Daocheng City has not been earned back, and it has been discounted again.

If there is a spirit under the old spring of Hongyao and Guangyao Grand Pavilion, you will have to be pissed off again.

Tang Yu turned his head and asked, "How many powerful people from all sides have we captured?"

Luo Zhe said in detail, "There are three top lone warriors, Niutu, Dragonborn, Kanke, and Eye of Destruction. Among them, Niutu is extremely powerful. I don't think he understands the rules. But holding a third-order magic weapon can burst into a strength comparable to the invincible powerhouse. "

"In addition, there is also the pavilion owner of the Treasure Pavilion, "Duobao Warlock", who is also a well-known powerhouse. He is not the master of power, but belongs to the top-level strength "Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce", and the Treasure Pavilion is one of the industries under the Chamber of Commerce. One, there is a big conflict with us. "

"There are three strong men from the Longyuan Empire supporting the Seven Lights Federation, one was drowned by Miss Hongyue... er, the other two were beaten and captured, two were captured by the Divine Realm of the Diamond Royal Court, and two were from the ancient Yan gods... ...The rest of the Unity Realm prisoners totaled 26, and a few were captured in the Void Realm."

Luo Zhe paused, "The Seven Luminaries Federation's God's Domain Realm, according to your instructions, Lord Lord, seal the clone first, and kill all those without clone."

The battlefield is mainly in the small world of the holy artifact, with the power of the holy artifact being closed, and only some vague information can be conveyed by the power of the avatar in the realm of the gods.

For example, 'fog', 'not good', 'bad', 'cool' and so on.

But after all, the clone is not dead!

Maybe, the situation has not deteriorated to that serious level.

Tang Yu also knew that the battle situation in the permafrost world could be concealed, but the situation inside and outside the city could never be concealed.

Especially when the two rounds of Luminaries collided, the Seven Luminaries Federation may have already learned the news at this moment.

"Send an order to immediately launch a comprehensive counterattack against the Seven Luminaries Federation."

"Send an order to invite the tribes of the human race to form a legion to go to the Seven Lights Federation, and promise that I will take 80% of the territory of the Seven Lights Federation and distribute it to each tribe, based on military merit."

"Send an order, all the awakened high-level disciples of the Dao Sect will go to battle and follow each legion."


As the benchmark of the human race, Dao Zong, the top power in the mainland, and many human races who were oppressed in foreign countries, have migrated to Dao City.

Some are just ordinary people,

Some are family units.

Some are family forces of hundreds or thousands of people,

There are also entire legions and entire tribes who have migrated to Daocheng City, which are very few.

Many leaders of the human race are apprehensive. It is risky to migrate tribes. It is not just to bring their tribesmen to settle in Daocheng. It is also unknown how hundreds of thousands of tribesmen will make a living in the future.

Not everyone has the guts to make a decision when they leave the land where they have lived for generations, and go to a new environment to survive – when their decisions concern countless people.

In the eyes of many human leaders, the best situation in the future is to build a large city, small city, and villages and towns with Daocheng as the core, forming a country belonging to the human race.

It may take hundreds of years to form.

They also want to wait and see the timing before deciding to move the tribe to the vicinity of Avenue City.

But at this time, can't wait.


Youyijian couldn't help standing up, his trembling hands showed his very restless mood at the moment, "The Great Dao Sect really promised to seal out 80% of the Seven Lights Federation's territory?"

"That's still fake. I have a friend who is in the law enforcement team. He heard it with his own ears, and as expected, the notice has been issued."

"No, I have to hurry back to the clan to gather the clan members. If it's too late, I won't be able to get the military merit!"


"I'm different. I had the foresight to move the tribe to Dao City. I have already selected two thousand guys to form the Tie Ge Legion, and I'm about to start. Hehe."

"Although I can't form a legion and don't want a territory, I heard that individuals can also participate in the war, and they can also share some spoils."

"The Sect Master of the Dao Sect is really a sage with a broad mind. When we were still thinking about a little bit of profit, his eyes had already looked at the entire human race and the whole world. I flinched when I was in danger before, which made me ashamed and regretful, even if I don't want it now. Merits, I will also go into battle to kill the enemy!"

An avenue city, let the people have a place to live.

And the vast territory of the Seven Lights Federation is the future. As long as it can have a territory, the unity of the people here is sure to develop and grow the tribe!

All the teleportation formations in Daocheng City have been opened, and the number of people that can be processed every second is tens of thousands.

In order to take over the entire territory of the Seven Lights Federation in the shortest time, Tang Yu did not have time to rest, so he made another trip to the Seven Lights Federation, and built several other teleportation formations in some remote and inaccessible places within the Federation.

From several directions, attack Avenue City at the same time.

Tang Yu switched to the perspective of the territorial god, and saw that many human races in the city passed through the teleportation array in an orderly manner under the organization of stepping on the virtual realm and the unity realm. Farther away, another rune flying boat rose into the air and flew directly to the north of the Tianqing Mountains.

"I haven't even started fooling around yet, how come I'm so active."

For him, it was just a promise.

They used the strength of others to attack the city and pull out the stronghold, and they only got a part of the city that was attacked. Even so, those human races were grateful.

The folk customs of Shanhai Great World are really simple.

For Tang Yu, he never thought of occupying the entire territory of the Seven Lights Federation by himself, just like on Earth, he only occupies a 'little' shade of greenery.

Except for a few unique resource lands, which he sent troops to occupy, the rest, instead of spending a lot of manpower to control, it is better to stay in the hands of various forces - it is better to let the major forces and major shelters develop on their own than to let everyone work for him. There is enthusiasm - anyway, as long as Luyin has mastered high-end resources and high-end technology, the various forces are his free-range leeks, and the harvest is still huge.

Eighty percent of the territory of the Seven Lights Federation seems to be many, but in reality, Tang Yu must have taken the Seven Lights City, the main city of the Seven Great Lights, and some important cities into his own hands, and the seals were just some ordinary territories.

If you want to develop the territory and develop faster than others, the tribes of the human race have to invest more resources.

The developed territory also belongs to the Seven Lights... Oh, the cities under the Dao Sect, the human tribes have a high degree of autonomy, but they also have to pay taxes!

Taxes alone are a lot of money.


With only a few thousand disciples of the Great Dao Sect, the Dao City Law Enforcement Corps, and the sergeant guarding the city, how could it be possible to occupy the entire Seven Lights Federation?

Let other human tribes fight for themselves, develop cities and industries for themselves, and completely tie those human tribes to their chariots, which is no longer a state of being a little alienated.

Let the sect disciples participate in the war, the same is true.

It was not only the elders who defeated the Seven Lights Federation, but also had their part in it. The sect disciples who participated in the war would be proud of this, and would have a stronger sense of belonging to the sect.

Sect disciples who have not yet met the conditions for participating in the war will envy those who can participate in the war, and will practice harder, hoping that one day they will be able to participate in such large-scale wars, and they will have a stronger sense of belonging.

By the way, let the sect disciples who participated in the war show their cultivation achievements in front of the various human race forces, and let the Dao Sect take a big step forward on the road to become a human race holy land.

One stone does not know how many birds.

Plan special pass √.


The bell of the reward hall on Jiulong Mountain came out, and Youyou didn't know how many miles away.

Cultivating, studying, fighting... Countless sect disciples were amazed.

"Something happened?"

"Is it the bell of the reward hall, a large-scale task with a limited time?"

"Let's go, go and have a look."

Except for some closed-door disciples, more than 3,000 sect disciples showed their magical powers, some stepped on the rune flying sword, some carried flying backpacks, and some had the ability to fly themselves.

One after another, they flew from several nearby hills to the mountainside of Jiulong Mountain.

In the spacious hall of the Reward Hall, many disciples suddenly gathered.

[Limited Time Mission: Counterattack on the Seven Luminaries Federation]

[Task description: Our Dao Sect is based on the principle of friendly development, mutual benefit and win-win, and does not harm other countries, one city and one place, but the Seven Lights Federation has united several top forces to raid the cities under the jurisdiction of our Dao Sect for its own interests, destroying the mainland's stability, causing a very bad effect.

Under the leadership of our sect master, the gods of the Seven Luminaries Federation have been defeated and the enemy's conspiracy has been smashed, but the matter is not over. "The jackal comes with a sword and a gun." Facing the enemy, our Dao Sect decided to launch a comprehensive To counterattack, each sect disciple needs to contribute their own strength. ]

[Task requirements: Cultivation is above the high-level awakening. According to your wishes, you can choose to participate in the battle individually or as a team (no more than 5 people). After participating in the war, each team will be randomly sent to each legion to assist each legion in killing places. The masters in the city will receive rewards according to the number of kills [click to expand]. ]

[Task supplement: Awakening Intermediate (Shaping) can receive some logistical tasks. ]

[Remarks: The special reward pool will be opened during the mission period, which can be exchanged for items that are usually difficult to exchange or limited. ]

[Task countdown: 13 days]

The sect disciples above the high rank are boiling, especially those sect disciples who have witnessed the sect elders and powerful enemies fighting with their own eyes in Dao City, but they can do nothing about it.

Some sect disciples were dumbfounded.

"Why, why did a large-scale mission finally appear, but it requires the awakening of high-level or higher cultivation?"

"Come on, you have a mid-level awakening, and you can participate in some logistical tasks. I am different. I can't participate in the fifth level of awakening! It's said that every sect disciple needs to contribute his own strength. 'What? Huh huh!"

"Shocked, it turns out that there are still first-level awakened disciples in our sect? How did you pass the three-month exam and half-year exam?"

"Don't panic, there are still thirteen days left for the task, first spend a week to break through to the high-level awakening, and then use the remaining time to receive the task to kill the enemy, the plan is complete!"


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