My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 741 Tang Yu: You Need Friendship (Big Chapter)

In this information, there are not only direct attacks by foreign races, but also riots by some human race groups. It is said that they are seeking their own interests, but there are shadows of manipulation by others behind them.

"Have the forces behind the scenes been investigated clearly?"

"Some have been found, including the Sora mercenary group, the Xeno Bandit group, the Busol forces... Some of them are simply destroying, and some have invaded some rune factories in the Federation, trying to steal our technology."

"Not enough, keep checking!"

The Sola mercenary group is a large-scale mercenary force with more than ten units of unity, and its strength is stronger than that of many countries. They have no clear base, their whereabouts are uncertain, and they are not afraid of top forces.

But it is also impossible to provoke Dao Sect and Human Race for no reason.

Tang Yu looked at the information and noticed that the forces of the Sola mercenary group were sophisticated in their actions, and their targets did not seem to be targeting the Dao Sect, but certain family properties within the Federation.

But it happened to destroy many key rune factories.

That is, the production of rune equipment, now using the supply chain model, the orders entrusted to the lords of various territories are only a part of a certain rune product, and nothing can be analyzed if it is stolen. The core technology is in your own hands. inside.

"We must kill the offenders by means of thunder, and deter all the forces that have plans!"

Tang Yu observed the development of more than 100 territories, large and small, within the Human Race Federation.

In addition to certain orders entrusted to them by Treasure Pavilion, each territory is also developing its own channels for making money.

In some territories, the climate is suitable and there are many medicinal materials, and they have embarked on the road of farming.

Some tribes knew how to tame some exotic beasts, and began to expand their scale after they had a territory.

Some territories want to develop business, some territories want to accept more orders from "Treasure Pavilion", and some territories...

But Tang Yu discovered a phenomenon. Although these territories did not develop slowly and invested a lot of their own money, they still took care of their own development.

There are obvious differences between different territories, and many customs are still the same as in the tribal era.

Only a few caravans traveled between the various territories, and many of them were non-human forces.

"This can't be done." Tang Yu shook his head.

If two neighboring cities only care about their own development and do not communicate with each other, can they still be regarded as the same country?

If you don't correct them now, it will be even more difficult after decades and hundreds of years.

"We must start from three aspects, one is the upper class, the other is ordinary awakened people, and the other is ordinary people."

"The upper management can let the upper management of each territory get together at intervals and hold a meeting to communicate, and he will clarify the development policy..."

Tang Yu's expression was strange, and he turned into a person who likes to hold meetings.

But it was inexplicably dark to let others have a meeting.

"At the beginning of the meeting, it needs to be more frequent. Those who participate in the meeting don't need the lords of the territories. The consuls in the territories will do. If they preside over the meeting..." Tang Yu felt that he had to find a suitable person from Green Shadow City in order to understand his essence.

He moved very quickly, and the clone in Green City had already found Chen Haiping and asked for a municipal official with a government level of 90+ from his subordinates.

At the same time, the order in Seven Lights City was also issued. The messenger drove a floating chariot, holding a decree with a seal and changed the seal, and went to various territories - the federal territory is vast, and there is currently no real-time communication, only in construction. Signals are only available in sub-territorial areas.

"In addition to some serving in various legions, most of the ordinary awakened people are still freelancers, relying on hunting exotic beasts or completing the tasks issued by the "Mission Hall", which currently has branches in major cities. "

The headquarters of the "Mission Hall" is located in Daocheng City. It is a functional building constructed by him with the power of the system. He conceived a few top-level rules in his mind and quickly announced it at the headquarters of the "Mission Hall".

【help each other】

[Introduction: The establishment of the Human Race Federation has attracted the offense of the younger generation. Some territories are peaceful, while others are in crisis. Human races need to help each other and overcome the crisis together. ]

[Detailed rules: Awakened people who complete tasks outside their household registration location will receive a 10% reward. ]

[Duration: One year. ]

The "Task Hall" is available in all territories, and now most of the tasks have been issued by the authorities in each territory. The "Task Hall" is just a platform responsible for ensuring the interests of both the publisher and the task completer.

Many Awakened people directly screen their own area when they receive the quest.

It's normal, but Tang Yu needs all territories to communicate with each other.

【Unity, Friendship, Harmony, Prosperity】

[Introduction: Under the leadership of the great Daoist sect master, the human race should be a whole, skin color, tribe, and country, and should not be discriminatory. The human race should be united to achieve win-win development. ]

[Detailed rules: For tasks completed by two teams with different household registrations, the reward will increase by 10%. ]

[Duration: One year. ]

[Task: Help newcomers]

[Task introduction: As the Daoist sect grows and grows, more and more human groups from the mainland and even the endless sea come here because of their fame. The old-fashioned territories can choose to drive the development of new territories, and each team can choose to teach or accept new people and help them. Better integrate into the Terran Federation. ]

[Task requirements: \u003cExpand①\u003e\u003cExpand②\u003e\u003cExpand③\u003e]

[Reward: 100~10000 points]

[Note: All interpretation rights belong to the mission hall. ]

Tang Yu nodded with satisfaction, he didn't know what sparks could collide between different customs and human races.


The update from the headquarters of the mission hall to the branches in various places cannot be real-time, but it only takes one day, but it is only one day, and the awakened people located in various parts of the Human Race Federation have discovered the version update of the mission hall one after another.

Immediately there was movement.

"The reward goes up by 10%, Mom, it's so good!"

"Need to complete tasks in other cities? It just so happens that I think we have too many teams here and too few tasks to be divided. Now there are new rules, it's a bloody profit!"

"Go to other cities and work with the team there to complete the task, isn't that double the blood earned?!"

"Any task? No, I can't take a vacation. Immediately, immediately, gather all the team members for my mother, we are going!"

Immediately, there was a wave in the various teams that often paid attention to the "Mission Hall".

With the current prestige of the Great Dao Sect, in fact, with an order, each Awakened team can go to other cities, but the force brought about by the lack of subjective initiative, the best policy is lure. Anyway, the transportation is convenient now, and railroad tracks have been built all over the place. The rune train can lead to most cities, and the cost of going to other territories is very cheap.

Go for a walk, nothing to lose.

Naturally, some awakened people are unmoved, but most people can't resist the temptation to rise by 10%. Each task can be increased by 10% or 20%. Rounding up is 100 million, and they can buy a magic weapon!

As long as these awakened people take the first step and are no longer limited to their original tribe, country, and gathering place, then Tang Yu's goal will be achieved. Over time, the human race will no longer be separated from each other - the two sides can cooperate to complete the first A task, then there is a second, a third, and an infinite number.

The "dong dong dong" rune train started, carrying many fully armed Awakeners, heading into the distance.


"For the moonlight bear hunting mission, we have ten people in our team, mainly warriors, all of whom are above the tenth level of awakening. For a non-Pingshan household registration team, it is best to have mages and gunners, and the level only needs to be above the eighth level of awakening."

"Driving and driving, the target is the cemetery of Marquis Hongqin of the Red Obsidian Clan. There are still six vacancies for the 100-person convoy. It can be divided into groups or groups. The allocation is in accordance with the general plan A. Assassins are the best, not gunners."

"Awaken the fifth-level mage, ask the team to lead, you will be able to break through within three months, and you can sign a long-term contract."

This mission hall is located in Crescent Collar, which is a small territory. Its lord Chang Shu is a senior Ta Xu who started the Chang family from scratch.

Although Chang Shu married 108 wives and concubines, it was only after he achieved Ta Xu. The level of life in the Ta Xu realm had changed, and it was not easy to have offspring. The Chang family was now only a new family, and the population was thin.

Many of the former tribal territories could easily attract hundreds of thousands of Awakeneds, but the Crescent Territory had less than 1,000 resident Awakeneds. Many tasks in the "Mission Hall" were unable to complete, and the development of the territory was stagnant.

Even if Changshu has money, but the rules are limited, the tasks released by the "Quest Hall" have upper and lower rewards.


As a rule, there are many more awakened figures in the crescent collar.

Chang Shu said, "Finally there is a place to spend money."


"Crescent collar is small, but very rich."

Outside Crescent City, in the bushes on the hillside,

There are many alien races with raised blades on the skin, looking at the small city from a distance.

There are still many mottled traces on the city wall, which were left by the human race when they attacked the Seven Lights Federation.

behind the aliens,

There are also many similar-looking Awakeneds, whose figures are hidden in the bushes.

They are the Blade Clan, a group of thieves that roam the northern plains.

"In the past, when it was the Seven Luminaries Federation, each city had more than one Void Stepping Powerhouse, and there were countless high-level awakenings and great awakenings in the city, but now..."

The leader of the Blade Bandit sneered.

"We can't afford to provoke some powerful territories of the human race, but in the crescent leader, apart from the strong man, there are not many masters at all. I will hold the strong man of the human race later, and you will sack the treasure house in the city at the fastest speed, but remember Stay, we are targeting Crescent Moon Collar, we only want money, don't slaughter too many civilians, otherwise the nature will change and you may be wanted by the human race."

The Blades of Thieves pretended to be a caravan and walked from the side of the hill to Crescent City.

Among them are three freight wagons, pulled by exotic horses, but they are not cargo, but some heavy weapons.

Surrounding the van are members of the Blade Thieves who are trying to dress up less viciously.

There are two or three hundred, and more than half of them are high-level awakenings.

As long as they stop the lord of the Crescent Region, the city guards, and the awakened people, they don't need to care.

Ten minutes later, the caravan had approached Crescent City, and there were many Awakeneds in armor at the gate of the city, checking the passing crowds and vehicles.

"It's all good rune armor, weapons..."

The Blades of Thieves looked jealous.

There are also many foreign caravans in the Human Race Federation, but they don't have passports, so they know they can't hide it, and they pretend to be caravans just to buy time.

They exchanged glances, and suddenly burst out as they approached the city gate.


The sharp blade stabbed the defending soldier, the blade collided with the soft armor at the neck, and the blade cut through the soft armor with great force, piercing the neck, blood kept pouring out, and the defending soldier "He He" knelt on the ground.

The blade thieves quickly took out heavy weapons from the truck, some explosives, heavy firearms.

They dropped the van and rushed into the city.

At this time,

The rest of the city guards had already reacted, and the sharp and urgent sound was loud, and the Awakened patrolling in the city quickly approached the city gate.

A tyrannical momentum erupted in the center of the city, and a figure stepped up.

Is the lord of the crescent moon, Changshu.

He shouted angrily, condensed a bright energy ball in his hand, and pushed it down.


The aftermath exploded one after another, and two figures flew out of the thieves group, blocking Chang Shu one left and one right.

At this time,

Boom! !

There was a blaze at the gate of the city, and the violent explosion caused a part of the city wall, which had been dazzled, to collapse.

The Awakened patrolling the city was overwhelmed, and several captains were knocked to the ground by thieves, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

The rest of the thieves group went straight to several treasure houses according to the original plan.

"The guards of Crescent City are really weak, and it is too easy to loot a city."


at the same time,

All the awakened people who recruited teammates in the mission hall and were ready to set off received an urgent mission [Guard Crescent City]!

The rewards are generous and exciting, and more importantly...

"Master, my team is already stationed in Crescent Moon City, and there are still people who dare to make trouble? This is why I don't take my master seriously!"

"Emergency task? It is said to be the most rewarding one, shock! Excited! My lifetime is finally here!"

"Which group of thieves is so reckless, I must praise one!"

"Ola Ora Ora Ora—"

"Ask a group, ask a group, ask a group, ask a group—"


The members of the blade thieves went straight to the treasure house and large shops in the city as if they were in a no-man's land.

The small number of residents in the city closed their doors and windows and hid.

The most prosperous commercial street in Crescent Moon City appeared in front of the thieves.

Some sell rune weapons, some sell potions, and some sell war beasts. Although they are not like the large-scale sales venues that spread all over the world like the "Treasure Pavilion", there are also several shops in the city, which are under the banner of the large territory in the Human Race Federation. chain industry.

Goods are of good quality and often have a lot of stock in stock.

The goal of the blade thieves group is the goods in stock-they also specially learned that the chain stores in the Great Territory will supply them at the beginning of the month, and two days ago, it was the time when the rune train passed through Crescent City.

There are not many guards in the shop, and facing the menacing band of thieves, many Awakeneds only need to grit their teeth to resist, but they will suffer heavy casualties in an instant.

Ordinary people inside and outside the shop have been scared silly.

An awakened class of thieves burst into laughter, "Weak human race, remember, the one who killed you was the blade master of the blade thieves!"

"Who! Who dares to use the name of my blade!"

A loud shout came from the side of the street, and the sharp blade slashed past, slashing the blade clan out of the sky, and blood spilled on the chest.

The visitor stepped on the ground, holding a machete, "I am your blade master!

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