My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 748 The War Begins (5000-word Chapter)

The rumors spread by the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce are not conspiracies, but conspiracies.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is a force targeting the Dao Sect, but even those who are well aware of it intend to take this opportunity to share a piece of the pie.

"Stable, stable, Dao Zong is doomed."

An elder of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce looked happy.

Another elder glanced, "Oh, now it's not about the death of the Great Dao Sect, but how much our Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce can gain in this war!"

"Recently, a lot of forces are going to Chen Bing near the Human Race Federation. Many of the powerhouses in the realm of the gods are uncertain, and there are too many forces that are tempted. This fire is much more prosperous than we expected. We must act quickly, otherwise , there may not even be soup left."


A medium-sized force that is only a few thousand kilometers away from the Human Race Federation—Evil Demon Gate, at this time the middle and high levels of the gate have been controlled.

The sect master of the evil sect, a strong man of unity, is standing beside a strong man whose face cannot be seen clearly.

"Sir, all the resources we have stored in Evil Sect are here, do you see?"

"Okay, let's go down."

The vague-faced God's Domain existence casually threw down a copy of the cultivation method, and the evil sect master happily took it and retreated.

God's Domain Realm looked at the accumulated resources, and nodded slightly, "Although it is only basic resources, it is enough. It is difficult to carry too many basic resources. It is best to make up near the Human Race Federation."

The Void Stepping Realm running errands in this force quickly took out some advanced resources and matched them with the basic resources accumulated here to build a teleportation array.


There are many rune masters and formation masters who arrange formations according to the terrain and environment, and then put down the ancient formation plate that can be the core of the formation.

There is also a teleportation array that can get support from the headquarters at any time!

The mysterious top-level forces moved quickly, turning the original headquarters of Evil Demon Gate into a war fort in just a few days, which was the result of their consumption of countless resources.


From the outside, the evil door is still the same as before, and it will not arouse the vigilance of the human race. This is also the reason why the mysterious forces adopted the means of changing shells, but directly wiped out the local forces.


The Human Race Federation has entered a state of combat readiness, and dozens of conventional legions are ready to go.

But many people in the federation are still panicking.

"It is reported that three cities in Dongling Prefecture were attacked by aliens and have been repelled."

"It is reported that five cities in Nan'e state were attacked, and there are many enemies. Nearby cities and territories have already sent support."

"Report, there are traces of suspected gods' realm powerhouses near Red Obsidian City."

Tang Yu was sitting in Seven Lights City with a clone, and his heart was stabilized a lot.

Dao Zong, Dao City, and several surrounding cities were all calm, but on the Human Race Federation side, there were harassment and attacks by aliens from time to time.

Apparently, it was a top-level force that was secretly peeping at the weak point of the human race.

Those top-level forces were still hidden in the dark and did not take action. They just drove some medium and small forces to attack the Human Race Federation.

Perhaps there are also intermediate forces from the top forces mixed in.

Probing, harassing, infiltrating, and besieging the strong are the normal state of war between top forces.

God's Domain Realm is the trump card, whoever opens the trump card first and loses the first move will be at a disadvantage.

There is no direct attack on the headquarters, except when the Great Dao Sect destroyed the Seven Lights Federation.

That was an abnormal war!

It is the Seven Lights Federation who underestimates the enemy. He wanted to implement the strategy of beheading but was beheaded, and the high-level officials were stunned. Otherwise, relying on the background of the Seven Lights Federation, with enough God's Domain to preside over the situation, it is very difficult to break the main city of the Seven Lights. Trouble, let alone win the Seven Lights City.

And now,

Although the human race occupied important cities such as Seven Lights City, it was difficult for them to have the protection capabilities of the Seven Lights Federation in a short period of time.


"The human race is strong in their God's Realm. There are no weak people, but there are weaknesses. After all, the number of their God's Realm is small."

In the west of the Human Race Federation, a God Realm Realm looked into the distance, "If the top forces are gathered together to attack the main city of the Human Race, then maybe they have any cards that can turn the tide of the battle, and it may cause us a lot of losses, but …”

"We don't fight head-to-head, we attack from all sides, and blossom from all sides. As long as we can attract the Dao Sect's Divine Realm to take action, we can also wait for the opportunity to kill the Human Race Divine Realm."

"Even if we miss one or two times, our losses are still within the scope of our tolerance, and once we succeed, the fall of every god's realm will definitely be a huge blow to the Great Dao Sect!"

There is no so-called coalition army on the bright side, and the top forces of all parties have established their own strongholds and fought each other, but there is still a tacit understanding between them, harassing the Human Race Federation from different directions. Opportunity, other forces will also appear strong, to help them drag the other elders of the Dao Sect.

This is the secret agreement of the parties.

At least, their cooperation will not change until the Great Dao Sect collapses.


Ten days have passed since Tang Yu took the seat of Seven Lights City.

There is no trace of the powerhouses in the realm of the gods, but the ordinary battles are intensifying, and the specifications are also rising.

In the beginning, it was only the Awakening-level miscellaneous soldiers, and a few masters of stepping into the void invaded. Gradually, regular legions have appeared, and even the powerhouses of the unity realm have joined.

The Unity Realm in those large territories of the human race also led the legion and stationed at several important border positions.

The current pressure can still be withstood, but as the enemy invests in the unity of the realm, the gap between the strength and the weak will become more and more obvious with the limited number of unity powerhouses in the human race.

"Continue to maintain a defensive state, and in addition, go all out to investigate those top forces behind the scenes!"

Tang Yu ordered.

During this time, some human races have left the Federation under various excuses and are not optimistic about the future of the human race. Although Tang Yu is disappointed, he does not stop it.

In their bones, there are many human races who still regard themselves as weak subordinate races.

The full-scale counter-attack of the Seven Luminaries Federation has linked many human tribes and clan interests with the Dao Sect, but it has not really allowed the people to "stand up" - the difficult bones in the counter-offensive war were all solved by the Dao Sect. It was just a tailwind fight.

Right now, it is a headwind, and many people even feel that there is no hope of victory.

"But because of this, it can awaken the unyielding spirit hidden in the bones of the human race."

The human race has been in decline for too long.

Weak for too long.

They have always been vassals of powerful races, which makes them lack confidence. Even if they push the Seven Lights Federation horizontally, it is only the result of the strong action of the Great Dao Sect.

Not their own honor.


Outside Black Rock City, Chen Yu held a rune sword and fought against the swarming alien warriors.

A suffocating sense of oppression came upon me.

Looking around, there are alien warriors like a tide.

It is a race called the Blade Clan. That clan does not have the top invincible powerhouse to suppress the ethnic movement, but it is a veritable fighting clan. Many powerful countries have the Blade Clan Legion, which is the elite-level legion in the country. , In contrast, the original Terran Legion was only at the level of cannon fodder.

A Blade's Edge Awakened can at least be exchanged with five Human Awakened of the same level!

In the face of the powerful blade clan who rushed towards his face, Chen Yu was subconsciously fearful.

Unlike when they attacked the Seven Luminaries Federation, now they are facing not only the powerful races, but also the number of them is more than double.

But...behind them is the home they finally owned, finally lived a stable life, and finally got married and had children, they...have no way to go back.


Chen Yu regarded death as a return, and cut it down with a knife, and the huge force actually blasted the opposing Blade's Edge warriors out.

A blade clan expert with a slightly stronger breath than him came from the side.

The Blade's Edge people are good at using the knife, using the fast knife, the light of the knife is as fast as lightning, and it cuts out a silver light.

Chen Yu instinctively turned around and swept out the battle knife diagonally downward, swinging away the opponent's sharp knife, and stabbed it from the heart of the blade clan master and pulled it out.

The blood splashed all over his chest, and Chen Yu suddenly came back to his senses, dumbfounded, looking at his hands in disbelief.

Another blade warrior came and was solved by Chen Yu with two or three moves. He was convinced that after the establishment of the Human Race Federation, he had practiced for two years, practiced a more advanced cultivation method, learned superb combat skills, and learned from colleagues. Fighting, the self who thinks that he has not changed much, in fact, has long surpassed the original.

Stronger than the Blade Clan, but nothing more.

"Kill!" He shouted louder, with an indomitable spirit.


The war outside Blackrock City is just a microcosm of the relative smoothness of it. The top forces besieging the Human Race Federation, the races they drive are strong and weak, and some border fortresses can only be supported, and the invading alien races cross the border and infiltrate into the Human Race Federation.

West of Kunshan Fortress,

Hu Kaizhi leads an elite team responsible for clearing the alien races in the territory. The entire team has ten members, including three of them who are Awakening Rank Dzogchen, with reasonable occupational collocation, and have the power to resist when facing the void.

"Go, go to the next place."

The strength of the aliens who crossed the border was uneven, and most of them were just a few bad brands, but there were also elite teams. Now the human race has abandoned the villages and towns, and all the city defenses have been retreated. Therefore, even in the human race federal territory, the alien race team may be better than the human race team. Many, they dare not have the slightest carelessness.

An Awakened who was good at exploring the ground bent his knees and squatted, with a sturdy log on the ground.

"At nine o'clock, eight kilometers away."

The elite team rushed to solve a group of miscellaneous aliens who were looting the village.

At this time,


The tactical watch they were wearing vibrated slightly.

"It's a distress signal, B3 team, southeast, 23 kilometers."

"Message: Alien has 10 high-level awakenings and 5 Dzogchen."

It is stipulated that the distress signal needs to be accompanied by abbreviated information of the enemy, in order to prevent ordinary teams from sending them one by one, and it also means warning and fleeing in the face of an irresistible enemy.

Captain Hu Kaizhi pondered for a while, "The B-level squad also has a number of high-level awakenings who can support the aliens for a period of time. With us, even if we lose to the aliens, we can retreat calmly, save!"

Equipped with special hovering personnel carriers, they approached the location of the distress signal in just a few minutes.

I saw three Human Race Awakeners soaked in blood, retreating while fighting, and more than a dozen alien warriors constantly chasing and killing.

Hu Kaizhi's team rushed forward quickly, intercepted the aliens, and fought side by side with the remaining three ethnic warriors.

With the addition of this new force, the difference in combat power between the two sides is not too big, and the human race is likely to have other reinforcements, as long as they support for a period of time...

Hu Kaizhi's scalp suddenly became numb, his body suddenly dodged to the side, and a knife light came from behind.

call out--

A broken arm was thrown away.

Hu Kaizhi was full of disbelief, and the one who chopped off his arm was one of the three Terran warriors rescued by them.

The other two human race traitors also suddenly started, and several unsuspecting human race awakened people were injured and died in an instant.

The dozen or so alien races chasing over watched this scene playfully and surrounded them.

"Why are you?"

The human race traitor's face was twisted, "I just want to live, live! If I kill you, I can live!"

He slashed down with one knife and one knife. Hu Kaizhi, who was originally stronger, had difficulty parrying because of his broken arm. In just a short while, the battle suit was cut open several times, dripping with blood and gasping for breath.

The alien team leader didn't do anything, just said, "Give you a choice, surrender, and trap and kill other human race teams for us, and you will have a chance to survive."

In the squad, more than half were killed or lost in combat, and the rest were wounded.

There are traitors of the race inside, and aliens surround them outside.

Some members of the team seemed to be moving.


Just like before, they are also attached to a certain powerful race, and being driven by them seems... not an unacceptable thing.

The other human race teams that were booby-trapped were just some strangers.

not surrender,

only death.

Facing death, Hu Kaizhi thought he would be very scared, but unexpectedly found himself very calm.

Surrender is easy, but...

Finally got the Dao Sect, finally the human race has its own country, and finally stood up...

I will never kneel again!

"I choose...kill!"

His source power was burning wildly, neither dodging nor dodging, his chest cavity was split open by a knife, and the only remaining hand clenched the long sword and pierced through the human race traitor's heart with a puff.

Reinforcements from other human race teams came to the west, and more alien races appeared in the surrounding mountains and forests, and the aura of Takau shrouded the surroundings.

Hu Kaizhi had already accepted his fate, but he was still holding on to his last breath and slashed with his sword.

The alien sword fell on him, and his consciousness gradually became blurred. At the last moment, he heard a noisy voice from a distance, a strong human race descended from the sky, and a warm brilliance fell on him...

The roar resounded through the forest.


The Kunshan fortress, hundreds of miles away from the mountains and forests, was stained with blood, and the screams of killing lasted for ten days and ten nights.

There are strong men walking in the sky, constantly fighting, and the sound is like thunder.

Pieces of mountain peaks were destroyed, the earth was blasted out of huge craters, and rivers poured back to form lakes.

Except for the Kunshan Fortress, which is covered with a shield, it is barren for a hundred miles.


A powerful man of human race fell from the sky, smashing the earth out of a deep pit.

In the distance, an alien powerhouse stepped into the air, and the billowing source gas turned into a long rainbow and slammed on the shield of the Kunshan fortress.

boom! boom! boom!

The shield was on and off, and it shattered completely after being supported for a few times.

The rest of the aftermath slammed into the city wall, and the sturdy rune city wall was blasted with a huge gap dozens of meters long, and the terrifying shock wave blasted the nearby soldiers flying.

Several human races stationed on the city wall stepped on the virtual canthus, and flew to block the gap in the city wall that was blasted open.

But the realm of alien unity gathered source power again, and the ball of light continued to grow in his hands. He gently pushed forward, and a huge ball of light with a diameter of over fifty meters fell from the air.

That terrifying energy makes people desperate.

An unrestricted unity, just give him a little time, can easily kill millions of regular soldiers.

The sky has been enveloped by the ball of light.

The sound seemed to go away.

An orange light beam shot from the back of the fortress, like a steel needle that pierced a balloon, causing the huge ball of light to explode in the air instantly. The power hidden in the light beam pushed the explosion shock wave to the direction away from the fortress.

It's like a flame that ignites alcohol and is shoved forward.

Fan-shaped explosion flames enveloped the air for hundreds of meters.

The complexion of the unity of the different races changed suddenly, and the purple flames covered the whole body and fled into the distance.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Two orange-yellow beams penetrated through the two aliens, and the destructive power instantly annihilated their origin and exploded their bodies.

The other three orange beams fell on the alien legion camp.

Boom! ! !

The orange-red flame rose into the sky, like a huge blooming peony flower, dazzling and dazzling, the sky and the earth were empty for a while.

After a while,

The hurricane-like aftermath gradually dissipated, the earth was destroyed into irregular shapes, and the vast alien legion was only a little bit close to the fortress, and was shocked by the mighty force and fell to the ground softly.


thousands of miles away,

You God's Realm opened his eyes, with a smile that couldn't be concealed on his face, "Human God's Realm, you finally... still can't help it, at the expense of a few Unity Realms and those worthless soldiers, exchange for a God's Realm Realm It's worth it, it's worth it."

His figure disappeared instantly.

Several terrifying auras of God's Domain were approaching, locking the figure behind the Kunshan Fortress.

at the same time,

Another important war zone,

An alien god's realm appeared, and the frontier fortress was shrouded in coercion from a long distance.

He shot from afar, trying to restrain the human race, but he seemed to be apprehensive and did not dare to approach.

Sora's figure appeared high in the sky, opposite the alien powerhouse.

The same scene took place in various important war zones on the border. Tang Yu also had a main battle clone trying to make a move and chase after it, but the alien god realm that had been prepared for a momentary transfer was completely different from him fighting head-on.

Behind the Kunshan Fortress,

Xie Yukong, who fired a few shots, came to a barren area in the Federation.

There are five powerful gods chasing after them, standing in all directions.

"Human Xie, the fifth elder of the Great Dao Sect, is good at using firearms. He is the only powerhouse on the mainland who has used firearms to reach the top of the realm of the gods, and he is considered a powerhouse in the realm of the gods. Even the deity admires it. Unfortunately, you are a human race. , today is doomed to fall, and we will get the information we want from your soul."

He pretended to sigh.

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