My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 761 Changes in the High-Dimensional Upper Realm (Big Chapter)

The three Brolins, who were the second most powerful at the pinnacle of the realm of the gods, died suffocated.

First, he was brushed by the soldiers of the garrison, and then attracted his attention, and then... he was crushed by one hand.

In normal battles, Tang Yu doesn't need a holy weapon or supernatural powers, so he might not be able to beat any of them, but now... smashing it with one hand.

This is fate,

This is life.

In order to prevent the opponent from having any other means to escape, Tang Yu squeezed it with full strength, but he was more or less careful and did not crush the opponent's storage equipment.

The storage equipment is a black block-shaped item, the size of a matchbox, worn by a necklace and hung around the neck.

When Tang Yu held it in his hand, he felt...not ordinary storage equipment.

There are also restrictions on it, as well as complex rune patterns - even Tang Rune Master Yu You can't understand it.

He stared at it for three full minutes.


[Target: Reincarnation Hall token]

[Analysis: Reincarnation Hall transmits, receives and guides, breaks the world, records mission information, and strips the bridge items of the origin of the world, which contains a mark of the original treasure "■■■". ]

"Unexpectedly... The information parsed by "Eye of Insight" can still be mosaic? "

Tang Yu eats whales.

But it makes no difference whether it is covered or not! Anyone with feet can guess that the treasure is probably the "Reincarnation Hall".

However, the former, the Temple of Reincarnation is the name of the power, while the latter is a treasure, and its power involves the heavens and the world, but any information related to it will be erased...probably.

The storage function is not important in it.

There are three black square tokens, one of which has a brighter texture and seems to be of a higher grade. It should belong to the captain of the three reincarnations.

Tang Yu couldn't parse out any more information, but he didn't dare to try to break the ban with violence - not because he was afraid of danger. Although there was a trace of imprint, it was only an imprint. As long as there was the slightest power of the treasure, the Samsara team wouldn't be able to. was crushed.

In case of trouble, find the system,

Tang Yu put the 'Reincarnation Hall token' into the research institute for analysis, but as expected, the "eye of insight" can also see what can be analyzed, but the research institute is more detailed, the token and the treasure "■■■" The connection was cut off, and the restriction on storage was broken, but the net worth of the reincarnator had only one word for Boss Tang—poor.

If it can't be analyzed, the research institute can't do anything, it's still "■■□◆■△▲■●■▲■§".

It's useless to stay, it's a pity to abandon it.

[Ding dong! Combining the 'Reincarnation Hall Token' with the building's 'Teleportation Array' can produce unknown changes. ]

After parsing the densely packed fonts, another line of words starting with Ding Dong popped out.

Can't you make it clearer then?

Tang Yu raised his eyebrows.

There were several teleportation formations on the floating island. Tang Yu found one that had not been used for a long time and had been buried with a layer of fallen leaves and ash. When he reached out, a roll of fallen leaves fluttered in the sky, and the teleportation formation was cleaned up.

"Put... I'm so stupid to put it on the ground."

Seeing the black square on the stage, Tang Yusan picked it up and walked to the column on the edge of the stage.

The column is also a console, but only those who have been authorized by him can operate it.

He touched it, and at the place where the column was about three steps above the ground, a ray of light surrounded a square frame and shrunk in, like a dark space being pushed into.

The black square is placed here.

In an instant,

The control screen on the formation column was garbled, which was even more chaotic than when the "eye of insight" saw the blocked words full of mosaics.

The beep beep beep sounded continuously, and Tang Yu was worried about whether the teleportation array would be scrapped in the next moment.

Fortunately, I had foresight, and my feet moved back.


It's a bit like the screen when the computer is turned on. A wave like water waves swayed, and the control screen showed that the update was successful.

[Open new function: Manual search]

The teleportation array has an automatic search function, and every once in a while, an unfamiliar world will appear on the external teleportable list.

The efficiency is not high. With the continuous search of the source crystal, it takes ten days and a half to discover a new world.

Probably a barren world with few resources.

It may be a miniature world that is smaller than a province.

It may also be that the world has been ruined by the Devil Race, and it is a dead silence.

There are very few worlds that are truly valuable. At present, the most valuable world found by the teleportation array is still the cold continent of Aino—the world of mountains and seas is not counted.


"From automatic search to means search, how does it feel like degeneration?"

Tang Yu decided to give it a try, and immediately... called the tool man clone to stand on the teleportation formation.

Manual search is also teleportation, a shimmering light shrouded, and the tool man clone disappeared.

He switched his perspective, and what appeared in front of him was a bleak, chaotic void, a bit like the turbulent flow of space, with the wind of annihilation blowing from time to time.

High Void!

When you turn the angle of view, you can see a huge, colorful bubble.

Tang Yu realized for a moment that the huge bubbles represented the earth, and around the huge bubbles, there were small bubbles as small as gravel, which were secret realms attached to the existence of the earth.

The clone touched one of the small bubbles, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in a secret place with only a few dilapidated palaces. Several blond Europeans and Americans were exploring.

Tang Yu used the power of space to cover himself and was not noticed.

Looking up,


The secret space can't trap himself. He can break through the barrier and enter the chaotic void outside the secret, and he can also find the link point to enter the earth.

But... the high-level void can't go back.

It can be regarded as an alternative plane, which can be entered from any planet and any plane, but it is not a real plane world, it is more like a transit station. The high-level void and reality reflect each other, but the distance is closer than reality. To shrink countless times.

Tang Yu's space attainments are still unable to freely travel in the high-level void. I heard that those who have mastered the laws of space travel can do it...

"The teleportation array can send me into the high void..."

He understood what the purpose was, it was really a manual search, and he couldn't do it manually anymore.

back to the city, teleport,

Returning to the high-level void, Tang Yu looked into the distance, and the colorful bubbles were scattered like stars.

The difference is that the colorful bubbles must be the world where the law is completed, while the black and gray ones are either shattered worlds or desolate worlds.


The tool man avatar flew into the depths of the void at a very fast speed, and the scenery in the void quickly regressed like a glimmer of light.


A ray of gray airflow swept across, and the tool man's clone froze in the void, and the next moment his body was annihilated.

Black screen.

Tang Yu's deity beside the teleportation array fell into contemplation.

"High Void...well, the expected danger."


The high-dimensional upper realm is a plane full of Origin Qi and treasures everywhere.

It is boundless, headed by the four clans, the spirit clan, the human clan, the beast clan, and the demon clan, as well as dozens of large clans and tens of thousands of ordinary clans.

With a huge base, rich resources, and knowledge and technology accumulated from generation to generation, the high-dimensional upper realm is a great saint, and it is not a small amount.

But the high-dimensional upper realm is too big. There are ninety-nine big domains, and each big domain can be divided into countless small domains. In one domain, there are many dynasties and empires with vast territories.

If you want to see the legendary saint-level power, you have to be lucky.

Many people have not seen the Holy One for thousands of years.

Yuan Lingyu, Lancang waters.

Tianlan City.

This majestic city full of ancient atmosphere does not belong to any country or sect in the Lancang waters, but is directly under the management of the Yuanling Heavenly Realm, the largest force in the Yuanling Domain.

Every year, cultivators from the 'lower realm' are led to the upper realm of higher dimensions.

The universe is boundless, and there is no division between upper and lower bounds.

However, ordinary planets have limited resources, and ordinary planes have the limitations of the world. After some powerhouses reach the limit of the world, it is difficult to advance.

Googol is a high-level powerhouse in the world, with invincible combat power in the realm of the gods.

The level of this seat is similar to that of the Shanhai Great World. The number of gods is slightly more than that of the gods, but there are no false saints. The difference is that this seat belongs to the high-dimensional upper realm human race, and the upper realm human race has passed down many cultivation methods. , secret arts, outstanding people can be led to the high-dimensional upper realm.

It's a lead, not an ascension.

The universe does not have the rule of 'ascension', but there are saint-level powers who have built similar rules. As long as the screening conditions are met, they can follow the passage to the upper realm.

On the contrary, the indigenous powerhouses of the ordinary plane have reached their limit, and even if they can shatter the void, they will only step into the chaotic void.

New worlds are hard to find, and more advanced worlds are even harder to find.

"As expected of the high-dimensional upper realm." Googor stood in the reception pool of Tianlan City, took a deep breath, and felt that every cell was shaking.

"If I was born here, it would only take me less than a thousand years to have my current realm and combat power." His face was full of joy and shock, and the other leaders of the surrounding human race who had 'ascended' from the lower realm also had the same expression. .

Googol clenched his fists fiercely, "Very good, first set a small goal, break through, and become a saint!"

As an invincible powerhouse, the next step is the Holy Rank.

Hearing the declaration, the other human race leaders in the reception pool were a little surprised, but their eyes were bright.

It is almost necessary to compete first, who can break through the holy order.


A golden-armored guard stationed at the Jieyin Pool immediately laughed out loud.

Googol glared angrily.

The aura of the golden armored guards suddenly erupted, as if there were dragons and tigers roaring!

It is also invincible in the realm of the gods, but Googol's intuition tells him that the golden armor guard in front of him is stronger than himself, much stronger!

Another golden armor guard shook his head, "Don't tease the newcomer."

"I just let them understand the reality." He said, "A leader? Who is not a leader! At least those who have ascended from the higher world are at the peak of the realm of the gods, and there are a lot of them every year, but how many can enter the world? Holy rank, with the same life as heaven and earth?"

He sighed, "Let's talk about you and me, we have also ascended from the lower realm, and we are also invincible in the realm of the gods, but 15,000 years have passed, and we are still only invincible in the realm of the gods. The opportunity for breakthrough seems to be getting further and further away. ."

"In the entire Canglan waters, there has only been a holy rank in ten thousand years, and he is still from the upper realm. How many amazing and brilliant people have been defeated in front of that bottleneck and turned into dead bones."

Googol was shocked, not only shocked that the two golden armored guards lived for ten thousand or twenty thousand years, but also shocked the difficulty of the Holy Rank.

To cross the past is to live with the heaven and the earth, to shine with the sun and the moon, and to overlook all living beings at ease.

But you can't cross it and turn it into a dead bone. After tens of thousands of years, who will remember your existence?

Although shocked, but not depressed.

As a strong person in the lower realm, no one's will is bad.

Soon, the major forces in the Lancang waters came to recruit - the subversion of the gods and the invincible are also good masters in the high-dimensional upper realm.

Googol was wandering around, unwilling to join the forces, and he was not forced to, so it can be seen that the invincibility of God's Domain is not too rare.


Googol looked up,

Many masters at the reception pool looked away.

There is a stalwart phantom that spans the heavens and the earth and quickly disappears.

"That's... a saint?"

Googol and other ascenders didn't think that saints were rare at first, but after hearing the words of the golden armor guards, they were a little excited to see another saint at this time.

People in the high-dimensional upper bound are even more difficult to themselves.

"Oh oh oh oh, I actually saw a great saint in my lifetime!"

"Is that lord the guardian of our Lancang waters? Why do you feel that lord is in a hurry."

"No, there is nothing that can make the big man of the Holy Order anxious."

Most people are excited to discuss, but there is also a high-ranking person who seems to have remembered something, and his face is gradually dignified.

The atrium domain of the high-dimensional upper bound is the largest domain with the most abundant resources on the entire seating plane, and it is also the center of the plane.

The headquarters of the high-dimensional joint front was established here.

Back then, it was discovered that the four races in this seat had more frictions, and the battles between the saints broke out a lot. However, as the devil race became more powerful and pressed step by step, each race understood that relying on itself alone could not stop that. A soldier of a great master.

Then a high-dimensional united front was established to unite all ethnic groups, and only then did the devil tribe's tendency to spread like locusts be reluctantly curbed.

At this time, the headquarters of the high-dimensional joint front kept sending out alarms. The ordinary awakening and extraordinary levels were not aware of it, but a sage became more and more dignified. In their perception, the laws were gradually disordered.

Intuition also tells them that there is a big danger coming!


A sage of the Spiritual Race burst out, waving his hand as if the sky and the earth were covered with a film, and he couldn't see clearly.

Another sage of the human race suddenly raised his head, "The barrier... the barrier is broken!"

Before he could make a move, a crisp cracking sound rang out in his ears, and red lightnings fell from the sky and the earth, which were resolved by saints of various races.

However, they were too late to reinforce the plane barriers,


Darkness descended, red fog filled the air, and a huge void vortex appeared in the atrium domain and at the headquarters of the high-dimensional united front.

In an instant,

The entire headquarters disintegrated and fell into the void, and the elites of all ethnic groups in the headquarters were taken into the body world by the saints, otherwise, even the realm of the gods would die in the moment the void opened.

The Spiritual Race, Human Race, and Saint Steps of all races retreated with ugly expressions.

A holy emperor rolled up the long river of laws and gathered the power of hundreds of millions of souls to fight against it, but it collapsed in an instant, vomiting blood and retreating tens of thousands of miles.

The huge void vortex spread, and the core area in the atrium domain was swallowed up.



An infinitely tall figure with infinitely terrifying aura, an existence that cannot be described in words, stepped in step by step.

The entire High-Dimensional Upper Realm hummed as if it could not support it.

A stalwart saint exists, seeing the figure stepping out of the void, his complexion suddenly changes, and his eyes are full of horror.

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