My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 764 Seeing the Reincarnation Hall again (big chapter)

Below the city is a 'base' with a height of more than 100 meters, which is the 'equipment' that can drive a city to move, and contains a lot of technological crystallization.

But what's interesting is that Lenia doesn't have many technological weapons that can make mobile cities.

No airships, no chariots, no guns.

The only weapon is the very large and bloated Originium Destruction Cannon mounted on the mobile city - similar to the original version of the Originium Cannon.

The same is true for the vehicle they ride, which is made of a certain monster carapace material, with sufficient hardness and defense, but that's all, there are only simple runes inscribed on it.

'Runeology and array law are relatively backward, but there is a lot of development of spells. ’

In this world, there are generally only two basic occupations, 'Warlock' and 'Swordsman', but there are many occupations extended from different schools of spells, such as 'Explosive Warlock', 'Natural Disaster Warlock', 'Red Lotus Swordsman' , 'Magnetic Storm Swordsman' and so on.

From Tang Yu's point of view, there are many spells that can be called high-level spells, and they can only be created with a high level of spell attainments.

If one law passes, all law passes.

People who are not bad at spells often have some experience in rune literature and array law. Why does it look so bad?


"Thank you, Master, for your help."

A man in a white robe with a gold border embroidered on his robe was already waiting at the entrance of Lenia to welcome the returning warriors.

His hood was not on, revealing a pair of curved horns.

His hair had a few strands of white on his temples, and his beard fell to his neckline.

‘Actually, isn’t it a human race? ’

The Lenia warriors who got off the vehicle also pulled down their hoods, revealing a relieved look after entering the city.

There are quite a few of them, also with horns on their backs, or showing their long ears. They may be rabbits, and some are like fox ears... Some of them have no distinctive features, and Tang Yu thinks they are grown in other places, such as the tail of the tail. kind.

Said to be orcs, but they are more inclined to the aesthetics of the human race.

Such as bamboo chestnut and Fanny, while most orcs are more upright, intelligent beasts.

He heard that the orcs of the endless world look down on the hairless orcs like Fanny and the others. They belong to the aliens of the orcs, but they are welcomed by the human race. Whether they belong to the human race or the orcs is not easy to define between the two. .

'In this world, intelligent life should be these people with certain characteristics of animal ears. ’

Tang Yu is observing,

The Shofar Chancellor Augustine was also observing the master.

In Lenia, there are only a few powerful warlocks who can be called masters.

According to the warriors who set out on the expedition, the master waved his hand in the air and used some invisible spell to crush the two powerhouses in Black Rook Castle—in fact, it was space compression.

In today's 'spell fading', to still have such power, it seems a bit insufficient to call the master.

What surprised Speaker Augustine even more was Tang Yu's age.

too young!

Younger than his great-granddaughter looks!

At such an age, how on earth did you have such a skill in magic, did you start learning from the womb?

"Master, this is our little intention. The previous war was to recapture the origin stone mine occupied by Black Rook Castle, which is the only origin stone mine owned by Lenia."

Originium is similar in perception to high-purity source crystals, but slightly different.

Without finding out the situation, Tang Yu just gave a faint "um".

Augustine asked tentatively, "Dare to ask where the master came from and where is he going?"

"From the Great Tang Dynasty in the East, to the West..."

Augustine: "???"

As expected of a master with extremely high magical attainments at a young age, he speaks very mysteriously, reminding him of his teacher's lectures when he was young - he couldn't understand a single word.

But Augustine brushed his beard and his expression remained the same, "The journey is long and full of danger, and it coincides with the frequent occurrence of natural disasters recently. Why don't the master stay in our Lenia?"

The soldier who returned from the expedition looked at the young master and the speaker, and couldn't help but feel:

'The Speaker is worthy of being the Speaker, he actually understood the words of Master Xuan Ao, strong! ’

Tang Yu pondered for a moment, and then asked, "I heard that you have collected a lot of historical documents. I am more interested in this knowledge. Of course, it's not for nothing, I can give lectures in Lenia."

Augustine was surprised at first, and agreed without any hesitation.

It's just some historical documents, not magic data, and the value is not high. Even if it is magic data, for the master in front of me, I am afraid, I can only learn from it.

Provide some historical information, in exchange for a master lecture, it is worth it.

Augustine had planned to befriend this master - after the "Spell Decay", the status of the large city of Lenia has become more and more shaky.

Tang Yu stayed at the Lenia Royal Hotel - it is said that the predecessor of Lenia was the royal family of a certain country, but the history of that period is no longer able to be verified.

Today, it is 866 years of the mobile urban calendar.

'In less than a thousand years, it seems that the history is not long? ’

He is looking through some books sent by Augustine, and he will go to the Royal Library in Lenia tomorrow.

Under the control of the source, a heavy book was suspended in front of him, turning the pages with a clatter.

There are "Lenia History", "Scourge and Originium", "Spell Origin and Originium Disease", "The Path of the Warlock" and so on.


Tang Yu has an understanding of the history of the wasteland world, and some places that felt weird before, also suddenly understand.


He picked up an ellipsoid-shaped Originium and flicked it with a crisp sound.

"Because of some influence in this world, Originium and high-purity Origin Crystal are similar, but different. Originium contains a special substance that enables the awakened people of the wasteland world to comprehend spells when they practice with Origin Crystal."


The magic skills of the residents of this world are not as high as he originally imagined. The spells depend on comprehension. Only a few geniuses can systematically compile the spells that they have realized through cultivation.

"Not only that, the existence of that kind of material doubles the speed of cultivation of people in this world. The Great Perfection of Awakening before the age of 30 is a genius in other places, but here it is only a top student."


Tang Yu shook his head, nothing is perfect.

Originium can enable the awakened person to comprehend spells, and it also opens a link to accelerate cultivation, but it also has side effects.

The first is that the foundation is unstable, and the source power and physique are far weaker than the awakened ones of the same level. The experienced 'warlocks' and 'swordsmen' are only comparable to the demonized beasts of the same level.

This is just the price of a quick upgrade, not a big problem.

The real problem is that the Awakened here are short-lived.

very short!

The average life expectancy of Lenia Awakened is less than 70 years old. This is the data obtained after excluding the Awakened who died due to battles, accidents and other factors.

Whether it is the first-level awakening or the high-level awakening, it is the same, and the lifespan will not be longer due to the improvement of the realm in the awakening level.

Even an extraordinary first-order only has a lifespan of about 200 years.

The speaker of Lenia, Augustine, is a 160-year-old old man.


People in this world believe that there has been a virus in Originium, and from time to time there are awakened people who die because of Originium disease outbreaks. However, Originium = power, even if it is poison, not many people can resist it.

"No wonder Lenia only has a history of more than 800 years. This is still the first generation of mobile cities. Those built later have a shorter history. For example, Black Rook Castle has a history of more than 400 years."

"The development time is not enough, and the lifespan of the strong is also limited. Naturally, no one is going to study the 'less valuable' runes and formations."

However, Tang Yu saw value.

Are there side effects? Not enough life? Make up for it afterwards!

Compared to the cost of a quick upgrade, that's nothing at all!

Don’t look at him stepping into the void for one year, combining two years into one, and reaching the realm of the gods in three or four years. The resources that can be consumed are thousands of times that of a normal awakened person. However, ordinary students in Lenia only enjoy medium-level cultivation resources. Shao can reach the Great Perfection of Awakening before the age of thirty, and break through the transcendent before the age of fifty.

——After the age of fifty, due to the decline of physical function, the probability of breaking through the extraordinary becomes lower.

"The question now is whether there is an upper limit for this rapid improvement? Is the cost of eliminating side effects a lot!"

There is no second-order extraordinary in Lenia, but Tang Yu believes that with the status of the higher world, it is not difficult to give birth to the second-order extraordinary, and the third-order extraordinary is possible.


green city,

Tang Yu had already packed and sent back a copy of Originium.

"Master Kevin, the organization has given you a task to study what special substances these origin stones contain, and how much does it promote cultivation?"

"It's a trivial matter, Lord Lord." Kevin paused. "However, Lord Lord, I'm almost reaching the realm of a master craftsman. No matter how bad it is, I'm still a master. Can you change my name?"

"Good old Kevin."

Researching the special components in Originium is a very simple task for Luyin, who now has a comprehensive scientific research team.

In just a short time, Kevin brought the research results.

Tang Yu frowned when he saw it.

"Can only improve the promotion effect by less than 10%? The side effects are not that big? Strange..."

Kevin thought for a while, "Could it be because of the environment? Or the Originium has deteriorated."

The source stone was sent back, and Tang Yu also looked at it with the "eye of insight", and it didn't deteriorate.

It's just that the "Eye of Insight" only has a simple explanation of promoting cultivation.

In addition, the only difference is the environment of the shade and wasteland world, but what is the difference between the environment?

"Wait, maybe the rules are different!"

Except for the changes that occurred some time ago, the laws of the main universe are the same, but the laws of the endless planes outside the main universe will be slightly different.


Tang Yu didn't know whether the wasteland world was a planet or a plane - he didn't fly up to the sky to be side by side with the sun, and was suppressed by the world.

But there are some special items that need to work under certain rules.

Rather than saying that Originium is special, it's better that the seating area is special.

Originium, more compatible with the wasteland world.

"It seems that it can't be regarded as a resource plane. This special world is the most suitable for cultivating a reserve source, and it must be completely controlled."


the next day,

Augustine was hospitable again. Tang Yu came to the Royal Library in Lenia after tasting the slightly strange food in the Wasteland World.

During the period, Augustine has been accompanied.

Tang Yu once wondered if the old man was an idle speaker.

'However, it may be that they can't worry about themselves, after all, a great master is in the hinterland of their city. ’

But Augustine feels like a spring breeze. This old man is also very knowledgeable, not in academics. Academic Tang Yu can throw away ninety-nine streets in the wasteland world. Augustine's erudition lies in his knowledge of many forces in the wasteland world If you know, some mobile cities that are vaguely introduced in books can get a more detailed understanding in the mouth of Aogu.

"Mr. Speaker, can you talk about some well-known powerhouses? For example, those who have broken through that barrier."

Augustine froze.

Sure enough, this young master has already touched that bottleneck!

It was already ahead of him!

He cleared his throat, "There's nothing I can't say. It's just that there are frequent natural disasters in various places, there are not many connections between mobile cities, and I know only a limited number of strong people."

He paused, "Those who have broken through that level of bottleneck, in the world, only the top ten mobile cities such as Longmen, Progas, and Pard have those powerhouses.

Such as the 'Yan Huang' of Dragon Gate, who is unstoppable with a flaming knife in one hand, such as the 'Shagui' of Progas, whose evil spirit is like a ghost, can kill countless people with just one look... These are all famous in the world The veteran powerhouse. "

"But..." Augustine seemed to remember something, and his eyes became a little melancholy, "Some time ago, a force called 'Samsara Movement' suddenly appeared. At first, I thought it was just an ordinary force. It is not uncommon for armed forces to travel between mobile cities.

However, the 'Reincarnation Movement' planned a major event, which destroyed the large-scale mobile city 'Gallon' overnight. According to rumors, the 'Reincarnation Movement' was a powerhouse of that level. "

Lenia is only a large city, and the reincarnation movement can easily destroy Gallon, so it is obviously not difficult to destroy Lenia.

The only thing that reassured Augustine was that the area where Gallon was originally located was far from Lenia.

After the Gallon accident, the censorship of wandering armed forces in mobile cities has become more and more strict, and even if there is any action in the reincarnation movement, it will not be so easy to succeed.

After the analysis of the city leaders such as Augustine, they believed that the leader of the reincarnation movement should have grudges with Gallon himself, and then planned such an earth-shattering event.

In addition to the city destroyed by monsters, Gallon, is the first mobile city to be destroyed by humans.

Tang Yu was also taken aback, "Reincarnation... exercise?"

"Yes, the ordinary members of the Samsara movement are actually miscellaneous soldiers, but only their core operators are very mysterious and very powerful."

Can it be mysterious?

If... if it is really the Temple of Reincarnation, it is normal for him to be a foreigner just like himself, and staring at an unfamiliar plane.

Tang Yu rubbed his forehead and fell into deep thought.

If it is the Temple of Reincarnation, destroying the mobile city is likely to be their means of stealing the origin of the world.

The general world is nothing more, and he may even follow the black hands and seize their achievements.

But this plane,


Very special!

No second place to be found.

The world cannot be left to pass away.

'We must speed up. ’

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