My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 783 Supernatural powers show their power, with one dragging six (big chapter)

green city,

Thor and other powerhouses gathered again to discuss how to deal with the threats from the Devil Race and the Temple of Reincarnation.

"We still have too little information. Only the powerhouses like the City Lord of Green Shade can capture powerhouses above the second rank."

"Where's City Lord Tang? I didn't see it before when dealing with reincarnations? Why did you suddenly retreat?"

"Could it be that City Lord Tang is injured? That's right, if you want to repel even a terrifying existence, how can you not pay some price."

"What about the powerhouses such as Minister Luo? At least they should come forward!"

Chen Haiping's heart did not fluctuate, but he showed a little helplessness on the surface.

But in fact, he didn't know much.

I only know that Luo Zhe and others have retreated, and Yilian and Kong have been out for many days.

Which is more important between closing down and having a meeting? Of course it's important to shut down!

Thor stepped forward and bowed his hands like the Orientals, "Minister Chen, we have been in Green City for so many days, at least, we should give us a prepared answer, when will City Lord Tang leave the customs? We What we need to discuss is the major issues related to the survival of the earth."

"And those of us are also high-level leaders in various holy places. We have our own important things. We can't stay in your shade all the time."

The City Lord of Green Shade is mysterious and unpredictable. He pointed out the hiding places of many alien races before, and then they made a thunderous attack to destroy the alien tribe... This kind of cooperation mode made Thor feel very comfortable.

In the future, if there are aliens, or reincarnations invade again, Thor feels that he can refer to the response plan a few days ago.

Among them, the green shade is the protagonist, and the green shade city lord is particularly important, but their heroes will wait for the forces, and they are also supporting roles, right?

I believe that the Shade City Lord can't ignore their power.

Thor thought,


There was an explosion from outside.

He looked out through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the sky changed for a while.

"what happened?!"

Thor and other powerhouses came out in a swish, looking up, there were circles of lines in the sky like water waves, and there was a faint golden light that was about to tear the sky.

Suddenly Thor's eyes widened.

Taking a closer look, behind the rippling water is a huge figure that penetrates the sky and the ground, and is indescribable in words.

There is no breath oppression, those figures seem to be far away, but they make him terrified.

Let every high-level Holy Land force panic.


Those existences are the same level of existence as the great terror that coerced the earth that day!

How can there be so many? !


The earth trembled again, and the tremor might not be particularly strong, but they soon discovered that it was a global tremor, even the Shady City built on the floating island was also trembling.


The moon, Mars, Saturn, etc., also vibrated.

The majesty of the saint resounds through the sky.

The Origin Star Realm, which was accelerating at the beginning of the movement, was also interrupted.

Under the constant tremors, only with the power of the current World Tree, the movement speed has dropped ten times and a hundred times, and it is impossible to get rid of the pursuit of those holy orders.

What Tang Yu was most worried about appeared.

"Six saints, although they still can't break through the barriers of the world, but since there are saints who have reached outside the solar system, the remaining saints on the Devil's side are probably already on their way!"

"If you can't get rid of these holy orders now, everything will fall in vain."

Tang Yu pressed the trunk of the World Tree with one hand, barely able to sense the situation outside the world.

Just feel the pain in the head.

"Lord Lord, let me go!" Nancy's palm showed the sacred sword.


Every saint in the outside world is at least comparable to two or three Changhe saints, and there are even two devil saints. Although they did not face each other, Tang Yu felt that those two saints killed the fire-type clones in an instant compared to that day. , must be strong.

Nancy will only be killed if she goes.

Even if there was a City Return Scroll, he was beaten and fled back, and it was impossible to deal with so many holy orders.

Bamboo Squirrel Deaf pulled his head, "Then what should I do?"

Hongyue's expression was flat. She didn't care about the survival of the hundreds of millions of people on the earth. At most, she felt it was a pity. Of course, if the lord asked, she would still take action.

Luo Zhe was awakened from the retreat, and was equally anxious, but he was still a little self-aware. He went there by himself, and he might not even have time to activate the City Return Scroll, and he was blasted into scum.

Gray Blade shrugged, intercepting work is really not what he is good at.

If Elaine and Kong were here, everyone would make a move together, and it might not be impossible to buy some time.

Tang Yu is naturally clear.

He was also contacted by contract.

However, Yilian and Kong are not in any world with sub-territory, there is no signal base station, and the contract connection is delayed seriously, and it is impossible for Yilian and Kong to receive the information.

After analyzing all the possibilities, Tang Yu raised his head and his eyes became sharp.

It's time to turn the tide on your own, the great lord!

"My plan is... this, this... and then you..."


outside the solar system,

The six saint-level existences shot one after another, except for the solar system in front of them, the surrounding space has become a void.

"It's slowing down."

The devil sage 'Rui Cang' sneered, the sacred spear pierced the void, and a dazzling golden glow erupted.


His eyes narrowed and he saw a figure appearing in space through the world barrier.

is a human race.

As soon as he perceives, he is an extraordinary third-order peak.

"I have to say that Origin Star has only recovered for a few years, and it has reached the peak of the third-order. With time, even if you break through the holy order, you have a certain probability, but unfortunately..."

The devil sage 'Rui Cang' laughed at him.

Laughing at the incompetence of the third-order peak of the human race.

But on second thought, Origin Star is already the turtle in their urn. Even if the human race stays in the world, they will not be able to escape death. It is already a great courage to dare to walk out of the barriers of the world and block their existence.

The saint 'Rui Cang' gave birth to some appreciation, and decided to use the holy artifact to bestow the arrogance of the human race.

The huge dharma hand grabbed the 10,000-meter-long holy weapon long spear and swept it like a whip, with the power of the law.

Holy artifact, law, even the third-order peak will be wiped out by one blow, and it is impossible to be reborn from a drop of blood.


The long spear swept away, and the figure remained in place, not even the hairstyle was messed up.

"how is this possible?"

The saint 'Rui Cang' opened his eyes wide and saw that the figure of the arrogant human race disappeared. The next moment, he appeared beside him and pointed out.

The glazed flame was scorching hot, and the side where the dharma was scorched could be seen to be a little transparent upon careful observation.

"Fire magic? Space ability?"

The saint 'Rui Cang' was a little surprised.

Human race geniuses with space ability, if they don't pay attention, they may be slipped away by the other party.

This kid can't stay!

He looked a little more serious.

The golden light of the dharma image bloomed, and the scorching glazed flames were scattered, and a big hand was stretched out, becoming infinite, like a country, blocking the surrounding space.

Space Capability! As a member of the Devil Race, it is not difficult to learn, as long as it devours a few special races with space capabilities!

Tang Yu made a mistake, and his figure became a little more transparent.

When the big hand closed and grasped, the space in the palm was crushed into pieces, and he floated out like a ghost.

The Devil Race Saint would be really surprised.

"Let's do it together!"

A saint-level existence opened his forehead and raised his eyes, shot a beam of light, passed through the figure, and was useless.

The figure stepped out in one step, penetrated the dharma, appeared in the vicinity of a saint-level deity, and stretched out another finger.

The holy order reacted quickly, opened his mouth wide and inhaled violently, turning the dozens of miles of space into a grinding disc, and everything inside would be shattered.

The figure did not point out the flame, but stepped out in one step and appeared beside another saint.

"Time and Space Freeze!"

Another devil race saint, used his talent from devouring a special life.

One after another tadpole-like runes spread across the void of the universe, and the time and space within the range were frozen.

Tang Yu's consciousness suddenly became very slow, but after only one-thousandth of his breath, he broke free.

'It's dangerous, fortunately I have touched the fur of the law of time. ’

Tang Yu has experienced Shanggongling's time ability many times, delaying and stilling, so as to understand the law of time.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to break free from the innate ability to freeze time.

Space had no effect on him at all, but Tang Yu stayed away from this devil clan saint, and dealt with other saints.

He walks in the void, and with one wrong step, he can change in countless layers of space, even if the holy artifact swept past him with the law, it was useless, because it didn't hit at all!

Every blow of these saints poses no small threat to him, but if they fail to hit, they are useless.

And Tang Yu's glazed flames can pose a threat to the holy order, so that even if they want to ignore it, they can't do it.

The continuous use of magical powers gave Tang Yu a deeper understanding.

In his mind, the two imprints of magical powers shone slightly, which reduced his consumption, and also made him more subtle than the space system clone in the use of void walking.

The speed of the earth is getting faster and faster, and it is about to disappear within the perception range of several saints.

"I'll hold him back, and you continue to prevent Origin Star from escaping."

The holy-order existence with the talent of freezing time and space opened his mouth.

I don't know when, from Tang Yu's entanglement with several saints, he has become a saint on the side of the devil tribe, trying every means to hold Tang Yu back.

This arrogance of the human race is too terrifying!

Before reaching the Holy Rank, he has mastered the Fire Element and the Space Element Magical Powers!

Yes, the devil race saints no longer dare to think that it is just some kind of space ability, and some of them also have access to space laws, but the blocked space still does not work.

Only magic can explain it.

How terrifying this is, and what a profound knowledge of the law!

It must be delayed until the Night King arrives, otherwise, after countless years, he may be a holy king of the human race, and he may even hit a higher realm!

But Tang Yu didn't entangle with the devil race saint at all.

If you master the supernatural powers of the space system, you will have the initiative in the battle.

In the end, the two devil saints, and another extremely fast saint, were able to hold down the genius of the human race.

Saint Ruicang looked solemn, and suddenly said, "No, it's not that he was dragged by us, he is fully capable of leaving and catching up with the 'iron armor' saints, but he is willing to stay, and the three of us can't stop Origin Star! "

He no longer entangled with Tang Yu, but burst out with all his strength, chasing in the direction where the origin star left.

The other party was unwilling to entangle them, and Tang Yu could only cause them a little trouble and could not stop them.

Saint 'Rui Cang' met three 'Iron Armor' Saints with ugly faces halfway through.

The 'Tiejia' saint said, "We are in the game. Several human race geniuses shot, only the third-order peak, but it completely delayed us."

They chased after them, but no trace of the Origin Star could be seen.

Tracking, calculation, divination and other means cannot work on the origin star.

Turning his head again, the human race genius who mastered two kinds of magical powers also disappeared.


The devil's holy rank is furious.


green city,

Countless survivors looked up to the sky.

Like water ripples appear and disappear.

Earthquakes also gradually recovered.

Thor and other strong men withdrew their gazes and sighed, only to feel lost.

just now,

Nancy waited for them to know that the well-known powerhouses in the green shade, who were about two or three floors stronger than themselves, rushed out of the sky.

The breath that burst out at that moment shocked them.

They also wanted to follow, but in the blink of an eye, the green shade powerhouses disappeared from sight.

After they rushed out, after just a short while, the huge phantoms outside the sky disappeared.

Such a terrifying existence can be blocked by the green shade powerhouse!

It's not what they imagined, it's just terrifying, and as long as they rely on the advantage of the number of people, they still have the power to fight. However, the momentum of Nancy and the others was even worse than those of those terrifying existences, but their speed was more than a hundred times faster than the fastest Thor among them.

Is such a gap really useful?

Is the second-order extraordinary undead body really useful?

In the face of powerful enemies, can their power really not be ignored?

Thor asked himself, it was useless!

How ridiculous the way they discussed the solution.

Luyin is the protagonist, I thought I could at least be a supporting role, but now that I think about it, it is not even as good as a trick, at most a passer-by, a passer-by who can't even see the battle scene!

"I go first."

Thor turned into a streamer and rushed into the sky, flying towards the headquarters of the Heroes Association.

His eyes were burning, and he had already figured it out. When he went back, he would hand over everything of the Hero Club to the witch and others.

It is precisely because the City Lord of Green Shadow and the others are not greedy for power and push everything other than cultivation that they can get to this point.

From today onwards, I have to retreat myself. If I don’t break through to the domain level, I will swear not to retreat!


The origin of the star world is constantly accelerating, and it is constantly floating in the universe, which is equivalent to space transitions again and again.

Under the shroud of the power of the world, the movement was very stable, and there was no ball shock.

half year later,


The earth, along with the entire solar system, has reached that remote star field and found a suitable place to settle down.

Simply moving the earth is equivalent to splitting the entire world, which has a huge impact on the personality of the world.

And the whole world moves together, the sun is still the sun, the moon is still the moon, except for a very small number of high-level green shades, the other Holy Land forces do not know that the earth has wandered to a completely different star field, and most people do not notice it at all Earth changes.

Actually nothing has changed.

Only a small number of astronomers will be stupefied when they observe the starry sky, celestial constellations... How can they become completely incomprehensible?

But the apocalypse can happen, human beings can be overwhelming, and the mere astrological changes seem to be... quite normal, right?

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