After the tavern is built, there is a glowing exclamation mark on the icon of the built tavern, which shows the function introduction of the tavern.

He has built a tavern in the game, but now it is a reality after all. Tang Yu was also worried that the rules would be different. He was worried about not knowing the difference, and just happened to find this function introduction.

Without hesitation, Tang Yu clicked on the function introduction.

[In the tavern, the lord has the power to summon adventurers for free once a day. After the free permission is used, if you want to summon adventurers again, you must spend 500 units of source crystals. ]

[The aptitude of summoned adventurers is divided into D, C, B, A, and above. The higher the aptitude, the higher the growth attribute of the adventurer, but on the contrary, the adventurer with higher aptitude can summon the The lower the probability, the higher the probability of summoning high-quality adventurers by upgrading the tavern. ]

[Adventurers have five basic occupations, namely warriors, mages, clerics, assassins, musketeers, and summoned adventurers. The strength is not fixed. A first-level tavern can summon up to five levels of awakening, and those who lay the foundation for the peak Adventurer, upgrade the tavern to increase the upper limit of the strength of summoned adventurers. ]

[After summoning an adventurer, the lord can choose whether to recruit or not according to his needs. Choosing to recruit will sign a contract with the adventurer. The first-level tavern has only three follower contract columns. Upgrade the tavern to increase the number of followers who sign the contract. ]

[For the first time the lord is summoned, he must summon an adventurer with rank B or higher. ]

The rules were not much different from those in the game, so Tang Yu was relieved.

Why did he choose the tavern for the first building, isn't it because the tavern is the most helpful to him at present!

In particular, the benefits of the first recruiting will definitely summon adventurers with rank B or higher, which makes me excited to think about it.

Tang Yu is familiar with the urination of card games. If he is above B rank, there will never be A rank and S rank, but a B rank qualified adventurer is already a great help to him.

B-level aptitude may sound ordinary, but considering that he had never seen an A-level aptitude adventurer in the game for nearly a month, one could see how rare this probability was.

In particular, the game system has become a reality. Tang Yu guessed that this qualification classification may be the same as the qualification classification of modern humans, but the means of qualification detection in reality are still relatively backward, and can only barely measure a person's qualifications. Roughly speaking, it is impossible to give a clear qualification classification.

He was originally an E-rank without awakening aptitude, and most of the awakened people were D-rank. Perhaps only the favored people who awakened in the early days of the end of the world could have B-rank or higher aptitude. Moreover, adventurers have occupations, and if they have occupations, they have skills, and they have a complete occupational system, which completely crushes those awakened people who don't understand anything in reality and can only rely on flat cuts.

Tang Yu shook off his complicated thoughts and focused on the next summoning ceremony.

"bring it on!"

Tang Yu took a deep breath, turned on the system, and selected Summon.

In the center of the tavern, a huge circular magic circle appeared, with dense runes carved on it.

The runes are like pointers, constantly rotating and combining, and the circle emits a brilliant light, which is like a circle of light, which is slowly shrinking.


The adventurer profession and the strength of the adventurer to be summoned are unknown!

Tang Yu held his breath!

The aperture was narrowed to its minimum, and a purple light burst out.

purple? Purple light!

Tang Yu's heart suddenly beat twice unsatisfactorily, and he couldn't help counting silently in his heart...

The white light represents D-level qualifications.

The green light represents C-level qualifications.

Blue light stands for Class B.

That purple light...

This is definitely Ou!

The purple light turned into a human phantom. The adventurer was wearing a tattered cloak and could not see clearly. Tang Yu carefully observed it for a while before realizing that this should be a female adventurer.

"Ding Dong! Adventurer Elaine, Qualification A, Occupation: Mage, is the lord sure to sign a follower contract (Master) with him?"

It goes without saying...



In a dilapidated wooden house, a man in a cloak was sitting on an equally dilapidated wooden bed, holding a torn book in his hands, reading intently.

The family has four walls, this is Elaine's home.

Such days have passed for several years. From the beginning, Elaine has become very accustomed to such days. For her, no matter how good the living environment is, it is not as important as the book in her hand.

This is the basis of a spell.

It was discovered by Elaine from under her bed. Apart from the relics of her parents, this was the only thing in the house.


The sharp alarm sounded throughout the city, and Yilian was startled, her face showing sadness.

It was the sound of the siren when the Kuroshio struck. She was all too familiar with it, as if it was branded in her soul.

Three years ago, the same alarm sounded, the Kuroshio hit, and the parents, who were working outside the city, never returned.

That year, she became an orphan, and her originally happy home became more and more dilapidated from that moment on.

Under the grief, Elaine awakened, she realized the power of the elements, and was surprised to find that she could use the ice ability. This is the power that only mages have. The mages are powerful and noble, and their status is much higher than that of ordinary warriors.

But being able to use the ice ability proficiently is only a prerequisite for becoming a mage, but Elaine has no way to learn magic.

In this city, all she knows is that only the city lord has books about spells. How precious are these books, Yilian knows that she can't get them, unless she is loyal to the city lord. However, the city lord is a very extreme aristocrat, and he has always believed that only the noble bloodline of aristocrats can master the power of magic...

Elaine shook her head, she could only survive in the slums alone.

There is no stable source of income, she is alone, and she is still young. In a slum area where people eat people, Elaine lives very hard. Fortunately, she has awakened, and her physical perception and other abilities are higher than ordinary people. Places like slums gradually survived.

Until one time, a broken magic book was found from the cracked bottom of the bed at home.

The content of the magic book is intermittent, and Elaine does not have any foundation for spells, but with this, her understanding of spells is still advancing by leaps and bounds, and she has comprehended one spell after another.


Elaine exhaled and walked out of the cabin.

She put on a hood, and a large cloak covered her entire body tightly. She lived in a slum for several years, and this has become a habit of Elaine. Here, there are many things, a girl who lives alone, the best way, Just hide yourself.

The slum area is located at the outermost periphery of the city. Looking around, it is a mess of private houses. In the distance is the towering city wall. Elaine can see many soldiers running nervously to the designated location.

Outside the city walls is a gray sky, and the world has been a color of this since I can remember. Elaine hid the most important book on her body, so there was nothing of value at home. After thinking about it, she decided to check the situation first.

At this time, because of the alarm, the surroundings were messy, and many people ran around aimlessly.



A dazzling fire broke out in the distance, and bursts of smoke rose into the air. With the sound of rumbling, the towering city wall collapsed!

Elaine's eyes were horrified. In her impression, this city wall has always been indestructible. Even in the tragic city defense battle three years ago, there was no such thing as the city wall collapsing. , the wall collapsed.

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