"don't want!"


The characteristic of slums is that there are many people and narrow streets.

As soon as the city wall was broken, everyone scurried around like headless flies, and dense monsters poured in from the gaps in the city wall, and the black pressure was like a tide.

The outer city is no longer safe, and some smart people plan to flee to the inner city. At this time, only the inner city wall is still intact, and there are senior professionals guarding it. The inner city is indeed much safer. However, Elaine has no plans to go to the inner city. Normally, only nobles and big businessmen can enter the inner city. Now, in this emergency situation, it is even more impossible for the poor to enter.

The best way is to find a place to stick to.

Elaine was very familiar with the slum area, and quickly found a place suitable for holding on. It was backed by the city wall, the surrounding houses were relatively solid, and there was a distance from the breach. It was the best place to find in a short time.

The group of monsters catches the eye.

Elaine often heard about it from her parents when she was a child, but this was the first time she saw these monsters. They have different appearances, and the only characteristic is that they are ferocious, ugly, and exudes a panic-stricken atmosphere. It is said that this is a dark creature sent by the evil god to invade the world.

A group of spiders flew over, they were baby-sized, purple-black all over, with corrosive liquid flowing from their mouths and hissing.

This is the lowest level of magic spider, but it is still terrifying. Its venom is not strong and corrosive, and many warriors will be severely injured if they are not careful.

Elaine flashed some information about common dark creatures in her mind, and then stretched out her hands to condense the surrounding ice elements, the first real shot since she woke up.

The surrounding temperature dropped instantly, and ice ridges condensed in her palm.

boom! Bang!

The ice pierced through the magic spider, then shattered, and the ice flakes flew, freezing the magic spiders to the ground.

To deal with such weak but numerous dark creatures, a mage like her has an advantage.

However, the number of magic spiders is too large, and there is an endless stream, and human screams can be heard from time to time.

One minute.

two minutes.

five minutes……

With its back against the city wall, this place is relatively safe and has not encountered those terrifying monsters in the Kuroshio. However, just dealing with these magic spiders, Elaine's face is already pale, her magic power is almost exhausted, but the situation has not improved in the slightest. She also saw the soldiers on the city wall, almost all dead.


Three years ago, she only knew that the Kuroshio was terrible, until now, she has deeply realized this feeling of powerlessness...

In the distance, the inner city is in constant fire, while the outer city has long been silent. Elaine didn't know how many survivors there were in the outer city, but she knew that she could no longer release any spells, and she was already the same as the deceased dead.

Are you unwilling...

If she hadn't awakened three years ago, she might have died long ago, but...

The magic spider rushed towards her, and the venom would corrode her cloak, dripping on every inch of her skin, and the severe pain hit her nerves.

Elaine became calmer instead...


There was a ripple in her calm eyes.

"...become a follower of the lord? Yes/No?"

A golden sheepskin scroll appeared in front of her, as if to dispel the boundless darkness.

Time and space transformation.

There was a flower in front of Elaine's eyes, the overwhelming black tide disappeared, and the sound of fighting and screams disappeared. What appeared in front of her was a tavern.


She was surprised to find that she didn't feel any pain. Although her robe was still torn, her skin was intact, and all her injuries were healed. She even found that her body was full of magic power, and she recovered in an instant. best condition.

am i dreaming...

Elaine pinched herself lightly, so that she quickly understood that all this was real, that this was neither heaven nor hell, just as the contract said, this was another world.

She is here, and as a follower, everything will start all over again.

The orange light exudes a soft glow, and the surroundings are silent. Elaine raised her head, and her gaze finally settled not far away—a young man with a warm smile on his face.

She was startled, then stepped forward and knelt down on one knee.


The illusory figures on the rune array turned into reality, the girl was dressed in tatters, the originally wide cloak had turned into a flying strip of cloth, and her body was dyed with colorful blood.

Tang Yu saw that the girl seemed to be still in a trance. He was about to step forward, but his raised foot suddenly stopped in mid-air...

As a lord, facing the first follower, still a girl, at this time, what should I say?

Tang Yu was a little distressed that he didn't prepare the script in advance, and he couldn't ask Du Niang, or... comrades, how hard are you working?

This doesn't seem to work.

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw the wine on the wine cabinet, Tang Yu's eyes lit up, he stepped forward and took a bottle and handed it over.

"Want a bottle?"

At this moment, Elaine stepped forward and knelt down on one knee.

The atmosphere was very embarrassing...

After a few minutes.

Elaine followed behind the lord, still feeling like a dream.

She escaped from death first, and then was summoned to this world. She had the information instilled by the power of the contract in her mind, and she did not feel uncomfortable. The language, common sense, etc. of this world seemed to be instincts in her daily life.

It was because of this that she was surprised, and now, under the leadership of the Lord, she came to the castle.

As a child who grew up in a slum since she was a child, Elaine had never seen this before. This castle was splendid, but she was dirty all over. When she walked into it, she seemed to be sullying this beautiful picture.

She did not dare to enter, but was pulled in by the lord, leaving dark footprints on the floor along the way, until she came to a large and bright house.

"This is the bathroom... The clothes are on the shelf over there, maybe they don't fit well, you should put them on first... If there is food, I'll prepare some, and you'll be almost ready when you come out..."

The door closed with a click, but the words of Lord Lord echoed in Elaine's mind, and what she saw in her eyes was such a beautiful room.

Her expression was still in a trance. Thinking back on her whole body, since her parents died, her life has been completely plunged into darkness. She was bullied, rejected, and surrounded by people with bad intentions, but today, she felt warmth again.

Elaine blinked, tears welling up in her eyes. She took off her clothes and walked into the warm bath, with the water flowing over her knees, and the warm smile of the lord appeared in her mind.

Gradually, Elaine sat down, and the water soaked her shoulders to wash away the filth.

She closed her eyes, and she had a new belief in her heart.


Tang Yu hummed a little tune and was busy in the kitchen.

He doesn't know how to cook. He can only cook some noodles at most. Fortunately, the various household appliances in the castle are very advanced. After a few fiddling around, Tang Yu still made something.

Going back to the bathroom door on the second floor, looking at the closed bathroom door, and listening to the sound of water splashing from inside, Tang Yu felt a little worried for a while.

Although Elaine's cloak was shattered, the whole person seemed to be stuck in the mud. The whole person was miserable. He didn't actually see what Elaine looked like, but just listened to her voice, which was clear and sweet.

I thought that Elaine would need to spend a lot of time in the bathroom, but soon, along with the sound, the bathroom door opened, and the dense mist spread out.

Tang Yu suddenly had expectations.

A white foot appeared in the line of sight, as if it was the most exquisite ivory, following the angle of view...

Tang Yu swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously.

At this time, Elaine is like an elf walking out of a picture scroll. She has long sky blue hair that almost hangs down to her waist. The ends of her hair are still stained with water droplets that have not been completely dried. Her little face is flushed. The skin is white and smooth, like bright ice crystals.

A large men's coat was worn on Elaine, covering her weak body. However, a pair of white thighs, almost exposed to the air, seemed to be writhing uneasy...

For a while, Tang Yu's blood surged, and he only felt that he had to supplement nutrition again.

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