My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 797 Games save the world

Mercury technology has developed to a very high level, it has long rushed out of the planet, and the research and development of weapons of war has not stopped.


When the huge rift named 'Abyss' appeared, although many people were shocked, no one thought of the danger of extinction.

Although those monsters are extremely fast, terrifying in strength and tenacious in vitality, once they rush into the city, they will cause irreversible disasters.

However, after all, it is only a creature, and it only appears on the sparsely populated resource star. After the high-level Mercury reacted, they mobilized many weapons of war, and endless artillery fire poured down, blasting those hideous and different monsters into slag.

The monster gushing out of the abyss was once sent to the scientific research bench, which was considered a milestone in the discovery of extraterrestrial life by Mercury.

But over time,

The resource star that appeared in the abyss could hardly stand it.

The number of 'abysses' is increasing, and the monsters are becoming more and more terrifying. There are even 'disaster-level' monsters that are dozens of meters high, can resist missiles and energy weapons, and have to pay a great price to clear them.

What reassured the upper levels of Mercury was that although those monsters could survive in a vacuum environment, they could not rush out of the planet.


Another planet that is closest to the resource star also has an 'abyss', and in about a month, the 'abyss' will 'spread' to another planet.

And there is a fixed direction, moving towards the mother planet of the Mercury people!

This time,

The Mercury executives couldn't sit still. They were very aware of the destructive power of those monsters. The resource planet was easy to guard because of the small number of mining points. If it was replaced by Mercury with a population of 20 billion...

But they are powerless to stop, the 'Abyss' can't be destroyed at all, can't stop it!

Even, with the increase in the number of 'disaster-level' monsters, the resource star is almost unstoppable.

Mercury executives made the worst plan. While the giant war machine of the Planetary Alliance was running fast, they built an ark to preserve the human fire.

The Enlightenment spacecraft is the vanguard, stumbled upon a unique planet during space exploration.

Observationally, that planet is 3/3 land and 7/7 ocean, and is likely to be a habitable planet.

"This planet is very far away from our planet Mercury, and it may be able to prevent the abyss from spreading."

"Anyway, we have to find out the environment of that planet first, whether it's immigration or other things, before we can prepare in advance."

The elites in the bridge put away their pessimism.


The ship's siren sounded.

A detective exclaimed, "Front... There is a high-energy reaction ahead!"

He didn't need to speak. Others saw through the screen. Outside the galaxy in front of them, there was a dazzling light blooming, which even tore apart the darkness of the universe.


A star exploded with a bang.

Except for the white light and the energy detector that kept sounding the alarm, they didn't detect anything, but found that countless stars exploded, and a terrifying force appeared.

"Yes, it's a space phenomenon!"

Mercury's hundreds of years of exploring the sky have uncovered a handful of unexplained phenomena they call space anomalies.

There was once a battleship that suddenly disappeared with a piece of the hull when it was sailing in space.

A mirage comparable to the size of a planet has also been detected, and experts speculate that it is some kind of star spectacle caused by light.

But the space vision before them was even more dangerous.

The energy detector has long reached the upper limit of what it can detect. If a medium-sized spacecraft like Qiming collided, there was not even slag left.

"Quick, turn around!"

"What about the life planet? It won't be destroyed, will it?"

"Can't handle that much, withdraw! Withdraw!"

That invisible force gradually spread, and countless stars disappeared.

The faint blue tail flame of the Qiming spit out, pushing the entire spacecraft to flee into the distance.

at this time,

outside the solar system,

Tang Yu's illusory figure gradually solidified.

Just now, he stepped into the Qiming spaceship, and his mental power spread to open the dialogue in the bridge.

"I didn't expect that the tentacles of the devil tribe actually spread here."

He knows that the closest to the earth is a technological civilization, but he is more unclear and has no intention of intersecting with that civilization.

Although the location of the earth has been discovered - after all, although he can move the earth, he can't hide the earth. Even if he arranges an illusion-like array, he must be able to arrange the size of a solar system.

But none of the devils can enter the solar system, and Mercury's spaceship is even more impossible, and will only hit a wall.

Even destroying some spaceships at will, can make them retreat.


"Since the devil clan has invaded the planet, we have to create some trouble for them."

Tang Yu had some immature ideas in his mind, but he still decided to move the earth farther away to avoid the coordinates being discovered.

——God knows how the devil race searches for life planets.

Shaking his head, he cast his eyes into the distance.

The surging sword energy is like a white awn, illuminating the entire space.

The line of sight penetrated the white awn, and there was a figure in it, standing there straight, as if it was the center of the starry sky.

Empty is venting.

One after another sword light slashed out, tearing apart the space directly, smashing countless stars into pieces.

Everyone's process of breaking through the holy order is different.

Some strong people may realize it for a while and become holy on the spot.

Some powerhouses refine an entire world, sublimating with the help of the world's status.

Some strong people die and then live.

Elaine's breakthrough came naturally, and after a period of retreat, she broke through and entered the Holy Land.

And Sora's breakthrough, the movement is bigger.

He needs to constantly stimulate the sword intent, drive the law, and use the sword intent to create the holy body.

But there are also dangers, for example, before Sora's power is exhausted, before the holy body is cast, the breakthrough will fail.

The sky is not far from the boundary of the solar system.

Tang Yu spread the distance of the territory, stretched out his finger, and a mysterious power that was invisible and intangible, and could not be sensed fell.

Kong Spirit, who was breaking through, was shocked and entered a state of mystery and mystery. With a wave of his hand, the sword energy would trigger the law.

This continuous pouring of sword energy continued for three days and three nights.

At a long distance, Qiming observed for a while, and after confirming that the space phenomenon would not disappear in a short time, the spacecraft accelerated and entered space to jump back to Mercury.


Jia Shi is a game up master, and he is also a high-ranking player. He has left a deep impression on several Mercury games with dominance.

He was dubbed "Boss Jia" by many netizens.

Although his family has a lot of money, although he can spend tens of millions to buy one piece of equipment, that is not the reason why he can become a top gamer.

There is only one real reason, he is good at it.

On Mercury, where virtual reality games have matured, high play is equal to 99% of wealth plus 1% of skill, but that 1% of skill is the key to determining whether a player can become a high-player.


Jia Shi sat up from the game booth, "There are fewer and fewer people playing this game."

He formed a ticket-playing guild in a popular game. Although it was only a ticket-playing nature, under the money offensive of Boss Jia, the guild also had second-rate strength and had a large number of members.

But in recent months, there has been a steady stream of outlandish policies.

What game has a time limit and a charge limit.

More and more guild members are withdrawing.

"Not just games, almost all entertainment industries have entered a cold winter."

Jia Shi opened the browser, and the information such as the glory of conscription was overwhelming.

There's also a lot of manufacturing, with emergency hiring of skilled workers and a big rise in benefits -- purely skilled workers are few and far between on AI-mature Mercury.

On the contrary, the entertainment industry is restricted, and many movies with the theme of "human beings united against aliens" have been released, but the plots are boring and the plots are roughly similar.

Ordinary people feel a kind of atmosphere that is about to come.

As a person with backers, Jia Shi is more aware that the crisis facing mankind is far more serious than imagined, and the 'ship tickets' are ready!

In this case, it is difficult to maintain the stability of the surface.

How many people have free time to play games?

Even the 'Fire Blue Country', which is known as the most popular in the world, has become much deserted.

As a person who lives a boring and boring life every day, Carls is naturally inseparable from games, but he can't help but have to play!

Bored to browse the web page, Jia Shi suddenly looked startled.

"Completely realistic game 'Lord God'? Are there any new games released this year?"

"No, it's probably a game that was developed before the winter of the game...what a bad boy."

"Besides, the slogan is actually wanting to save the world? It's an old-fashioned slogan hundreds of years ago. It seems that the game company is giving up on itself."

Although he didn't have expectations for this game, Jia Shi was too boring, and he still downloaded the 'Lord God' to the game warehouse.

After hastily brushed two 'Fighting Aliens' movies, Jia Shi just lay down in the game compartment slowly.

Click on Lord God.

Immerse yourself in thinking.

Cars opened his mouth wide.

Yes,,,, Kavin (grabbing his head). . . .

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