My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 798 Fear, but still want to play (big chapter)

At the moment when the game started, Jia Shi was like falling into a dream, and suddenly woke up in a confused darkness.

There was light in front of him.

There are mottled and old slates under the feet, weeds tenaciously grow in the gaps of the slates, and the fragrance of the grass and trees seeps into the nose.

There are also scratched walls on both sides, ten meters high from the top, like a passage, extending to the end of the line of sight.

There were some white crystals inlaid on the brick wall, and it was the halo from the crystals that allowed Carls to see everything around him.

He reached out and grabbed one of the white crystals, trying to pull it out, but didn't pull it out.

"Sure enough, it's just the background board, wait..."

He stared blankly at his palm, the rough texture of the wall when he just touched the wall, and a little grit spilled from the wall as the arm pulled the white crystal hard, all of which gave him a game he had never known before. experience -


He clenched his fists hard, then reached out and pinched the flesh of his arm, oh, it hurts!

"This touch, this experience, is simply..."

Although Mercury's virtual reality games are mature, the game environment is only composed of textures, and the sense of smell does not exist. In the past, Jia Shi thought those games were good, but now... even if he just started the 'Master God' game, it gave him a kind of It's like playing a spicy chicken game before.

He took a deep breath,

Even the air has a grassy fragrance and a faint smell of blood.

Um? Bloody smell?

The smell of blood suddenly thickened and became pungent. Jia Shi couldn't help covering his nose, but his eyes suddenly widened.

In front of him,

The cracks in the wall suddenly seeped bright red blood, and before he had time to be frightened, the blood formed lines of common words for Mercury and Mercury.

"What players are about to face is the 'Lord God' game test level. Only by passing the test level can you get the official game qualification."

"The test level has been randomly generated: cave escape, please survive for at least 60 seconds under the pursuit of monsters."

"Remarks: The longer the survival time, the higher the evaluation. Those with high evaluations may receive mysterious rewards from the Lord God."

"Note 2: This game is a completely real experience, and this game is not responsible for all mental stimulation, negative effects, cerebral palsy, etc. caused."

"Brave boy, panic, scream, and please the Lord God."

The smell of blood was too real, and Jia Shi should have panicked at least for a while, but his attention was completely on the font made of blood.

"As expected of a completely real game, even the game prompts are so touching... There is still a test level? Are you looking down on my boss Jia?"

There have also been games on Mercury that use 'abuse people for fun'.

In order to avoid the psychological shadow of players being abused by the game, there are persuasion levels at the beginning of the game, but those levels have become one of the selling points to attract players.

As a top player, what Jia Shi likes most is to tease the so-called persuasion level.

Although the main god game is a little bit real, isn't it more fulfilling to tease the real game? !

"This level is called 'Cave Escape'. It requires 60 seconds of survival under the attack of monsters. It's very simple and straightforward."

Justin pondered, "I can rely on the card slot and so on to tease the monster, and what if I kill the monster? Will there be a bug in the game?"

He was already excited.

While thinking about it, the blood in the scene prompted by the game gradually dripped and became a pool of blood.

On the other side of the wall, the blood that constitutes the countdown seeps.

"The monster has appeared, and will start chasing after 20 seconds."

Yin Hong's numbers change rapidly.

Jia Shi suddenly smelled a stench, the hairs all over his body stood upright, and a chill rushed to his head from the soles of his feet, as if he was being stared at by some terrifying monster, and the whole person was in a trance for two or three seconds.

He twisted his neck stiffly, and saw a huge monster on all fours about seven or eight meters behind him.

It has a body similar to a wolf, but its fur is rotten, its face is twisted and twisted like a ghost, and most importantly, its size is comparable to a large truck!

Just the visual impact is like a tiger, lion and the like, giving dozens of streets of terror!

The scarlet pupils of the giant rot wolf stared straight at him, and some saliva dripped between its sharp and sharp teeth, hitting the stone slab with a sizzling sound.

Jia Shi was stiff all over, and cold sweat dripped from his back.

This kind of terrifying monster, you still want to tease yourself?

Let alone 60 seconds, you can't even hold it for 6 seconds!

With a random bite, you will become the food in the belly of the giant rot wolf!

and many more!

Despite his fear, his observation ability as a top player still made him keenly aware of the strangeness of the giant rot wolf standing.

The whole wolf leaned to the left, the left front and left hind legs were injured, and when it stood up supporting the huge body, it was trembling.

He probably can't run fast!

This is the lifeline of the test level, and your own chance!

Jia Shi didn't dare to think about waves anymore. It was really because the giant rot wolf was too terrifying and the game was too real!

He didn't even dare to imagine that he was really bitten by the giant rotten wolf, what would it be like?

Completely inspired by the survival instinct!

Jia Shi slapped himself fiercely, freeing himself from the panic, and quickly fled forward with his legs open.

His physical fitness is very good, and the main god game seems to have completely simulated his real situation, which makes Jia Shi can't help but wonder whether it is the game or the time traveled by himself.

In the beginning, the stone slab of the passage was flat, but soon, he found that the passage became more and more rugged, and sometimes there were holes in the front, which were bottomless.

Sometimes there are boulders blocking the road ahead, and Jia Shi is agile, even crawling and rolling over.

These obstacles were not difficult for him, but gave him hope.

If the road is flat, even if the giant rot wolf is injured in the leg, the speed must be much faster than himself, but the complex terrain is an opportunity!


There was a roar from the rear. It was more terrifying than the tiger roar that Jazz heard in the zoo... No, it can't be compared at all. Comparing a captive tiger is an insult to the terrifying giant rot wolf and the game plan.

He didn't look back, he kept his head down and ran.

There was a thumping sound behind him, and the entire passage seemed to be shaking. Jia Shi couldn't help but raised his head frequently, for fear that a collapsing boulder would fall on his head at any time.

Switching to other games, Jia Shi will definitely just bury his head and fly, and ignore the changes in the "background board" of the channel.

But this game is too real.

The constant vibration has caused some gravel to fall on the top of the head, and the background boards such as walls, I am afraid that as long as the strength is enough, it is not impossible to destroy, such as the giant rot wolf!


His eyes narrowed,

As soon as his footsteps went wrong, he flew to the left, stepping on the gravel pile and leaping over.

At the same time, on the right side of the gravel pile, the 'flat land' that Jia Shi planned to pass through, just because of the vibration, a boulder the size of a grinding disc fell on the top. The gravel flew over the edge of his cheek, scratching the right side of his face with burning pain!

It hurts!

It's not the kind of impact that the game simulates bluntly!

He couldn't help but touch it, it was wet, and his palms were already dyed red.

The fear in his heart continued to grow, but Jia Shi kept his footsteps steady, flying from side to side in the passage where the gravel was piled up.

He didn't look back, and he didn't dare to look back.

But he felt that the giant rotten wolf was approaching.


There was another thunderous roar behind him, and the closer he got, it made his eardrums hurt.

Right at this time,

The front passage was blocked by several slanted logs, and there was only a waist-high gap in the middle of the lower part.

Can be drilled through.

But it was too late to bow to drill!

Jia Shi has already smelled the stench coming from behind him!

He leaned back, and the entire portrait shovel swished through the gap. Thanks to the excellent quality of the pajamas he was wearing - in the game level, except for a pair of shoes, the rest was the same as when he was lying in the game compartment - his quick-witted slide succeeded, rubbing frantically with the ground My calf doesn't hurt that much... No, sigh, it still hurts a bit.

Jia Shi got up quickly, and finally couldn't help but look back.

Bang! !

Those sturdy logs that sealed the passage were shattered when the giant rot wolf slammed into it, and countless debris flew in all directions. The giant rot wolf was only shocked by the shock and stopped for a moment, and then continued to lame again. Jumping towards him.


Jia Shi's screams echoed in the passage, and he fled forward with a tumble and crawling.

Running at full speed, constantly climbing over obstacles, dodging the rubble that fell from the top of his head, Jia Shi's spirit was tense, and his physical strength inevitably began to decline.


He didn't notice for a while, and his toe kicked a gravel, which not only caused his toe pain to contort his face, but also stumbled and fell forward.

Jia Shi's reaction was quick, he tactically rolled with his hands on the ground, and was about to stand up trembling.

But the next moment,

Shadows shrouded, a huge wolf paw slammed on the stone slab not far away from him, and the gravel splashed, leaving a deep claw mark, the giant mouth full of stench from the top of his head, and Jia Shi's eyes were full. panic and despair.


"Congratulations to player 003 for passing the main god test level and obtaining the official game qualification."

"The test level 'Cave Escape' has a score of 155 seconds, the rating is excellent, and a novice gift package that has been rewarded by the Lord God, please check it."

"Players get an opportunity to change the game name, fine-tune their appearance, and officially start the Lord God game."

"Remarks: The Lord God game is completely real and no longer has a death protection mechanism. The Lord God game producer apologizes and is not responsible for any unexpected situations that occur to players."

"Note 2: Lord God's small reminder, please don't treat the Lord God game as just a game."

On a bright white spacious platform, Jia Shi gasped heavily.

He still kept his previous posture.

Half squatting on the ground with both hands, about to stand up.

But the next moment he was enveloped by the giant rotten wolf, the sharp teeth and the stench in his mouth, Jia Shi still had lingering fears when he recalled it now.

Fortunately, the giant rot wolf did not really bite.

The terrifying feeling of death, but for a long time, lingered in my heart.

Without moving for several minutes, Jia Shi gradually regained his senses and stood up tremblingly, only to realize that he was far away from the death passage.

The dust and grass clippings on the pajamas are gone, the rips and folds are gone, and it's back to normal.

He touched his right cheek, there was no wet blood, and he couldn't feel the burning pain.

"It's okay, it's just a game..."

Jia Shi discovered that he could open a player panel similar to other games.

Find the log and browse through the ding-dong reminders that sounded just now.

"There is no death protection mechanism? That is to say, in the later games, is it possible to have a real death experience?"

He took a deep breath.

Even if it can be resurrected, that kind of pain, that kind of fear, is real.

Even if there is an unexpected situation such as brain death, it is not impossible... But why doesn't the game reduce the pain? Maybe for complete simulation?

And the test level is to filter out a group of players who can adapt to the "Master God Game"?

Jia Shi was surprised to find that although he was still a little scared, he was more excited.

The trembling of the soul and the roar of flesh and blood when they are on the verge of desperation are actually... what they yearn for.

He forgot for a moment that Mercury was in crisis.

Forget the horror of death just now.

Just excited and excited, studying the player panel, then raised his head and saw the bright starry sky outside the platform he was on.

The service platform is the starting point, and rows of steps rise up step by step, extending all the way to the distance, in front of a huge, vast, and magnificent starry sky.

After crossing the star gate, you have truly entered the game of the Lord God.

Jia Shi raised his head and stood for a while before blurting out a sentence, "It's so... spectacular!"

He couldn't use any other adjectives, he just felt that it was a miracle that the gods could create.

He changed his name to 'Boss Jia', and raised his appearance by a hundred million points, and then he stepped up the stairs with a bit of piety.



The game compartment opened, and Jia Shiman sat up straight with excitement.

He quickly summoned a computer robot-a robot with a scroll wheel below and a touch-screen panel on its face, came to him, and changed into a computer form attached to the desktop.

Cars acted quickly.

Flexible fingers jumped on the screen, supplemented by voice commands from time to time, and quickly made a video edited by himself in the "Master God Game" and some ideas into a video.

The only regret that Jia Shi felt was that the escape process was not recorded, and the giant rot wolf was not able to take pictures... After all, it would be too late to escape, and there was no player panel. God knows if there is a recording function.

As the up-holder of the game area, Jia Shi has two main columns.

One is the popular virtual reality game "Fire Blue Kingdom" that he played before, and the other is the "New Tour Review" he used to complain about some new games.

As for the Chafan column? nonexistent.

He opened a new column, hesitated for a while, and typed in the words "God-level game".

Although the main god game is too thrilling and exciting, he does not comment on this completely realistic and epoch-making game, no... lick it first, it is worthy of his status as a top player!

Jia Shi hurriedly uploaded the video without watching the follow-up effects. He lay down in the game compartment again, immersed in his thoughts.

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