My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 813 The Extraordinary Class Not On Earth (Big Chapter)

Joe is stressed.

He didn't believe that World Tree Academy was as mysterious as the legend, nor did he believe that Green Shadow City taught the exchange students the things at the bottom of the box.


The shadow of the famous tree of people!

A top-level powerhouse in Green Shadow City is like thunder.

There are not a few strong people coming out of World Tree Academy.

He was also afraid, afraid that Wei Duo was studying at World Tree Academy, his strength would soar, and he would be left behind.

He wanted to prove his choice was right.

I want to prove that even without relying on World Tree Academy, it is still no worse than any genius in Green City!

to this end,

Joe has been practicing hard for a year.

In order to allow himself to break through between life and death, he not only sharpened his fighting skills in the spiritual space, but also went deeper and more dangerous, fighting against tyrannical alien beasts.

In the realm, he has stepped into the senior extraordinary, and the combat power is countless times more than himself a year ago!

If you don't fight hard, Joe doesn't know that he has such potential.

"I have to thank you for this, Victor."

"The best way to thank you is to beat you."

Joe's confidence is not entirely without reason.

He has made more progress this year than in the past two years.

He has also watched the video of Weiduo's graduation assessment. Although he was unlucky to stop in the top sixteen, he was defeated in three moves... Hehe, Weiduo's progress in World Tree Academy was not as remarkable as he thought.

He also knew,

The only son of an elder of the House of Heroes, Garro, is also one of the exchange students.

Garro returned to Hero City half a year ago, and he didn't know the reason.

But Garro's strength is clear to Joe.

Compared to the half year Garro had spent in Shady City before departure, there was almost no progress!

Is this the level of World Tree Academy?

I'm afraid, Garro is the hero meeting that returned early because the World Tree Academy was too watery.

Poor Victor was still there foolishly.

Joe is aggressive.

There was only the figure of Victor in his pupils.

The enemy of his life.

No, as long as you defeat Victor and prove your choice...

Victor is no longer an enemy he recognizes.

"Come, right here, let's decide the winner!"

Joe grew excited.

Wei Duo was only slightly stunned, and immediately returned to calm.

Joe saw him as the enemy of his life.

Why is he not.

But only once.

In the former Heroes Association, in the vast land of North America, there were tens of millions of young people, only Joe could be in his eyes.

The two are both enemies and friends.

compete with each other.

Other geniuses were left far behind by them.

At the beginning, Qiao broke through the extraordinary level five days earlier, and Victor was very annoyed.

At first, when Joe lost to him by one move, Victor was overjoyed.

But now, he has only peace.

The so-called only geniuses who can face up to them, that's just because they are the frogs in the well.

Joe's invitation,

Joe's excitement,

Victor watched.

But only calm.

Unexpectedly calm.

But he still agreed, "Okay, right here."

Qiao's momentum continued to rise, and he almost materialized into the sky.

There was a gust of wind in the training ground.

Even if this place is remote, there are still some supernatural senses nearby, and they have discovered their spiritual power.

"It's Joe and Victor!"

"The last time they played against each other was more than a year ago!"

"You said, who can win these two geniuses?"

"Victor, after all, he has studied at World Tree Academy for a year."

"Hey, I don't like to hear your words. It's like our heroes can't do it. How did I hear that Victor didn't make much progress during his training, and was killed by others in a battle."


Some gossip superhumans communicated with spiritual power.

In an instant,

Joe moved.

There seemed to be a roar of a beast head behind him.

This is secret law.

A secret method of the Hero Club!

It is condensed and condensed by collecting the blood evil spirit of alien beasts.

As soon as the head of the beast appeared, Qiao's aura rose again, as if a behemoth that existed from ancient times looked down at Victor icy coldly.

——He fought deeply and dangerously with different beasts, not only for the breakthrough of life and death.

Joe's legs were slightly curled, and the tiger rushed out.

The blood evil energy gathered into a light red airflow. It was just built, and the training ground that was reinforced with runes was inscribed in the future. In an instant, it cracked.

Wherever Joe passed, a ravine several meters wide and several meters deep appeared!

Most of the training ground was enveloped by the aura of blood evil.

The suffocating suffocation came, and Victor did not change his face.

Indeed, he did not go deep into the dangerous life-and-death struggle like Qiao did, and his suffocation was far inferior to that of the other party.


It's not that he hasn't faced similar moves.

In World Tree Academy, there are many students who build combat tactics with suffocation as the core.

Among them, there are, and there are more than one, stronger than Joe.

It's not that Joe didn't work hard enough, or that he didn't work hard enough, but it's really... From the perspective of Victor today, the secret method is too rough.

With his current background and strength, if he wants, he has the ability to create such a crude blood evil secret technique in Qiao's hands.

As you can imagine.

The blood evil secret method of World Tree Academy is created, communicated, and improved by countless second-order powerhouses.

It is said that the originator of this type of secret method is also the chief instructor of the Legion in Luyin City, and one of the first three powerhouses of Luyin, Luo Zhe!

Now the realm is unfathomable.

The evil spirit shrouded, like a cold winter.

Even the superhumans who used their mental power to probe from a distance felt threatened, and their spirits were in a trance for a moment.

At this time,

Victor moved!

An unparalleled gun force burst out. The suffocating energy around him was instantly washed away.

He took one step forward, and the abundant source energy spewed from the vortex in his body, penetrated from the waist into the arm, and then poured into the magic weapon long spear.


A faint golden glow blooms.

The gun body is raised horizontally and stabbed slightly forward.

From a distance, it was as if Joe came with endless momentum, and Victor was just standing in place and hurriedly counterattacked.

But this blow

The big sword wrapped in the rich blood and evil spirit slashed down, and the blade collided with the tip of the spear.

"Dang", Joe's arm shook violently.

The balloon that exploded from the solidified beast head became much thinner in an instant.

Victor took a step forward, the spear advanced.

With another "dang", Joe only felt an incomparable force coming from his hand.

Accompanied by a sharp aura, his source power like a river instantly disintegrated.

Accompanied by an unrivaled momentum, he seemed to be a head shorter for a moment, and his mind to resist became weaker and weaker.

The body gradually stiffened,

The brain is blank,

It's like being locked up.

Can't stop, can't escape.

Bang! ! ! !

Joe flew upside down far away.

Faster than when he came.

A mouthful of blood spurted out in mid-air, drawing a long line of blood that fell on the messy training ground.

Joe smashed a big hole into the thick wall of the training ground, flew a few hundred meters without a break, and rolled over two times while rubbing the ground before lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

His injury was not serious.

Victor didn't really hurt him except for a little bit of a shock.

But heartbroken.

Broken into slag.

Joe, who thinks highly of himself, is pretentious, and thinks he can't be worse than anyone else, today... was completely lost.

Blood oozes from the corners of his mouth, his eyes are hollow, and his body is unwilling to move like a dried fish.

Just go to sleep.


Victor left the training ground.

He didn't go to comfort.

In his opinion, Joe is not so vulnerable.

Joe is still a genius worthy of attention, but he has gone the wrong way.

No matter how wide the road is, it will never reach the palace of the sky.

Victor spent a week at the Hero Academy and another week at the family, and then returned to Shady City.

Cultivation at World Tree Academy.

In the blink of an eye, it's the start of the school year again.

Today, the Hero Association sent a larger number of exchange students.

But the quality of this exchange student is obviously not as good as the first one, and many so-called geniuses can only be reduced to the elite class.

Some exchange students have a bad mood and become decadent because they can't bear the blow. In the end, he was persuaded to quit like Gallo.

But more geniuses are not so fragile.

They have also experienced the darkness in the early days of the end of the world, and they understand the importance of power more, and they cherish the opportunity to study in World Tree Academy.

this day,

Victor finally waited for the news of the extraordinary class.

"Brother Ji, you said... the extraordinary class is not in the academy?"

Victor spoke fluent Daxia language, and his tone could not hide his surprise, "No wonder, I have never seen students from the extraordinary class in the academy... But isn't the extraordinary class also a class in the academy?"

"Who told you that the extraordinary class belongs to World Tree Academy." Ji Kaipeng said with a smile, "We did indeed graduate from the academy."

"That extraordinary class, is it a more advanced institution?"

Vitol interprets it as the difference between high school and college.

But the extraordinary class is only one class. Even if you add the rune class, the pharmacy class, the formation class, etc., there are only a few people. Is it necessary to re-select a place?

"Yes, no." Ji Kaipeng said, "You are an exchange student after all, so it's normal if you don't know."

"Is it a secret?" Victor was surprised.

"It is indeed a secret, but since you were entered by the extraordinary class, you will know this information sooner or later... However, I still recommend that you know it yourself."


Victor intuition, he is about to hear some great information.

Rao is that his mood also set off layers of waves.

Ji Kaipeng did not say it directly, but sold it:

"How many students do you think there are in the extraordinary class?"

"Oh right." He added, "The extraordinary class is not based on semesters, nor does it have a fixed number of years, but sets graduation standards."

"Usually, the more talented people are, the more difficult the graduation standard is, and it increases exponentially. Tianjiao such as Duan Qin often stays in the extraordinary class for several years, while for ordinary people like us, it may be a year or two, two or three years. Class graduated."

Victor didn't ask, deliberately hiding the stupidity of not graduating.

The extraordinary class must have its own set of rules.

"Guess now, how many students are there in the extraordinary class."

Wei Duo resisted the curiosity of being appalled, after all, he couldn't beat it.

He estimated, "World Tree Academy has five graduates before us, each year is calculated based on an average of six people, plus the other geniuses directly selected by the extraordinary class in Luyin City, and then minus the students who graduated from the extraordinary class... …

Probably... 20 to 40 people. "

He estimated a relatively large range.

Ji Kaipeng smiled.

It took several seconds before five fingers were extended.

"Fifty? That much."

"No, it's five hundred. It's the number I heard two years ago."

"How is it possible! Where did so many come from..."

Victor's eyes widened, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"You mean..."

"That's right, it's the one you think." Ji Kaipeng nodded, Ruzi can be taught.

"It's a genius secretly cultivated by Shady City... um."

He quickly covered his mouth and looked around.


It turns out that Green City has cultivated so many geniuses secretly, and World Tree Academy is only a small part of them!

Ji Kaipeng spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Eh?" Victor wondered.

Thinking about it carefully, Widow's guess can't be wrong.

Green City is indeed outside the World Tree Academy, and has cultivated many geniuses.

But, the essence is completely different!

"I'll tell you all." He waved his hand in disinterest, "The reason why there are so many students in the extraordinary class is because... the extraordinary class is not on Earth."

He added, "It's not a secret book, it's not a small world, it's not on Earth at all."

"The students of the extraordinary class, from World Tree Academy, only occupy a very small part."

Victor's expression changed from confusion, to doubt, to surprise, to shock within a second.

Finally, the eyes were rounded and the mouth opened wide.

"Alien, Alien, Alien??"

"No, the aliens are correct, but they are basically human races, or races similar to human races, such as the wood spirits that exist on our earth."

Ji Kaipeng said, "The human race is a very common race in the endless world. Together with the spirit race, the demon race, and the orc race, it is also called the four races with the largest bases. It was also the top race in the endless world."


Victor captures Hua Dian.

"You should know that the alien races that invaded our world belong to the Devil Race, and the Devil Race..."

Ji Kaipeng said something he knew.

Many are only news from a few years ago, and there are few dry goods.

He has never stepped out of the earth, and only knows that the general trend is not good for the earth and the human race.

But for Victor, who has never even seen aliens, this information is explosive.

The brain seemed to explode with a bang, and saw a wider world.

"No wonder City Lord Tang founded the Cultivation Academy, spread cultivation methods and secret techniques, and established an extraordinary class spanning countless planets..."

"The city lord has already set his sights on the human race. He has worked hard for the survival of the human race. He... is so great!"

Victor's admiration came from the bottom of his heart.

The high-level heroes of the Hero Club used their exchange students to bring back high-end knowledge, and when they were complacent, they did not know that it was deliberately spread by Green City.

It is also a force established since the beginning of the end of the world, why is the gap so big!

Ji Kaipeng continued, "The city lord has sacrificed for the entire human race, but not everyone is so aware. Therefore, some things cannot be made public immediately, just like the real situation of the extraordinary class, you can understand it."

"Understand, understand, understand too much! Don't worry, I will never say a word more."

Victor's eyes were hot.

That is the brilliance of dedication to the human race.

While the two were talking, the other ten graduates who were admitted to the Transcendent Class also arrived one after another.

They will soon go to the legendary super class, which is not on Earth.

Victor's eyes lit up.

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