My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 814 Void City (Big Chapter)

Under the leadership of Yang Hai, the leader of the mentor group, the twelve new students of the extraordinary class of Weiduo came to the sacred tree in the center of the academy.

This tree is familiar to Victor and other students.

There are sky-level training rooms built on it, and these talented students who are not short of credits often visit.

It is said that the divine tree was transplanted from the fork of the world tree. The divine tree is so huge that it almost covers half of the academy. What about the world tree?

Victor couldn't help but imagine.

They went all the way to the base of the sacred tree, passed through the tangled rhizomes, drilled out of the ground and crossed arcs like a wooden dragon into the 'basic forest'.

Weiduo did not expect that there are still some scenes under the sacred tree he is familiar with.

The 'basal forest' is not small, but Victor and others are also fast.

Not long after, there were black stone towers standing in front of them.

This kind of stone tower, Victor has also seen on the edge of the academy island, but he has never seen the stone tower show its power.

He heard from the "old man" who had lived in the academy for several years that there was a stone pagoda that shot an extraordinary beast with one arrow.

"It's a teleportation array..."

In the middle of the stone pagodas, it is the quaint teleportation array.

He always thought that there was no teleportation array built inside the academy. After all, after crossing the Cross-Island Bridge, there was a large teleportation array in the corner of Green City near the academy.

There are countless people every day.

The teleportation array in front of him is smaller.

There are four men in black combat uniforms guarding the teleportation array.

The four guards looked indifferent, exuding a dangerous atmosphere that no strangers should enter. Victor only felt that he was locked by the guards, and all the hair on his body exploded.

In the shaded city, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers everywhere!

It was not until the mentor Yang Hai took out some kind of proof token, and after verification, the guard who looked like the leader nodded slightly.

The dangerous aura dissipated a little.

"Come up."

Yang Hai was used to it and waved to the students.

"Next, we are going to the extraordinary class. Some people may not understand it yet. I will briefly talk about it here..."

Yang Hai's introduction to the extraordinary class is more detailed than Ji Kaipeng.

The Transcendent Class is just what World Tree Academy calls it. It is actually a city, a city used to cultivate the talents of the human race.

Instructor Yang Hai's introduction to it is indescribable in words.

Victor can't imagine, could it be more spectacular than the Shady City?

‘Furthermore, the instructor didn’t seem to say, what kind of world is that? ’

The students stood on the teleportation platform, and the guard took out the token to control.

In an instant,

Under the foggy halo, there was a momentary sense of weightlessness and spatial dislocation, and then quickly returned to normal.

With their feet on the ground, the blue halo that enveloped the teleportation array quickly faded.

A pair of eyes looked out impatiently.


The teleportation array is located in a wide square, no different from the Shady City.

In the distance, there are also buildings that are not high, exquisite and majestic, but for the students who have lived in Green City for at least a year, this scene is not worthy of their surprise.

just look up,

No sky, no stars, no moon or sun, just an endless stream of grey air.

The whole city is pyramid-shaped, as if it was built on a mountain, sloping upwards, from the foot of the mountain, to the mountainside, and then to the top of the mountain.

The location of the teleportation array is slightly up at the foot of the mountain. From where they are, you can see the outside. Outside the magnificent buildings, there are city walls dozens of meters high, and outside the city walls, unexpectedly...

It is an infinite void!

There are no mountains, rivers and earth, no rivers, sun and moon, and it is not the universe and starry sky, but the vast and endless void.

The gray airflow drifted, and space was distorted from time to time, and the entire void presented a sense of confusion and dislocation.

Only at the end of the line of sight, a glimpse of gorgeous colors can make them feel a little at ease.

They are not ordinary supernatural beings without knowledge.

In World Tree Academy, in addition to teaching cultivation methods, secret books, etc., some 'common sense' is also taught.

For example, there are world barriers on life planets, which exclude outsiders.

For example, life planets are also divided into three, six, nine and so on.

Another example is space turbulence, wind of annihilation and so on.

They all know something.

That's why it's even more shocking.

Intuition tells them that those gray air currents that float from time to time, as long as there is one, they can be completely annihilated.

"here is……?"

"As you can see, this is the void, and it is a higher void."

Seeing their shocked appearance, Yang Hai seemed to see himself back then.

When he first came, he was also shocked by this city.

A city built in the boundless void.

Void City!

Unlike a space city, there is not much danger in the cosmic starry sky. As long as the living environment is solved, a space city can be easily built.

But high places are empty,

Yang Hai is clear, with his own strength, he can only move a little on the land outside the city wall at most, but really step into the void?

He is not qualified.

The city wall is a layer of barriers. The gravity and temperature of the world inside the city wall are similar to the earth, and ordinary people can survive.

Outside the city walls, is a continent...or an island.

An island fixed in the high void.

Islands are the second barrier.

The gray ground outside the wall, although somewhat dangerous, would not be swept away by the sudden spatial distortion.

Even the gray airflow can only appear on the ground outside the wall, only the lowest wind of annihilation.

There is a place of experience for the arrogance of the people.

"A place of experience?"

A student asked.

"Look there."

The students followed Yang Hai's direction, and vaguely, they could see some monsters with transparent bodies.

"Those are void creatures..." Yang Hai thought for a while and added, "Weakened special edition."

"Because the high-level void rules are special, killing void creatures can have some advantages for you, such as improving element affinity, etc. Of course, it is impossible to improve infinitely, and there are limitations."

Void creatures on the gray earth are not huge in size.

It is far from being comparable to the extraordinary beasts they have seen and killed.

It doesn't always feel strong.

Yang Hai, who came over, added in a timely manner: "Don't underestimate those void creatures. Even if it is a weakened special edition, it is not something you can deal with now... At least you have to wait until your strength has grown to a certain level and you have obtained the qualification to leave the city."

"Then...Teacher, what about the real Void creatures?"

The new student asked with sparkling eyes.

Yang Hai was lost in thought.

What is it like?

He has never seen it!

However, as the leader of the mentor group, a reliable senior in the eyes of the new students, a guide...

He couldn't say anything he hadn't seen before.

"Well... very strong, beyond imagination."

This is the same as Yang Hai said the shock of this city cannot be described in words. if I didn't.

The students got used to it.

Probably very strong.


"Then... what is that?"

A student pointed to the distance.

It appears to be a huge meteorite, approaching.

gradually enlarged in their field of vision.

The surface of the meteorite is uneven, with a sharp thorn, and there are four huge pillars on the left and right sides, like the four hooves of a monster...

"Wait, that meteorite is moving... it's not a meteorite!!"

The unknown object gradually enlarged in the field of vision.

The students can see clearly.

It is a huge tortoise monster. The tortoise shell is like a big mountain. The closer it is, the more it can reflect its hugeness.

It is almost comparable to a small city, even if it is a magnificent void city under their feet, the students are still sweating on their foreheads and their bodies are cold.

An indescribable sense of oppression came upon me!

"It it it it it-"

The students were terrified.

Yang Hai also secretly swallowed his saliva.

In the face of real Void creatures, he is no better than the students.

But he was still calm.

Yang Hai knows better than the students how safe this Void City is, and also knows that there are top powerhouses in town, and they are safe and sound.

The ups and downs quickly calmed down.

He smiled and said, "Didn't you just ask, how strong are the real Void creatures? Well, you should understand now."


So clear!

Terribly understand!

"Teacher, it's coming to us!!!"

The students of the genius class are actually determined people.

Even in the face of an unmatched enemy, many times he can think calmly and find a way to defeat the enemy.

But at this time,

The closer the Void Dragon Turtle is, the stronger the sense of oppression that originates from the life level and acts directly on the soul.

The mind is calm, but the brain function is more and more sluggish.


It is still the result of matrix filtering.

Yang Hai was also a little frightened in his heart, but he maintained his composure on the surface.

"Don't panic, isn't it just a little older, you have to learn to be as calm as me."

"Teacher, you are so calm, you should be able to deal with that void creature, right?"

Yang Hai: "..."

What kind of student is so blind!

In just a few minutes, the Void Dragon Turtle was already very close.

You can clearly see the lines on the tortoise shell and the hideous dragon head.

With the approach of the Void Dragon Turtle, it brought bursts of gray airflow, like a hurricane, blowing towards the city rooted in the high void.


The gray hurricane blew on the island, and it was constantly weakened by the naked eye. When the gray wind of annihilation hit the city wall and the sky of the city, the halo that appeared easily offset the wind of annihilation.

The entire Void City did not shake in the slightest, and many students were very relieved.

The eyes have not left the Void Dragon Turtle.

In an instant,


A touch of golden light appeared from the center of Void City, at the top of the mountain, like a long rainbow running through the void, piercing the Void Dragon Turtle in the blink of an eye.

It goes in from one side of the shell and goes out to the other side.

Jin Guanghua turned into a stern man with a spear.

The man did not give the Void Dragon Turtle a chance to breathe. The spear was like a shadow, and the piercing law was activated. A shot easily pierced the space. Distance and dodging in front of the man were meaningless.

In an instant,

It pierced dozens of weak points on the Void Dragon Turtle.

The Void Dragon Turtle was in pain, stirring up the endless vortex of space.

It resolutely fled, and after escaping into the space, it was about to go away, but it was penetrated by men again and again and fell out of the space.

The Void Dragon Turtle's struggle was getting weaker and weaker, and the recovery speed could no longer keep up with the man's destruction speed. At the end, the man stabbed the dragon's head with one shot. After watching the students who held their breath for more than ten minutes, they vomited violently. tone.

"Good, very strong."

"Of course, that Mr. Zhong Ping, but the guard of this Void City, you can see Mr. Zhong Ping's shot as soon as you come, that's your luck."

The voice came from not far away from them.

Immersed in the battle, the students who had just regained their senses turned their heads and saw a tall and thin man chatting with Instructor Yang Hai.

"This is Yu Jiang. You can call him a mentor, a senior brother, or anything. In short, this guy is your leader in the extraordinary class."

The tall and thin Yu Jiang shrugged helplessly, and said to the students, "It's almost like this, there are not so many courses in the extraordinary class, everything depends on self-study, if there is anything you don't understand, you can ask your brothers and sisters or anyone else. Anyway, if you meet anyone casually in Void City, 99% of them will be able to answer your questions."

Subtext, you are all brothers.

Even so, the students still felt a little distressed.

After handing over the students to Yu Jiang, Yang Hai left.

The figure disappeared in the teleportation halo without taking away a cloud.

Yu Jiang led twelve new students and walked towards the interior of Void City.

The streets here are spacious, but empty, and it is difficult to see people.

Yu Jiang said, "There are very few people in Void City. Apart from you students, there are only some people who stay and work in Void City, like me... There are about a thousand people in the entire Void City."

He pointed to two unique courtyards on both sides of the street, "You can choose one of these courtyards as your residence during your stay in Void City.

Look, the light in the mouth of the lion head statue means that there are people living there. In addition, you can choose any spare courtyards. Each courtyard is equipped with corresponding training facilities, which will only be better than your dormitory in World Tree Academy. more advanced. "

Some students are concerned about when they can leave the city and hunt the void creatures outside the city... um, a weakened version.

Yu Jiang shook his head with a smile, "Don't think about it in the first year, just solidify the foundation and improve your strength. In Void City, except for the newbies like you, you can hardly see the senior extraordinary with three cores or below... In fact, it is There are not many first-order transcendents.”

"The students also have second-order?"

"...Isn't it common sense to break through to Tier 2 within a year or two?"

Is there such common sense?

Several exchange students in Widow felt that their three views were refreshed.

Condensing one source core will take a few months at least, and five or six cores will take three or four years. This is still completely successful.

Yu Jiang said, "You can enter the extraordinary class, and you are barely considered Tianjiao. How can you let Tianjiao waste time on ordinary cultivation? There is a pure source pool in Void City, which can produce a large amount of pure source that can be directly absorbed. Strength, let alone a year or two, as long as the realm is enough, a breakthrough is possible in a month."

"You students who have just entered the school will have a chance to soak in the pure source power pool. The time is one day. How much you can absorb depends on your respective fortunes."

The breathing of Victor and other students became heavy.

The direction they were heading towards at this time was the Pure Origin Pool.


They came to the mountainside, where the Pure Origin Pool was located.

From a distance, I can feel the breath of others.

Some of them are 'not strong', and they seem to be as young as them.

New arrivals from other worlds?

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