My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 839: The Conception of Integrating the World (Big Chapter)

Vast, without boundaries, in the high-level void where the space is uncertain, there is a gray fog.

Here, the existence of worlds can be observed with the naked eye.

The colorful world membrane wall is the only color in the high-level void.

Tang Yu was in the void.

In front of him is a splendid world.

The vastness of the world, it is difficult to see the boundaries.

One after another, the world's membrane wall in the colorful long river spread out and disappeared into the void.

This world is the earth.

The top world in recovery.

Around this world, there are also colorful worlds that are guarded by many stars. The long colorful river stretches out from the earth and connects with other worlds.

Five advanced worlds!

One hundred and eight intermediate worlds!

Three hundred and sixty-six primary worlds!

It is all a world that the Tang lord can completely control and migrate it to the vicinity of the earth.

This is a layout that has been gradually improved over the past ten years.

"Although the Origin Star in the past had a star road, the essence of each planet is still in the south and north of the universe. The star road is only a transit, and it needs to travel through the teleportation array to reach it.

"But now, on Earth, you can reach all the worlds just by going through the bridge of the stars, and vice versa."

Because those worlds are close!

All are neighbors.

"Among these worlds, there are worlds with unique resources, and there are also worlds that have been invaded by the devil race, but I have cut off the connection between the world and the devil race, and moved the location, and after many transfers, there is no problem with security.

"In the future, maybe the earth can be called the upper realm of the earth?"

Because the world is so close, the construction of the Starry Sky Bridge is very constructed and has already been completed.

But he did not open it, and only a few people with high authority could pass through the bridge of stars.


Tang Yu thought about it.

"Although the current location is very safe, the probability of being discovered by the Devil Race is less than one in a billion, but what if?"

"I can control these worlds and can move at any time, but after all, there are too many..."

He felt that if there was an existence above the Saint King Rank, it might be too late.

Only the origin star and two or three high-level worlds can be moved.

Other worlds will face situations where they have to be abandoned.

"That's too bad, these worlds are important worlds..."

The world under the shade of green can be roughly divided into three categories.

Even the primary world that he migrated to the vicinity of the earth has certain special resources.

important world.

The second category is those that have been brought under the control of green shade, but have not had time to migrate, or do not plan to migrate.

——After all, Lord Tang is only one person.

Alone is useless!

The avatar of work is still himself.

The third category is those that have not yet been brought under control.

For example, a world open to adventurers.

For example, the world that is being invaded by the devil race.

Tang Yu is very clear.

The size of the green shade is still far inferior to that of the Devil Race, and at best it is just a cosmic hegemony force.

It's just that the Demon Race's front line is large and the power invested in each world is limited, which gives him a chance to take advantage.

In the form of guerrilla warfare, a large number of troops are invested in a certain world to defeat the devil clan.

"Compared to the world invaded by the devil race, the world that I can help myself is less than just in case...

"Even so, not every world can win."

Demons are not stupid either.

They just don't take the ordinary world very seriously.

However, some worlds still ambushed the strong, or there happened to be a holy order nearby, and they quickly reinforced.

At the beginning, the green shade took advantage of the opportunity, and several saints fell, but soon, the devil race carried out an ambush.

Sora, Hongyue, and Huiren were surrounded at that time.

The whole world is blocked by the devil race with great force.

Another holy king came across the border.

In times of crisis... the City Return Scroll is still powerful.

They took their time, but pretended to cast some kind of high-cost secret technique and escaped.

After that time,

Tang Yu will no longer fight against the devil clan.

Where there are holy steps, the shade will retreat.

As soon as the enemy's holy steps retreat, the green shade will attack.

after all,

He didn't want to expose the City Return Scroll any more.

Even with his spatial attainments, he cannot affect the City Return Scroll, but the Devil Race is more powerful and stronger in space.

The more exposed cards are exposed, the more likely it is to be cracked.

Tang Yu rubbed his chin.

"If you don't have the strength to fight against the enemy, then you should increase your ability to escape?"

"When I move worlds, I can only move three or five at most, but what if... merging these worlds together?"

Tang Yu came up with a bold idea.

Integrating the world, whether it is the glorious period of the Origin Star or the high-dimensional joint front, can't be done!

But I have this condition.

Holy Kings, and even higher-ranking beings can't move the world, they can!

With the help of the world tree and territory, I can even control a world in a short period of time.

The prerequisites are all met.

The rest is how to integrate the world.

"The fusion of the world is not without precedent, and under certain coincidences, the two worlds may slowly merge.

"For example, Shanhai Great World and Sky Blue Star."

There are more and more space cracks on the sky blue star, and the cracks connect the sky blue star and the mountain and sea world. After a few years, the two worlds may completely merge.


Sky Blue Star is integrated into the world of mountains and seas, becoming a region in the Tianmo Mountains.

"But that kind of time is too long, and the fusion time is not surprising for decades and hundreds of years. Perhaps... the power of the world can speed up the process of fusion?"

"But how can the two worlds begin the initial fusion? Let the two worlds collide and spark?"

"Will it explode all of a sudden?"

Lord Tang simulated many situations in his mind.


"It still takes practice."

His eyes swept across the nearby worlds, and finally landed on two of the primary worlds.

His eyes gradually changed.

"It's up to you."

These two primary worlds are at the very edge of the globe he has constructed.

It is a world that has already been controlled, and it is very easy for the Tang lord to control it.

Just a thought.

The two primary worlds that were not far from each other were slowly approaching.

His eyes stared, not blinking.


The world walls of the two worlds collided with each other.

Tang Yu raised his heart, his eyes penetrated the space and saw the scene in the world.

In the area where the world touch point is, the space is like a crumpled and opened sheet of paper, full of folds.


The peaks of the mountains were twisted, the ground was lifted, and the whole area seemed to be smashed and pieced together indiscriminately.


Tang Yu rubbed his head.

"It must be that my methods are too rude."

"When Sky Blue Star had a space crack, the surrounding area was not affected at all."

"It has to be tested a little bit, and it can be done slowly and deeply. You can't be in a hurry, you can't be in a hurry."

Tang Yu separates the two worlds again.

Then adjust the angle and choose another location for the two worlds to touch.

This time, I was more patient, and just moved the two worlds closer together at a very slow pace.

At the moment when the world membrane wall is about to touch, press the pause button.


Test it out a little more, while observing the changes within the world.

"There is a play!"

He saw mirror-like ripples in the inside of the world.

From this side, you can see another world.

"The first step, it's done!"

Tang Yu did not press the two worlds urgently, but just introduced the power of the worlds to try to see if the two worlds could be smoothly merged.

Observed in the void for a month.

"It's still a bit slow, and some areas of the two worlds overlap each other, which will still cause some bad effects."

Both worlds are inaccessible worlds.

Before the experiment, Tang Yu also informed the people in the world to leave.

little impact.

But if you want to integrate other worlds with the earth, you must be foolproof.

"Wait, maybe I can change the mode of fusion."

Tang Yu remembered the old sage's description of the high-dimensional upper bound.

Each large domain is like a high-level world, which together form a complete high-dimensional world.

"Perhaps, I can use this model."

"No, there is another question. Elementary worlds, middle worlds, and higher worlds have different personalities from the Earth, and the concentration of source gas is different. Will simple fusion cause the concentration to be apportioned?"

Tang Yu came up with another bold idea.

"In addition to connecting worlds together to synthesize larger worlds, you can also layer worlds.

"The first layer, the elementary world, can only be cultivated to the extraordinary level.

"The second layer, the middle world, can accommodate second-order supernatural, and a small amount of third-order supernatural.

"The third floor, the high world, can be cultivated to invincible powerhouses, and can also accommodate a small number of saints.

"The fourth floor is the upper realm of the earth!"

The idea is to build a four-story building.

The lower the floor, the more rooms are divided.

From low-rent multi-person dormitories to luxurious presidential suites.

Tang Yu thought it was possible.

But need to continue experimenting.

His eyes searched, and gradually landed on a certain middle world.

"The next victim...contribution to the world will be you."


Chino Empire.

After months of unremitting efforts by the saints of the empire, they finally discovered a little bit of information about that mysterious force.

"I've confirmed that several worlds have disappeared for no apparent reason."

" did the world disappear?"

They don't understand.

Completely destroy an elementary world, even with their abilities.

But there are traces of destruction!

The world that was swallowed up by the devil clan still left an empty shell.

"That party has the ability to move the whole world, I'm afraid it's true."

A tyrannical saint said solemnly, "This is a mighty force that we cannot reach. Unexpectedly, there is such a tyrannical force hidden in the universe."

"Since this force is not afraid to fight with the Devil Race, can we contact them? Let's say that our Chino Empire intends to form an alliance with them, and we can promise some benefits and let them help us deal with the Devil Race on the border. "

A young saint hesitated for a moment, then said cautiously, "Old Ancestor, although I found an invincible powerhouse of that mysterious force, but... they seem to have some concerns about our empire, and some don't care much.

"I just mentioned that I intend to form an alliance."

The ancestor of the holy rank was angry, "A small extraordinary rank is rude, so you won't tie him up?"

The young saint is aggrieved.

Under the pressure of the old ancestor, he lowered his head and said, "I... I can't beat him."

The space suddenly solidified.

The young saint asked again, "When the time comes, shall we... go to that alliance?"

The ancestor hummed and waved away.

Only one word came from afar.



In the high void, a vast void island.

There are green mountains and green waters on the island, and there are magnificent palaces in the center of the island.

on the edge of the island,

A teleportation formation suddenly appeared in a bright light, and after a while, several tall figures appeared.

The smallest of them is also ten meters high, and the largest is sixty or seventy meters, like a moving hill.

"This is..." The short figure looked around, "It's actually a high void."

Another tall stone man said, "Master Qingshi, does this island exist naturally, or was it created by those human races?"

The king of bluestone crouched down and picked up a handful of soil.

"It's not a material that is naturally born in the high-level void, it's just a very ordinary soil. Strange, how can ordinary soil be safe in the high-level void?"

"Did you notice anything in the space teleportation just now?"

The Bluestone King turned his attention to one of the obsidian saints.

This is an existence that breaks through the holy order with space, and his accomplishments in the laws of space are stronger than him.

The obsidian saint shook his head, "It's too fast, just one or two seconds, from our Holy Stone Continent to this Void Island, I'm sure that the distance between the two places is extremely far, far from the distance of a few star fields!

"The spatial fluctuation of the transmission process is also very common, I just don't understand why it can be so fast!"

When they reached the holy level, the teleportation process was not mysterious to them.

Even in the process of teleportation, they can jump out of the space channel at any time.

There is no situation where an ambush is on the opposite side of the teleportation formation.

Because they can detect it in advance.


The teleportation array provided by the human green shade is too weird.

They have just set foot on the teleportation array, and the next moment, they will reach their goal.

"Since it's here, let's see what the Terran is going to do."

The bluestone king felt released.

All around, there is no breath of life, but above the head, there are countless Origin Qi converging into arrows, pointing to the center of the island.

"There are thirty-five teleportation formations on the entire Void Island. Is it possible that the human race has invited so many overlord forces?"

Not a hegemon, naturally not qualified to stand with them.

The king of bluestone suddenly looked in a certain direction, "There are other forces coming, let me see... it is the Chino Empire."

on the other side of the island,

As soon as the Chino Empire set foot on the teleportation formation, it suddenly went to another place.

They are different from the Holy Stone Continent.

The understanding of the mysterious forces is all on their own inquiries and guesses.

They were wary and a little dissatisfied.

"What are the human races doing, even if they are not weak, can they still consider themselves to be the four previous clans?"

A Chino saint snorted, "Don't say anything, just bring an invitation letter and a teleportation array position, what do you mean?!"


A mind probe swept over.

Dissatisfied, the saint of Chino released his mental power and slammed into the idea.

Invisible air waves exploded in the void.

He took a few steps back, his face horrified, "Holy holy holy holy holy king!!"

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