My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 840 The alliance is dominated by the human race, we are convinced (big chapter)

The saint of the Chino Empire was horrified, and suddenly realized, "It's not the saint king of the human race."

"Wait, could it be the Holy King from other invited forces!!

"It seems to be the Holy Stone Continent!!"

He sighed again.

The Chino Empire is relatively common among the overlord-level forces. There is only one holy king, who sits in the center of the empire and will not be dispatched easily.

But some hegemonic forces have given birth to more than one holy king in countless years.

The Holy Stone Continent is one of them.

The Holy King did not show hostility to them, and several saints from the Chino Empire were relieved.

"Even the Saint Continent is here, so let's go to the center of the island to see."

"Well, there are other forces also coming."


The Holy Stone Continent and the Chino Empire were forces that came earlier, but the time on the invitation letter was just a few hours away.


At the border of the Void Island, the teleportation formations lit up, and stalwart figures walked out.

The breath of countless saint-level existences swept away the gray airflow around the Void Island. Occasionally, one or two Void creatures that were unlucky passed by, scared and fled away.

Prison Clan, Crystal Palace, Sword Territory, Vast Sea Alliance, etc., one by one well-known hegemonic forces in the universe, came one after another.

There are also many beings in the Holy Order who know each other and know their respective names.

Suddenly seeing so many tyrannical beings congregating, their hearts are stunned.

So many forces can be invited.

The mysterious human race is not easy!

"What about the human race?"

A murloc saint from the Vast Ocean Alliance made a shrill voice.

"What do you mean by human race? Wouldn't it be a trap!"

The murloc saint hummed.

He only saw some palaces in the center of the island, but no human race existed, which made him very unhappy.

"It's not time yet."

The Qingshi King shook his head slightly, stopping the Red Rock Saint who wanted to be violent.

Watching the murloc saint with a cold eye.

He also wanted to know what the Terran was going to do.

With the passage of time, the hegemonic forces gathered on the Void Island have exceeded thirty.

Not seeing the host of the party, Human Race, many saints were dissatisfied.

The atmosphere is a little frozen.

It's just that the saints are calm, even the murloc saints are just complaining.

Before the human race arrived, they observed other forces one after another.

The hegemonic forces are already standing at the top of the universe, and they control many planets and planes.

Every hegemonic force, holy-order existences know the name.

It is also clear how many hegemonic forces exist in the universe.

The invitation of the human race is nearly half.

Among them, such as the Sacred Stone Continent, the Prison Clan, the Crystal Palace, and the Sword Region, there was actually a Sacred King.

Did they... know something?

Some forces don't know much about it, and they have speculated.


They looked towards the center of the island, above the palace.

A huge space door slid open.

One after another figure walked out of the space door.

Before Tang Yu hit, Nancy followed him.

To the left are Elaine, Hongyue, Bamboo Squirrel, Fanny, and Lorraine.

To the right are Sora, Ashblade, Shay, Gretel, and Tyron.

"Ten, twelve tyrannical saints! I can't see through a few of them!"

Strong, to focus.

Walking out of the Holy Rank of the Human Race, there are law lines appearing all over the body, and it is dimmed. It can be seen that the law is absolutely extremely high, and anyone who is present must exceed the 90% Holy Rank present!

The most central ones seem to control the law with every move, they are the incarnation of the law!

The bluestone king and other holy kings are all dignified a lot.

They...probably are not under themselves!

He looked at the figure in the center again, as if it didn't exist.

"The great lord of the shade...?"

As soon as Tang Yu appeared, he glanced around and smiled lightly.

"Welcome to Void Island, then let's start today's meeting..."

Before he finished speaking, the murloc saint made an unpleasant noise.

"You humans have waited until now to appear, so you don't need to explain it?!"

His anger rose.

Tang Yu shrugged.

The big lord disdains to answer the question of the little man.

Someone answered for him.

Xie Yi sneered, "Why do I need to explain to you when I do things in the human race?"

The murloc saint was furious.

There were several saint-level faces present who were not very good-looking.

Tang Yu vaguely looked forward to it.

Give Shay admin rights and add a few realm buffs.

"I want to see, what arrogant capital do you humans have!"

The other saints of the Vast Ocean Alliance acquiesced.

The murloc saints started.

Tang Yu's eyes lit up.

If you don't jump out of a chicken, if you show the authority of the human race's shade?

Without sufficient authority, it is difficult to form alliances.

Even under the threat of the Devil Race, all forces will still put their own interests first, which is normal.

But as the host, it is absolutely impossible to take the initiative, and it must be passive.

Before coming, he was not sure.

They have all cultivated to the holy rank. They should all be human beings. They are not so impulsive and irritable as holy rank... right?

Tang Yu glanced at Bamboo Mouse Chestnut.

Did you give the murloc saint a mental blow?

Bamboo rat chestnut: "???"

Why does it have to be my drop Chi blow! !

The murloc saint held a holy weapon long halberd and stepped on the waves.

The monstrous waves are about to destroy all the palaces in the center of the island.

next moment,

A shattering light swept across, annihilating everything.

The murloc saint played GG.

smashed down like a dead fish.

Of course, no injuries.

"This time, it's a warning."

Shay lit a fire with his hand cannon and exhaled a ring of smoke.

The people of the Vast Ocean Alliance were silent.

The murloc saint took action, and the other saints acquiesced.

There is dissatisfaction, and there is temptation.

But I didn't think about it, I didn't try anything, instead, I was covered in ashes.

Other forces seem to be watching a joke.

They stopped the murloc saints who had lost their minds.

No more words.

Tang Yu nodded slightly, the script was complete.

"Then, let's restart today's meeting."

He snapped his fingers.

Where the representatives of the thirty-two hegemonic forces are located, thrones are constructed in the void.

Each throne is in line with the size of the Saint Rank of that power.

For example, on the Sacred Stone Continent, a throne entirely constructed of black profound stones is dozens of meters high.

The human race's financial strength can be seen just by making the throne with the black mysterious stone, the material of the divine weapon.

But this is nothing to the Saint Rank present.

Only the Black Profound Stone Throne was constructed from scratch in a few seconds, completely shocking them.

Void creation?

Turn fiction into reality?

Can't understand it at all!

In the minds of the hegemonic forces, the Tang lord has raised several levels.

With such a hand, the meeting process went much smoother.

After all, every force that comes to Void Island has the will to form an alliance.

The difference lies in how to form an alliance and how to fight against the Devil Race.

In terms of fighting against the Devil Race, the Terran Green Shadow has rich experience, and all forces have looked over.

The gray blade with no sense of existence knocked on the blade, and finally it was his turn to speak:

"We Luyin have a teleportation array that can cross all worlds. Through the teleportation array, we can reach all worlds and kill the holy order of the devil race."

He paused, "Even if we form an alliance, it is not appropriate to confront the devil clan, especially the great master of the devil clan. At present, no existence can contain him.

"But the great master wants to take the last step, and usually he will not be dispatched.

"We will organize the Devil Race to devour the world and delay the time, and secondly, we will intercept the enemy Saint Rank, weaken the strength of the Devil Race, and prepare for the final decisive battle."


What to watch and help each other, is also written in the covenant.

It's just that all the forces understand that if they only deal with part of the Devil Race's forces, it is no problem to support each other.

But if the Devil Race is determined to take down the hegemonic force, it is impossible for all the forces to die together.

"If the worst happens, we Luyin can't promise to help you keep your territory, but we can promise to leave a world for your forces to develop."

It took more than ten days on Void Island to initially draw up a covenant.

The hegemonic forces on all sides were barely satisfied.

With the terms of watching and helping each other, the establishment of the alliance should also allow the Devil Race to avoid the rat.

There is also the strategy of intercepting the devil race saints from various worlds, which to a certain extent restrains the strength of the devil race, and their own forces can be much safer.

Even if the Devil Race is angry, under the circumstance of limited troops, the first to deal with it must be the Human Race Green Shadow.

Taking into account the above circumstances, the Holy Order of the Chino Empire was the first to sign a covenant with the soul as a certificate.

The remaining thirty-one forces signed later.

Tang Yu nodded slightly.

Luyin has long been regarded as a thorn in the side of the devil's clan, and the debt is too much to bear.

On the contrary, with so many forces joining in, not only does it spread the risk evenly, but even the Holy King of the Devil Race can find a way to kill it—taking advantage of the information that the Devil Race doesn’t know yet!

After the covenant was signed, King Qingshi suddenly asked, "His Excellency, the other three forces... haven't they come?"

He didn't know what the three parties thought.

Is it pure mistrust, or lack of enough information to judge.


Green Shadow only invited thirty-two hegemonic forces.

"We did invite thirty-five hegemonic forces." Tang Yu said with a smile, "Two of them did not participate, and one...

"They have taken refuge in the Devil Race."


Countless saints were shocked.

"Which power is it?"

Tang Yu said lightly, "It's the Black Cloud Society. Not only did they take refuge in the Devil Clan, but they also planned to use the teleportation array to guide the Devil Clan to this Void Island, and wanted to take us out of the nest."


The saint-level existences were even more shocked!

But on second thought, they had been on the Void Island for more than ten days, and there was no sign of the Devil Clan, indicating that the Devil Clan had not chased after them.

Thinking about it again, before the meeting, all their forces had arrived, but the Terran was the last to arrive.

At first I thought it was the arrogance of the human race and wanted to show authority.

But now that I think about it, it must be the rebellious Heiyun Society that attracted the Devil Race.

The great lord of the shade led someone to intercept it.

Out of their sight, a great battle broke out.

Cut off the traces, so that the powerful chasing soldiers of the Devil Race cannot be traced!

The power of a single clan to intercept, I am afraid, will cost a lot.

The Human Race Green Shadow, as expected, spared no effort in dealing with the Devil Race!

He is the leader, we have no opinion!

Tang Yu finally said, "Since the alliance has been established, then we must fight a beautiful battle as soon as possible while the Devil Race is unclear about the situation."


Void Island is reserved as a place for alliance connections.

Although the alliance was smoother than expected, Lord Tang still did not dare to relax.

"Strength is the foundation."

Tang Yu felt a little urgent.

He has not yet reached the rank of Saint King.

Elaine and the others are the same.

It's just that their inner world is evolving wildly, the world is constantly expanding, and there are more and more creatures in the world.

Coupled with the attainment of the law comparable to the rank of the holy king, it is possible to make it impossible for several holy kings to see through.

Lord Tang is different.

His conjoined inner world is a miniature territorial projection.

Strictly speaking, it is not a world.


He can perfectly invoke the power of the world.


After taking control of the worlds such as the world of mountains and seas, wasteland world, etc., Tang Yu found that the world inside the body, which originally only projected the earth and scattered fragments, had more worlds.

Although it's still just a projection, he can use more and more power.

The worlds are like stars shining brightly.

"Perhaps, it can be called the inner universe?"

"How far does the universe have to expand before I can reach the Saint King rank?"

"Or maybe it's the projection of the miniature universe in the body into reality?"

"It seems... that it can be done!"

As long as the power of the world is enough, continents can be created.

As long as the inner world takes shape, creatures and species can be evolved. The evolution speed in the earliest period is one hundred thousand times and one million times that of the normal world.

Only when the inner world is complete and enters the holy king rank will the evolution of the species return to normal.


Devil family, the C# war zone coach.

This holy king has been a little troubled recently.

In the war zone under his own control, things are not going well.

Other coaches have successfully captured the planets, but it is better for me, either dead or the planet has run away!

"Human, damned Terran!"

The coach recalled the palm shadows blasted from the world when he attacked Shanhaijie.

Make yourself have to retreat.

At the time he thought,

Just a lucky human saint king who survived.

But in the face of their devil race, even the holy king is just a man's arm.

After retreating that day,

The head coach immediately asked for help from the clan, and led three other holy kings with similar status to him to kill the mountain and sea together.

but did not expect,

Such a big mountain and sea world actually disappeared!

The Devil Race coach at the time still believed that the disappearance of this world was an exception.

Although it is incredible, it seems that it is not impossible to completely hide a plane with the heritage of the high-dimensional upper realm human race.

He couldn't think of it.

Since that time, in his war zone, the planets under his command have disappeared at every turn.

A group of elusive human race saints, they intercepted several times, but still failed to stop.

The face of the devil's head coach in front of his colleagues is almost unbearable.

He kept checking, and finally tracked down some clues.

"Human Race, Origin Star, Green Shade."

"It turned out to be the remnants of the origin star back then."

"The Origin Star Realm not long ago moved away suddenly."

He rubbed his fingers.


A holy figure appeared in the palace.

"Master Chief, there is news about the Luyin Human Race you are looking for."

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