Red fog filled the air.

The vines of the world criss-cross.

The strength of these world vines is the same as that of the dark red continent.

Even the Lord of Laws cannot destroy a large area at once.


The sea of ​​thunder flickered, and the thick thunder pillars fell one after another.

But with the barrier of the vine of the world, the Lord of Thunder Law can no longer control everything around him.

The location of the grey blade could not be found.

He can only work with the Lord of the Law of the Stars to continuously compress the shadow domain of the gray blade.

But for a short period of time, there can only be a stalemate.

another place,

Elaine is fighting against the Lord of the Four Laws of Darkness.

At first, it was laid out in the starry sky, holding back the four law masters of the devil race.

but now,

In a fair battle environment for both parties, there are even more powerful people at the level of the Lord of the Law of Darkness and the Lord of the Law of Annihilation.

Elaine is not an opponent and is losing ground.

"Fall, Lord of the Laws of the Human Race!"

"Just like countless epochs ago!"

The Lord of the Law of Oblivion grinned.

He is the master of the law of the older generation. When he participated in the siege of the Origin Star, he was already the master of the law.

Witnessed the fall of a sage of the human race.

He raised his hand.

The power of annihilation pushed all the way, smashing the frozen space of Elaine.

The permafrost world beneath my feet is riddled with holes.

Countless ice and snow creatures are wailing.

The Lord of the Law of Darkness bullied himself.

At this time.

boom--! ! !

The terrifying beam of light penetrated the clouds and bombarded the domain controlled by darkness.

The law of bright light squeezes the darkness inch by inch, illuminating everything around it.

The Lord of Dark Law looked up.

I saw a figure.

Another lord of the laws of the human race!

And that breath... He actually felt a bit familiar!

"The King of the Oath... No, the Lord of the Oath!"

But he remembered that the arrogant who was known as the arrogance of the human race who had not been born in ten thousand years, the king of vows, should have fallen along with her cosmic kingdom.

He didn't have time to think about it.

The law of light and the law of darkness are mutually exclusive.

The two domains of law mastered instinctively fought each other.

Light and dark are fighting for the initiative.

The Lord of the Law of Annihilation frowned, but still charged towards Yilian.

In the Devil Race's must-kill list, in addition to the great lord of the human race, the second person is the Lord of the Law of Ice.

The ordinary law of ice has been upgraded to the level of freezing space and freezing time.

cannot stay.

He killed together with the Lord of the Law of Decay and the Law of Enchantment.

The power of decay spreads.

Even the vines of the world are gradually decaying.

The master of the Law of Soul Seduction is hard to guard against, and if you are not careful, you will fall into the disadvantage.

But suddenly,

One after another wooden dragon sprang out from the ground.

Even the vines of the world danced.

The surroundings seemed to be a wooden world with only trees.

The vine of the world took the ultimate wood law and threw it to the masters of several laws.


The Lord of the Law of Oblivion was blown away by surprise.

He stopped.

Suddenly, I felt that this move to the wood world was somewhat familiar.

Looking up, I saw a human race in the appearance of an old man, standing on the vine of the world.

A wide cloak fluttered.

"The Lord of Dongsang!"

This one, he can no longer be familiar with it!

He was one of the sages in the glorious period of Origin Star.

He was also one of the participants in the fall of the Lord of Dongsang.

"Didn't you fall!"

"If the devil clan does not die, I will not disappear.

"Now, it's time to make a decision."

The Lord of Dongsang Law opened his mouth.

He is not the real one, but he also has some memories of the past.

It carries the sages of the Origin Star Human Race and hates the Devil Race.

The vines of the world were manipulated and slammed towards the three masters of laws.

"I'll deal with him!"

The Lord of the Law of Decay licked his lips and opened his mouth.

"I want to seize the law he controls."


The Lord of Oblivion nodded.

Decline is the most suitable for him... Moreover, the Lord of Dongsang's Law is not as strong as he remembers.


The battle continues.

At this time, Bamboo Squirrel and others were also under siege.

They didn't have a long time to break through the Lord of the Law. With fewer enemies and more enemies, they soon showed a decline.

The Lord of the Law of Fire incarnates the flame.

His face was still grim in the flames.

He recalled the scene when he was used as a racket by the green lord more than a hundred years ago, and anger rose in his heart.

but now……

It's time to get some interest back.

He flew up.

Go straight to the figure that has nowhere to hide.

At this time,


The silver sword light flashed.

Even the purest power of the law of fire was divided into two.

Make him unable to maintain the state of the law of incarnation and fall out.

The Lord of the Law of Fire looked ugly.

"Damn human race!"

He looked down and saw an unhealed wound on his chest.

It's a sword cut wound.

The ultimate power of the law of slashing.

Cut him off easily.

The Lord of the Law of Fire wanted to take revenge, but he felt that he could not beat him.

At this time,

The master of the Law of Destruction with him, all three pairs of arms are holding a high-level holy weapon sword.

He said, "Leave this human race to me, and you can deal with others."

One is the Lord of the Law of Destruction.

The empty specialization is the law of slashing.

very close.

The existence of the two masters of the law, in an instant, waved countless sword lights and sword lights.

Collision in the void.

No energy shock.

No aftermath spread.

Only the silver-white sword glow and the red-red sword glow kept appearing, disappearing, appearing, disappearing.

Gray Blade, Bamboo Squirrel, Nancy, Hongyue and others fought against the Lord of the Devil's Digital Law.

Lorraine, Shay, the three brothers Carmen, Tyron and other holy kings have either launched a top army formation, or they are in the inner ring at this time, fighting with the holy kings of the devil race.

On the Crimson Plane.

Several elders of the Devil Race walked out of the plane.

Suddenly, in the high-ranking void, the Void Nightmare clan, an ancestor without a substantial body, the existence of the Lord of Laws came.

Appearing together, there are two other Law Lords.

Lord of the Void Dragon Centipede!

The lord of the gluttonous gluttony!

As a member of the Void Alliance, the existences born from the high-level void, no matter which law path they take, are proficient in the laws of space.

Originally, they could not find this dark red continent.

But the human race appeared.

The star realm blasted the entire continent.

They immediately followed the trail and descended.

I also saw the holy body of their old friend, the Lord of the Dragon Turtle!

Look again.

There are still quite a few law masters of the human race, and they are fighting against the law masters of the devil race.

There is another star world to suppress the dark red continent, so that the various means arranged by the devil clan's nest cannot be used.

What else is there to say.


Except for the Lord of the Laws of the Void Alliance.

In the universe, there are still very few Lords of the Law of Alone, who were awakened by the fluctuation of the breakthrough of the great master. At this time, they also came to this dark red continent.

With a swipe of his eyes, he was staring at the Lord of the Laws of the Devil Race!


Hanging high above the dark red continent, it is like a sky in the sky star realm.

The huge teleportation array opened.

One after another stalwart figure walked out of it.

The King of Blue Stone, King of Nine Swords, and other alliance saint kings came here, wearing the legions of their respective forces.

Lord Tang held his hands behind his back and stood in front of the World Tree phantom.

Just give them a slight nod.

His eyes were still fixed on the depths of the dark red continent.

Unknown places.

After that, it was also the retreat of the great master.


It seems that the distance is not far away, but with the power of the Lord of Laws, it can be crossed in an instant.

But in fact, do not cross the master of these laws of the devil race.

Without blasting away the dark red continent and the crimson plane, it is impossible to get close at all.

Can't find a way to get close!

It's a rule!

Rules made by the devil tribe!

But it also needs to be guarded by enough Law Lords.



In the Crimson plane.

Abyss Demon Lord stretched out his hands and controlled the red cloud in front of him.

in an invisible place.

The power blasted by the Red Cloud and the Green Shade Lord continued to stalemate and entangle.

No one dared to take a step back.


The Demon Lord of the Abyss found that he had scolded him more times in the past hundred years than in the past tens of thousands of years.

Obviously, they set a trap to kill the Lord of the Human Race's Law.

Obviously, this trap has also worked, and the fallen Void Dragon Turtle Lord is the best proof.

But in the end...why did it become like this?

The core was found by the green lord.

Countless holy orders, holy king orders, and the Lord of Laws appeared.

All of a sudden the situation was pushed into the unknown.

"Fortunately, at the master level of the law, our clan still has the advantage in quantity.

"Although the treasure of the town clan is deadlocked with the Origin Star Realm, my clan still has other means to use."

on the sky.

The dark red stars that were pushed aside gradually formed some kind of mysterious formation.

Exudes some unknown power.


Lord Tang felt the power of erosion.

"Is it the means of the devil race to devour the origin of the world?"

The indescribable power is gradually infecting and spreading to the core of the sky star realm.

If it is replaced by a high-level world, in such a place, I am afraid that the source of the world will be swallowed up in two or three seconds.

Even the top world can't support it for long.

"The super world can last for a long time, but it can't stop this devouring."

Devouring the origin of the world is one of them.

Lord Tang discovered that the realm of the firmament he developed based on the power of the world was shrinking continuously because it was swallowed up.

The power of the vine of the world is also showing a sluggish trend.

He thought about it.

There are currently two options.


It is the power that integrates the power of luck, breaking the blockade in one fell swoop.


It is to consume more power and bless followers such as Elaine Nancy.

The power of the world and the power of prayer, he has already used it.

But the power of luck is difficult to supplement.

Too much loss also affects the human race.


"It's already a decisive battle. If this battle is not successful, you have to escape."

"So I choose to have them all!"

Lord Tang clenched his fists.

Three extremely special powers, fused into one.

Through the power of the contract, she blessed Elaine, Nancy, Kong and others.

for a while,

Behind them seemed to stand a world.

Hearing the prayers of countless souls.

The luck of the cosmic human race propped them up.

Nancy's sword glow skyrocketed, the power of the law swept through the flames, and the sword pierced the master of the law!

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