Around the continent, the dark red stars rose and fell.

Exudes a strange brilliance.

It is like a big net, to bind and capture the huge star realm in the sky.

But at this time,

An attack that was dozens of times more powerful than before, indescribable in words, and not like a law, suddenly came.

The abyss demon master was caught off guard, and was thrown out by the shock.

Look again,

Above the red cloud, the dark red silk threads intertwined around the astral world were all disconnected.

"not good!"

His face froze, and he manipulated the red cloud into a big hand and pushed it forward.


There was no sound, but the terrifying energy exploded.

The space that has been blessed by the Devil Race for countless epochs is cracked, and countless arcs of annihilation and winds of annihilation appear in the void. Even the masters of the laws of the surrounding battles, the laws they control have been pushed away.

On the dark red continent, there were also huge cracks, like an abyss.

Look through below.

A seating surface is vaguely visible.



The Lord of Penetration Law is horrified!

He was not only horrified by the Lord of the Human Race Law in front of him, his combat power had skyrocketed, but he was even more horrified. The dark red continent under their feet was actually torn apart by a crack.

"Lord of Green Shade..."

He didn't know, compared to more than a hundred years ago.

Lord Tang is already at the level of the true master of the law, and has more control over the laws of flame, space, life and death.

At this time, the Astral Realm of the Firmament had constructed the Underworld. In terms of conclusion and completeness, it was stronger than the Origin Star Realm that had just been upgraded at that time.

With multiple blessings, the Abyss Demon Lord was caught off guard.

Countless chains appeared around the Lord of the Forbidden Law to trap Nancy.

At this time,

"Ding bell~ ding bell~"

The master of the ban took a moment.

Countless huge purple-black giant swords appeared in front of Nancy. With a wave of her, the giant swords slammed towards the Lord of Penetration.


She didn't stop moving, a dharma like a ghost was revealed, and the invisible law of disaster was infested.

The Lord of Penetration, who was constantly fleeing, was suddenly affected by the aftermath of the battle between the Great Lord of Green Shade and the Demon Lord of the Abyss. His body froze, and the black giant sword passed through his chest. engulf.


another place.

The ultimate slashing law.

and the terrifying law of annihilation.

Intertwined in the void.

No one can help anyone.

But the Lord of Destruction is obviously more confident.

"The law of severing is just an ordinary law. There are many beings in the world who are cut off and will not be harmed, but my law of annihilation can destroy everything..."

He has tens of thousands of swords in one.

Confined to the invisible.

But wherever the sword light reached, all traces were wiped out.


Impossible to perceive.

Anything that touches the sword light will be cut off in an instant.

Empty complexion dignified.

The one in front of him is the master of the old law of the devil race.


The strength of the law's control does not depend on the length of time it takes to enter this level.

The outcome of the battle is not entirely based on strength or weakness.

More to see if there is a belief in victory.

Sora slowly raised his sword.

Obviously slow, but not slow.

A sword was raised.

Two swords hung upside down behind him.

He held it in his right hand and stroked the blade with his left from the hilt to the tip.

What I recalled in my ears was the sound of countless sword blades.

"I swear by my blade, I will! Slash! You!"

The silver sword glow swung out!

Hit the Nine Heavens Galaxy!

far away.

The Nine Swords King, who was in the top army formation, was stunned for a moment. He felt that the nine swords on his body were constantly trembling.

As if to run somewhere.

He turned to look.

The sword glow is dazzling.

Only silver light remains.


another place.

Darkness and light collide.

The life breath of the wood element and the death breath of decay were suddenly swallowed up.

Elaine looked in front of her.

There are only two law masters left.

Lord of the Law of Oblivion.

And, Lord of the Law of Ecstasy.

Not going back.

The permafrost world beneath her feet was riddled with holes.

On the other hand, the two law masters on the side of the Devil Race, who control different domains of law, are approaching step by step.

She tapped her staff.


Each piece of high-level sacred artifact integrated into heritage equipment suddenly burst into a dazzling brilliance.

They turned into light and fled into the staff.

Elaine looked up.

Looking at the world in the sky, there was a slight smile on his cold face.

Then look at the two masters of laws.

behind them.

On the way to the retreat of Elaine, the backhands under the cloth broke out one by one.

One after another icy blue beams of light soared into the sky.

"Freeze, it's over."



The Devil Race side gradually fell into decline.

The Nightmare Lord of the Void Alliance took a look, "It won't be long before we can break through the core of the Devil Race and give the one who is breaking through, a fatal blow.


He raised his head and looked at the world in the sky.

It is said that the one of the Devil Race has long dominated the realm in half a step, and broke through the upper realm of high dimensions with his own power, so that the original master of the law of the four races fell one after another.

But the great lord of the human race...

The Nightmare Lord felt extremely terrifying.

This is the home field of the Devil Race!

The place that was more tightly defended than the high-dimensional upper bound was actually broken by him.

Given time, I'm afraid it will be another existence that wants to break through the domination realm.


The lord of the dragon centipede also nodded, "The lord of the laws of the human race is also extremely powerful. After the whole battle, at a small price, he achieved a major victory."

The growth rate of the human race is too fast.

They don't want to see that the devil clan devours the universe and dominates the universe.

But I don't want the human race to grow into the next devil race.

The power of the law blasted by the three void ancestors weakened a little without knowing it.

"Leave" a law master on the side of the Devil Race, and let him come to the core of the battlefield.

The other masters of the law who walk alone in the universe are similar.

They are not of the same mind with the human race.

It was only because of the threat of the Devil Race that they took action one after another.

But take a look.

The threat of the human race is not necessarily lower than that of the devil race.

Better, let them both lose.

The battle at the level of the Lord of Laws is not so easy to determine the winner.

It lasted for a month, and after the Lord of the Law appeared on the side of the Devil Race, the balance finally tilted rapidly.

One after another, the existence of the Lord of the Law has fallen.

The dark red continent was also torn apart.

The three powers of the great lord Tang merged, turned into a pair of big hands, and pulled along the torn crack, and the entire boundless continent shook violently.

The Crimson plane at the inner core.

The plane barrier also trembled again and again.

Obviously not as resistant as the sky star realm.

"It's going to be a success!"

After the Crimson Plane, it is the place of the great master.

Regardless of human race.

Or the Alliance of Demons.

Or the Lord of other laws exists.

They all looked.

At this time,

Lord Tang's expression changed.

He noticed that an aura that could make the Lord of the Law tremble came back from the bottom of the abyss.

A dark red phantom slowly emerged.

On the sky, a huge red vortex appeared.

One by one, the colorful light spots were swallowed into the vortex.

It's a world!

The dark red phantom became more and more solid.

A terrible breath spread.

The complexion of the master of the laws of one bit has changed.

"The great master, he... broke through! How is it possible!!"

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