My doppelganger drama

Chapter 229 Can’t bear to look back

Fang Donghao confirmed the house number and rang the doorbell.

Soon someone answered the door: "Who is it?"

"Hello, I am a reporter from XX newspaper." Fang Donghao said in a friendly tone, and at the same time took out his ID to signal.

"Reporter? What are the reporters doing here?" The voice inside the door was nice, but very vigilant, and the reporter's image has never been very good in the public mind, so it is conceivable that he was disliked.

But Fang Donghao has gotten used to it. Dogs looking for fresh meat are annoying, but dogs that dig up rotten meat are equally annoying. He could understand that this status had its benefits but it was inevitable.

"It's about five years ago..."

"Five years ago?!" The other party's voice suddenly rose, obviously touched by this time.

"Yes, because another incident happened at Fusheng University recently, our newspaper media plans to publish a column to awaken the public's awareness of public security..." Fang Donghao said sincerely.

There was a moment of silence behind the door.

"Then why are you looking for me? I'm not a victim of that matter." The woman's voice became gloomy.

Fang Donghao glanced at the information on his phone to confirm and then said: "If it's correct, you are Miss Feng Xinyuan, right? The murderer who caused that case five years ago seems to be your...ex-husband."

His tone was cautious. It was normal for the other party's mood to change when old things like this were dug up. He was even prepared to be scolded.

But what I didn't expect was that with a sound, the door was pushed open.

Feng Xinyuan looked at Fang Donghao with a bad expression.

Fang Donghao confirmed that the person in front of him was Feng Xinyuan. Compared with when the incident happened, Feng Xinyuan seemed to have changed little in the past five years. He only changed his hairstyle, from the refreshing long ponytail to a somewhat gloomy short shawl. Wearing thick glasses.

It was quite different from the photos he had investigated that had appeared long ago.

"Hello, sorry to disturb you." Fang Donghao said, leaning forward slightly.

Feng Xinyuan said: "Please come in first."

Fang Donghao walked into the room.

It’s a habit to look quickly.

In line with the family environment of a single mother.

The door to the inner room was pushed open, and a cute boy's face popped out: "Mom?"

Feng Xinyuan glanced sideways and said, "Ah Yi, go back to your room and don't come out yet."

Ayi, who was about to ask Brother Dai why he hadn't come back yet, could only respond and returned to the house.

"That's your child." Landlady Hao said with a smile, "He looks very lively."

Feng Xinyuan said a few words casually.

The two sat down in the living room, and Feng Xinyuan asked: "Do you have any information about your column?"

Very cautious.

After Fang Donghao secretly thought in his heart, he immediately took out the convincing information he had prepared in advance and handed it over.

Feng Xinyuan looked over quickly and nodded slightly.

There is indeed no problem. Fang Donghao is not talking nonsense about this column. A lot of information on old cases has been collected.

"So what does your interview entail?" she asked.

"I'm sorry to mention something sad, but I hope I can understand the situation of the attacker 'Ma Yiheng' from your perspective at that time. Maybe I can get some profiles of the perpetrators to provide warning to the public." Fang Donghao took out the device, " Can I record it?”

"Whatever." Feng Xinyuan glanced at him and said.

Fang Donghao nodded gratefully.

"Due to some internal family issues at the time, our marriage was already coming to an end just a few years after our marriage. We didn't have much contact during that time, and we only met to prepare for divorce."

"So you were not aware that he might have developed criminal tendencies?"

"How can I tell such a thing clearly?" Feng Xinyuan frowned.

"Why do you think he chose to attack the second primary school? Your child was still in kindergarten at the time. What was the relationship between the second primary school and him?"

Feng Xinyuan was silent for a while and then said: "Maybe it's because I want my children to attend elementary school there? That's my alma mater."

"Do you think the change in your relationship as husband and wife was the reason why he committed the crime?"

"Right." Feng Xinyuan answered directly without any hesitation: "A considerable part of the original reports attributed the blame to me."

"This..." Fang Donghao was ashamed.

"I was very young when we got married. Because I became famous at a young age, I thought I could solve all the problems facing the outside world, but I never thought that the problems would come from within my family."

Feng Xinyuan said: "I skipped a grade in college and graduated early. He tried to start a business after graduating from high school, but it didn't go well. I agreed to his proposal out of a whim, and I even had conflicts with my family because of it and I haven't contacted him anymore."

Fang Donghao asked: "Is it the other party's fault?"

"To me, it seems like a misunderstanding." Feng Xinyuan glanced out the window.

"Misunderstanding..." Fang Donghao felt that this description was vague.

"Unfortunately, if you want to know the possible motives and psychological state of the murderer from me, I can only provide you with a bunch of family scandals that are said to be bad. If they are really released, it will probably cause unnecessary digressions. Controversy." Feng Xinyuan turned around and said.

Fang Donghao said noncommittally: "The police once said that Ma Yiheng may have been incited and guided by some real terrorists. What do you think of this?"

"I don't know, but maybe there is. I have a vague guess that there may be a suitable partner." As he said that, Feng Xinyuan suddenly showed a dangerous smile.

Fang Donghao felt shuddering, just like an explorer who entered a dark cave out of curiosity and finally found a sleeping tiger in the cave.


"Can you elaborate?"

"One..." Feng Xinyuan lowered his head and lowered his eyes slightly.

From this angle, her beautiful face can be seen more clearly beyond the obstruction of her thick eyes and hair.

"A blurry person who wears a black suit but likes to cover his figure with black."

Fang Donghao was quickly attracted by the news.

Terrorists in tuxedos? Do such arrogant people really exist? Of course, if supernatural elements are added, it wouldn't be surprising to see it being exaggerated.

Finally got a little bit of the edge.

Fang Donghao sighed a little in his heart.

"Looking at the figure, it looks a bit burly. Ma Yiheng is already considered strong, but the figure is taller than him. It should be a male. I didn't hear its voice. It gave Ma Yiheng something very dangerous. It seemed to be some kind of weapon."

Fang Donghao opened his eyes wide: "Have you told the police about this?!"

"Never said that."

"Why? This is a very important clue!"

"Because according to the police's final on-site search, there was no such abnormal person at the scene at that time. A black suit and dress would be very conspicuous wherever you go in this era, but there is indeed no relevant record."

"But I did talk to a psychiatrist, and he thought it was my hallucination."

While Feng Xinyuan was telling the story, he always had a faint smile on his face.

Fang Donghao was silent.

I took out my phone and scrolled through it for a while, re-reading the incident.

The day of the incident was in the afternoon, and the second primary school held a parent-teacher meeting.

The murderer Ma Yiheng entered the campus in the name of a parent with a large amount of high explosives. He planted the explosives in many places and detonated them. Instead of escaping, he rushed into the crowd with explosives in his arms and detonated them, killing a large number of children, parents and staff. He also died on the spot. .

This is the most reliable news that he has repeatedly confirmed and compiled after comparing multiple reports.

But just a few casual sentences from Feng Xinyuan seemed to lead to different content.

Hallucination? Mental disorder due to sudden blow?

For ordinary people, this is a good explanation. For outsiders who know that this world is unusual, that is another matter.

What we have obtained so far seems to be enough. Rather, it is very gratifying to say that a target clearly appeared not long after the investigation started.

"By the way, Miss Feng." Fang Donghao looked at the information and said, "Why did you appear at the scene at that time?"

Feng Xinyuan and Fang Donghao looked at each other.

This news did not exist in past reports.

Various reports did not clarify what Feng Xinyuan was doing that day.

Fang Donghao asked Team B for help and used black technology to restore the scene of the terrorist attack that day, where he accidentally found Feng Xinyuan.

She stood at the gate of the school, which was in chaos at the time, looking at the school in a daze.

"I happened to be discussing work matters with the editor that day. When I went home, I would pass by the elementary school. Maybe he specifically chose that time to do it?" Feng Xinyuan showed no signs of abnormality, as if he was just asking about an extremely ordinary thing, and said softly answer.

Fang Donghao nodded slightly and could only express his approval.

After Fang Donghao left, Hyundai came back with a big bag of snacks.

"Why isn't dinner ready yet?" He glanced at the neglected kitchen. All the dishes that had been prepared were already cold on the table.

It was already dark, and Feng Xinyuan sat in a daze in the living room without turning on the lights.

"Feng Xinyuan, it's already half past six. I think Ah Yi might be hungry." Brother Xiandai said nonchalantly.

"Sorry." Feng Xinyuan finally came to his senses, stood up, and returned to the kitchen.

"It looks like it will be a while. I'll give him some snacks to cushion his stomach. Don't scold him later."

"Yeah." Feng Xinyuan replied dully.

Modern Brother returned to the room with snacks and saw Ayi who had finished writing the composition and was lying on the bed asleep.

After shaking Ah Yi awake and giving him snacks to fill his stomach, Modern Brother found any reason to go to the balcony of the house.

One finger turned into a gun barrel, and he raised his hand and fired a shot to the side.

"Hey!" The little angel Anji exclaimed.

"You're here."

"You obviously know that! Then don't shoot randomly! Your ability is too dangerous!" Anji was indignant.

Then after Brother Modern put the gun in front of it, it quickly became quiet: "Brother, if you have something to say, please tell it..."

"What happened to Feng Xinyuan five years ago?" Brother Modern asked in a soothing tone.

"How do you know this! Didn't you go shopping? I watched your back as you left!" Little Angel Anji said in surprise.

"The magic of aliens is beyond what you idiots can imagine."

The little angel Anji hesitated and hesitated.

Brother Xiandai said directly: "What happened to Ah Yi?"

Anji's eyes widened: "How do you know?"

"The magic of outsiders."

After the clone followed and eavesdropped on the conversation between Fang Donghao and Feng Xinyuan, Wan Yi obtained the information and discussed it, and finally gave several possibilities.

The biggest one may have been directly tested by the infiltrated clone.

Use Nightmare on Ah Yi.

Dreams can evoke things that have accumulated in people's unconsciousness, and can reveal many hidden things that cannot be seen in daily life.

And Ah Yi.

No dreams.

It does not mean not dreaming, but the activity of the brain during sleep. The mental power emitted by it cannot constitute a normal dream, and is weak and disordered.

It was completely blank, but to a certain extent, the mental power could be said to be highly active, but the source could not be found.

Ah Yi's own spirit is extremely fragile, and he relies on another force to maintain it, forming such a strange and divergent spiritual power.

Upon closer inspection, it looks like...

The pressure is weird.

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