My doppelganger drama

Chapter 230 The Tragedy of the Past

"What are you talking about! How could Ah Yi be a stress monster!" Anji said hurriedly after hearing Wan Yi's words.

"Because I only know so much about the so-called pressure monster, I just use what I know to describe it." Wan Yi said.

"Feng Yi is definitely not a stress monster!" Anji emphasized again.

"So what is he? Anyway, he is not a normal and original person."

"he is……"

Anji glanced at Feng Yi who was nibbling snacks in the room. He didn't dare to eat more even though there was a lot in front of him.

After that, it changed the subject and started from scratch: "The decompression core of the magical girl can achieve many things beyond ordinary people. However, it will gradually solidify over long-term use based on various factors of the user, tending to a certain Stable state.”

"In other words, there is actually no limit to how much power the initial decompression core can exert."

"That's true if there's enough stress relief."

"Relieve stress?"

"The moment the pressure monster is eliminated, it will give back to the magical girl. Magical girls need this to perform magic."

"It's magic, right?"

"...Any kind of noun is acceptable!"

Little Angel expressed strong condemnation for Wan Yi's incomprehensible behavior of causing trouble.

"We magical girl partners use some auxiliary magic to borrow this part of the magical girl's power. In other words, we can forcibly restore the power that has gradually adapted to the magical girl's body to an unbound state, and cast Create other special magic."

"Like those magics that erase memories, eliminate existence, or even involve reality modification? Although the scale is not large, in some respects you are much more powerful than magical girls."

"It's not as powerful as you said." The little angel said shyly.

"I'm not bragging." Wan Yi said, and then said: "So, you are using this part of your power to maintain Feng Yi's current state?"

"Yeah." Anji responded obediently and calmly.

"Then why does he need your support?" Wan Yi asked.

"Because the original Feng Yi... died in the original incident." After adjusting, Anji finally gave Wan Yi an answer.

Wan Yi was not surprised.

"What's going on? Is he related to the incident five years ago?"

"Xinyuan's ex-husband, the one Ma Yiheng wanted to kill at that time, was Feng Yi. And in the history that has not been modified by me, Feng Yi, who had grown to elementary school age, died in that attack." Anji's His voice was low, as if he was afraid of being heard.

"It was a parent-teacher meeting at Feng Yi Elementary School. Xinyuan was there for no other reason than to participate in the parent-teacher meeting as a mother. Then, Ma Yiheng found this extremely suitable time..."

Angie did not continue, but the situation was self-evident.

As it spoke, it rubbed its hands together, and white bubbles appeared in its hands: "Do you want to see it?"

Wan Yi paused and nodded.

Bubbles pop.

The surrounding scene changes from night to the golden-red dusk of evening.

It was the familiar Erxiao.

It was just a second primary school in ruins.

Children's cries were everywhere.

In one of the potholes, two figures stood out.

A stress monster wearing a tattered groom's suit, and his whole head looks like a rotten heart.

Opposite it, a magical girl whose white wedding dress is dyed red with blood.

Feng Xinyuan five years ago, now her eyes were empty, her better face was covered with dust and blood, she was curled up on the ground, and she seemed to be hugging something in her arms.

Wan Yi looked over and saw at a glance that she was holding a child.


To be precise, it was the body of a child, badly mutilated.

"Magical girl, haha, magical girl... Not only are you so successful and respected as a genius, but secretly you are even a magical girl who protects the world in obscurity. How touching... But you have never told me this. ...Haha, hahaha... How about it? How many people did you save in this school today? No matter how many you saved, you didn't save your own children."

The rotten groom said in a low, unpleasant voice that sounded like a blunt instrument.

"He is your child too..." Feng Xinyuan suppressed his cry.

"It doesn't matter, what I wanted from the beginning was you, not this child." The Rotten Heart Bridegroom replied.

"I really like you who think you are omnipotent and extremely confident. You are not very old, but you are otherworldly, like a fairy falling from the sky. I am fascinated by it. The proudest thing in my life is that I have pursued you, and even been with you. You are getting married."

He turned to say, "I tried to make myself worthy of you, but as time went by, I gradually discovered that even if I worked hard to win you, to you I am just a mediocre person in your wonderful life." Strange passerby."

Feng Xinyuan finally turned his eyes away and looked at the other party with empty eyes.

"Now I know why. It turns out that you are not only dazzling in the worldly sense, but you even exude unimaginable brilliance in the darkness. I am ashamed of myself. I will never be able to match it in my life." The other party walked towards Feng Xinyuan.

"We didn't have the same ideas, we kept arguing, and the fragility of the relationship showed its true value. I knew it was just bringing forward what was already going to happen."

"I don't want a child, because after you become a mother, the extraordinary you may change and change because of the child. Of course, it may remain the same, but it is not good for me. Even this child will be in your life." It’s a bigger part of life than I am.”

The rotten bridegroom came to Feng Xinyuan.

"I am a scumbag. You laughed and called me a scumbag more than once in high school. I am indeed. Maybe I have thought about changing, but I can't change now. Dogs can't change their eating shit, that's what they say."

"You..." Feng Xinyuan's fingers dug deeply into the ground.

"I'm very happy that that person gave me this opportunity. I can personally drag you from heaven to hell, Feng Xinyuan."

"You bastard!" Feng Xinyuan was completely angered.

A large number of feathers spread out from her body, but these feathers were quickly dyed black, and her beautiful eyes were filled with a lot of negative emotions.

The big bow in his hand also turned into a mixture of black and white, and the arrows fired were like missiles bombarding the surroundings.

She raged.

The rotten bridegroom was helpless in the face of such power and was swallowed up by the explosion, but he continued to laugh until the end.

She continued to vent and was about to plunge this place into a deeper abyss.


The sudden voice brought her transformation to an abrupt halt.

"I was so anxious at that time and just wanted to make my heart stop, so I used a... bad way." Little Angel Anji said.

"This also gave Xinyuan hope. Even if I explained the pros and cons to her, and she would bear the burden of Feng Yi's re-existence, she still chose this path because she had nothing left. ”

The next scene showed Feng Xinyuan rummaging through the messy scene for Feng Yi's body fragments in order to restore the resurrected child to as much integrity as possible.

Until the sky darkens, if the reality is not modified, the situation will develop further and the resistance will be even greater.

Feng Xinyuan failed to put the child together completely, so the age of the resurrected Feng Yi had to be reduced.

When this period of reality was reconstructed by Anji, the last image left was that of Feng Xinyuan standing at the broken door of the school, staring blankly inside the school.

The Rotten Bridegroom caused too much damage, causing countless casualties. In addition, Feng Xinyuan spent some time trying to piece Feng Yi together, missing the best time to repair it.

Some things are irreversible.

The magical girl protected nothing.

From that day on, Feng Xinyuan no longer considered herself a hero who protected the world. She was no longer worthy.

And she did not give up her activities as a magical girl to solve the pressure monster, just to earn the magic power to support Feng Yi's survival.

This is the tragedy of a magical girl who failed in her duties.

Feng Xinyuan finally prepared dinner. After hearing the shout, Modern Brother took Feng Yi out to eat.

Feng Xinyuan wore the same gentle and maternal smile that he always had towards his children.

"I'm sorry, Ah Yi, I seemed to have fallen asleep in the living room just now."

"It's okay, Mom, are you very tired recently? Take care of yourself!" Feng Yi didn't have any dissatisfaction, and even cared about her mother in return.

"Yeah." Feng Xinyuan smiled.

Do Hyundai brothers have to eat quietly?

"How is it?" Feng Xinyuan looked at Brother Modern and asked.

Brother Xiandai was stunned for a moment: "Huh? I'm just a casual person, so it's hard to comment."

"just saying."

"This plate of fried meat is too old, and the soup is a bit too bland." Modern Brother immediately slapped the snake on the stick and prepared to make a critical comment.

"Forget it, you'd better shut up."

Brother Xiandai nodded and continued eating calmly.

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