My doppelganger drama

Chapter 243 The mysterious store manager in the preparation department

"Mr. Xu, you're out."

While Xu Shen was still in a daze, he heard a familiar voice.

It turned out to be the big sister from Tu.

"Well, my first interpretation of the script ended... relatively quickly," Xu Shen said.

"He was unlucky enough to see the hidden boss being violently killed." The little princess appeared at the right time and winked as she spoke.

"It's just...just bad luck!" Xu Shen blushed, but fortunately the sheets blocked everything for him.

"Yeah, it's just bad luck. There's no need for you to be so secretive in your explanation, trying to hide it." The little princess interjected again.

"That's enough for you! Where's my milk?"

"Here, put away your underage milk." The little princess brought the milk up at the right time.

Xu Shen was speechless again and lowered his head to drink the milk glumly.

Wenwen did not continue on this topic, but said: "I didn't encounter any unexpected situations. I passed the level very easily. I even only used a knife to close the bottom part a little. The front is like a real escape room. It's better than The teaching facilities in my previous school where we practiced solving puzzles were more realistic."

"The eldest lady is very powerful." The little princess said with a smile.

Pictures and texts are quite familiar with this little princess.

She had seen this person in the Sinking Sky Island Group.

At first, she was shocked by her demonic ability to charm all living beings. She had to increase the dose of her mask to restrain herself. There is no doubt that it is the charm that kills both men and women.

She was a little shocked that there was such a character among the weirdos in the troupe.

The most shocking thing is that she is not just a mascot.

Even one of the top figures in the troupe!

Not long ago, when the troupe had a large-scale conflict with a large gang, the other party's superb dispatching ability and ruthlessness made Tu Wenwen realize that he was still too young.

This little princess seems to be a troublemaker, but she looks younger than herself, but she is undoubtedly more mature.

"It's just a script for newcomers. The difficulty is not low. This place can indeed play a significant role in training people, and there is not even much risk. The troupe is really amazing." Tu Wenwen said with emotion.

"Just have fun, there will be more powerful scripts waiting for you to interpret in the future!" said the little princess.

"Do you come here every day when you sleep?"

Tu Wenwen began to try to find out about the internal situation of the troupe. After all, she should be considered a member of the troupe now, at least that's what King Wu Yi said.

"Not necessarily. I usually come when I have time. After all, we don't really need sleep. Everyone is still very enthusiastic. When they get tired of it, they will find other interesting things to do."

"It's so casual." Xu Shen said.

"After throwing away enough things, this is all we have left." The little princess lowered her eyes slightly and chuckled softly.

"I'm here to join in the fun today. Cherish the way I look in this outfit. You may not see her again in the future." The little princess turned around to show off her fitting bartender clothes, bowed lightly, and then disappeared.

After Xu Shen drank the milk, he and Tu Wenwen went to the behind-the-scenes preparation area next to the performance hall.

Finally, it’s time for the exciting part of reading the menu and drawing your own pie.

There are a large number of decorative ornaments accumulated in the preparation area, with different styles, from martial arts fantasy, to sword and magic, from steampunk to space opera, everything is available.

Xu Shen's interest was immediately aroused.

The boss sitting in the back is a man in white, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, red lips and white teeth, and a moral integrity.

When seeing him, Tu Wenwen subconsciously felt something was wrong.

He just has a temperament that is very different from all the troupe members I have seen so far.

If most of the previous members of the troupe had some similarities, then the person in front of him was a completely different and independent individual.

"Although the young lady has not even thought about her own place in her mind, she has gradually become more professional when it comes to considering others." The man suddenly spoke, his voice gentle and refreshing.

Tuwenwen's body trembled slightly, and his head lowered unconsciously: "Hello."

I subconsciously used the honorific.

"There's no need to be formal. I'm just a shop owner here. Come and sit here when you're bored. Haha, it's quite interesting. I should be able to recommend other people to come here in the future. It can also be a breath of fresh air." The man said.

"What do you call me sir?" Xu Shen also asked aloud.

"Well...according to my style, it's not a problem to introduce myself directly here. But the troupe leader told me that we need to give people some sense of surprise as the secret is gradually revealed, so I'd better keep it a secret for now. Just sit here. It’s a ‘store manager’. If you want to know information about different store managers, just exchange things for them.”

The man in front of me was holding a folding fan and fanning it gently.

Although he has an extraordinary temperament, from his words, Tu Wenwen and Xu Shen realized: Yes, he is still a fun person after all.

"If you two want to shop, you can look carefully in every corner of the preparation area, and the catalog will appear automatically." The man said.

Xu Shen and Tu Wenwen heard this and stopped disturbing them, so they just found a place to watch.

After looking at it for a few times, a catalog suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, as if it was refreshed directly on the retina.

"It's true!" Xu Shen immediately realized that this part was the most important thing for him.

The pictures and texts are much calmer, so you can read them slowly.

Both of them were "strangers" when they first entered the level. There is a level lock here, so they basically can't see content beyond their own level.

There is just a "limited time special offer" column next to it. The items there will be changed regularly every month. There is no purchase level limit for the items there, and the price will be much cheaper than the original price. It seems to be something like a benefit.

For example, in this month's limited-time column, the top items are an ancient tortoise shell and scattered ancient copper coins.

It looks like an ordinary antique, but when you click on the details page, the content displayed is: Divination.

"The current mysterious store manager will make a divination for the buyer. There is no guarantee, but maybe it can change the destiny? The essence is only an external thing. Whether the eyes are right or not is the key to whether the mysterious store manager can take action."

This description seems very unreliable.

Divination, but there are no guarantees, and there are still question marks behind the idea of ​​changing one's destiny against the will of heaven.

It's just that it's so unreliable, coupled with the mystery of the troupe, this "divination" can really make those who see it excited.

"Forty-nine thousand dream essences..." Tu Wenwen said softly.

She was confused about her future, and this seemed to be an opportunity.

She had just finished the novice script, and she had harvested a thousand dream essences. This was just a novice.

If she performs better and participates more in subsequent difficult scripts, it won't seem particularly difficult?

Anyway, she did plan to give it a try.

In the end, Tu Wenwen didn't buy anything, but Xu Shen was amazed because he found a few herbs that he had been searching for recently without success. He didn't expect to find them here, so he bought them immediately.

"By the way, store manager, how do you deliver the goods to your door?" Xu Shen asked the store manager curiously before leaving.

"You will know when the time comes." The store manager in white said, still maintaining a warm smile.

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