My doppelganger drama

Chapter 244 Overnight feud

Its daybreak.

Xu Shen opened his eyes.

In that carnival, the concept of time would be confused. He asked the little princess how she was so powerful.

The little princess's answer was that it was just a dream world and not the real world. To some extent, adjusting the dream time took advantage of the gap between illusion and reality.

Of course, you can't be too reckless, because if the difference is too big, it will also put a greater burden on the dream will in the carnival, and even eventually lead to some mental illness and complete madness.

After hearing this, Xu Shen understood that there is always a price behind beauty.

He got out of bed, and before he could stretch, he felt his foot hit something.

Only then did I realize that a red and white box had appeared under the bed.

"Is this true?" Xu Shen's eyes widened and he carefully picked up the box.

After observing it, I found that the box was sealed quite well and there was nothing unusual about it.

I held it in my hand and weighed it a few times. There was something shaking inside, but it wasn't very heavy.

"Are these the herbs I bought?" Xu Shen put the box on the table, found the gloves, and held his breath before he dared to open the box.

After opening the box, as expected, there were several herbs that Xu Shen wanted lying quietly inside.

You can catch the fragrance by gently fanning it, which is refreshing.


Shortly after the box was opened, the box itself suddenly decomposed itself and disappeared, leaving only a few herbs lying quietly on the table.

Xu Shen picked up the herbs and was silent for a long time.

It can be confirmed that that place is really not a simple dream world.

After that, Xu Shen did not use these herbs directly.

He first carefully checked the inside and outside of his house to confirm that there were no signs of intruders, or that the possible intruders were very powerful and skilled, and could not be detected by his layman level.

Afterwards, he took out another herbal medicine book.

This book is a perfect tool he got, which can identify various herbs and poisons.

On weekdays, Xu Shen jokingly calls him his "little golden finger".

After identifying the herbs in these boxes, he determined that these herbs were harmless, and even their medicinal properties were far beyond his minimum needs, and they were considered to be the best.

One of them almost transcends the ordinary level of martial arts and goes to the level of fantasy.

Great value for money!

If he could get these herbs just by being tortured by False Leaf Blood, he would rather be hung up and beaten by the False Leaf Queen every night!

Just when Xu Shen was sighing with emotion, the pictures and texts from the Sinking Sky Island Group became much calmer.

Breathing in sedatives, she walked among the troupe's strongholds.

I was originally going to find someone from the troupe to tell me about last night's dream, but before I could ask, I found that the troupe's stronghold was very busy today.

In the center of the field, the familiar aircraft was brought out.

At this time, it has been almost repaired, and the dark appearance has crazy red stripes, which is obviously the surname of the troupe.

The little princess stood together with a man in a dark green suit, admiring their masterpiece together.

"Hello." Tu Wenwen greeted and stepped forward.

The Green Goblin and the little princess turned around and said, "Good morning, how are you? This is an excellent result of our recent cooperation!"

If it was just for repairs, the Green Goblin had already figured it out not long after he came here.

But the Perfection Department is a ruthless person who can make toilets and toilet plug-like flying machines, so how can they be satisfied with this.

So some minor modifications were made.

"Well, after seeing it, I think you should have fixed it long ago." Tu Wenwen said.

If she had just come to the Sunken Sky Island Group, the first time she saw the aircraft was repaired, she would definitely follow her original plan and find Mr. Su Qianming's contact person to live a best life.

But now she no longer has any expectations, or in other words, the current life makes her feel more comfortable.

Human adaptability is truly terrifying.

"After all, it took a lot of time to try out various new functions, and now it's almost time to set sail," the little princess said.

"Then, where are you going to use it?" Tu Wenwen asked.

Brother Green Demon showed a somewhat evil smile: "Of course we will follow the previous plan to see the route arranged by Brother Su for us. We have been out of contact for so long, Brother Su and Sister You are probably very anxious."

At this moment, my mind, which was chaotic with pictures and texts, finally remembered that there was someone waiting for me on Sky Island 014.

She had suppressed this part of her longing long ago, but now it was evoked again.

Seeing her expression, Green Devil nodded slightly and said, "As an actor, it's not good to be unable to distinguish between the stage and the stage."

"Well, thank you." Tu Wenwen nodded calmly.

"However, although the protection measures for this aircraft are quite complete, if we don't solve the hidden dangers and simply rush out under the gunfire, wouldn't it seem that we are running away?" the little princess said aloud.

Hearing this, Green Goblin's initially relatively restrained smile suddenly turned cruel: "Yes, in the cool article, we have not taken revenge so far, so I feel sorry for the readers."

The gang that had brought them down in the first place had a lot of friction with them during the expansion of the troupe.

But because Wanyi haven't focused on eradicating them yet, they are still alive and kicking now.

Now is the time to find any reason to deal with people.

"Count me in." Tu Wenwen volunteered.

"Well, that's okay. If you don't come, we would like to invite you." The little princess said with a smile.

In another part of this low-level sky island, in the stronghold of an unknown gang.

Today, several gang leaders gathered together to discuss important matters.

Several people gathered in a circle, brought some random chairs to sit, and held a decent meeting.

"We have to think of a way. The new gang is getting more and more arrogant." One of the strongest men present said in a deep voice.

"They are not simply crazy, madness is just a symptom." A man who was still dressed decently and elegantly in such a chaotic environment said thoughtfully.

His name is Devin, and he is one of the few people in this gang who can use his brain and likes to use his brain. He is equivalent to a think tank, and everyone still trusts him.

So after he spoke, everyone looked at him.

"They came here after being shot down by us. There were only a few scattered people at first, but then the number quickly expanded, like cockroaches." Devin said.

"Obviously, although their acting style is flamboyant and consistent with the style of Sinking Sky Island, there is a hand behind them that is coordinating the overall situation and making reasonable use of their madness."

"You mean, they're organized?"

"Indeed, without organization, it would be impossible for these lunatics to be so united!"

Perhaps they are judging others by themselves, but the nameless gang just can't figure out how it is possible for crazy people to gather together and still be so organized.

Devin looked at the discussions among the people around him and sneered inwardly.

In fact, what he is doing now is not the same.

Madmen also have appeals, and mad beasts have suitable occasions when used properly.

Since joining this gang, he has been carrying out trial and error, unifying a group of people who have gradually given up their thinking and fallen into madness due to the torture of the sinking island as his own sharp blade.

When he has enough savings, he will fight back sooner or later to show off to the people on the empty island above.

In a sense, the latest organization has done better than him. The people behind it obviously have a plan to sink the sky island group.

He actually didn't want to fight. If possible, it would be best to maintain a stalemate for a while and then negotiate a peace.

Cooperation is always better than hostility.

Devin wanted to learn from the other party's organizational experience.

Of course, if the other party doesn't give you face, there's nothing you can do about it.

He has been running a business for several years, but he can still fail to defeat this small organization that has only been in business for a few months?

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