My doppelganger drama

Chapter 273 Repertoire: Trafficked Children

The actor's clone Wan Yi appeared on the stage as before, and the theater lights turned on and shone towards him.

The Demon Lord and the Good Man applauded quite consciously.

And this clone Wan Yi thought about the script of the man in the manure digger that he had just learned, then turned to look at the script inspired by the fat rat on the desk in the corner, and his eyes suddenly died.

"Promise me, if my script is funny, please don't laugh at me... at least laugh quietly." He said with some melancholy.

"It's okay. I've seen too much and won't laugh. As for the other people, they will only make noises to me, and you won't be able to hear their laughter." Wan Yi waved his hand.

"Alas." Actor Wan Yi had a complicated mood, but was still prepared.

Even though they know that they almost no longer look like themselves after becoming a character in the play, there are still many people who long to experience this wonderful feeling.

Actor Wan Yi's spot is very popular, and ordinary clones can't grab it, so this clone doesn't plan to give up.

So he straightened his clothes and saluted the devil and the good man.

In Shushu's script, let alone becoming the same existence as these two, in short, being better than the manure digger would be considered a success.

Wan Yi sat back in the audience, and before his eyes, a new play began.

It starts with a black screen, and the first thing that appears in the picture is the sound of a car engine.

Soon, the sound stopped, the car door opened and closed, and someone got out of the car.

After waiting outside the car for a while, a man who covered his face was greeted by another ugly-looking middle-aged man.



After briefly asking and answering, the two people came to the back of the car and opened the cargo box.

There are children inside, the oldest is about ten years old, and the youngest is even an infant.

"Twelve in total, four babies, half of each head is for you. The oldest one, eleven years old, is a bit naughty. I taught him a few lessons on the way before he became obedient."

"Eleven-year-old is too big." The middle-aged man's brows were furrowed as if he couldn't relax.

"I didn't want to abduct him, but he found me holding the baby. He didn't hurry up and find an adult and still questioned me. It's so funny that my parents didn't teach him anything when he grew up." The man smiled disdainfully, " If you are not satisfied with this, you can just give it to me as a gift."


The two quickly completed the deal.

The last child in the cargo box, the baby, was put into a large wooden basket, and the other children were tied up and loaded on a three-wheeled cart.

They all opened their pure eyes and watched in fear as the ugly middle-aged man arranged for them, but they did not dare to say anything.

These children all had injuries on their bodies, and it was obvious that the older children were not the only ones who had learned lessons along the way.

At this moment, a small shadow jumped out of the truck.

It turned out that the older child, who was huddled in the corner with his body bruised and bruised, actually got up and ran away at this moment.

Although the timing seemed to be good, the child was still too weak in front of the two of them.

The man who was driving before didn't look very good-looking.

This kid's performance is a slap in the face of what he just said!

The man did not move, but a large dog beast jumped out of his body. The hair was not thick, but the muscles were well developed and very strong. Saliva dripped between the ferocious and sharp teeth.

"Woof!" the dog beast roared, and the children running away in front were immediately frightened and their steps were confused.

The dog beast seized the opportunity and jumped out, lightly nudged the child and knocked him to the ground.

The marks of whipping on the child were still clearly visible, and the skin and flesh all over the child were torn and there was almost no intact part.

One eye was even bleeding and he was already blind.

He looked at the dog beast in front of him in fear, which was bigger than him, and kept struggling.

Inugmon seemed to be joking and wanted to tease the child, but when he put his head in, the child kicked him and kissed him on the mouth, which felt unlucky.

"Tsk." The man clicked his tongue in displeasure.

The dog beast seemed to have received an order. It stopped playing and wanted to bite the child's leg that had just kicked him in the mouth.

"Ah!" The child screamed pitifully.

The child's legs were completely destroyed when the hard mouth like a trap bit down so hard.

The dog beast was still rubbing its teeth, biting off the child's legs forcefully and slowly.

The child hesitated due to pain all over his body, screamed continuously, and then passed out directly.

"I didn't let you bite off his leg, so it's even more useless now." The ugly man said sadly.

"Let's make do with it. You can just kill him and dump him somewhere. Anyway, I won't give you any money."

The dog beast dragged the child back, put it on the ground and threw it in front of the ugly man, then turned and returned to the body of the man driving the car.

Then he drove away in the same car.

This kind of opening is relatively rare in many of the plays Wan Yi has seen.

Liang Rendao and the Demon Lord couldn't help but frown when they looked at it.

Unexpectedly, the opening of Tu Yile's play did not directly lead to a sensory stimulation crisis as usual, or start from a dull life.

They already knew that the person in the drama was the child whose leg was bitten off after trying to escape.

"Human traffickers..." Wan Yi stared at the two men in the picture.

The three of them watched the changes in the scene in front of them quietly, and Wan Yi's eyes looked at the quill he was writing from time to time.

Following the perspective of the ugly middle-aged man, the picture shows where these children have come.

It's not a wilderness, the surrounding buildings are low and dense, but it's farther out. Surrounded by high-rise buildings.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, which seemed to indicate the fate of these children.

The ugly men took the children into a building.

You can smell the pungent rotten smell inside, and it's dark and damp.

The man threw the children except the baby into a large cage and then took the baby away. It is not known where the four babies went after that.

The boy with the broken leg was shivering and his body was still twitching.

Although there was no treatment for the injury, it was probably because the dog beast bit the wound into a bloody mess in order to torture him. The child was very lucky to avoid heavy bleeding from the wound.

This saves him from dying here immediately. Of course, it may also be the beginning of more suffering for him.

The child was unconscious for a long time. When he woke up, he felt something crawling on his face.

He moved for a moment, and then felt a stinging pain on his face, and then the thing crawling on his face quickly left.

The child opened his eyes and saw the back of a black mouse.

Why is he here?

Oh, yes, he was kidnapped by bad guys. He tried to escape but failed, and his leg was bitten off by a big dog...

Looking at his only one leg, the boy burst into tears.

In the days that followed, the children were picked off one after another by the man.

They were not the only children here, there were other cages containing more emaciated and emaciated children.

The man would only give some dry rice grains and add some water to the children regularly to ensure that they would not die in large numbers in the cage.

But even so, he wouldn't care if any of the children died quietly.

Very few of the children he took came back alive.

Even if they come back, they will behave a little strangely, and after being taken away a few times, they will never come back.

Will he do this again in the future?

The child doesn't know.

Miraculously, he survived in this harsh place without being able to move normally.

People have become numb, and in their minds they just think about their parents and their warm home all the time.

Originally, he said that after the test results came out... his parents would take him to play...

Now, I probably can’t go.

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