My doppelganger drama

Chapter 274 Play: Rat in a Cage

"Here you go." A thin child brought a handful of rice and handed it to him.


The eldest child took the rice and stuffed it into his mouth. It was considered a simple meal.

"Do you want water?" The child pointed to the water basin not far away.

"If you hold it in your hand, all the water will leak out." The eldest child said.

"Then you can't help but drink water."

"You can drink it yourself, there is very little water." The eldest child looked down at his leg. The pain was now numb and subsided.

It is a miracle that there have been no infections or other complications with so many injuries in the past few days.

"You will die of thirst if you don't drink water." said the child in front of him.

"Whatever, I've become like this."

"Don't be discouraged, you looked very handsome when you ran away before!"

"Handsome... But in the end, I was not the protagonist of the cartoon. I was captured all at once. I know that not all bad guys are as good as Big Big Wolf. If it breaks the sheep's legs like me, wouldn't it be the same? Can’t escape?”

The child in front of him was silent.

"So Big Gray Wolf is not a real bad guy. I have told other students before, but they don't believe it. Real bad guys are much worse than Big Big Wolf." The older child couldn't help showing a proud smile.

"What's your name?" the child in front of me asked.

"Shang Yang, noble 'Shang', central 'Yang', how about you?" said the eldest child.

"My name is Chen Si, the elegant 'Si'."

"Sven, what a good name. You must become a gentle person in the future."

"Well, we will definitely be able to get out. The police officer will definitely catch the bad guy and come to rescue us." Chen Sidao.

"I hope..." Shang Yang felt that his mind was blurry and he was already starting to feel sleepy.

Upon seeing this, Chen Si stopped disturbing him and asked him to have a good rest.


There was a sharp squeaking sound in my ears again.

Shang Yang dimly saw the familiar black mouse figure crawling past his legs.

Rats, there are a lot of rats here.

He reluctantly moved his eyes.

There seem to be more rats around? I heard from my mother that mice are good at giving birth, so this is probably what they look like.

A mouse crawled on his broken leg, seemingly interested in the rotten flesh there.

She put her nose against the wound on his leg and smelled it, then opened her mouth and bit it.



Shang Yang woke up again, and the black figure disappeared from his eyes.

He woke up, not knowing how long he had been asleep.

An adult figure passed in front of me.

This made him suddenly awake and nervous.

With blurred vision, he saw the other person, it was the ugly bad guy.

The other party came in to pick someone again.

Shang Yang moved a little, which attracted a little attention from the other party.

Then the man remembered that there was an overage child with his leg bitten off staying in this cage, and it seemed that he was not dead yet.

He came over and looked at Shang Yang carefully with a little playfulness.

"It's a pity that you have such tenacious vitality. If you were younger, the 'beast' in you might be a good material."

Shang Yang's eyes kept focusing and he could barely see the disgusting and ugly face of the other party.

"But after the age of ten, the animal nature is almost solid. It's useless if you can't peel it off. I don't have time to clean up the inventory for the time being. You can just stay here and see if you are still alive when I think of you next time. "The man said in a low voice, finally smiled, stretched out his rough palm and patted Shang Yang on the head.

Then he turned around, knocked the two children to the ground, picked them up, and took them away.

Listening to the child's frightened cry, Shang Yang's fuzzy mind began to spin again.


Yes, he remembered his father saying that he was old enough to find his own beast.

If he finds his beast here and calls it out, can he become a powerful hero and defeat the bad guy? should the beast be called out...

He doesn't know either.

A long time passed, and it was completely impossible to tell the time because it was dark here and there was no time clock.

The two children who had been taken away were thrown back.

Like the previous children, the children who are sent back will become timid and sluggish, and the slightest movement will make them tremble. But they no longer cry, they just curl up blindly.

Shang Yang saw that Chen Si wanted to take care of them, but was scratched by their fierce struggle.

"They must be scared." Chen Si rubbed the red scratches on his body and returned to Shang Yang and said.

"They look a lot like the rabbits I raised before." Shang Yang said upon seeing this.

"Is that so?"

"It's timid and easily scared, but it's actually very docile. It took me a long time for it to get familiar with me, but in the end it ran away due to an accident." Shang Yang said.

"I've never had a pet. My mother doesn't let me."

"I also begged for a long time before my parents agreed. After the rabbit ran away, I cried for a long time..."

After being silent for a while, Chen Si said: "They won't even eat anything like this, they will starve."

Shang Yang thought for a moment and said, "Take your time, don't irritate them by saying too much, put things in front of them, and slowly build up a sense of familiarity."

Shang Yang provided some advice when raising rabbits.

Although the suggestion for children to keep pets did not have much reference significance, Chen Si had great trust in Shang Yang, the oldest child, so he followed it.

After all, these children are not real pets. After being treated a little more gently, their reactions will not be so violent.

Chen Si took them to eat something and drink water, and then came to Shang Yang.

They didn't have much resistance to Shang Yang, who was more harmless than them. Shang Yang reached out and touched the head of one of the children, but the other child didn't respond.

Really like a docile pet.

He thought so.

Seeing the frequent interactions between Shang Yang and Chen Si, the children followed their instinct to stick together and gathered towards the two of them.

The originally gloomy atmosphere in the prison was slightly relaxed. Everyone talked about their own affairs and what they wanted to do in the future.

Show off your achievements in school or exaggerate your unique pranks.

Everyone's fragile hearts received a small solace.

However, the environment will not change much.

A few days later, the conditions of the children who had been taken away did not improve, and even gradually worsened.

They become more and more sluggish, like the Alzheimer's people in the TV commercials Shang Yang has seen. When they call, they get weaker and weaker responses, and gradually no response at all.

Even if you slap their faces in front of them, they won't react.

It's like...a vegetative state.

Gradually, it became impossible to feed them, and even their instinct to eat gradually disappeared.

When their various reactions completely disappeared and only weak breathing remained, the bad guy walked into the cage again and took these children away.

This is the hell that keeps circulating in this cage.

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