My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 1: The protagonist is dead?

"Squad 27, immediately block the gap after receiving the order!" Half of the messenger's face was burned, and some parts of the **** wound had turned black, but he hissed as if he could not feel any pain. Due to the mechanical empire's communication interference on the entire battlefield, the order transmission can only use the most primitive human notification. After the messenger has transmitted the order, he turned and ran in the other direction.

"We are almost gone! Where are we going to block?" Tang Sa angrily said.

Everyone's voices became dumb, and it seemed that only yelling in the loudest voice could vent their emotions.

"Be careful! Cannonballs!" Bai Yu heard a sharp howling and threw Tang Sa to the ground.


A lot of mud and sand fell coughing and coughing.

"Bah!" Tang Sa, who was pressed underneath, spit out silt-laden saliva.

"What about people?" Bai Yu bounced up. The shell just now fell not too far away. The balance of the cochlea was affected. He only felt a little unsteady now.

"Hang it up! Isn't it?" Tang Sa replied feebly, he really didn't want to stand up anymore.

Bai Yu looked in the direction Tang Sa pointed, and the messenger had only one thigh left.

"How many bullets are there?" Bai Yu checked his remaining ammunition, there are not many.

"There are two more magazines." Tang Sa stood up, the smell of mud and sand in his mouth was very uncomfortable, he unscrewed the kettle, but only poured out a few drops of water.

"Go!" Bai Yu smoothly removed the magazine from the corpse next to him and inserted it into his tactical belt.

The satellite city seems to have been submerged by those mechanical armies. The gunshots in the main city have become more intense. The civilians have hid in the air-raid shelters. The streets that originally seemed deserted have also become lively. The disintegrated soldiers ran back and forth, but more often went to the gap.

A large number of civilians here attracted the killing machines of the Mechanical Empire, and the human soldiers of flesh and blood had to use their own flesh and blood to stop them, and fight for a ray of life for the civilians behind them.

However, this is only a small second-tier city, and the human powerhouse with the highest level of reinforcement is not enough to be immune to heat weapons.

"Accumulate some more merit points, I can get the basic enhanced authority!" Bai Yu ran, complaining to Tang Sa next to him.

"Only a fool like you believes that military merit points are exchanged for enhanced authority!" Tang Sa responded unceremoniously.

"Then you join the army again! Can you beat those killing machines without strengthening?" Bai Yu sneered.

"Hehe, in this world, how long you live! Anyway, all my family members died in the hands of these killing machines! I only killed three! I will save the money if I kill one more! Oh, just now, thank you."

"Nonsense, if you kill a hundred of these things coming out of the assembly line, it's not worth it! Get down!" Bai Yu rolled on the spot, lying on the ground, Tang Sa complimented.

Bai Yu hit with a shuttle bullet and threw another plasma bomb out. The three crawler-type assault mechanical soldiers who landed in the city immediately fell into their nests.

"Quick! Clamp down their energy!"

The energy modules of these tracked attack mechanical soldiers have long been made by humans. They can provide energy for electromagnetic guns. They can also be used as energy bombs at critical times. After the battle, they can also go to the logistics department to exchange points. Therefore, Bai Yu is based on strengthening. I will never give up.

"Ma Dan, you don't want your life for military merits! No!" Tang Sa scolded and came up to his helper, suddenly shouted, and rushed towards Bai Yu.

Bai Yu was removing the energy module of the mechanical soldier who was emitting electric sparks, and suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard by a sledgehammer.

"Am I shot?" He was shot into the air.

In sight, Tang Sa threw a plasma bomb, and the two crawler-type assault mechanical soldiers who had just turned from the corner were blown up.

Tang Sa rushed over and yelled and dragged him to the shabby room beside the street.

"You don't want to die!" Tang Sa tried to hold on to the wound.

However, this is a penetrating injury, holding down the front, and bleeding from the back.

"Pain..." Bai Yu coughed up blood.

Tang Sa hurriedly took out the injection from the medical bag and stuck it near Bai Yu's wound. After the severe pain eased a little, Bai Yu was finally able to speak.

"Old Tang, I can't do it anymore, you, you have to live, don't give up on yourself, Kong Ling is still waiting for you."

"Don't say it!" Tang Sa cried so much that her nose and bubbles came out.

"Medical team! Medical team! This is Squad 27! I need help!"

"It's useless, there is no signal, besides, they are too late, so... to survive." Bai Yu breathed out one last breath, losing the brilliance in his eyes, and the world seemed to have lost the power supply and slowly darkened.

"Uh..." A long gasp sounded, and Bai Yu suddenly sat up.

He touched his chest, touched his back, and breathed out slowly.

"Made! Almost!"

He woke up from his dream.

The sound of a kitchen knife cutting indole on the cutting board came from outside the room. Bai Yu knew that it was his mother who was making breakfast for him and his sister.

He wiped a cold sweat and repeated: "Just a little bit! Alas!"

From the second grade of junior high school, he started the dream of a long drama, which led to his poor sleep and a sharp drop in his grades. Miaozi, who was originally a key high school, finally barely attended an ordinary middle school. Now he is only a second year in high school, with barely grades. Even if it is a tailgator, it depends on whether he can successfully get a diploma from a third-rate university. Now he is the one who hurt Zhongyong from other parents' mouths.

Poor nutrition, poor rest, and heavy learning pressure. Now he seems to be a frail high school student who has become a nerd, but he never gave up in his heart.

He discovered a secret of his own. He can enter dreams selectively and bring out some of the abilities in the dreams. Whenever he self-suggests to enter the dreams, he will really enter the dreams after falling asleep at night, and vice versa. Will enter a dream.

Bai Yu's poor grades were caused by severe partial subjects. His mathematics, physics and chemistry scores were in a mess. No matter how hard he tried, he could only move around the passing score. However, his Chinese scores were very good. This is because of his previous experience. In his dream, he was a scholar who had not passed the exam until he was more than 50 years old. After experiencing that dream, he discovered that the process of learning in the dream was like engraving in his mind. The knowledge he learned Can actually recall one by one.

Up to now, he has experienced the world of Wenzong, the world of ghosts, the world of martial arts, an ordinary world that cannot be seen, and the world of mechanical doomsday.

In the world of ghosts, he woke up in the body of a seven-year-old kid, stumbling for more than half a year, and finally failed to learn the ability to kill ghosts and died in the mouth of the ghosts.

In the world of martial arts, he experienced a year and a half in the real world. In his dream, he grew up from a baby to twelve years old. In this world, he can only find a way out by investing in martial arts, but the family is poor and infirm. Before he could worship the novice faction, the world was in chaos, and the bandits massacred all the people in the small mountain village where he was.

The fourth world is a world that doesn't seem to be too different from the real world. He only grew up to 4 years old, and he took his life because of a plague that swept the world.

And the last one is the mechanical doomsday world, in this world, his desire to use military merit points in exchange for basic genetic enhancement was also soaked by the sudden attack of the mechanical empire.

He squeezed into the kitchen. His mother, Han Lin, had just finished cutting the shallots, and then turned to him and said, "Hurry up and wash up. When you are done, go and call the little girl."

"Okay, Mom, the school said it will pay for the data." The light passed through Yue Lin's hair, and he saw several conspicuous white hairs.

"How much?" Han Lin stopped her work.

"Five, fifty-seven yuan and six." He endured sadness and said.

"Okay." Han Lin reached out to the bag behind the kitchen door, took out a cloth purse, and counted out sixty yuan from it, with a maximum face value of 20 and a minimum face value of five yuan.

Bai Yu clearly saw his mother's insignificant hesitation.

"Xiao Yu, I'm taking my little sister to see a doctor tomorrow. Look, pocket money..." Han Lin said in a negotiating tone.

"Mom, I don't want pocket money, you don't need to give me." Bai Yu took the money and said muffledly. He walked to the sink and squeezed toothpaste. Only then, with his back facing his mother, he wouldn't let his mother watch. To own guilt.

"Mom made an appointment with a housekeeping company during the day. If you do a good job, you can do 6,000 or 7,000 in one month. If you close the stall later in the evening, you believe Mom will get better in the future." Han Lin's tone was also full of guilt.

"Mom, I know, it will be okay. Don't work too **** yourself. I'm already very happy with our family." Bai Yu finished brushing his teeth and put his head under the faucet to let the water flow away from his tears.

"You kid, you can catch a cold like this!"

"No, Mom, I'm in good health!"

Bai Yu wiped his head indiscriminately, his hair still dripping wet, and hurriedly squeezed out of the kitchen. He was afraid that his mother would see his weakness.

Han Lin looked at her son's thin back, wiped her eyes, and lowered the dried noodles into the pot.

"Sister, are you up?" Bai Yu knocked on the door and gently pushed away.

The sister was sitting on the edge of the bed with her back to the door, facing the curtains, and said nothing.

"Little sister, I'm eating." Bai Yu walked to her younger sister, and she slowly turned her head to look at her brother.

Everyone who knows Bai Ling said that she is a beautiful child. At the age of fifteen this year, she is even more beautiful, but because she witnessed her father's car accident when she was a child, she gradually lost the ability to speak. Later, she found out that she was Her mother was unwilling to send her to a school for the disabled because she was extremely autistic. Her original words were: "A family must be together, no matter how hard it is, no matter how tired, it must be together!"

Bai Yu stretched out his hand, and Bai Ling obediently stretched out his hand, letting her brother lead her into the living room.

The fragrant lard and shallot noodles have been selected.

"Sister, go get your toothbrush."

"Mom, I'm going to eat first, and I'm going to school soon. The morning study is very strict recently." Bai Yu said to the kitchen.

"Okay, eat, and be careful on the way."

After eating the noodles snortingly, Bai Ling finished washing and returned to the living room.

Glancing at his sister's clean face, Bai Yu said, "Little sister, stay at home obediently. Brother will come back at noon to make dinner for you. Don't be naughty!"

Bai Ling nodded slowly.

Bai Yu took his schoolbag, looked back at his sister, and walked out of the house.

"Mom, little sister, I must let you live a good life!" My dreams can come true The latest chapter address: https :// dream can come true Full text reading address: https:// dream can come true. txt download address: https://www.mtlnovel. com/down/162987.htmlMy dream can come true Mobile reading: 162987/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1 is the protagonist dead? ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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