My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 2: Classmate

In the second half of the second year of high school, it is the last chance to check the deficiencies in their basic knowledge in the third year of high school. Most of the students are indifferent and only care about their homework, but after all, there are still a few who have given up on their own grades and are unwilling. Children who are devoted to studying hard.

They are a different kind of students. They are very eager for mainstream students to recognize them, but they can’t integrate into the mainstream behavioral patterns of school students. Therefore, they can only improve their sense of existence through rebellious behaviors. The more they are To express one's inferiority and emptiness through weird and violent behavior, the more unacceptable it is, and over time, he becomes such a bullying-loving student.

They are actually a very smart group. They will not bully classmates with good family conditions. From the perspective of their bullying objects, the best opponents must meet with few friends, poor family conditions, weak personality, lack of presence in school, Unfortunately, they think that Bai Yu satisfies these conditions very well.

Therefore, the object they chose this time was Bai Yu.

A few hungry students were standing in front of the school. The sky was just clearing. Bai Yu looked at these students warily. He bypassed them and passed by, but the student who took the lead deliberately squeezed to his side. He got off the bicycle.

"Do you want to die?" The collided student Bai Yu knew the school's famous rogue student Tong Ya. He fell to the ground very ostentatiously, and a few students next to him hurriedly supported him, forced him to come over, and formed a faint form. Surrounding situation.

There was a teacher passing by. He glanced at the opposing students in disgust. After entering the school gate, the students next to him also speeded up their pace, like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

"I didn't mean it." Bai Yu said calmly.

"Not on purpose? So many people didn't hit me, so you came to hit me?" Tong Ya sneered.

"I can apologize."

"It's not necessary to apologize, it's just that I was seriously injured by you. It is unreasonable not to accompany the medical expenses!" When it comes to medical expenses, several accomplices chuckled.

"I have no money." Bai Yu shook his head.

"Didn't your class charge data fees today?" Tong Ya pointed at Bai Yu with his chin.

"Principal Wan, good morning!" Bai Yu suddenly looked over the top of these students and greeted them respectfully to the back.

The students trembled all over, turned their heads, and Bai Yu pushed his bicycle lightly from the side and walked into the school gate. Only then did these guys react and turned out to be Bai Yu's deceive.

"Smelly boy! How dare you lie to me! Don't leave if you have the ability after school!" Tong Ya, who was so embarrassed and angry, shouted at Bai Yu's back, and Bai Yu's **** was returned to him.

"Brother Tong! Too much! Stop him between classes!" Jia said the classmate.

"Are you stupid? No one cares about us outside of school. We have to study hard when we enter the school, don't you?" Tong Ya patted class A severely, rubbing his chin and watching Bai Yu's back disappear into the teaching building.

"Bell..." The bell sounded earlier.

Because Bai Yu didn't want to attract the attention of his classmates, he sat in the corner of the last row, where some sundries were usually placed.

Stepping on the bell, Mu Xiaolei rushed into the classroom, shaking the fat under the squad leader Lu Qiu Hanyan's awkward gaze, and ran to his place.

"Excuse me, old class, there is a traffic jam! There is a traffic jam!"

"Don't you live and study? Traffic jam? What kind of traffic are you jamming?"

"Hey, let's not take this as an example, let's not take it as an example." Mu Xiaolei scratched his scalp in a naive way, and the whole class burst into laughter.

"The second half is coming. We don’t have much time. Who are we reading for? The teacher is talking, the parents are talking, and everyone is talking, think about it, everyone, Zhu Zhiwu retired from Master Qin, hurry up and learn! Before the end of the morning reading, the same The tables are back to each other, and I will do spot checks between classes!"

Suddenly there was a wailing in the classroom.

"Hey, I heard that you shaved Tongya and the others." Mu Xiaolei sat down next to Bai Yu. Because he was tall and fat, he was too obstructed, and his grades were not very good, so the teacher took him too. Assigned to this corner, Bai Yu is a rare classmate who catches up with each other in the class.

"Mu Xiaolei! Don't talk trivial!" Lu Qiu Hanyan, who was sitting on the podium, showed murderous in her eyes, her pretty face flushed with anger.

Mu Xiaolei stuck his tongue out, took out the textbook and began to recite: "Jin Hou, Qin Bo Wei Zheng, they are rude to Jin, and second to Chu. Jin Jun Hanling..."

In the buzzing of recitations, Bai Yu's brain was running rapidly, and he was sorting out his harvest in this dream.

Although he has not obtained the basic genetic enhancement, he actually does not know whether this enhancement will be brought to reality. It is probably impossible to bring it, but after more than four years of fighting with murderous machinery, he is also a qualified person. The junior fighter, many battles have been solidified in his memory, but the thin body now cannot fully exert the power of these combat skills.

As for the issue of bullying...

That's not a problem. These little boys who dominate the campus are confident that he can solve them, but it is an important thing to improve his physical fitness.

"It's a pity that I haven't survived this mechanical empire's siege war. If you get the primary enhancement, you may live longer in the mechanical doomsday. Slowly climb up, and the possibility of obtaining a genetic medicine formula is not unavailable."

The longer you live, the more you have the chance to obtain the skills in those dream worlds. Bai Yu has identified this, and as long as he can remember it, he can bring it out.

What to do from now on? Well, with the exercise skills in the mechanical doomsday that I often grasp, I can also make a difference in the army.

But what about the mother? Thinking of his mother and sister, he was very worried. His mother set up a stall at the night market and usually went home very late. He also chose to go to school because he wanted to save money and Bai Ling needed to take care of him. If he went to join the army, he would be the closest to the two. What should people do? It seems that I can only see what changes the next dream will bring to me.

Before I knew it, in my wild thoughts, it was time for school to end at noon.

"Lao Bai, why do you have to go home every day?" Mu Xiaolei took the aluminum lunch box and knocked loudly, and the two walked outside the classroom together.

"There is something at home, you can't stay in school." Bai Yu whispered.

"You are not too tired to run!" Mu Xiaolei shook his head and walked towards the cafeteria.

Bai Yu arrived at the bicycle shed. Among the sparse bicycles, he found his own. Now shareware is flying all over the sky, but Bai Yu doesn't have the money to buy a smartphone. Besides, he can't bear to spend one or two dollars every time.

He frowned and looked at the bicycle.

A cross-shaped incision was made on the seat cushion by a sharp blade, the sponge inside burst out, and the tire was flat, apparently punctured.

"Tong Ya!" Bai Yu squeezed his fist.

I must rush back, otherwise my sister won't have to eat at noon today.

"Ha! Bai Yu! Why is your bike rotten? Is it retribution?" The door of the carport was blocked, and the light dimmed.

"You did it?" Bai Yu raised his head.

"Wow! What a formidable look, you said I did it? Do you have any evidence? Am I so idle?" Tong Ya sneered.

Bai Yu ignored the bicycle and walked out of the carport.

Tong Ya's doglegs blocked up, blocking the entrance of the carport tightly.

"Hey! You guys! What are you doing?" A clear voice came.

Tong Ya sneered: "Bai Yu, you are lucky!"

A few of them left the carport with their backs on their shoulders, and Bai Yu saw that it was the monitor Lu Qiu Hanyan.

Tong Ya walked by Lu Qiu Hanyan, and suddenly slapped Lu Qiu Hanyan's ass.

"Wow! You hit my hand with your ass, I want to sue the teacher!" Several little hooligans laughed and ran away.

"Pig's head! You stinky gangsters!" Lu Qiu Hanyan was originally a sunny little pepper. He smashed the book in his arms and hit the back of one of the students' heads, causing him to cry and howl in pain.

"Why did you provoke them?" Lu Qiuhan picked up the book with an aura, looking at him with an unkind expression.

"How do I know? They make trouble all day long, and I can't hide it!" Bai Yu sighed, who is so interested and time to toss with these stinky boys?

"Let me tell you, don't get involved with them. It's the second half of the second half of high school. You don't want to work hard..." Lu Qiu Hanyan turned on the monitor's persuasion mode again and began to babble.

"Squad leader, when will I stop working hard?" Bai Yu stopped her talking.

Luqiu Hanyan's conclusion, yes, Bai Yu has been working hard, alas, his qualifications are indeed limited...

"Don't tell me, I have to go, monitor, can I trouble you..."

"Say it."

"My bicycle, can you help me push the tire to repair it, it is probably punctured by a few of them." Bai Yu said helplessly.

"Okay, I'll fix your car after I have eaten."

"Wait a minute, I will give you the money."

"After you have repaired it, you can count it. If you give it less, I will give you a cushion?" Lu Qiu Hanyan gave him a white look, she was a little cute.

"Thanks!" Bai Yu gave her the car key and ran out of school quickly. Lu Qiu Hanyan shook his head looking at his back.

Squeezing the bus, Bai Yu returned home.

Today, my mother went to watch the housekeeping job that is said to be able to earn 6,000 or 7,000 if well done. My sister sat blankly on the weakened sofa in the living room and watched cartoons.

Her eyes moved slightly when she heard the key ring.

"Little girl, are you behaved today?" Bai Yu was entangled by the Tong Yaji people a little later than usual, and he felt a little guilty for fear that Bai Ling would go hungry.

Bai Ling nodded.

Bai Yu rubbed her hair to express her praise, ready to cook for Bai Ling.

Bai Ling stood up expertly, pulled the corner of his clothes, and walked into the kitchen with him.

Bai Yu opened the refrigerator door.

"Sister, can I give you scrambled eggs and fried rice today?"

Looking at the ingredients, there was nothing left except two green onions, a few eggs, and some leftovers.

Bai Ling nodded obediently.

Han Lin has to rush to earn money. In many cases, she has to go to the wholesale market early in the morning to buy goods. She does some part-time work at noon. So many times she needs Bai Yu to take care of her younger sister. So Bai Yu has also developed a good cooking skill. Try to make good meals.

"It's a pity that Mom ran out of chives in the morning..." Bai Yu, in desperation, could only shove a section of chives for use.

When he knocked the two eggs, the egg white and the yolk fell into the bowl, and he suddenly had an idea:

"Little sister, my brother will show you a great performance!"

He knocked the intact egg on the edge of the bowl, and knocked out a crack. The index finger and ring finger put on the two ends of the egg, the **** and thumb slightly hard, and the egg shell was divided into two halves with one hand, and the egg liquid poured into the bowl. .

There was light in Bai Ling's eyes, and there was a blush on her face, she let go of her hand holding the corner of her clothes, and patted.

"Great, isn't it? Hehe." Bai Yu shook in a small amount of salt, broke up the eggs quickly, and then cut the green onions and cooked the pot.

When the oil was heated to 80% hot, Bai Yu poured the egg liquid into the pot, and a pleasant cracking sound came. The egg liquid swelled up when it encountered the high temperature oil. After a while, Bai Yu lifted a hook on his hand. Soaked in the air, turned over, and then fell back into the pot. Turning over, a tender brown color appeared on the side. After another five seconds, Bai Yu used a spatula to break the omelet and pour the cold rice into it. In the pot, at this time, the smell of oil, rice, and eggs mixed together, and a familiar fragrance rose from the pot.

"Guru..." Bai Yu turned around and looked at Bai Ling. It turned out that it was his sister who was crying out of hunger.

"You are just a greedy cat!"

Bai Ling blushed and slapped Bai Yu's back when she heard her brother laugh at herself.

The next step is to scatter the rice, add salt, chicken bouillon, and chopped green onion, and cook.

The rice is cooked relatively dry. After being cooked in the pan, it is completely scattered. After being dipped in oil, it looks oily and moist. The heat is rushing in, and it is very attractive with the yellow and burnt egg cubes and green onion leaves.

Shovel a plate for Bai Ling: "Sister, you go eat first, I'll mix a kimchi."

Bai Ling took his own plate of egg fried rice to the living room, Bai Yu cut the soaked radish into pieces and sprinkled it with red oil, and then sprinkled a small amount of chicken essence. Seeing the bright red color, Bai Yu couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

Back in the living room, Bai Ling hadn't started eating yet.

"Why don't you eat it? Isn't it delicious?"

Bai Ling shook his head.

"wait for me?"

The Bai Ling chick nodded like a peck at the rice.

"Good! Okay! Let's eat!"

Bai Yu felt slightly sorrowful in his heart and touched Bai Ling's head. Bai Ling squinted like a kitten and rubbed his palm. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2 class leader and classmates), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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