My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 3: Heavenly

"The equations of straight lines and straight lines, everyone pay attention..." The math teacher wrote a blackboard on the podium, and put a lock of hair that fell on top of his head, looking at the students in the classroom from behind the thick spectacle lenses.

Except for the students in the front row looking at the direction of the podium intently, the other students were either unwilling or listless.

The teacher patted the lecture: "It's the second half of the second half of high school, everyone is very short on time, cheer up, the sprint is now!"

The students were encouraged and refreshed. He nodded in satisfaction and continued to speak.

Mu Xiaolei in the back row stabbed Bai Yu: "It's spreading in school, Tong Ya said that you will be blocked after school."

"It's okay, I ride a bike, they can't catch me."

"Say something, those guys, I heard that they know some people in society."

Lu Qiu Hanyan turned her head and glared. Mu Xiaolei's face was whole, with an expression of attentiveness, Bai Yu and Mu Xiaolei were in sync.

Lu Qiu Hanyan glanced at them again, then turned her head, brushed something, and handed a note when Teacher Wei turned to write on the blackboard.

The note came slowly, Mu Xiaolei snatched it, opened it, and handed it to Bai Yu with a wink. Bai Yu was so angry that he kicked him under the desk.

"Don't talk trivial things in class! Don't rush away after school, I'm looking for you if I have something to do.

"Yes, you, how did you hook up with the squad leader?" Mu Xiaolei stabbed Bai Yu with an inverted elbow.

"The yarn is too ugly." Bai Yu remained silent, could it be that he was urging me to pay back the money?

When he arrived at school after lunch, he took a look at the carport, the seat was changed, and the tires were full of air.

The seat should cost more than ten yuan, right?

In a blink of an eye, it was time for school.

Lu Qiu Hanyan walked to the back row aggressively and slapped her palm on the desk.

"Mu Xiaopang! You talked with Bai Yu all afternoon, can you still read?"

"Hey! Squad leader, how can you say this one afternoon? Also, Bai Yu is who you are again. Are you jealous when I talk to him? Don't worry, I won't fight with you." Mu Xiaolei was happy when he heard it.

"Also, giving someone a nickname, this is not appropriate, let's not disturb you, talk slowly!" Mu Xiaolei squeezed his eyes, packed his books, and ran out of the classroom like an arrow in his butt.

"So what, monitor, how much did it cost to repair the car? I'll give it to you." Bai Yu said awkwardly.

Lu Qiu Hanyan's chest rises and falls, obviously very angry.

"Bai Yu, I know that your family's conditions are not so good, so you should cherish the opportunity to study more. If you talk to Mu Xiaolei every day, can your academic performance be improved?" Lu Qiu Hanyan said with a flushed face and angrily.

"Class leader classmate, it's not that I don't want to study hard. I really can't learn the content of mathematics, physics and chemistry. I doze off as soon as I look at it." Bai Yu said helplessly.

"There are still so many classmates in the class, just ask if you don't understand? You are like this, mixed with a bad school, bad diploma, what kind of job can you find in the future? Can't you go to the stall with your mother, right?"

Bai Yu's face sank and stood up: "Thank you, class leader and classmate, I will study hard."

He and Lu Qiu Hanyan passed by and said, "Also, my mom is setting up a stall in the night market. It is not illegal, not illegal, paying taxes according to the law, and not ashamed!"

He threw the backpack over his shoulder, and added: "I will pay you the money you paid for repairing the car another day."

"Bai Yu! You bastard!" Lu Qiu Hanyan stomped with tears in her eyes, and finally fell and splashed to the ground.

Not far from the school gate.

Tong Ya squatted on the road teeth, stretched out his hand, shaking his middle and index fingers, and the attendant next to him took out a cigarette and placed it between his fingers.

Tong Ya glanced at it and frowned: "Why is Hongshan Tower?"

"Tong brother, it's wooden money."

"It's okay, it's okay, ask Bai Yu to get something out later." Tong Yaman lighted the cigarette carelessly, took a heavy breath, choking coughing.

"Don't buy this cigarette next time. Who agrees? Who opposes?" He stood up and said with a smile on his face.

"Wow, Tong Ge is really powerful, actor-like demeanor! Next time I go to "I'm an Actor" to sign up, I will definitely be selected by the tutor!" The attendant hurriedly followed up.

"Small case, I have meat to eat, you must have soup to drink!" Tong Ya calmly said.

"Stop talking, here comes!" Tong Ya threw the cigarette to the ground fiercely and stood up.

"Get him down." The follower rushed over.

Bai Yugang and Lu Qiu Hanyan argued in a very bad mood. At this time, he saw his attendants rushing up, and he suddenly felt evil, with his left foot resting on the ground, his right foot raised, the left hand holding the car faucet, and the right hand holding the rear frame. With a strong lift with both hands, the bicycle flew up on the side, and the rear wheel slammed directly on the chest of the attendant, knocking him staggering back for several steps, the wheel fell back, he stepped up, pressed his feet, and walked away.

Tong Ya and others couldn't catch it, they were dumbfounded, and only after a long time did they react, and then looked back at the follower who was humming and screaming on the ground.

"Made, this kid..."

"Block him tomorrow!"

"To call a few more people tomorrow, I don't know what to do!"

"I heard that he has a dumb sister who looks pretty..."

"Who doesn't know? His sister never goes out, you bullshit!"

A bunch of bad boys are there, you and I have an idea how to rectify Bai Yu, Lu Qiu Hanyan walked out of the school gate at this time.

The car parked in front of the school opened the door and Lu Qiu Hanyan sat in.

"Hey!" Tong Ya took a breath: "How can I be so stupid!"

"Brother Tong?"

"Didn't Du Ziqiang, a senior in high school, want to chase after them Ban Lu Qiu Hanyan?"

"Du Ziqiang and Lu Qiu Hanyan? They don't fight, right?"

"Do you care about them? Didn't Lu Qiu Hanyan and Bai Yu get close? Ask someone to spread the word, and say that Lu Qiu Hanyan and Bai Yu are in love, and the school is looking for trouble with him, and Du Ziqiang is also looking for trouble..."

"Good idea! Brother Tong!"

"Nonsense! Now? Learn to use your brain more!"

Han Lin’s life at home is as busy as a war. When she arrives home in the afternoon, she makes dinner quickly, and she will set up a small stall in the pedestrian street before dark. When Bai Yu arrives home, she is cooking soup in the kitchen.

"Son? Are you back? Go call Xiao Ling out to wash your hands, you guys eat quickly, I'm going to the night market, you review it at home!"

"Got it."

Arranging for her sister to eat and wash, Bai Yu returned to her small room and took out white paper to write and draw on it.

I don't know what kind of dreams I will enter tonight, but in short, there is one thing, and that is to let myself live hard and live long enough in another world. The more knowledge I have in that world, the more beneficial to my real life.

With such golden fingers, Bai Yu is confident that her mother and younger sister can live better.

Bai Yu looked at the clock. At ten o'clock, he stood up and walked to the living room.

My sister is sitting on the sofa and watching TV programs. The TV is an old TV that was eliminated from the community five years ago by replacing the LCD TV. The people who recovered the materials this year felt that it was worthless, and they had to give it to 20 before going downstairs. The family got angry and threw the TV at the community garbage station. Bai Yu picked it up. At that time, I remembered that the TV was cumbersome and heavy, but when I went home and turned on the power, I found that there was nothing wrong with the TV. I was curious to see my sister. Looking at the TV, Bai Yu also felt very happy.

Most of the family's money is spent on treating my sister's illness. Apart from this selected TV set, the electrical appliances at home are the old refrigerator.

"Little sister, it's time to rest." Bai Yu squatted in front of her sister.

Bai Ling turned to look at him and nodded.

Waiting for her sister to enter the room, Bai Yu simply cleaned up the living room, washed it, returned to her room, and lay down.

The darkness spreads like a mist.

"The agency teacher is not a rough person! Don't think of yourself as a striker!"

A burst of heat awakened Bai Yu.

I was soaked in a boiling bucket! The tip of the nose smelled a strong medicine.

"All stay inside! The longer you stay, the more benefits!"

With memories flooding in, Bai Yu was dizzy and received all these memories.

Isn't it a good start this time?

Finally, I no longer want to learn the core knowledge of this world but have nowhere to enter.

This is a kind of real world, but the most powerful ones are not those cultivators who can take the stars and get the moon, but the various puppets and artifacts made by the mechanics.

This is the Lichen Temple where the sect's disciples cleanse the marrow and exchange blood. Anyone who has good qualifications will be separated from the ordinary people after the marrow exchange and blood exchange, so it is called Lichen Hall, which means to leave the earth.

In each bucket there was a seven or eight-year-old child who was screaming when he was boiled by the hot potion.

As long as there is a young disciple who yells, the deacon in charge of the marrow change will grab a whip.

"Hold your breath, don't scream! Don't you know if the medicine goes away if you breathe out? Endure it!"

"Without this pain, your body is not as good as physical training, and your soul is not as good as the law, how can you have physical strength to drive the organs!? The old man has endured more than three hours of life at your age!" Expressions.

"When your marrow washing is completed and your roots are reconstituted, you can use potion to wash your hands. Only a strong body, a condensed soul, and a dexterous and sensitive hands are qualified to start learning the way of organs!"

As he said, the deacon stretched out his hands, Bai Yu took a closer look, and couldn't help taking a breath. The deacon, whose face was as old as orange peel, had beautiful hands, and his skin was white and tender as fat, faintly revealing. Blush, ten fingers slender, no calluses can be seen, I am afraid it is the hands of the most expensive hand model in the real world, and it is not as good as these hands in case!

"Have you seen? If you are not physically strong, just washing your hands will make you skinny!" The deacon put his hands away.

"The mechanic needs the most sensitive skin! The most stable hands! The strongest eyesight! To make the most subtle combination of components! Don't be like those reckless men, the manpower is exhausted sometimes! Do you ask which monk dare to say that you don't need utensils and benefit from it? Things?"

Bai Yu was groggy when he was boiled in the potion, and he only said in his heart: "Persevere! Persevere! The longer the stew, the better the effect!"

In fact, the medicinal soup does not reach a very high temperature. The boiling is only due to the low boiling point of the special ingredients of the medicinal soup. It makes people feel hot because the medicinal properties are corrosive. It corrodes the body at the same time, but it keeps causing it. Muscles and skin are regenerated, so the longer you stay in this decoction, the greater the benefits.

There are three times of refining the body, namely, changing the flesh, changing the bone, and changing the blood.

Bai Yu bit the tip of his tongue hard: I must persevere. In this world, the greater the achievements, the more opportunities I have to learn higher knowledge and bring back to the real world.

The deacon retreated to the side of the main hall and asked in a low voice, "How about these disciples?"

"Most of the flesh is turbid, and the rebirth hasn't been resolved yet." The young disciple who watched each child said with a sad face.

"Well, even if it can't be melted, these little guys will benefit a lot after being soaked in the potion, and they will have a lot of power. Even if they do some awkward work, they are more than enough. This batch is not good. Wait for the next batch to choose."

"I only hope that they have enough perseverance. If they faint, then they can only be an outside master." The young disciple nodded, and he was called an outside master in a nice way. In fact, he was a rough and clumsy handyman!

"Huh? Deacon Gong, the 23rd and 41st have begun to melt!" The young disciple said with joy suddenly.

"Really?" Deacon Gong took a step forward and exclaimed:

"This is the seedling of the inner disciple!" My dream can come true, the latest chapter address: https://www.mtlnovel .com/book/162987.htmlMy dream can come true. Read the full text address: read/162987/My dream can come true. txt download link: htmlMy dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 3 Tiangong), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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